Becoming His Little One Read online

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  After about twenty minutes of the steamy movie, Dave shifted on the sofa and the next thing Carolyn knew, his face was mere centimeters away from hers. His eyes danced as he looked her over. “You look beautiful this evening.”

  Carolyn began to reply, but Dave cut her off by pressing his lips against hers hungrily. She sank back into the softness of the cushions and he moved himself on top of her. The force of his weight was satisfying. After a few minutes of deep kissing, he stood, pulled Carolyn up by her hand, and led her up the stairs.

  Chapter Four

  His bedroom was heavy on the manly accents. The walls were a hunter green with brown trim, and the furniture was made to look like hand-hewn wood. The bed was neatly made with a flannel set of sheets and matching comforter.

  He brushed past her, saying, “Make yourself at home.” Then he disappeared into what she guessed was the en-suite bathroom.

  When he didn’t close the door and instead hunched down to open the cabinet under the sink, Carolyn assumed he must be finding a condom for later. Part of her wanted to feel insulted that he had assumed they would have sex, but a larger part of her felt a thrill at his assertiveness.

  He returned from the bathroom, tossed the condom onto the nightstand, and stood in front of her with his hands on hips. “Understand this, little one. When I snap my fingers, you suck my cock. When I clap my hands, you lick my balls. Got it?”

  Carolyn nodded, aching to begin the tasks assigned to her, but Dave narrowed his eyes at her.

  “You’re already making mistakes. You're too smart for that, Carolyn. And I know this because I would never accept any less from someone I would have as my Little One. You answer any command I give you with ‘yes sir’. Spoken or non-spoken.” He growled.

  “Yes, sir.” She replied, not missing a beat.

  He smiled coldly. “That’s better.” With deliberate, yet impatient moves, Dave unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and pushed them down his thighs. Then, he gave a sharp clap of his hands.

  “Yes, sir.” Carolyn lowered herself to her knees. Working the jeans down his thighs, she pushed them far enough down for him to step out and kick them to the side. His cock was clearly straining against his navy blue boxer briefs, and she leaned forward to kiss him through the fabric. She felt him pulsate through the cotton.

  Dave let out a lustful hiss, but then pushed her away by her shoulders.

  Confused, she looked up at him.

  Smiling deviously, he said, "Wait here. Just like that. This fun can wait for another time. I have something else in mind, and I am too impatient after talking about it for so long."

  And she did, kneeling with her palms resting on her knees.

  After a few minutes, Dave reappeared with a thin steel rod with a cuff on each end.

  Despite herself and the scenario, Carolyn gasped. "What is that thing?"

  He knelt at her feet, pausing to adjust the length of the bar. "It's a spreader bar, Little One. You've never seen one?"

  "I have never even heard of that."

  "Well, we are certainly going to have some fun then, Little One. Turn around and face the bed. Spread your legs a little farther apart. That's good, now straighten your knee. Good." He wrapped a cuff around both of her ankles, then something clicked and Carolyn assumed the bar had locked into place.

  Her legs were just slightly wider than what would normally be comfortable, but she didn't make a peep of complaint.

  Dave left the room once more and returned with a pair of handcuffs and a black leather flogger. He tossed the latter to the floor, and then without gentleness, he jerked her arms behind her back and cuffed her wrists together.

  There she was, vulnerable before him. She felt exposed being bent forward over the bed with her arms cuffed behind her. She had no way of supporting herself, so she let gravity take over and sank into the bed, her ass still up in the air and ready for the taking.

  With a jerk, Dave pulled her dress up over her ass to rest bunched up around her waist. The air kissed her bare skin as he shifted behind her. "Mmm. No panties. You listen well, Little One," Dave whispered, his hands beginning to skim and stroke along her ass and thighs.

  "Yes, Sir." She replied, trying not to push herself at him in impatience as his movements began to heighten her senses.

  His hands left her for a moment, and she heard him pull his briefs off. This was confirmed when the head of his cock brushed against her as he reached down for the flogger. Then she heard him step backward.

  The flogger snapped through the air as Dave brought it up and back and forth, over and over, each time getting closer and closer to where Carolyn's sensitive ass lay exposed.

  Each crack caused her breath to heighten. She could scarcely even hear the sound of the flogger over the pounding of her heart.

  "I am going to flog you, Little One. Flog that luscious, tasty ass of yours until it is inflamed and engorged, and then I am going to fuck it. What does my Little One think of that?"

  The black strands of the instrument were now just barely whispering across her soft, unblemished skin. Right now it tickled, but she knew the next few strokes would bring forth a fiery rain upon her. And the thought made her bite her lip in anticipation.

  Dave brought the flogger down onto her ass with a snapping crash.

  Her lower body was suddenly alive with the sensation of dozens of flaming nerves that had previously been dormant. They were now alert with a flick of the flogger.

  He brought it down against her once, twice, three times more. Each time, her pussy dripped wetter and the fire of her skin rose.

  Dave dropped the implement. Then leaning to the side, he snatched the condom from where it waited, opened the packet, and slipped it on. Without warning, he was pressed against her. The tip of his swollen cock split her pussy lips apart, sending forth a surge of further lubrication from her inner depths. His hips pushed forward once more and he fully sheathed himself inside of her.

  "Your pussy feels amazing, Little One. Like it was made for me." Dave's voice was a low growl, and as he spoke he slid his hands up and under her dress. He stretched the fabric until he could reach her breasts.

  Tingles like electric shocks ran up and down Carolyn's back as Dave continued to pump himself in and out of her aching hole.

  Cupping her breasts in his hands, he supported her weight.

  Despite the impediment of movement caused by the spreader bar and cuffs, she was able to rock her body back and forth to match Dave's moments. Each time the curve of her ass melded into the hard strength of his hips, Carolyn had to grit her teeth against the sensation.

  Bending forward until Carolyn's upper body was supported by the bed once more, Dave moved one of his hands down to her clit. During one of their long chats, she had admitted to him that it was hard for her to cum unless she was stimulated there. Clearly, he had remembered. His fingers rubbed against her in earnest with just the right amount of pressure. The circling of his fingers matched the rhythm of his hips, drawing them both towards the edge. Surprisingly, it was Carolyn who plunged over first.

  Reaching her climax was rare enough with Bill, and it certainly didn't happen first. But there she was, biting the flannel of his sheets, thrashing against the cuffs and bar as her body convulsed with the intensity of her orgasm.

  As she bucked against him, Dave began to cum, too. Even in her reverie, she could tell because his nails dug into her hip, and then he collapsed against her, sending them both down onto the bed.

  A couple of hours of cuddling and idle chat later, Carolyn found herself driving away from Dave’s house not knowing how to feel. Their encounter had been so incredibly intense. Sure, she had had a few lovers in her lifetime, but none of those could even scratch the surface of what this sex had made her feel. What are you thinking? she asked herself. Can sex really make you feel as though you have completed yourself? That was too basic a way to phrase it. She hadn’t been some poor woman wandering around with a missing piece that required a penis to fill. Tho
ugh that concept did sound interesting in some kinky way, it wasn’t that at all. But unleashing the desires, feeling that she had served in a way in which she wanted to serve, that was freeing. Tantalizing, even.

  After stopping at a red light, Carolyn continued to ponder these thoughts for so long that she missed the green and the car behind her honked impatiently. “All right,” she grumbled, “I’m going. I’m going.” And she did. Pushing aside all of her conflicting thoughts, she focused solely on driving for the rest of the way home.

  Chapter Five

  Another Monday and another ten hours at PacificaPerfectaMiddle School had gone by. When lunch finally rolled around, Carolyn sat down at the teacher’s table in the far corner of the cafeteria with her meal of apple slices and a turkey sandwich. Minutes after she had begun eating, Amy plopped down beside her with her own sack lunch.

  “I need details,” she said as she unpacked a yogurt and diet soda. "I mean, you sent the code phrase that meant you were okay, but that's it. Nothing else to let me know if the date was good, or if he was nice but no sparks. Nothing."

  Yikes. Carolyn had somehow forgotten the tradition of rehashing the date the following work day. Of course, this could have been because Carolyn had never been on the telling end of the tale. Amy went on far more than the regular woman’s share of dates, but they tended toward the tame side of things. For instance, the wildest story she had ever shared involved Mr. Flavor of the Week demanding that Amy pay for her half of the meal since he didn’t think he would ever see her again. While that was undeniably funny, it wasn’t even on the same scale as first date anal sex. If there could ever be a scale that featured something like that, God, what would it look like?

  Trying to sound as airy as possible, Carolyn said, “Oh, it was good. Nothing special.”

  Amy paused with her spoon halfway to her mouth and then cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, really, Miss I Never Go On Dates? That’s all you have to say about it? I don’t buy it.”

  What could Carolyn say? She was stuck in that proverbial space between a rock and a hard place. “All right, Amy. Something happened,” Carolyn said, relenting.

  Amy’s brown eyes widened comically and she set her spoon down as though there was no way she could eat while digging for the dirt. “So,” she said slowly, “Why aren’t you spilling? This is huge, Caro. We’ve known each other for almost five years now, and I can’t recall a single time you told me about a date.”

  That’s because I haven’t gone on a real bonafide date in that long. Carolyn dodged the urge to use that negative reply and instead whispered, “Amy, work really isn’t the most appropriate place to discuss this.”

  And, as if helping Carolyn prove her point, one of the gym teachers plunked his tray down in front of the two women and gave them a friendly grin. "Hey ladies, what are we talking about?"

  Amy gave a stealthy roll of her eyes and then playfully stuck her tongue out at Carolyn as if to say “Okay, you win for now”.

  So, Carolyn dodged that bullet. For all of a few hours.

  Amy caught up with her in the staff parking lot after school. “Okay, Carolyn! Tell.” Her eyes were full of mischief.

  Ugh, she's really going to push this. It wasn't that Carolyn didn't consider Amy a good friend- her best friend, really- it was that she couldn't believe for a moment that Amy would understand. So, I just have to keep it simple. Leave out the steamiest details.

  After a covert sweep of her eyes across the parking lot, Carolyn relented and leaned against her car to dish. "Well, we had sex."

  Eyes lighting up, Amy cried, "No way! I can't believe it."

  Oh, Amy, there are whole worlds of things you wouldn't believe, Carolyn thought. But instead, she pacified her friend with the vanilla description of the encounter.

  Chapter Six

  Dave's call came right as she was packing up to leave work for the day. She closed her classroom door as she clicked the answer button. In the weeks since they had started whatever it was they were, Carolyn learned Dave could feel like phone sex at any time of day. "Hello?"

  "Be at my house at six pm sharp." And then the call dropped. No other instruction other than to show up.

  Having never before slept with a man prior to actually dating him, Carolyn was once more in uncharted territory with Dave. He had already seen the one truly sexy dress she owned, so she was left with the assortment of seasonal themed outfits that were so closely tied to her profession or jeans. She stopped by her place, chose a dark-washed, curve enhancing pair that hugged her ass and hopped back in her car to head towards Los Angeles.

  As soon as Carolyn had stepped onto his porch and reached to press the doorbell, the door swung open and there Dave stood in his uniform.

  "Get inside."

  Tingles rushed down her spine as she scuttled in. Carolyn could feel her breathing already speeding up.

  "I've had the most stressful day, Little One. Nothing but people screwing up and not following orders." He circled around her, like a shark stalking its prey.

  "What can I do to make you feel better?" she asked in a whisper, eyes cast on the entryway rug.

  Dave leaned into her face, eyes flashing sexy menace. "First, you are not to speak until spoken to. Understand?"


  "Yes, what?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "That's better. A Little One must always show her Sir the proper respect. Next, you must do what I ask, as soon as I ask. You are going to be my stress release."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Do you like the idea of that, Little One? Being your Sir's escape? Being a toy for Sir to fuck?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  He snapped his fingers and gestured for her to follow him up the stairs to his bedroom. Once there, he shut the door and faced her, arms crossed. “I want you to get to your hands and knees, Little One.”

  Carolyn did, slowly lowering herself and placing her palms flat against the rough wood of the floor.

  Dave circled her as a predator sizes up its prey. Pausing behind her, Carolyn heard his sharp intake of breath and felt a whoosh of air as he bent his knees and came closer to her ass. “I can see how wet you are, Little One. You're hot and just waiting for me. Your scent is even permeating the room, I can smell it.”

  Cheeks flushing, Carolyn bit her lip and didn’t respond.

  “I just spoke to you, sub. You do not ignore your master. What do you say?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She heard muffled metallic sounds, his belt buckle meeting the loops of his uniform pants as he whipped it free. That was the only warning she received before the leather flew through the air to meet the soft skin of her ass. Once, twice, three times he struck her. On fire, I’m on fire, she thought as her pussy began dripping in earnest. Carolyn watched the belt fall to the floor from the corner of her eye.

  The front of his thighs pressed against her flanks, his cock nestling perfectly beneath her well lubricated pussy. Dave began to slide himself against her there, while his hands roamed across her heated backside. She could feel his hands running against the raising welts on her body, could feel how his breath quickened and became hoarser each time he passed over one, feeling his work and her acceptance. Feeling the evidence of their mutual aching, this wicked game they played.

  Suddenly, he stepped backward and Carolyn immediately felt the absence of his body. She turned to face him. "Sir?" she said, questioningly.

  "Suck me, Little One."

  Crawling forward, Carolyn brought herself to where he had moved. Without hesitation, she slid her mouth over the warm skin of his cock, letting it slip past her tongue to nestle in place, almost down her throat.

  Dave's hands found her hair, gripped it as he pulled her head forward, pushing himself deeper into her.

  Having been well-trained during their time together, Carolyn didn't even gag a little. She allowed him to guide her movements, to bring him to the point where he would spill himself into her and watch her swallow his cum.

  Chapter Se

  With great tenderness, Dave sank his fingers into the thickness of her hair and began to gently lather shampoo against her scalp.

  Carolyn leaned backward into him, her body supported by the back of the tub and strong, sinewy muscles of his inner thighs.

  His hands moved from her hair and down her neck to her shoulders. With a soft push, he directed her to lean forward and began to massage her back in firm, soapy movements up and down, front to back. He moved forward to cup her breasts- far more delicate than she thought his rough hands could be- and then back to knead her spine.

  Closing her eyes, she mused on the moment, the most tender she had known in her life. It's intimate, oh yes, but not sexual. Sensual, without intent. Like nothing I could have imagined. She didn't want him to stop, but eventually, he did.

  Slipping his legs around her, he stepped out of the tub and opened the bathroom's linen closet. Reappearing from behind the door, he held a giant, fluffy green towel in his hands. As he stepped back towards her, he shook it out to full size.

  "Stand up, Little One." As she did, he toweled her off with loving care, then bundled her up and led her towards his bed. He spread out another towel and silently directed her to lay across it face down. She did, and the cooler air of the bedroom began to nip at her sensitive naked skin, still deliciously stinging from their last spanking session.

  "Just close your eyes and relax," he said.

  Carolyn heard the pop of the top of something opening, and then his hands were on her, slippery and warm. The smell of baby oil permeated the room, a clean, sweet scent that relaxed her enough to sink into the bed as he touched her. He skimmed gently across the smarting skin of her ass and the oil soothed the soft burn. As he moved up her body to her back and neck, his mouth followed his hands and kissed the trail they had made.