The Forbidden City Read online

Page 5

  Turn to 71.

  [8] After taking the Karmo potion and fighting your opponent, halve your ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER scores. It is at your discretion whether you should apply the penalty to your ENDURANCE from the Random Number Table before or after halving your score. The former option is the most beneficial.


  You follow the dingy passage as it wends its way through the slate grey rock. Soon, you reach a wider cavern, where the ceiling is much higher. In the faint glow of a swarm of mineflies, you make out a staircase that ascends to the surface. Shafts of moonlight shine down the stairwell, twinkling on the wet stone steps. By the stairs you notice a large sack propped against the wall.

  If you wish to examine the sack, turn to 233.

  If you wish to ignore the sack, you can climb the stairs to the surface, turn to 245.


  To your frustration, the wind begins to blow but gently — the Elementals have misunderstood your need. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to try again, return to 290 and choose a different Element.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and would prefer to use it, turn to 139.


  You totter on unsteady feet. Your struggles have made you feel faint with exhaustion. A strong hand grips your shoulder to steady you. You look up and see Samu, the giant warrior that you freed from the slave train of the Shadakine, outside the walls of Karnali. He has joined the Freedom Guild, it seems. ‘Are you all right?’ he asks.

  You nod. ‘I will be.’

  ‘Then I must away,’ says Samu, drawing his massive broadsword and brandishing it in the air. ‘The Shadakine filth must be purged from the face of the world!’ He speaks with a terrible vehemence, as if he would be happy to complete the whole task himself. He then turns and lopes towards the Shadakine with an easy, athletic stride.

  Turn to 133.


  Although the Wytch's attention is concentrated elsewhere, your initial assault on her mind proves unsuccessful: the power of the Kazim Stone protects her. Now, completely alerted to the peril that threatens her, she wrenches her attention away from the warriors at the fortress and focuses all her powers, and those of the Kazim Stone, upon you. At once, the morale of the Shadakine warriors sinks and they flee in confusion. With a cheer, the men of the Freedom Guild move forward to storm the fortress, but you barely notice them, for you are now locked into a duel of wills with the Shadakine Wytch. A crimson haze fills the sky where the forces of the Mind Gem and the Kazim Stone clash.

  The combined WILLPOWER score of the Wytch and the Stone is 40. Add together your current ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER scores and subtract this total from 40.

  If your final score is 15 or higher, turn to 280.

  If your final score is 14 or lower, turn to 205.


  You leave the city far behind, as you and Urik struggle to match the pace of the giant's long stride. You head north for the Belzar River, which traces a westerly course towards the Mountains of Morn and the infamous dead lands. By the time you reach the river, night is upon you and you are nearly asleep on your feet. You tell the giant that you are too exhausted to continue and he stops to allow you to make camp. He has a supply of food which he shares with you before you fall into a deep sleep by the gentle lapping of the waters of the Belzar River.

  The following morning, you continue on your journey. The Belzar Hills on the far side of the river seem to frown upon you as you pass and you are troubled by a gnawing doubt. Urik seems to share this doubt and he continually looks over his shoulder with an anxious expression on his face. When you stop at midday to rest, you voice your doubt to your companions.

  ‘There is a simple explanation,’ says Samu, confidently. ‘We are being followed.’

  You dart a startled look at Urik. ‘I think Samu speak truth,’ he says.

  If you wish to lie in wait and ambush whoever is following you, turn to 22.

  If you wish to press on, turn to 16.


  Inside the vision of your mind, you point towards the being that represents the Element of Earth. Slowly, it lumbers forward as if its body is too heavy for the strength of its limbs. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  You open your eyes and see that the Shadakine have reached the edge of the lake. The officer in command is shouting orders as the warriors take cover, loading and priming their weapons and preparing to fire. There is no sign of the Earth Elemental and, fearfully, you reflect on the notorious stupidity of Earth Elementals.

  If you decide that the Earth Elemental will fail, have the Magical Power of Sorcery, and wish to create a Shield of Sorcery about yourself to deflect the arrows of the Shadakine, turn to 226.

  If not, turn to 56.


  Standing before a crumbling bridge that crosses the left-hand fork of the Belzar River, you gaze, awestruck, at the desolate city that rests beneath the shadow of the mountains. In your darkest dreams, you have never known a place so eerie and forbidding: the blackened shards of the city walls reach hauntingly into the sky; clumps of black weed grow between pieces of crumbling masonry, and the twisted heights of ancient spires and crippled towers point accusingly at the heavens; an awful gloom hangs in the air and an atmosphere of brooding menace emanates from the heart of the city.

  You look at the faces of your brave companions: Urik's wrinkled face, so often creased with laughter, now set in a frown; the hard countenance of brave Samu, the sundered king; and the angular, hawkish features of Hugi, whose eyes gleam greedily. You notice how pale they look, almost sickly, and a vague disquiet stirs in the back of your mind.

  You approach the bridge and Hugi looks at it, his eyes full of doubt. ‘Is it safe?’ you ask.

  ‘It's stood here for centuries,’ Hugi answers.

  The swift-flowing water looks black and uninviting.

  If you wish to cross the bridge, turn to 186.

  If you wish to swim across the river, turn to 18.


  ‘I can guarantee your safety when you leave Karnali if you will agree to aid an attack we have planned against the Shadakine garrison of the city,’ offers Sado. ‘Help us, Grey Star; we need you.’

  If you wish to aid Sado in his struggle against the Shadakine, turn to 91.

  If you decide to refuse, turn to 287.


  You are standing in a huge cavern. Eyes gleaming greedily, Hugi shoulders past you and runs headlong down the carved stone steps that lead to the cavern floor. ‘This must be the place!’ he says, excitedly. Immediately, he begins to search the chamber, scrabbling among the rocks and debris and then, with a jubilant cry, he unearths an old and rusty chest. In an instant, he has removed his wallet of thief's tools and, with practised ease, sets about the lock. Swiftly, he masters the challenge, flicking open the lid with a hungry look. His face drops. ‘Books!’ he snarls contemptuously.

  You walk over to his side and peer down at the leather-bound tomes. A closer examination reveals a shocking surprise.

  Turn to 103.


  Drawing on the magical energy of the Astral Plane, you hurl your power against the Kazim light that shines above the heads of the advancing Shadakine warriors. At first, you throw 1 WILLPOWER point against it, but this challenge serves only to attract attention to yourself and the Shadakine Wytch immediately sends the full power of the Kazim Stone against you. The numbing blast that washes through your mind loses you 8 ENDURANCE points, but because the Wytch has diverted the power of the Kazim Stone away from the warriors, the morale of the Shadakine is severely shaken and, with a cheer, the men of the Freedom Guild move forward to storm the fortress.

  If you have survived the initial blast of the Kazim Stone, turn to 141.


  The Earth Elemental does not come in time. A volley of quarrels flies towards you, ripping into your flesh and inflicting terrible wounds.

Your quest is over. When the Earth Elemental does eventually arrive, he takes you down into the cold dark earth of his home — your final resting place.


  You make camp in the small grove of trees. Samu scouts the area to make sure that your pursuer is not lurking nearby. Suddenly, you hear a strangled cry.

  Turn to 60.


  Several minutes pass. With familiar tardiness, the Earth Elemental obeys your summons and the ground beneath the fortress begins to tremble. Great blocks of masonry tumble to the ground, driving the Shadakine from their barracks and out into the street. You have used 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 207.


  Now you must run to keep away from their deadly touch. Fortunately, the Deathgaunts are unable to move quickly and you are able to create some distance between them and yourselves, but you are weary from past assaults, and soon find yourself stumbling and staggering through the grey dust of the dead plain. You trip and fall, exhausted, but Samu sweeps you up in his strong arms.

  For a full day, Samu carries you but, despite his enormous strength, eventually he, too, becomes too tired to continue. Panting for breath, he sets you down before collapsing to the ground. Hugi estimates that you are now only a day away from the Forbidden City.

  If you wish to go without sleep and continue travelling through the night, turn to 129.

  If you have the Magical Power of Evocation and wish to use it to protect yourself while you sleep, turn to 137.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy and a remaining Azawood leaf, and wish to use it, turn to 138.


  Samu enters the grove of trees. Held in a headlock, and gurgling pleas for release, is a scrawny-looking man, dressed in a leather jerkin and bright scarlet breeches. Immediately you recognize him as the thief who tried to steal your money in the cavern of the Freedom Guild. ‘What are you doing here? State your purpose!’ you say, leaping to your feet. The thief lets out a long gurgle by way of reply.

  Illustration V—Held in a headlock is a scrawny man, the thief from the cavern of the Freedom Guild.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ you repeat, angrily. Samu tightens his grip on the thief's neck.

  ‘Being … strangled!’ he squawks, clawing desperately at the thick arm around his neck.

  You give Samu a nod and the brawny giant releases his grip. The thief collapses to the floor in an untidy heap, choking for breath and rubbing his bruised throat. Urik chortles with laughter. ‘Get up!’ you command.

  The thief staggers to his feet, an indignant expression on his face as he brushes the dust from his clothes. ‘What have you got to say for yourself, thief?’ you ask.

  ‘I am Hugi of Suhn,’ he says, haughtily.

  ‘Was it you who tried to rob me in Karnali?’

  ‘For that oversight I apologize, Master Wizard,’ he says, barely disguising the smirk on his hawkish face. ‘If I had known that you were bound for the Forbidden City, I would have offered my services at once.’

  ‘How came you by that information?’ you snap angrily.

  ‘I … er … listened at the door after Sado sent me out,’ he replies innocently.

  ‘Shall I kill the spy now?’ asks Samu, menacingly.

  ‘Spy? — Spy?’ Hugi chokes. ‘I am no spy. I am the greatest thief in all Karnali! What need have I for spying?’

  ‘You not very good at picking Grey Star's pocket,’ Urik points out.

  ‘Nevertheless,’ says Hugi, testily. ‘Thief I am. Spy I am not.’

  ‘That still does not explain why you are following us. Why should the Forbidden City interest you?’

  ‘Ahhh!’ sighs Hugi, ‘the Forbidden City! Legends speak of priceless statutes — remnants of the ancient people who once lived there. But I have found none who dared go there. When I heard that you were bound for the City of the Dead, I chose to follow. Then, this great brute stepped out of nowhere and tried to strangle me to death.’

  Samu glares at Hugi. ‘Shall I kill him now?’ bellows the giant, eagerly. Hugi steps back in alarm.

  ‘No, wait. Hugi, what do you know of our quest — whom do you serve?’ you ask.

  ‘I know nothing of any quest and I serve no man but myself. All I ask is that you allow me to accompany you to the Forbidden City. I am not unskilled in my own small way,’ he sniffs, immodestly.

  ‘If he is half as good as he thinks, he could be useful,’ comments Urik.

  ‘Yes, and if he is a spy, we daren't let him go, though I'll not kill a man for the sake of a suspicion. You're coming with us, Hugi.’ Broadly, the thief begins to smile. ‘And Samu, if he tries to escape … break one of his legs.’ Samu grins ferociously as Hugi's face drops.

  Turn to 214.


  Before you can fire your Staff again, the Magdi lunges at you. You attempt to parry the beast's charge with your Staff but its weight and the momentum of its attack hurl you to the ground. You thank the gods that there is only one of them to contend with as you grapple with the enraged animal. The Magdi's jaws snap dangerously close to your throat but you twist your body away and leap to your feet.

  You cannot evade combat, and must fight the creature to the death. Due to the Magdi's resistance to magic, you must subtract 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.


  If the combat lasts for more than 5 rounds, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 149.

  If you win the combat in 5 rounds or less, turn to 271.


  The water is poisonous and, as it affects your body, you panic and begin to sink. Hugi and Urik have already reached the other side but, as soon as Samu sees you struggling, he strikes out towards you. With strong hands he grabs your robe and pulls you to the surface. Panting and gasping for breath, he hurls you to the safety of the river bank and slowly you crawl up the bank. The water you have swallowed has cost you 2 ENDURANCE points. Suddenly, Urik gives a cry: ‘Samu!’

  You turn in time to see Samu's flailing arms disappear beneath the surface of the water. You are stunned and dismayed. He disappears completely from sight, swept away by the waters of the poisonous Belzar River.

  With tears in your eyes, you walk in silence towards the walls of the Forbidden City.

  Turn to 124.


  You cast 2 WILLPOWER points into the Red Jewel in an effort to control the Deathgaunt. But the Deathgaunt's mind is not its own; it is being commanded from a point outside this world and the sinister spectre advances.

  Turn to 169.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, your Magical Power of Prophecy tells you that the north passage leads out of the tunnel complex and on to the plain of Desolation Valley.

  If you wish to take the passage leading north, turn to 23.

  If you wish to take the passage leading east, turn to 46.


  As the creature dies, its body melts away, leaving only a pile of mud and filth that once gave it form. Urik gives a shout of congratulation and you nod in acknowledgement; you are too tired to talk.

  If you wish to continue with your previous use of the Power of Prophecy, turn to 165.

  If you do not, turn to 71.


  Within the darkness of a dream, you hear a voice whispering; it is calling your name, over and over again. Glowing with a sickly light, the figure of a man stands like a sinister vision, his face obscured by shadow. His grey robe is tattered and torn; his long, bony, claw-like fingers are covered by charred, black flesh. He points a crooked finger at you. ‘You will fail. Your power does not suffice. This fool's errand is to no end.’

  ‘NO!’ you shout into the emptiness.

  ‘Turn aside, Grey Star. Turn aside. You dare not stand against me.’ The grim figure casts aside his hood and the shadow passes to a blood-red light, revealing a hideous face. Half of the face is missing and, in its place, a metal plate gives shape to the r
uined visage of wasted flesh and scarred tissue. One eye is shrunken and sightless, while the other burns with the intensity of the sun. A gaze of unbearable malice focuses on your heart. ‘Desist, Wizard — or I will rend the very soul from your body.’

  ‘I will not!’ you scream into the darkness. A look of rage contorts his twisted features and the single eye burns into you. You are looking upon the face of Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki, who has come to taunt and torment you as you sleep.

  Illustration VI—A gaze of unbreakable malice focuses on your heart: you look upon Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki.

  ‘You fear me now, foolish child, and you think that you have mastered fear. I will teach you the true meaning of terror. I will make you yearn for death as if it were your true love!’ Shasarak raises his clawed, decaying hand and clutches his fingers in the air: 1 WILLPOWER point is drawn effortlessly from your body.

  You wake up screaming.

  Turn to 291.