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- Heather Mar-Gerrison
Heaven Sent. Page 7
Heaven Sent. Read online
Page 7
I sat down, “Wow,” I said, “That’s amazing. What are the awards?”
“Best Supporting Actor, Best Score, Best Adaptation – thanks to the brilliant Carl Kyle who’s a fucking genius,” We all nodded. He was a strange guy – and a total perfectionist but we all loved him for the way he’d brought Henry and Sasha to life, “and Best Film. I think we’re gonna clean up.”
I grinned, “It would be nice.” I murmured. I wasn’t about to get too excited about it. I was up against some big guns…
Gerard squeezed my shoulder, “You’d better mention me in your speech.” He said with a chuckle.
I nodded, “Oh, don’t worry. I will.”
“So, who are you bringing as your date?” he asked, “Kelly?”
I frowned. What the fuck was he bringing Kelly up for?”
I shrugged, “I have no idea.” I said, “I’ll probably just show up on my own. What about you?”
He looked nervous suddenly and my heart sank. He was going to come with Gina. Well, of course he was…
He surprised me therefore, with his answer, “My brother.” He said, “I think I’ll ask my brother if he’ll come.”
I looked at him in surprise and Jack stared at him with his coffee cup halfway to his mouth, “What brother?” he asked.
Gerard grinned, “Troy,” he said, “My identical twin brother.”
My jaw just about hit the counter, “Identical?” I squeaked. Fuck me. Two of them? Jesus. The world was blessed. Hallelujah…
Gerard’s smile dimmed a little, “Well, we don’t really look the same as each other. He wears a beard for starters…”
I raised my eyebrows, “You’d look good with facial hair.” I said. I on the other hand would look ridiculous with the bright red bum-fluff I could grow. Fuck, I’d look like a fucking leprechaun…
He smiled, “He’s got cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair to get around as his legs are pretty weak – he can walk – it’s just that it’s awkward for him.”
My heart stuttered, “Oh, wow…” I didn’t know what to say. “Is he okay apart from that?”
Gerard nodded, his smile back and his eyes shining with love for his brother, “he’s amazing.” He said, “Got a first with honours in physics. He’s studying for his PhD now.”
Jack got up, “Come on guys,” he said, “As much I would love to sit around and listen to your stories from home, we have work to do,” he said, “We need to get this movie shot. It’s another big scene today – so when you’ve eaten – straight down to the garden, okay?”
We nodded, glancing at each other and grinning like a pair of idiots. We’d been rehearsing for this particular scene all night long…
“That’s a cut.” Jack beamed at us, “Boys, boys, boys,” he crowed, slapping an arm around the pair of us, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two had been lovers for years.”
I glanced across at Gerard who was smirking back at me, “Are we done for the rest of the day?” I asked.
Jack nodded, “Yes.” He said, “We’ll reconvene tomorrow.”
I looked Gerard in the eye, “I think we need to go into town.” I said.
He looked at me blankly, “What for?”
I grinned and pulled him down to my level, “Condoms.” I whispered in his ear, “And lube.”
His eyes went dark and he nodded, “Better go and get some clothes on, then.” He said.
I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house. Someone was keen…
We were like a pair of kids in a sweetshop when we discovered that there was a sex shop not too far from Jack’s house and we sneaked in there instead of going into town to find a chemist.
Like a pair of giggly teenagers, we stole around the shop picking up all sorts of toys to show each other and to laugh our socks off over before the store owner got sick of us and came over to tell us to quieten it down.
It was then that he recognised Gerard, “Oh, Mr Sinclair.” He gushed, “I’ve seen all of your movies.”
Gerard grinned, “Great.” He said, “Which was your favourite?”
The store owner blushed and I knew he had a major crush. Undoubtedly his favourite movie would be ‘Running to the boss’.
He confirmed my suspicions seconds later and then he asked for Gerard’s autograph. He hadn’t even really looked at me, which was absolutely fine by me.
Gerard smiled, “I’m shooting a new movie at the moment – this is my co-star, Jason Flaherty.”
He blinked as he looked at me, “Oh,” he said, “Forgive me, I thought you two were a couple…”
I smiled and winked at him, “Who says we’re not?” I asked.
His jaw dropped, “Oh, wow.” He said, “Let me show you some of our more sophisticated toys.” He led us up the stairs to the specialist floor. This place was something else. It catered for all tastes and upstairs had whips and cages and a whole array of toys that I really had no idea how they could be used – and neither did I really wish to know. We made our excuses and went back down to the stairs which catered for the less adventurous lovers. We bought condoms, plenty of lube and, on a whim, we picked up a couple of dildos and butt plugs. Who said we weren’t adventurous?
Chapter 12 – For the first time…
“Right you,” I grinned at Jason, “Get that cute little ass of yours over here and let me play with you.”
I held the smallest butt plug up and waggled my eyebrows at him comically.
Jason’s eyes lit up, “Seriously?” he asked.
I shrugged, “I’m not sure. I thought that maybe you’d like to have a go on each other before we go for the real thing or…?” Maybe not. I’d rather just go for it…
He shrugged, “Well,” he said, “I guess there’s no harm in a little practice but I think I’d rather just feel you than that thing.” He looked at it as if it was offending him just by existing.
He took the butt plug off me and pulled a face, “I don’t know… I mean, it doesn’t look too scary.” He said, “How about the dildos? Fancy me having a go on you with one of those?” he raised his eyebrows at me.
I nodded, “Sure.” I agreed, as I instantly popped a boner. “Let’s get naked.”
Giggling, we stripped in seconds and dived under the quilt on my bed.
“Do you think the guys know?” Jason whispered between kisses.
I nodded, “I think they’ve got a pretty good idea.” I said, “Does that bother you?”
He shook his head, “Absolutely not.” He said, “It’s no one else’s business what we do in our own time.”
Well, no. He was quite right, it wasn’t. “So, what do you want me to do first?” I asked, “Do you want me to play with you with the butt plug or shall I just suck you?”
His eyes glazed over, “That sounds awesome.” He whispered in that fabulously breathy voice of his, “I’ll get the lube – and maybe you could finger me while you’re sucking.”
I’d done that a few times since we’d started making a bit of a habit of ending up in each other’s beds after filming. I nodded and stroked myself as I watched him hop gracefully back out of the bed and across to the chest of drawers. ‘You have the best ideas.” I murmured, feeling the first stirrings of an orgasm beginning to build. Fuck. I’d better stop ogling him or it’ll be all over…
He came back over to the bed and dropped the condoms next to me. Grabbing the lube, he plopped a big blob into his hand and then, kneeling up with his legs wide apart and his cock bouncing around in front of me, he set about smearing it between his arse cheeks and probing himself shamelessly, making some incredibly breathy moans as he did so.
“Are you getting yourself off over there?” I asked, half amused and totally aroused.
He nodded, “Fuck, yeah.” He breathed, “Wanna join in?”
Did I? Fuck, yes. Yes, I did! Sliding across the bed towards him, I knocked his hand out of the way and grabbing hold of his arse, I reached around and
stroked a couple of fingers across his hole a couple of times before I slid them inside him. I watched his balls tighten and his cock twitch as I did so, which was a major turn on.
He manoeuvred himself around into a more comfortable position, still with my fingers inside him and then he reached for my cock with his lubed up hand and started to work me. Holy hell, that felt good.
“Fuck, that’s good.” I groaned, “Let me at you. I need your cock in my mouth. Now!”
He grinned at me, “Look who’s getting bossy.” He drawled, “I think I like it.”
I nodded. He was going to like my hard cock rubbing his hole in a minute…
I didn’t know what I wanted to do first but then I got to thinking… We had all night. No need to rush things… we had a couple of weeks left with each other before we had to even think about being apart. Although I knew in my heart that there was no way I’d be able to stay away from him for any great length of time.
“Make love to me, Gerard.” He whispered, “I need to feel you inside me. I need to know what it’s like to be part of you and to feel you being a part of me.”
Oh, my God. I needed that too. I needed it more than I needed air to breathe… “Okay, baby.” I whispered.
Jason looked up at me, “Do we have to use a condom?” he asked.
I nodded, “It’s the only safe way.” I said.
He nodded, biting his lip and driving me insane with desire. Why did they have to be such a tempting shade of red? “Okay.” He agreed, “But just so you know – you’re the only person I’ve ever done this with.”
I blinked, “Ever?” I asked. Fuck. He’d been so good at everything I’d thought he’d had at least some experience with a guy before.
He nodded, “I’ve never had sex apart from that one disastrous attempt that I told you about.”
I nodded, “Right.” I agreed, “And I’ve only ever had sex with Gina – but I don’t know if she’s had sex with other guys and I’ve never been tested for anything so I think we need to apply caution – until I get tested and then we can re-consider.” Because I’m not going to lie – the idea of going bare with Jason was almost too much to deal with. I couldn’t imagine how good he was going to feel around me.
Jason was smiling at me, “Well,” he said, “You’d better get that condom on then – and then plenty more lube.”
I could do that.
Making love to Jason was surprisingly easy – and mind-blowingly good.
I eased myself into him as gently as possible until my balls were resting against his arse.
He looked up at me, his beautiful blue eyes bright with wonder and love for me, “Ohhh,” he breathed, “You feel so good. So big.”
I stared back down at him. I couldn’t actually believe that I was inside him – or how unbelievably good it felt. “You feel amazing.” I groaned, “So hot and so tight. Can I move?”
He nodded, “Oh, God, yeah.” He breathed, “Please do.”
I slid myself out and then back inside, finding a rhythm that we were both comfortable with. I didn’t last long – but that was okay, we could do it again – and we would definitely do it again – over and over until our very last day together.
“Oh, God.” I panted, “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!”
Jason’s hands were on my hips, his fingers digging in a little, “I need…” he gasped, “I need…”
He needed relief too. I got it. His cock was rock hard and flushed dark red. “Grab hold and come.” I panted, “I want to watch you come.”
He let go of my hip with one hand and worked himself. He was coming in seconds, streams of hot come sprayed my chest, up my chin and across my mouth.
I grinned down at him as I pumped myself inside him. Coming harder than I’d ever come before and filling the condom with my own hot seed. I’d never wanted to go bare more than in that moment. I wanted to mark him as my own, and to leave something of myself inside him. Next time…
Licking my lips and tasting his come I flopped down on top of him. “I’ll come out of you in a minute.” I mumbled into his neck. “Jus’ need a second.”
He chuckled, “You’re smearing us in spunk again.” He said.
I huffed a laugh into his neck too, “I know.” I said, “I like it.”
I eased myself out of him and went to dispose of the condom, not quite able to believe that I’d just made love with another man – and yet amazed at how unbelievably good it had been. Better than anything I’d ever had before. I knew why, and it was nothing to do with the fact that we were both men. It was because I’d never been in love before. It didn’t matter that we were both men. Love was love. Simple as that…
Coming back to bed, I wiped him clean with my tee shirt and climbed back into bed beside him, “How was that?” I asked, “Did I hurt you?”
He turned onto his side to face me, “It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.” He said, “I can feel it – but I quite like that.” He looked at me shyly, “I really wanted you to come in me without the condom.”
I nodded, “I did too.” I said, “And I wanted to lick you clean after…” Should I have admitted to that? Did that make me a bit sick? Probably, but like he’d said earlier, it was no one’s business but our own…
He stared at me, “Fuck.” He breathed, “We totally belong with each other.” He looked at me with such a look of trust, “I’ve fantasised about that for years.”
I blinked, “About what?” I asked.
He grinned, “About you eating me out after you’ve just come in me.” He said, “And now I’ve got you – and you’re totally into it too – we’re soulmates, you and I.”
I nodded, “We are.” I agreed, “Come here and kiss me.”
Chapter 13 – Not since I was twelve…
“Well, I guess this is it then.” I said.
Jason bit his lip, looking up at me with his eyes brimming with tears, “I can’t stand it.” He whispered, “I need more time to say goodbye to you…”
I swallowed, “We live halfway across the world from each other.” I said softly, “This has to be it.”
He nodded, “I know.” He said, “I just wish… I just…”
“Wish that we’d realised sooner?” I asked. He nodded. I nodded with him, “Me too,” I said softly, “You have no idea…”
“It’s 2018,” He said, “It’s not impossible… surely?”
No. It wasn’t impossible if one was unattached – but I was still in a relationship with Gina – and he was still in one with Kelly.
“What about Kelly?” I asked. I’d been careful not to mention either her name or Gina’s before now – there was nothing like mentioning an absent partner to kill the mood…
He snorted, “Kelly?” he asked scornfully, “Kelly was the one who told me I was gay and to go for it!”
I gaped at him. Wow. She was some girlfriend… “I didn’t know that.” I said. But then I got to thinking and of course Kelly would say that to him. She knew him better than he knew himself… Just like Gina knew me – only Gina had an almighty crush on Jason and she was less likely to be so benevolent about the whole thing… “So, she’s not really your girlfriend?”
He just looked at me, “Not since we were twelve, no.” He said, “I thought you already knew that.”
I bit my lip, and shook my head, “I didn’t know that.” I said with a sigh. “It’s a little harder for me, though. I’ve been cheating on my girlfriend of five years with you, Jason.” I said, “It’s not going to be the easiest thing in the world to explain.”
He looked away from me, pouting those amazing lips of his and looking mutinous. He was angry with me for ruining things between us, I could tell.
“Can you just let me get home and explain things to Gina? I need to break it off with her properly before we start something.”
He swung around to face me, a scowl on his otherwise truly stunning face, “Before we start something?” he asked indignantly, “What d
o you think we’ve been doing these last couple of weeks?”
I nodded. I was a wanker and I was going about this all wrong, “I didn’t mean…” I was beginning to get the start of a migraine. Pinching the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stave it off a little, I sighed, “I promise I will call you, okay? Way before we start the tour – and I want us to share the same hotel as each other in every single country we visit – okay?”
He nodded. “Fine.” He said with one of his sighs and I knew he didn’t believe me… I had to get through to him somehow. I had to make him believe that I was really committed to making this work between us because right now, I was beginning to feel a little panicky that I was losing him.
“When does the promotion work begin?”
He didn’t even look at me as he answered, “Two weeks from now.”
“And it starts in London, right?” I felt a little like I was poking the bear, he was so damned prickly all of a sudden.
He nodded, “Right in your home town, uh-huh.” He mumbled.
I nodded, smiling. It was all going to be fine, “I’ll see you there, then, I guess. Will you have somewhere to stay?”
He bit his lip and looked up at me in that way of his that made my toes curl in my shoes. Head on one side and oh-so innocent. Fuck. He was so beautiful. He nodded, “I usually stay in the same hotel.” He said, “No one knows me there and I feel as if I can slob around in my slippers down to breakfast without anyone snapping my photo to show to the world what I look like first thing in the morning.” He chuckled.
I grinned, “I know what you look like first thing in the morning – you look hot.”
“Time to go, boys.” The producer threw an arm around both of our shoulders, “Your taxis have arrived.”
I punched his shoulder affectionately, “I’m counting the hours until we see each other again.” I said.
He nodded, “Me too.” He said softly. “I’ll meet you at the hotel.”
I nodded, “Do that.” I agreed.