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Hungry Like the Wolf Page 7
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Page 7
There wasn't exactly a camera in the cab, one that Joe could tune into and see what was going on. So maybe they were enjoying being with her and getting paid for it. Who knew? But it was wise to remember how all of this began and her reasons for asking them and their reason for doing it. Remembering the facts would keep her from getting hurt, because if anyone allowed themselves to get emotionally involved, allowed themselves to get hurt, it was going to be her.
The ride to the restaurant was silent. Not a word was said. In the company of anyone else, Nicole knew that she would have been fidgeting with discomfort at the length of the silence. But, as she'd noted earlier, a part of her was at ease when she was in their company. Even though they had the ability to make her go from 0 to 60 in less than two seconds, another part of her was infinitely relaxed and calm around them.
As they reached the port, she felt herself tense up at the thought of the evening ahead. But as Hugh exited the truck and moved to assist her descent from the cab, she held her head high. She reminded herself of her earlier promise to enjoy herself tonight.
Taking Hugh's offered hand, she realized as he pulled her flush against his body, that it was a long way to the ground.
He took advantage of every inch, letting her body rub against every inch of his broad chest, his tautened lower abs.
She couldn't ignore the feel of his hard body against hers, nor could she ignore the erection that prodded her in the belly when her feet finally found purchase. The feel his stiff cock made her blush and forced her body temperature to shoot from hot to molten. Her pussy spasmed in response, and she longed for that hard dick to pound into her, to ram into her pussy and make her scream, to make her beg for pleasure, to make her forget everything.
Her eyes fluttered shut at the thought. Only the feel of Byron coming up behind her, his erection fitting against her butt, could make her feel any weaker, any more faint with desire. With two cocks pressed intimately against her, she felt her body tremble with the need to slake all three of their lustful thoughts.
It was damned hard not to touch them further, but somehow she managed it after enduring a few seconds more of being pressed between them, of being sandwiched between them, until they both stepped back. The support on both sides abandoning her so suddenly made her wobble on her shaky legs. She hadn't realized until then how much they'd been supporting her, how they'd kept her upright, and the thought of how they'd done it made her blush again.
Nicole wondered how it would feel to be stuck in between them in bed. She ducked her head to hide her flaming cheeks as they both reached for an arm to steady her and walk her into the restaurant.
Mariana's was a recently opened restaurant in town, but it had a great reputation even though the past year had been a manic one for them. She knew that Joe liked the modern setting, the sea views and the rather traditional seafood menu which was in direct contrast to the decoration.
Earlier that day she'd phoned in a reservation. "Durst for eight pm," she informed the maitre d', in a voice that was suddenly husky with desire.
The small man nodded before grabbing some menus and leading them to a window table. He made to pull out a chair for her, but Hugh gave an odd throaty growl that made the man start and jump away. Hugh then seated her and sat beside her. Byron sat opposite her, and, once more, she felt somehow caged between them. The thought made her heart beat quickly in her chest.
She gulped a little as they stared at her lustfully for a few seconds. The next ten minutes passed by in a blur as they all ordered drinks and their food. It was hard to concentrate on anything that wasn't connected with Hugh or Byron. She was so focused on them that, at first, she didn't hear Joe's booming coarse voice pound through the restaurant, didn't notice until Hugh and Byron stiffened angrily.
Frowning in confusion, she spun around in her seat and was greeted with the sight of Joe's new girlfriend looking bored as she twirled a strand of hair in between her fingers while managing to not look like a five year old but a highly attractive woman with legs up to her eyeballs. Gulping back strong emotions, she shifted focus from the girl, because really that was what she was, and turned to look at Joe for a second.
Nicole wasn't blind to any of Joe's faults. She knew exactly what he was, so it was with little surprise that she watched him bully the maitre d' into providing him with a table without a reservation.
"I don't need to reserve a damned table. Don't you know who I am?"
Nicole couldn't help but wince at Joe's curt growl before she frowned a little at his arrogance. He'd been a beast at times, and she closed her eyes as the realization hit home that she didn't want him back. There was such a huge difference between want and need, and, until that moment, she hadn't realized how large the gulf was. Every inch of her screamed to run away from this situation, to run from Joe, but how could she? Her family needed his support! It made her feel cheap, but she knew they needed Joe's financial backing, and there was nothing else she could do.
Feeling dismayed, she watched as Joe glared and growled and genuinely made himself look a jackass before the maitre d' led him to a table that passed their own. Turning to Hugh, she saw the look of distaste sweep over his features and knew that it would be mirrored on Byron's face. She also saw annoyance, confusion, and a little hurt. Feeling bad for dragging them to this restaurant because she'd thought that this very thing might happen, she bit her lip and had to hold herself back from apologizing at pre-arranging this evening. Why she'd wanted to flaunt them in front of Joe, she'd never know. Surely she was crazy. She was sharing them after all!
The hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge as Joe neared their table. When he stood at the head of the table, with his new slut draped over his shoulder, she felt like slapping the smirk off of his face.
"Evening, Jakman," he said curtly, nodding at both brothers before sneering at Nicole. "Nicole, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these two, aren't you? You should be ashamed of yourself for sleeping with the help," he chastised.
"Well, if it's good enough for you, Joe, then it sure as hell is good enough for me. It must be hard being looked upon as a pervert. What is your little doll there? Fourteen? Be careful Joe, it can't be good for business to have an underage girl on your arm," she answered coolly, her brow quirked with scorn. She was proud of herself for reacting so calmly. It was something she'd never before been able to do during an argument or spat with Joe.
Seeing his face flare up angrily, she smiled because at that moment she didn't care if he was angry. She didn't care if what she'd said had made it impossible to get him back.
"Bitch. Tracy is twenty-three. You're just jealous, old hag," he hissed.
"I'd keep a better eye on my woman if I were you, Joe, she obviously likes what she sees," Hugh warned sardonically when he saw where Tracy's gaze was focused, sweeping a hand out to encompass both Byron and himself.
Laying a possessive arm around Nicole's shoulders, he watched as Joe's head swung around to glare at his girlfriend who merely ducked her head and lowered her eyes, signaling her guilt and the truth behind Hugh's statement.
"Come on," Joe spat viciously before angrily dragging Tracy off.
"I'm sorry about that. There's really no excusing his behavior. I . . . I know it sounds silly, but I want you to know, you're not the bottom of the barrel. If anyone is, it's Joe," Nicole murmured after releasing a pent up breath, one that she hadn't realized she'd been holding.
She bowed her head in dejection as she stood up and pushed her seat back. The metal legs of the chair scraped loudly against the ceramic tile floor. The force she'd used to push it back was enough to throw it off balance until it fell to the side and hit the floor, the sound seeming to reverberate off the walls of the restaurant and amplify in its intensity. She turned to stare blankly at it for a second. Looking up and seeing that every eye in the overly full restaurant was upon her, she had to fight back the desire to run from the restaurant in morbid embarrassment. Never had she felt so mortif
ied as she did right at that very moment. Her only consolation during the whole ordeal was that Joe wasn't looking at her. He was far too busy reprimanding his slut to notice her.
Quickly, and on a soft moan that expressed the unbearable humiliation she was suffering, Nicole began to walk out of the restaurant. Pushing some money for the drinks they'd had in the maitre' d's hands, she continued on and managed to make it to the exit before starting to run.
Although she was intensely proud of herself for having stood up to Joe, something she'd never done in the fifteen years of their marriage, she was also hideously ashamed of the scene they'd caused in the restaurant. She felt totally and completely embarrassed by the whole situation. How could he judge Hugh and Byron for being tradesmen? How could he judge them at all when they were better men than he was? But, most importantly, how could she face either of them ever again after what had happened?
She felt so guilty for having dragged them into the sordid mess of her divorce and wanted nothing more than to just melt into the sidewalk, especially when she heard footsteps running behind her. Her damned heels hadn't allowed her to run far, and they'd caught up quickly.
One of them grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into him. As soon as she collided against his chest, she realized it was Hugh. Nestling into his arms, feeling the comfort he was transmitting from the simple touch made her want to cry. She was shocked to feel the soft tracks of scalding hot tears of shame sliding over her cheeks. Pressing her face into his chest, she surreptitiously wiped her face against his shirt and felt his hand come up and cup her head.
He kept her held in his arms as he began to walk back to the truck.
"I'm sorry, Hugh," she whispered miserably as he lifted her into the cab.
"What are you sorry for?" he asked.
His touch was soft and tender, but his voice was harsh with anger, and it made her flinch. He was angry with her for what had happened. It upset her to know that he was. But, how could he not be? How could she not have anticipated something like this happening? How could she have been so thoughtless?
"I'm sorry for what Joe said."
She bowed her head as the men climbed in the vehicle beside her. They sat in silence once more on the return journey. It was a marked contrast to earlier when the silence had brimmed with desire. Now she could feel their anger and totally understood why they should be so mad at her ex-husband's vicious tongue.
When they reached her home, she almost sighed in relief. It was wonderful to be back at her haven of peace. What she wanted more than anything was to run inside, lock the door, and never come out again. But, stuck as she was in the middle of the cab once more, she couldn't make her escape until one of them moved. As Byron slid out of the cab, she moved too and was standing beside him without his aid in a flash. She hadn't wanted him to help her down, not this time. She didn't think she could have stood for their bodies to touch when he was so angry at her.
Running quickly to the door, she hastily unlocked it before turning around to say a quick goodnight, but before she had a chance to do more than suck in a breath, they pushed her inside and locked and bolted the door behind them as they gained entry.
Perhaps she should have felt nervous or uneasy at their presence, but she knew that, no matter the provocation, they would never harm her.
She looked a little blankly at both of them, not really sure why they'd followed her in and then locked the door. Too emotionally exhausted to examine it further, she walked into the kitchen and headed to the fridge. Uncaring that they followed suit, she opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of milk, and tossed it back for a long sip. It was a comforting balm to her churning stomach as she waited for their words of anger to rain down on her. Why else would they have followed her except to lash out at her for what had happened? She put the milk back into the fridge.
"I don't appreciate being used, Nicole," Hugh said icily, his words cutting her deep.
Hugh's voice was as cold as ice, enough so to make her jump at the shock of it. It wasn't until then that she realized there had always been a warm, soft note in his voice whenever he spoke to her.
"Nor do I. I expect Durst to behave like a prick. You don't need to apologize for him. Apologize for your own behavior!" Byron added angrily.
Frowning, she glanced at them both and saw the animosity on their faces. "I don't understand. I mean, I can understand why you'd be annoyed at Joe's crass words. He was out of order. You're not the bottom of the barrel. I mean, look at you. If anyone is, it's Joe. He's pond scum in comparison to you two. But . . . but, the other part, well, that was the deal, right? To make Joe jealous," she finished uncomfortably, her voice rising at their blank looks. "That's why I started this whole thing, after all." She watched in confusion as they seemed to reject her words.
Seeing Hugh's eyes flare made her realize that she obviously hadn't answered wisely or at least not well enough to suit him.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his wallet. Rifling through it, he tossed about four hundred dollars on to the floor and said, "The deal is off now. I won't have this shit held over me every time we leave the fucking door. I don't expect to see your bastard ex-husband wherever we go. If he gets his kicks out of watching us, then that's his prerogative, but I won't have you thinking we're fucking gigolos to be led around town to make that prick jealous. If I or Byron want to fuck you, it's because we desire you. Not because you paid us to help you get that jerk back, alright?"
Confused, she watched as the money fell to the floor and was about to reply to him, but instead she watched as he angrily stalked towards her. Growling as she took a hesitant step backwards, he grabbed her to him and pressed his lips fiercely against hers.
Moaning at the feel of his firm and sensual mouth against her own, Nicole melted into his touch. She felt every muscle slacken at the siege Hugh's body lay upon her flesh. Unable to bear the onslaught of sensation, she alternated between feeling so lax that her body crumpled against his and so tense that her frame almost arched back and away from him. Either way, Hugh kept her close to him and with Byron coming up behind her, the two of them controlled her movements.
She wanted to argue that this damned scheme had always been about her getting Joe back, that she wasn't the one who had suddenly gone back on their word. But her lips were otherwise engaged, and, soon after, she completely forgot all about Joe.
Hugh's tongue fought her own. The passionate duel merely incited her and heightened her need. The feel of Byron's mouth sucking at the nape of her neck and shoulders made her whimper and cry out.
Byron's hands lowered and cupped her breasts. One of Hugh's hands tugged her dress upwards and his fingers ripped her panties clean away before pillaging the hot flesh underneath.
The tips of those digits strove to drive her insane. Alternating between plunging into her and rubbing at her clit, they enhanced every sensation until she wasn't sure she could cope with the surfeit of need that was pounding at her.
The pressure of their cocks at her front and back merely made her feel even hotter and needier. She wanted them to ram into her, make her cry out and beg for her orgasm. She didn't want them covered with clothing and hidden from her touch. But she couldn't move, couldn't uncover them because one of Byron's hands had captured her arms at the wrist and held them behind her back.
Hugh's teeth bit through the material of her dress, sinking down on to her nipples.
She screamed a little at the pressure and writhed against their hard frames.
Holding the taut flesh in a firm grip, he tugged and pulled cruelly.
Perhaps, Nicole thought, she should've been repulsed, but instead it excited her. It made her blood boil hotly in her veins. When Hugh plunged three fingers into her, everything stopped as it shocked her into orgasm, an orgasm that powered through her system and sent a burst of joy along with it. She felt every single nerve ending stand up and sing. The sensation was so acute, so mind boggling, that her mind was truly blank to everything for a moment. Sh
e felt her body being maneuvered into position, felt Byron and Hugh's hands on her, but it was as though it wasn't happening to her. It was as though she was out of her body and only the pressure of a large cock at her pussy jolted her back to Earth and back into reality.
Her back arched as the cock settled at her entrance and began to plunge into her, only then did she realize that it was Byron. The width of his cock was enough to make any woman blink and feel a little unease at the size of him. Where Hugh touched places deep inside her that had never been touched, Byron spread her so far apart that it made her pussy lips taut around him and bared her clit.
When she was settled on Byron's cock, when his hips were flush to her own, she groaned as his pubic bone rubbed against her now very naked clit. Her back arched as sensation tore through her. When Byron shifted and pulled his hips back, she whimpered at the loss of contact. Suddenly, however, her mind was jolted back to that out of body experience when she felt Hugh's lips encircle her clit and instantly she rocketed off into climax, noisily crying out as he licked and suckled there.
It was difficult to remain on this plane when the man that was eating her out was so damned determined to force her out into the stratosphere. His lips and mouth continued to ply her clit, and, as she heard Byron's groan, felt the splash of his seed in the depths of her cunt, Hugh bit down. Once more she was plunged into darkness as pleasure pounded her until she truly was insensate.
* * * *
Waking up what felt like a lifetime later, she grunted as she realized where she was. In her bedroom. On her bed.
Upon realizing that, she remembered what had taken place in the kitchen and a flood of heat washed through her, making her feel limp. At that moment, her body seemed to register what position it was in, and, with a jolt of wonder at how long it had taken her to understand what the hell was going on, Nicole moaned at the cock in front of her. It was so hard it stood tall and away from his body, seeming to sway as it pulsed with need. Just looking at it she realized once more that it was Byron's cock and wondered what they were up to.