Irish King Read online

Page 4

  “I know, but at least tell me: am I making a fool of myself here or did you feel something too?”

  She licked her lips. “I feel something too. Since the kiss you’re all I think about.”

  Ian felt elation, happiness, something that he was unaccustomed to in his life. “What if I told you that I’m planning a way out of my father’s business? I’m going to be done with being an enforcer and I want to be with you.”

  She looked at him. “How would that be even possible?”

  “I’d have to be careful about it and make sure all bases are covered. I may have to leave the city,” Ian laced his fingers with hers. “But I’d want to know there’s a chance for us.”

  “This is all so very...” Kiya was at a loss for words.

  “Tomorrow is Friday. Go away with me for the weekend, away from the city, from everything, and let’s see how we mesh,” Ian posed the offer. “No strings attached, I don’t expect anything except spending time with you.”

  “Where would we go?” Kiya asked. The fact that she didn’t say no gave him hope.

  He smiled. “Leave that to me. Are you game?”

  Kiya nodded. “I’m in.”

  “Good, I’ll pick you up at the school tomorrow,” Ian said. He felt silly, excited, and all the combinations that spelled out a new romance.

  “Okay.” Her smile was wide.

  “Can I kiss you?”

  ‘You didn’t ask last time,” she teased.

  Ian pulled her closer, his voice husky. “Tell me to kiss you, Kiya.”

  “Ian, kiss me,” she said, her voice kicking his arousal into high gear.

  This time when he took her lips, he tasted her languidly until she whimpered and pressed herself closer. He nibbled her bottom lip until Kiya gasped and he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. It was his turn to groan when her tongue twined and dueled with his. Ian molded her body to his as they kissed and he could feel the desire that simmered between them burn hot until he wanted to strip off her neat pajamas and take her against the wall. Patience, he warned himself, they would have all weekend to learn about each other. If he spent the weekend just kissing her, he’d be okay with that.

  “See you tomorrow after school,” he said huskily, showering her lips with small kisses.

  “Okay,” Kiya laughed. “But you have to stop kissing me first.”

  “In a minute,” he replied.

  Finally when he pulled away, she was fanning her face, and his cock ached between his legs. One more kiss as he went out the door and Ian bounded down the stairs with a spring in his step. It was the start of something good. Ian knew that he had to move with caution so that when he gave up the life of being an enforcer, it wouldn’t come back to haunt him.

  Chapter Four

  The bell rang and the red lights flashed to indicate that school was over. Kiya’s heart leapt with excitement and a little fear; she was going away with Ian. She didn’t regret her choice but the thought of it gave her a doubt. Her parents, Kevin especially, would hate Ian, his name, and who he was associated with. She couldn’t let that stop her because she saw something in him that she doubted anyone else saw. Because of his name, no one would want to see past that and they would want the relationship to end before it even started. Kiya wasn’t one to fall under pressure yet she knew at some point if this worked out, her family would know and all hell would break loose.

  Kiya packed up her papers that needed to be graded and she smiled, wondering if she would have a chance to grade the essays. She made a mental note to do it as soon as they arrived at where they were going. She still had no clue about where that was. Kiya took up her school bag and the overnight bag she’d packed and placed by her desk. Outside she looked across the street and saw a sleek black Escalade, the tinted window rolled down. Ian smiled and waved her over. Before she could step across the street, there was a tug at her coat and she looked down. It was one of her students, Claire, who was definitely upset.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Kiya signed.

  Claire signed quickly. “My dad was supposed to be here and he isn’t; it’s his weekend and my mom is at work.”

  “Oh dear. One second, you stay right here,” Kiya signed. She took up her bag and ran across the street.

  “Hey,” Ian said, his voice smooth and charming.

  “Hi, Ian,” Kiya said. “I have a small problem with a student, I need to run back inside. Her father didn’t pick her up for his weekend.”

  ‘The girl you were signing with?” Ian asked. “That’s some fucked up father, how could he do that to his kid?”

  Kiya sighed. “Who knows? I’ll be back in a few, okay?”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  She crossed the street again and took Claire’s hand before going back into the school. A call to her mother’s work gave her another problem. Her mother was working a double at the hospital because she thought her daughter would be gone the weekend. She couldn’t get there to pick up Claire and her grandmother could only get her from the hospital later that evening.

  “I won’t put her in a car service on her own, with her hearing impairment,” Kiya said into the phone after the mother made the suggestion. “I’m leaving school, how about if I bring her to the hospital?”

  “Thank you! Thank you, Ms. Gunn, I’m so sorry for putting you out like this,” Claire’s mother’s gushed. “Her father is so... I can’t depend on him. Thank God you weren’t gone yet. She trusts you and...thank you again.”

  “Not a problem, see you shortly,” Kiya said and hung up the phone. She turned to Claire and signed. “I’m going to take you to your mother at the hospital, okay?”

  The worry lifted from her student’s face and Claire signed. “Thank you, Ms. Gunn, do we go in the big black car?”

  Kiya smiled and signed the one word. “Yes.”

  She took the little girl’s hand and after explaining to the headmistress what was going on and what she was doing. They left the school and crossed the street to where Ian waited in the car.

  “Ian, do you mind if we take a detour and drop her off to her mother at the hospital?” Kiya asked.

  “Sure, which one?” Ian asked.

  “Northwestern,” Kiya supplied the information.

  “That’s where Riley works, you can meet him,” Ian said.

  Kiya helped Claire into the back seat and made sure her seatbelt was secure. She faced the little girl and made sure she had her attention before she signed.

  “Claire, this is my friend Ian. He’s going to drive you to your mom’s job.”

  Claire signed frantically as Ian turned and he asked Kiya, “What is she saying?”

  “She said thank you and your car is big and the seats are warm,” Kiya interpreted.

  “How do I say nice to meet you?” Ian asked.

  Kiya showed him and was impressed with how easily he mimicked her actions. Claire beamed and Kiya knew for the little girl anyone taking the time to learn how to communicate with her was pleasing. Kiya wondered if her father communicated with Claire using sign language. After he left his child at school without a word, Kiya doubted it very much.

  It took fifteen minutes for them to get to the hospital, and after Ian parked she took Claire’s hand and held her backpack as she walked her inside. Ian hung back and she knew why. Claire’s mother may not be too happy about who Kiya had drive them there. Both her mother and Claire thanked Kiya again before she signed that she would see her Monday at school. She met Ian back at the elevators but instead of going back outside they went to the fifth floor where his friend’s office was. Ian knocked on the door and was invited in by a deep baritone voice.

  “Hey, Riley,” Ian said as he stepped inside.

  “What’s up, meathead?” Riley grinned and Ian showed him the bird.

  “I brought someone to meet you but we can go away if you’re going to be insulting,” Ian pointed out. “Kiya, this is Riley, one hell of a doctor but he bullies me mentally with his cruel words.”

  “If you believe him, then he’s really got you snowed,” Riley said, amused, and held out his hand. “Nice to meet the infamous Kiya. You did good patchwork on this guy.”

  “Nice to meet you, and trust me I can see through the face just fine,” Kiya returned his smile. He was handsome. Dark brown hair with lighter brown highlights like he was in the sun not long ago. Blue eyes and a friendly smile gave him a trustworthy face. “My father taught me pretty well. He’s Victor Gunn over at Mercy Hospital.”

  Riley’s eyes widened and he looked impressed. “He vetted me to head trauma over there when I moved back to Chicago. I got a better offer here but I loved his paper on new cardiothoracic techniques in the journal.”

  “I’ll tell him,” Kiya said, pleased.

  “How would he feel you seeing this guy?” Riley asked bluntly.

  “Shut it,” Ian practically growled.

  Kiya put his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “In all honestly he would probably hate it. My brother Kevin will definitely hate it because he’s a cop. But this is my life and this is new. We don’t know what we’re doing yet. If or when that bridge comes up, we will cross it together.”

  Riley grinned. “Good answer. You’ve got brass and you’re going to need it...both of you will.”

  Ian shook his head. “I’m sorry, he never knows when he should actually say what’s in his head or keep it to himself.”

  “He’s upfront and I can respect that,” Kiya answered. “We’re going to have to face the reality sooner or later, so why pretend?”

  “I can see why you like her,” Riley said. “If you ever get tired of this brute, I’ll wine and dine you forever.”

  “How will you eat with a broken face?” Ian asked mildly. “We’re heading out, we’ll be at Sand Hill Cabins in Mosel for the weekend.”

  “Drive safe, they’re expecting snow,” Riley said. “It was nice to meet you, Kiya.”

  “Same here.” She smiled as Ian ushered her out. “So that’s where we’re going. What if we get snowed in?”

  Ian looked down at her as he took her hand. “Would that be a bad thing?”

  Kiya felt her heart skip an excited beat. “No, it wouldn’t be at all.”

  From the hospital it was a three-hour drive to the cabins and in that time the snow went from soft flurries to thick suds like snowflakes that stuck to the ground. Kiya looked out the passenger window as they drove. The sun had gone down and she wondered if the snowed in prediction might come true. The roads were becoming more difficult to maneuver, but Ian handled them easily with the large SUV. Still, when they pulled up at the cabin, she breathed a sigh of relief. The lights were on and it looked warm and inviting. When they got inside, the warmth of the fireplace and the woodsy interior and decorations instantly made her feel comfortable and relaxed. It was obvious a caretaker got the cabin ready for their arrival.

  “What do you think?” Ian asked.

  “I love it—it’s wonderful and cozy.” Kiya looked around from the warm fire in the big stone fireplace to a wide couch filled with thick blankets. A delicious smell wafted to her and she inhaled deeply. “Whatever that is that smells so good it’s making me hungry.”

  “Another luxury of the cabin,” Ian explained. “Well, not really, but the manager’s wife is an excellent cook and she made us dinner. It’s in one of those Dutch pot things in the oven.”

  She put her hand on her hips and cocked her head. “Ian Mordha, you are a man of many surprises.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Ian asked, stepping closer.

  She removed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around his wide waist. “It is a very good thing.”

  He bent to kiss her. “I should get the bags in before the snow gets any worse.”

  “Grab my work bag too, please, I have papers to grade tonight.” Kiya bent down by the fire. “This feels amazing.”

  “Save me some of the heat,” Ian teased.

  She winked at him. “It may be hotter than you expect it to be.”

  Kiya saw desire flare to life in his eyes before he turned and went outside. She rubbed her hand across her stomach, trying to ease the butterflies that had taken flight within her. She’d never said something like that in her life and here she was teasing the son of the biggest crime boss in Chicago. She pushed that nugget right out of her head. Ian wanted to change, he was ready for a new life.

  Ian came back inside, stomping his feet to get rid of the snow and shaking his head to get it out of his hair.

  “It’s really coming down out there,” he commented.

  ‘Then I’m glad we’re in here before it gets any worse,” she replied. “Is there a bathroom in this place? Please tell me it’s not an outhouse.”

  Ian burst out laughing. “No, there’s one off the master bedroom... Kiya, there is only one bedroom but I can sleep out here if you’re not comfortable with that.”

  “It’s fine, Ian, I’m looking forward to sleeping in your arms,” she said.

  He gave a groan. “You’re either very innocent to what your words mean or you’re trying to tempt me to death.”

  “Maybe a little of both.” Kiya grabbed her bag and headed towards the bathroom.

  While in there she saw a Jacuzzi tub as well as the shower stall. She was just going to change but instead she decided to take a shower to warm up and to get rid of the day at work from her skin. She came out about a half an hour later wearing a soft pink sweat suit and thick red socks. She left her hair down and when she walked in Ian was lighting candles on the coffee table.

  “I thought you got lost in there,” he commented.

  “There’s a Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom,” Kiya told him. “I took a shower to freshen up but I so want to take a bath in that tub.”

  “Do I get to join you?” His voice was deep and sexy as he spoke.

  “Maybe if you’re a good boy,” Kiya teased. “So candles with our dinner?”

  “We are going to eat dinner by the fire. We also have some cognac for sipping and...” Ian held up a disc. “All the Die Hard movies.”

  Kiya laughed. “I like your version of a romantic date, nothing says romance more than Bruce Willis blowing things up.”

  Ian grinned. “God, I love you just for saying that.”

  “Don’t use words like that as a joke,” Kiya said. “I may think you really mean it.”

  “I plan to mean it. I think I already do,” he murmured the words but Kiya heard them clearly and her heart skipped a beat. Did he really mean he was falling in love with her? She sat on the cozy sofa where he directed and he put a wide bowl in her hands.

  “We have chicken pot pie with biscuit topping,” Ian said. “The fridge is fully stocked so I can make you breakfast in the morning.”

  “Keep this up, buddy, I may not let you go,” Kiya teased.

  “In that case, I’ll lasso the moon and place it at your feet.” Ian sat beside her.

  “That was beautiful but you had me at breakfast.” She sat back. “Ok, let’s watch some explosions.”

  Together they ate and watched action movies, commented on the good parts and repeated the lines they knew. She watched the serious face that she first met in the darkness saving her from muggers. Ian looked always boyish; his eyes didn’t carry the shadow of secrets and far from Chicago, and he seemed to put his life away and just enjoyed the night with her. She was glad that she could be a part of the peace he was feeling.

  Kiya sipped her cognac and, in the middle of the second movie, she leaned her head against his shoulder and he laced his fingers with hers. She must’ve fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes, she was in his arms being carried to bed.

  “I thought we were watching a movie?” Kiya said sleepily.

  Ian chuckled. “When you started to snore I kinda figured I should put you to bed. You had a long day.”

  “I forgot about grading those essays,” Kiya groaned.

  “I’ll keep you tomorrow over breakfast, how does that sound?”
Ian asked.

  “Deal,” Kiya sighed as he lay her in bed and covered her with blankets.

  “I’m going to grab a shower and put some more wood on the fire before I cuddle you and keep you warm,” Ian said.

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Kiya snuggled under the blankets and listened to the noises from the living room. She could tell each time he picked up a piece of wood and placed it in the fireplace or used the poker to move the logs around in the flames. She heard the shower and was wide-awake, thinking about being in his arms and his lips on hers. Impulsively she got up and undressed quickly, the air and excitement making her nipples hard. She was back under the blankets when she heard the water turn off. Ian came into the bedroom a few minutes later and he was dressed in flannel pajama bottoms and a blue t-shirt. She hid her smile because she doubted very much flannel was part of his wardrobe. He was trying to make her comfortable.

  “Get into bed, I’ve got it warm for you,” she invited.

  “I thought you’d be back to sleep,” Ian sat on the side of the bed and pulled his feet under the blanket.

  “Oh, I’m wide awake now,” Kiya replied.

  “Well, come over here and put your body against me.” Ian’s voice was a smooth caress.

  He reached for her as he issued the invitation. She watched his face when he felt her skin and ran his hand down her body. His expression ran the gauntlet from surprise to desire then pure need.

  “Kiya, you have no clothes on,” he said slowly.

  She looked under the blanket. “Will you look at that.”

  He laughed. “Okay, smart ass.”

  “I’m glad you like my ass and think it intelligent, but all it does it follow me around,” Kiya replied. He laughed harder and she joined in as he pulled her closer.

  “I love that you’re here with me. You make me laugh,” he said suddenly. “This is unlike anything I’ve ever done or felt and I want it to continue. I want to lock the world out and just have it be us.”

  Kiya pressed her lips against his. “It’s just you and me, so show me how much you want me.”

  Ian groaned and took control of the kiss, and the passion they held at bay broke free of the dam of self-control.