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All of Me: A Holiday Bites Novel Page 7
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Page 7
Eventually, I laid my head on Harrison’s shoulder and let myself get sucked into the movie. His fingers trailed lightly up and down my arm, leaving a wake of goosebumps. One time I caught his mom watching us with a small smile on her face.
At least I knew that I was welcome in their family.
Once the movie ended, Harrison and I said our goodbyes and headed out.
He drove us home, on the much clearer roads than this morning, with his hand on my thigh while I laid my head on his shoulder.
“Your family is awesome,” I told him.
“Even Killian?”
Since I wasn’t sure Harrison had actually heard most of what Killian had said to me, I wasn’t about to start trouble by telling him that his brother had been a little rude.
“Even Killian,” I confirmed. “Anything he’s said to me was out of love for you and I can’t fault him for that.”
“I still don’t want him being a dick to you.”
“He wasn’t.” I lied. In reality, he had been a little dickish.
Silence took over in the car, but it was comfortable and this drive gave me time to think about how he’d had me feeling when we’d been sitting in that recliner together. He might not have known it, but every touch, every whispered word, had shot straight to my lady bits.
I’d wanted him then and being close in a confined space did nothing to dampen my desire for him. Instead, it only heightened. And I wanted to do something for him.
As soon as we got through the front door, we took our coats off and hung them on the hooks. Harrison looked up as I turned to him, hoping that he’d see what I was thinking in my eyes. Still, I moved first.
I reached up and brought his face down to mine, where I kissed him softly. A surprised groan fell from his mouth into mine as he pushed me up against the wall behind me. He surrounded me. All I could see and all I could smell was Harrison. The aroma of crisp soap and honey from our lotion, but I wouldn’t let myself get lost in him this way. Not yet.
Giving myself a little room, I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped. He caught me and slid his hands around to my ass to hold me up. Then we were moving. He climbed the stairs with me in his arms as if I weighed nothing. Halfway up, I had him take on all my weight as I pulled my shirt over my head.
“Whatever caused this… Please tell me what it was so I can duplicate it regularly,” he said, his voice coming out breathless already.
I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders again.
Harrison and I often left a trail of clothes in our wake and this was no different.
Once we were in our bedroom, I stripped off the rest of what I was wearing before he’d even gotten his pants off.
“You have to let me catch up,” he said.
I cocked my head to the side and gave him a wicked grin. “Do I?”
Still, he pushed out of his jeans and boxers in record time then pulled me to him. Our lips crashed together roughly, but I don’t think either of us cared. He nipped and licked until I needed to breathe. Now was the time to do something for him.
Harrison allowed me to push him back to the edge of the bed, where his ass leaned on the footboard. Then I dropped to my knees. His eyes widened and darkened so dark that I could hardly see his pupils. Then his legs widen a bit, probably unintentionally.
I stroked his length twice, causing his head to fall back and a sexy groan to bubble up from somewhere deep within him.
Then I slowly took as much of his length into my mouth as I could handle and let my flat tongue cradle it as I made my way back up.
I’d done this to him many times throughout our relationship then and now, but a lot of the time he liked to skip it. He said that he’d rather be inside me. Not that he didn’t love what I was doing. Just that if given a choice, he’d rather be fucking me.
As I worked him over, my hand slid up and down, making up the space that I couldn’t fit into my mouth. Harrison fisted his hand into my hair, gently encouraging me to work at the pace he wanted.
I licked. I sucked. I pulled out every trick I’d ever used in my life because I wanted him to experience at least a little of how he always made me feel.
Time passed. It didn’t seem too long before he was pushing me back but that wasn’t going to work this time. This was the point he’d usually usher me onto my back then climb above to sink into me. Normally.
Tonight I was going to keep going.
I wanted to see him come undone by my hand… or my mouth, rather.
“Luna,” he warned, nudging my shoulder back as he stood up straight.
I didn’t listen. Instead, I raised my eyes to lock with his and kept stroking him with my tongue until he called out my name again and released. Still, I didn’t stop until he fell back against the mattress and grunted out possibly the sexiest sound I’d ever heard from him. As he slightly softened in my grasp, I pulled back, swallowed, and ran my hand over my mouth.
“Christ, Luna.” He braced himself back against the bed.
I snickered and stood up. Man, that was hard on the knees yet totally worth it given the sounds he’d made.
“You’re going to have to give me five minutes,” I said.
His hands shot out to bring our naked bodies so close that not an ounce of light could’ve fit through and fused our lips together. I hadn’t been expecting him to kiss me after what I’d just done, but he didn’t seem to care about me freshening up my mouth, and damn, it was sexy that he didn’t.
It was hard getting through the day when all my brain wanted to do was picture Luna on her knees in front of me. She’d given me a blow job many times in our relationship and I’d loved every single one, but that surprise ending had been something else. It wasn’t that her swallowing turned me on necessarily, but she hadn’t done it before and to me, it signaled her feeling that she could go outside of her comfort area with me and be safe.
And fuck, she definitely could. I’d make sure she was safe with whatever she wanted to try in or out of the bedroom.
It’d taken me a few minutes to recover, but I thought I did a decent job of returning the favor.
Now my brain just needed to focus on work.
We were busy for a Tuesday and I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t have a moment of downtime until my dinner break and that still came with questions from the bartenders.
As I inhaled a sandwich, Marilee came through and asked how I was doing. She had her dark hair pulled back. I told her good and there was the normal chitchat for a minute until I realized that I could now start telling people about Luna and me. We hadn’t wanted to say anything until my family had known, though I figured she’d told Jessica as soon as she’d gotten to work on Monday. That had been the worst part of Valentine’s Day weekend. Luna had it off and I didn’t.
Jessica was her only family besides me.
“Anything new?” Marilee asked.
“Oh, uh, I asked my girl to marry me and she said yes.”
A big happy grin appeared on her face as she said, “That’s fantastic! Congratulations. Look, I don’t know what kind of reception you’re thinking of having, but if you need the big room, it’s yours. Just put yourself in the scheduler.”
“Thank you. We’re not planning anything big because it’s soon.”
“Happy to do it anyway,” she told me right before being called away. “As long as we’re not booked.”
That actually would take a huge chunk of the planning off our plates. I could get the menu set with Girard and of course, pick out the wine.
This could be the perfect choice.
With five minutes left in my break, I decided to give Luna a call and tell her the good news.
“Hey,” she said, sounding a little tired. She would’ve just gotten off work. “How’s work?”
“Busy but good.” I moved to a more private area down the hall. “I have some news.”
“Good news, I hope.”
“I hope so too.” I took a breath. “Marilee offered us the restaurant for our reception. I said yes because it’d be perfect if we’re not having a big wedding and I can take care of the menu with Girard.”
“Oh.” She didn’t sound upset at me making the decision without her, but she didn’t exactly sound ecstatic, either. My hope was that she was just a little overwhelmed. She’d said that Jessica wanted to talk bridesmaid’s dresses at lunch today.
“Something wrong?”
“No,” she said right away. “Just tired. It was a long day.”
Well, shit. That might dampen my other plans for the night.
“Is the restaurant OK with you?”
“Yeah. Of course,” she said. Silence hung between us. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“How about a date?”
“You want me to pick one right now?”
“We don’t have to, but it’d be better to reserve the place so no one else does.”
“Hang on.” Something rustled against the phone and my guess was she was looking at the calendar there. That was where she put everything she had to do. “How about March 14th? That gives us three and a half weeks to pull this thing together.”
“Are you OK with that?”
“Yup.” She sounded a bit happier. “It’s almost like this weight has lifted. We have a date. It’s kind of exciting.”
“Baby, it’s not kind of exciting. It’s totally exciting.”
“I love you, Harrison.”
“You literally don’t know how much I love you, Luna. You can’t. I barely know.” I took a deep breath. “Every time I think I couldn’t love you more, you do something or give me a look and it hits my fucking heart.”
I heard her swallow through the phone. “You know when you say things like that, it melts me. Shows just how perfect you are.”
“I’m not perfect. But I want to be perfect for you.”
“You are,” she told me quietly. “And this might just be the most romantic phone call I’ve ever had.”
I chuckled. “More than the sexy ones when I was in Oregon?”
She groaned at the memory, but I had to work hard to keep myself from laughing harder. “Those were sexy. Steamy. Scratching our own itches. This is romantic. They’re not the same.”
“I’ll take you word for that, but I’m sorry to say, I have to get back to work.”
“I figured. I’ll see you when you get home.”
“Bye, baby.”
It wasn’t until we’d ended the call that I realized certain areas of my pants were tighter than they had been. Talking on the phone to a woman had never gotten me hard or semi-hard, as I was now. But I’d mentioned those video calls with her from when we’d first been apart and that was all I wanted to think about. It wasn’t possible for Luna to understand or know how many nights the images of her pleasuring herself while I’d done the same on my end had gotten me through. Even after we’d broken up.
So many times I wished I’d recorded those, but I would never do that to her and now I had the real thing anyway.
Those thoughts weren’t helping me get right in my head, so I thought about Gerard and the menu for the night and that took care of it.
Time to get to work.
During a lull later that night, I gave Beckham a call to let him know we’d told my family. It was officially out in the world that Luna and I were getting married.
“I can’t believe you’re taking yourself off the market at only twenty-seven,” he told me.
“Sure you can,” I told him back. “I was off the market when I was twenty-four.” That was how old I’d been when I’d met Luna. She’d been twenty-two. In reality, I was only two years older than her, but given where our birthdays fell, sometimes it sounded like three.
“You’re right,” he said. “How about we get drinks tonight to celebrate? I’ll get Killian and a few of the other guys and we’ll go to First Street?” Also known as The Speakeasy. “You can invite whoever you want from work too.”
“Yeah. That sounds good. I should be out of here around eleven.”
“We’ll meet you there.”
Back at work, I let a few of the people I was friendly with know about the get-together. Maybe it was an excuse to drink, but I was ready to celebrate the fact that I was finally getting to make Luna mine.
There weren’t many people at the restaurant whom I considered real friends, but we were around each other enough to be friendly. Beck would take care of the rest of my friends. I didn’t get a chance to call Luna and ask her to come until I was already driving over. But if she wanted me to come pick her up, I’d swing that way.
“Are you on your way home?” she asked.
“Not exactly. Beckham wanted to get drinks tonight to celebrate our news, so he was inviting some people and I let some from work know. Want me to pick you up?”
“I’m already in my pajamas,” she said back.
“Listen, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I’d love to have you there and we wouldn’t stay long. But I’m not going to try to talk you into it. I already told Beckham I’d be there, but I can call and cancel.”
“Don’t do that,” she said right away. It wasn’t a guilt trip and it was getting kind of late for her. She worked a lot earlier than I did the vast majority of the time. “I’ll be there. I just meant I’m already in my pajamas, so it’ll take me a few minutes to get ready. How dressy is this thing?”
“What do you mean?”
She sighed. “Sometimes you’re such a man.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m a man all the time.”
That got me the giggle I hadn’t heard this entire phone call. “I changed at work into jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. We’re going to The Speakeasy. It’s not a dressy thing. You know Beck.”
“Right. Perfect. Go there and I’ll meet you as soon as I can.”
The idea of her driving herself at night didn’t fill me with joy. “I can come get you.”
“I’m a big girl, Harrison. I can make it there myself.”
“You know it’s not that I think you can’t make it yourself. It’s nighttime, that’s all.” I thought for a moment, then added, “And I couldn’t mistake you for not being grown after last night.”
Dead silence met me on the other end and knowing Luna as I did, I could picture her stopping mid-task while she tried to figure out what to say. Flustering her by reminding her how dirty she’d been was a favorite thing of mine to do.
Finally, she let out a breath and said, “I was wondering if you were going to bring that up.”
I pulled into a parking spot in the lot next to the bar. There were already quite a few there and I recognized both Killian’s and Beck’s cars.
“How could I not? You know you don’t have to do that, right?”
“I know I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, but I wanted to. More than anything, I was worried it might gross you out or something, but it didn’t seem to.”
Fuck. How could women think that? Was there a guy out there that would be grossed out? Sure. Probably. Most? No way.
“Definitely not.”
“One day you’ll have to explain to me what it is about that that makes guys crazy.”
I laughed in the still air of my car. “If I can find the words.”
“All right. Let me go so I can change.”
“Let me know when you get here. I’ll come to walk you in.”
She sighed again but this time sounded different. “Goodbye, Harrison.” Luna ended the call before I had a chance to say goodbye.
Inside the bar, the impromptu party had already started. Killian and Beck were standing next to the big booth in the corner. That thing could’ve probably fit like fifteen people. For now, it was just those two, a couple of our friends, Julian and Lincoln, as well as their girlfriends, then the few people from work.
Holly was a hostess at The Bell Jar and I watched Beck giving her the once over. She was of aver
age height and had shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair. Holly was nice enough, but I usually only talked to her in passing so I wasn’t exactly sure why she was here unless she came with someone else.
This get together was supposed to be just friends. Either way, I loved the idea of being able to celebrate Luna and me.
“Where’s your girl?” Killian asked.
He shook his head. “That’s not what I’ve heard.” He meant it as a shot to me in the bedroom, so I just flipped him off and the table roared.
I grabbed a beer and the group of us were just hanging around talking. Not about anything important. Mostly how some of them couldn’t imaging getting married at their age and Killian said he couldn’t imagine being with a woman permanently. He’d broken up with Rachel not long after Luna and I had gotten back together. No reason they broke up that I knew of. That was how it worked with him.
He dated them for a while and then they weren’t around anymore.
That was where Luna found us maybe fifteen minutes later.
My girl slid in beside me without saying a word.
Harrison’s call to come to the bar for a last-minute engagement party caught me before I went to bed. Normally, I waited up for him anyway, but I had been in my pajamas. I’d never say no to something like this. Just because he had so many people in his life who wanted to congratulate him and I didn’t take anything away from him and my place was with him.
Sure, he would’ve been fine if I’d said I was too tired or just didn’t want to go, but that very thing would’ve made me the bitch Killian had thought I’d been when I’d moved to Arizona. And I wasn’t.
I’d happily go out for a drink with my fiancé.
Man, that was a weird word to say when referring to Harrison. It was almost as if it hadn’t sunk in quite yet.
For a Tuesday night, the place was rather full. Not all of that was Harrison’s party. When I entered the building, it was like I just knew where he was, so I headed that way and slid up to him as if I’d always been there.