The Silver Stiletto Read online

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  “That wasn’t the book,” Devon said through gritted teeth, “She was just correcting you on the title.” He turned to Cinderella with a softer look on his face. “Can you tell me the name of the book?”

  Smiling softly, Cinderella shook her head yes. “It was A Tale of Two Cities. And you said it had belonged to your grandfather.”

  He spread his arms wide and said, “Come here.”

  Cinderella went to him and he swept her into a hug and literally lifted her off of her feet.

  “Well,” said Drake, setting his cup and saucer down. “I suppose that settles that.”

  Priscilla coldly replied, “Yes, I believe we are all done here.”

  “Actually,” said a voice from the doorway “We’re not done quite yet.” It was Blake, looking fiercer than Cinderella had ever seen him.

  “Blakey!” cried Missy, trying to fling herself into his arms. “It was just a misunderstanding.”

  He turned and deflected her, and Missy ended up stumbling awkwardly into an armchair.

  Blake took a deep breath, and then said “No, it wasn’t. The only misunderstanding here is anyone ever thinking that the three of you are decent people. Missy, do you know the only reason that I have put up with you this long is so I could keep an eye on Cinderella? As soon as I saw how you all treated her, I knew I had to stick around to protect her. I’m all for unapologetically being yourself, but you are just cruel, hateful people.”

  Priscilla, Cassandra, and Missy all sat in utter silence. Their faces shifted from absolute shock to anger to disbelief.

  “You know what?” said Devon “I think we’re done here. Father?”

  Drake nodded fiercely. “Certainly. I find the actions of you and your daughters deplorable, Ms. Van Housen.”

  Cinderella’s heart felt like it was going to burst from sadness, as the two Bennets stepped to the exit. Then, Devon turned to her, offered her his hand, and asked,

  “Are you coming, Cinderella?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cinderella’s life after moving out of Priscilla’s house was like that of a girl discovering she was a long lost princess. Only, instead of being carried away into a castle in the sky, she took up residence in a condo in a sky rise. Devon’s condo, to be exact. It was a bit too masculine, which could only be expected, but it was far closer to a true home than her own home had ever been. She could relax on the luxurious leather furniture, or sprawl out on the soft carpeting with her school books surrounding her, as she was now.

  Since moving into Devon’s home just over a month before, she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Priscilla, Cassandra, or Missy. Devon came home one day and told Cinderella that the gossip around town was that the Van Housens were planning on selling the house and moving across the country. It didn’t surprise her in the least. Now that Cinderella was in the best social circles in town, the three were so green with envy that they couldn’t stand being in the same state. They were simply bitter people who couldn’t muster the kindness to be happy for her. Cinderella smiled at the memory of Devon offering to put in a bid for the home. Declining, she explained that after her parents had died, the house wasn’t her home anymore. Besides, she looked forward to making some place her own.

  “Well, well. Look who has come into the big time.” called a male voice playfully.

  Cinderella sat up in shock, and turned to see the Fairy Godfather. “Dear god! Do you ever announce your arrival?”

  He smiled and shook his head. “There would be absolutely no magic in that, honey.”

  When her heartbeat slowed, she stood and hugged him. “I’m happy to see you.”

  He rolled his startling blue eyes. “Oh, really? The last time we saw each other, I was pretty sure you’d be happy if I died.”

  Slapping his arm, she cried, “That’s not true at all.”

  “All right. All right. Maybe not that bad. But you were mad.”

  Cinderella nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I was. But you were so vague about everything. I had no idea how things would turn out.”

  “And turn out they did.” He said, walking around the room with his hands on his hips. Then, he paused to lean to the window and looked out at the view of the city. “Your little boyfriend does pretty well for himself, eh?”

  Laughing, she said, “He’s not little. And I wouldn’t care if I were living in a cardboard box, as long as it was with him.”

  The Fairy Godfather feigned a look of absolute pain and disgust. “Ew. Love talk.”

  “You’re not fooling me. I know you must have orchestrated all of this. You’re probably a hopeless romantic at heart.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But I’m glad things have worked out for you. As such, you won’t be seeing me again. So come give me a hug so I can get out of here.”

  Cinderella did, giving an extra squeeze to compensate for her sadness that the odd man wouldn’t be popping into her life again. As always, he disappeared without so much as a sound, leaving her standing in the middle of the living room alone. A few seconds later, she heard a key turning in the lock, and Devon entered.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” He said, producing a bouquet of lilies from behind his back. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “I see that,” she said, laughing happily. “They are beautiful.”

  Devon shook his head, and his eyes sparkled with merriment. “Nope, I don’t mean the flowers. Do you remember our discussion the other day about exploring your submissive side even further?”

  Cinderella smiled suspiciously, “Yes, I do.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Devon. I’m standing out here like some kind of creep. Imagine what your neighbors would think.” said a deep male voice from out in the hallway.

  “Blake?” asked Cinderella, her face knit in a confused grin.

  Indeed, Blake appeared in the doorway behind Devon. She covered her mouth as she let out a shocked laugh.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You, my dear, are a little slow on the uptake.” Blake teased, as he pushed past Devon and swept her into his arms. He spun her in a circle, as both enjoyed the familiarity after weeks of not seeing each other.

  Shutting and locking the door, Devon said, “He’s the surprise. I racked my brain to think of something new to bring to the table for my very experienced little lover, and it came to me. What’s better than having one master in the bedroom?”

  Cinderella’s eyes widened as she realized what he meant. “So, Blake will be joining us?”

  Blake loosened his hold on her, “Correct. At least, every now and then. After all, I’ve got to have time to find my own princess, no? But enough of these niceties. It simply feels unnatural.”

  Shaking his head in amusement, Devon remarked, “Well, perhaps a few niceties would help you land a girl. But no matter, for we have this beautiful one just waiting right here.”

  Cinderella glanced about, at these two handsome men just waiting to fill her desires. And her. The thought alone was enough to cause her thighs to tighten in anticipation.

  Cocking an eyebrow, Blake looked at Devon. “Something tells me she’s game.”

  Devon nodded. “Well, and even if she wasn’t, it would still happen. I mean, we’re two strong men, and she’s just little Ella, all by her lonesome. Right, darling?”

  She shivered with pleasure at the undertones of dominance in his voice. Her sweet, lyrical Devon surprised her over their weeks together by turning out to be even more sexually aggressive than Blake had ever been. This, from her experience, was no easy feat. Their favorite game was a master-slave role-play, in which each fulfilled their duties to perfection.

  Clearly not pleased at her pause in answering, Devon shook his head. “Tsk, tsk. It seems as though Cinderella needs a reminder about who her boss, or rather, her bosses are.”

  “Obviously.” Blake replied coolly, his eyes glinting with enthusiasm.

  With a glance at each other, the two stepped up to Cinderella and stood so close to her that she could fee
l their hot breath on her neck. Devon roughly took her chin in one hand and brought her face to his. He spoke in a low, coarse tone that left no room for argument. “You, pretty one, are going to be our slave. You will do what we want, when we want. You will let both of us take you, perhaps even at the same time. You will pleasure us, and you will only address each of us as Master. Understood?”

  Lips trembling with lust, she quietly replied, “Yes.”

  Devon locked his eyes on hers, then quickly brought his other hand to her face with a quick smack. “Yes, what? You’re already not following direction, Ella.”

  “Yes, Master.” She corrected.

  “That’s better,” Blake said, “Now, Slave. You will undress for us. Slowly.”

  With that, both he and Devon sat on the leather sofa, never taking their eyes off of her. Cinderella began unbuttoning her long-sleeved shirt, taking her time and keeping the two ends together until she reached the last button. Once totally undone, she slid the material down off her shoulders, still keeping her chest covered. As it reached her wrists, she pushed both arms back, dropping the shirt and exposing herself. The men were treated to the sight of her lacy pink bra and her creamy, overflowing breasts. As she felt their eyes rake over her flesh, she moved her hands to unbutton her denim mini-skirt.

  “Turn around as you do it.” Commanded Devon.

  Without a word, she complied. Bending as she lowered the skirt, she showcased her panty covered ass. Gracefully, she stepped out of the fabric, and reached around behind her back to unclasp her bra. She let it fall to the floor, and covered her breasts with her hands. Cinderella turned to face them again, in only her sheer underwear, knowing they could see her pussy through the material. Even knowing that they could probably see that the crotch of the garment was soaking wet. And knowing that at any moment, they could push her down and ravage her body.

  “Drop your hands, Slave.” Said Devon, in a controlled voice.

  She did as she was told, exposing her hard, pink nipples to both waiting men.

  Blake reached a hand in her direction. “Come here.” He said. Cinderella took his hand, and he pulled her down into his lap. Whispering forcefully, he demanded, “Turn over.”

  Cinderella did as she was told, and her lower body ended up ass up in Blake’s lap, and her upper body rested on Devon’s legs. Blake began running his hands up and down her body, all the way from her ankles to her ass. He slid his fingers under the fabric of her panties, and tugged them down under her ass. She could practically feel his eyes on her smooth, round mounds. She felt his arm move quickly, and then a hand landed on her ass in a firm spank. And again, then again. Blake was spanking her so hard that she had no doubt she would end up with bright red handprints on her bum. The thought alone made her wiggle her body with arousal.

  She certainly wasn’t the only one turned on. She could feel Blake’s erection beneath her lower stomach, and Devon’s was pressed against her chest. Devon scooted out from under her, and started unbuttoning his pants, then lowered them and his underwear, and stepped out of them. Sitting back down, his rigid cock was directly in front of her face. He placed one hand behind her head and guided her face to it.

  “Suck me.” He demanded, and he pressed himself against her lips as he tightened his hand in her hair. Once she opened her mouth, he slipped himself inside of her and lifted his hips causing her to gag.

  “Slave, you must take it as hard as I give it to you. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.” Cinderella mumbled thickly, with her mouth still around his cock.

  As she worked on Devon’s prick, she could feel Blake at work as well. After thoroughly spanking her, he concentrated his hands on her slit. She felt a finger playing around the entrance to her pussy, slipping from her slit to her thighs, coating her in a light dampness. Then suddenly, Blake plunged two thick fingers into her moistness and began pumping them at a frenzied speed. As she cried out in surprise, he added a third finger, which deliciously stretched her pussy walls nearly to the max.

  “I think she’s had enough fun, Blake. It’s time we use her for our pleasures, no?” Devon asked, lifting her head off of his cock.

  Blake nodded, and pulled her body up to a sitting position next to him. After unbuttoning his pants and pulling his cock out, he lay out on the floor and said, “All right, Slave. Straddle me.”

  She did as she was told, like a good slave. Her pussy stretched itself out as she slid down his substantial member. Hissing in pleasure, she moved to rest her hands on each side of his body.

  “That’s right, Slave. Bend over.” Said Devon, getting to his knees and crawling up behind her, putting a leg on each side of Blake’s closed ones. He took himself in his hand, and ran the tip of his cock from the top of her ass down almost to where she and Blake were merged. She heard him spit into his hand, and then rub the wetness around her puckered asshole to lubricate it. Then, ever so slowly, he began to push himself forward. Inch by inch, his cock pressed into her tightest opening. Cinderella could feel herself expand around him, a feeling that was as exquisite as it was excruciating.

  Once Devon was fully inside of her, both men began moving at a leisurely pace. The thin membrane separating her ass from her pussy was the only thing separating their two cocks, and the idea made Cinderella moan in sheer bliss.

  “You feel so tight, Slave.” Said Blake, as he brought his hands up to squeeze her nipples. “How does it feel to be used by two cocks?”

  “Amazing.” She whispered, with her head lowered and her eyes closed.

  “Good,” said Devon, sliding his hands around her neck and leaving them in a loose grip at the base of her throat. “Because we plan on doing this again and again.”

  Cinderella bit her lip, and focused on the ecstasy. True to Devon’s word, both men used every hole in her body again and again that night.


  In the spring, when Cinderella graduated with honors with her degree in Political Science, both men were present to see her walk across the stage. The lights of the auditorium reflecting off the diamond ring on her left hand sparkled in the corner of her eye as she reached for the rolled diploma. She knew, without a doubt, that she and Devon would live happily ever after. With the occasional visit from Blake.


  Isabella Olivia Ellis is a freelance writer of fiction, poetry, and erotica. She considers Orange County, CA to be her home, but currently lives in Colorado with her daughter and a closet full of far too many cocktail dresses. In addition to Breathless Press, she is also published with Evernight Publishing. You can find her online at and