Riverside... The Weddings Read online

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  I looked at Toby with a raised eyebrow, “Cool.” I said, “Which club?”

  Tom’s smile turned wicked, “Bubbles.” He said.


  Bubbles nightclub was an outrageously gay gay-club and then some. A little like Hooters – but there weren’t any scantily clad women – just men in tight, short shorts and bare chests with collars and bow ties. It was quite an eye-opener. Well, it was for Toby and I, anyway. Sam, Tom and Will didn’t bat an eyelid and Tate and Sawyer just took it all in their stride.

  We ordered our drinks and found a booth big enough for the six of us.

  Will leaned over to Tom and whispered something in his ear. The next minute they’d disappeared off to the gents with each other. Surely, they weren’t abandoning us for some nooky in the bathrooms? Gross…

  Chapter 9 – Will

  I whispered in Tom’s ear, but he didn’t hear me properly the first time.

  “What?” He looked up at me questioningly, his beer still pressed tantalisingly against his bottom lip and making parts of me respond that shouldn’t in company.

  “Come to the bathroom.” I repeated.

  Tom raised an eyebrow and put his beer down on the table, “Dude!” he said joyfully, “I knew you were as dirty as me on the quiet!” He took my hand and followed me eagerly to the gents.

  I pushed him into a cubicle, damned certain that he’d be hard as a rock for me. But I didn’t want a quickie in the toilets. I really wasn’t that adventurous – or that gross…

  He looked at me, lust in his eyes. I leaned in and kissed him hard. His hands started reaching for my jeans but I pulled away, “I’m not having sex with you in here.” I said firmly, “So get that idea right out of your dirty mind.”

  He sighed, feigning disappointment, but he was still grinning at me, “I didn’t really think you would,” he said, “So what’s this all about, then? Why are we in here?”

  I smiled shyly, “I’ve got something I wanted to show you.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me, “I’ve already seen it a million times, dude. It’s fucking awesome but you can show me again if you like. I never tire of it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not that – this.” I lifted my tee shirt to show him my brand-new tattoo.

  He stared at my side. “Oh, wow.” He breathed, stroking my side with his fingers gently, “That’s fucking beautiful, Will.”

  I beamed at him. “You really like it?” I asked.

  He nodded. It was quite an intricate design. I’d stolen one of his pieces of music – one he’d written for me, actually, and had it written across my ribcage all down my side. Weaved into the music was his guitar and his sax. It had taken a few days to heal and I’d had to keep it covered.

  Because I wanted it to be a surprise, I’d kept my distance from him, which was really difficult, since it was hard to keep our hands off each other most of the time. He’d no doubt been worried that I was losing interest. Like that would ever happen…

  He was tracing his fingers really gently over the design, sending shock waves right to my groin as he leaned down and followed where his fingers had just been with the tip of his tongue. “That’s so fucking horny, Will.” He whispered in my ear, “Are you sure it’s too unhygienic in here?”

  I nodded, “Far too unhygienic.” I said firmly, “I’d really rather wait until we get home.”

  He sighed, “I’m gonna be so damned uncomfortable with a hard-on all night – and I’ll probably be too pissed by the time we get back to be able to do a good job…”

  I sighed. I was feeling damned horny myself. “I know,” I agreed, “But I’m really not feeling it. Not in here.”

  He nodded, “I fucking love you – but you’re right, it is pretty revolting in here. I’m gonna have the image of you looking like this in my mind all night, though – and we’ll enjoy each other properly in our own bed later.”

  I grinned, “Fine.” I said as I pulled my tee shirt back down and we rearranged ourselves to go back to meet the others without looking like we’d been up to something.

  Trey raised an eyebrow as we walked up to the group, “Tell me you haven’t been shagging in the bogs?” he said.

  Tom grinned, “We haven’t been shagging in the bogs.” He said, “We’re grown ups.”

  I snorted at his side, “Yeah, because it’s really grown up showing you my new tat and getting all horny about it in the toilets.” I whispered.

  He choked and just about sprayed his beer all over his brother, “Shut up.” He snorted.

  “You two are disgusting.” Trey said, jumping to all the wrong conclusions and wrinkling his nose, “Normal people have to use those toilets, too.”

  “Fuck off!” Tomas said indignantly, “What do you mean ‘normal’ people? Are you trying to say we’re not normal?” He stared at his brother, totally affronted; his indignation grew as they stared at each other, Tom absolutely outraged and Trey looked utterly amazed that Tom was taking such offence, “Of course we’re fucking normal!” he spluttered, “And I’ll bet you’ve gone down on a girl in the bathroom before. What’s the fucking difference?”

  Trey shook his head, laughing at Tom’s indignation, “Actually I really haven’t.” he said, “Sounds awesome, though.” He bumped fists with Tomas and grinned, “respect.”

  One of my favourite songs came on. I took Tom’s hand in mine and pulled him towards the dance floor, “Come on, gorgeous, show me your moves.” I growled.

  He grinned at me, “Try stopping me.” He said delightedly.

  Toby smiled as we passed him. I winked at him, “Keep an eye on your wayward brother,” I warned him.

  Toby cocked his head to one side, “Which one?” He asked. “They’re all fucking wayward, one way or the other!”

  I laughed, “Yeah, you’re right,” I agreed, “But I meant Trey. He’s being chatted up by that dark-haired guy next to him at the bar, you know?”

  Toby frowned and looked across at where Trey was laughing and positively flirting with the rather good-looking young man. “I’m on it,” he said with a nod.

  Chapter 10 – Toby

  “Come on Trey,” I said, smiling at my rather rat-arsed brother.

  He looked up at the sound of my voice and smiled dreamily. “I’m good, thanks.” He said, “My friend here is looking after me.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. Leaning in close to him I whispered in his ear, “You’re being chatted up by a gay guy, dude and last time I checked, it was Sam who liked boys, not you. You’re more into girls.”

  He looked at me in shock, “Am I?” he asked with genuine surprise. Seriously – when he’d had a few, he seemed to totally lose the ability to rationalise his thoughts. Shit, he really had had far too many shots.

  I shook my head; I was going to have to put this plainly, “Let me ask you something. Tits or dicks?” I asked.

  Trey looked up and frowned, “Tits, of course.”

  Hallelujah! I shrugged, shooting the guy who thought his luck was in, a sympathetic glance, “I rest my case. Sorry dude, he’s coming with me.”

  He nodded, “Right. You win.” He smiled, “You two look so alike. Are you related?”

  Were we related? Was he stupid? Jesus, how much had he had to drink? “Yeah, we’re brothers.” I said, “Identical twins actually.” Obviously…

  He nodded and grinned, “That would explain it.” He said with a chuckle, “Well, it was nice to meet you Trey.”

  Trey grinned at him, “You too, mate.” He said, “Merry Christmas.”

  Wow, it was our eighteenth birthdays tomorrow. I checked the time, it was after midnight – it was already our birthday… “Hey, Trey – we can legally drink now!”

  “I’ve had enough to drink, thanks.” He mumbled, “I just wanna go home.”

  I nodded, “Come on then,” I said, steering him towards the exit, “let’s find the others and we’ll all go home.”

  It wasn’t difficult to find Will and Tom. They were slow dancing with each
other in the darkest corner of the dance floor, kissing and whispering to each other. They were so adorable.

  Sawyer and Tate were a little harder to find. They’d gone to sit in the quieter part of the nightclub and were deep in conversation. They were both a little surprised when the rest of us rocked up to tell them we were calling it a night.

  “Already?” Tate asked incredulously, “You bunch of pansies! I was only just getting started.”

  Will shrugged, “I just want to get my boyfriend home to bed.” He said.

  Tom giggled, “Me too.” He agreed.

  “And I just want to get my brother safely home before he ends up with a boyfriend he didn’t actually order.” I said.

  That got Tate moving, “Uh, right.” He said, nodding his head and getting all business-like, “Come on then, everyone scatter. We need to find Sam and then we’re outta here.”

  It wasn’t so terribly difficult to find Sam. He was at the bar nursing a pint of beer. He didn’t look particularly happy but he smiled when we all trouped up. “You alright, dude?” Tate asked.

  He nodded, “Sure.” He said, “Just wish Luca and Emilio had been able to come, that’s all.”

  Trey grinned, “Missing your bestie, huh?” he asked.

  Sam nodded, “Yeah, he’s the best.” He muttered.

  “Best kisser.” Trey whispered far too loudly in my ear and we dissolved into helpless giggles.

  Sam gave us one of his looks, “It’s not funny.” He said, “It’s so hard to pretend like I’m not in love with him every minute of every day.”

  I nodded, “I know.” I said, “I get it.”

  He shook his head, “You don’t,” he said quietly, “You’ve no idea how I feel.”

  I sighed. It was true. I’d never had feelings for anyone real. It was all about Robyn Reece for me – an actress that I’d been carrying a torch for, for the past five years. She even talked to me on Twitter and Facebook but we’d never met in person – and likely never would. “I’m really sorry, mate.” I said, slinging my arm around him and giving him a side-on hug, “I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sure he really likes you, too.”

  He bit his lip and nodded, looking close to tears, “Yeah,” he agreed, “I should be happy that he loves me as a best friend.”

  Trey took that moment to decide to take part of the conversation, “Fuck off,” he said, “He wants to get in your pants. Anyone who witnessed that spin the bottle game can see that.”

  Sam grinned.

  Chapter 11 – Will

  Tom looked at me with his extraordinarily dark eyes, “I love you.” He said, stroking his finger down my cheek. “You’re absolutely perfect.”

  I smiled at him, “Yeah, so are you.” I said, “I can’t wait till we get married.”

  He smiled, “Two days.” He said, “and I’ll be a married man. I can’t believe it!”

  I chuckled, “Me either.” I said, “and already a dad, too. We really know how to do things back to front.”

  He chuckled, “If you wanted it back to front, baby, you only had to say so.”

  Toby had just caught us up, “Dude!” he cried, putting his hands over he ears. “Too much information!”

  Tom chuckled, “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He slapped him on the back, “You’re far too young and innocent to hear that sort of talk!”

  Toby laughed, “I’m eighteen now, I’ll have you know! A bona fide adult!”

  I laughed, “That’s right! Hey – happy birthday guys – and Merry Christmas, too.”

  We all piled in the front door. True had waited up for us all, “Come on, guys,” she said, “glass of water each before you go to bed – especially you three.” She eyed the twins and Sam beadily.

  Sawyer went over to her and kissed her softly, “Were Zsófia and Millie good?”

  She grinned and nodded, “They were absolutely perfect.” She said, “How was your night?”

  He shrugged, “It was good.” He said with a smile, “Tate and I talked a lot.”

  He and Tate had made really good friends just recently. I think Tate found him easy to offload to. It was good for them both. Sawyer and he had the most issues. Well, actually Sam probably had the most issues but he wasn’t really one for sharing at the moment.

  “What did you do, then?” I asked True.

  She smiled, “Maddie and I had a girly night in – we did each other’s make-up and watched chick-flicks,” she turned to Tate, “She’s only just gone to bed. You’ll likely catch her before she falls to sleep.”

  His eyes lit up and he shot off down the hall in hot pursuit of his woman.

  I turned to Tom, “Ready for bed, dude?”

  He nodded, eyeing me hungrily, “Damn straight,” he whispered, “I’ve been dying to get you there all night.”

  I chuckled. “Night everyone.” I said as Tom grabbed my hand and dragged me off towards our old room. We were staying over tonight rather than walking across the field to our home.

  Tom closed the door behind us and leaned against it. “Get you clothes off right now and lie on the bed with your arms above your head and your legs apart.” He growled.

  I grinned at him as I removed my clothing and did exactly as he’d ordered. Oh yeah, bring it on. “And what are you going to do to me then?” I asked.

  He smiled, that beautiful sexy smile that made me hard as a rock and made his way over to me, “I’m going to start by licking you all over.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?” I asked, my dick springing to attention, “Then what?”

  He smiled lazily as he dropped his jeans on the floor and started crawling across the bed to me. He knelt between my spread legs and ran his hands up the insides of my thighs, sending shivers through my body and little electrical impulses right to my balls. “And then I’m going to have a really good look at your tattoo – while I’m inside you.”

  Holy fucking shit. He was so damned hot.

  I watched him in fascination as he started licking my ankle. He smiled at me as he edged further and further up my leg to the sensitive crease between my leg and my balls. He ran his tongue along the crease, cupping my balls in his hand as he did so and then he wrapped his fingers around my cock and started to stroke me.

  I wanted to keep on watching the show, but his clever tongue was doing things to me that made me want to shout out and we weren’t in our own home tonight so I’d pulled the pillow over my face to muffle my screams of ecstasy…

  He stopped licking my balls and whilst still massaging my cock, he closed his lips around the tip and then started giving me long, slow sucks right down to the base of my shaft. I groaned with pure pleasure, “Oh, Tom.” I murmured, “Don’t stop… don’t ever stop.”

  I could feel his mouth grinning even while he continued with his glorious onslaught. “All yours tonight baby.” He murmured, “It’s all about you.”

  I reached down and threaded my fingers through his hair as he sucked and caressed me. I wanted to do the same for him as he was doing for me, but I got the feeling he was enjoying himself just fine with what he was doing.

  He pulled off my cock with a little ‘pop’ and I looked down. He was crawling up the bed towards me, with a beautiful smile on his shiny, passion-swollen lips.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I murmured, “What are you gonna do now?”

  He grinned, “I’m gonna check out my tattoo.”

  I grinned back, “You mean, my tattoo?”

  He shook his head, a little chuckle escaping, “You said it was for me – so it’s mine.”

  Couldn’t argue with that… He settled himself between my legs, his cock rubbing against mine while he braced himself on his elbows so he could get a good look at my masterpiece. I was very proud of it – not least because I’d actually managed to take the pain so well to have it done all in one sitting… I almost passed out a couple of times but still – the girl who was the artist thought it was the most romantic thing she’d ever witnessed.

  Tom sat
back up, “Ready for something else?” he whispered as he pushed my legs a little further apart and stroked his fingers down my balls towards my hole.

  I nodded, “Fuck, yeah.” I said, “Did you bring condoms?”

  He grinned and nodded, “Of course I did.” He said, “And lube. I was a boy scout you know.”

  I chuckled, “You mean you weren’t thrown out for bad behaviour?”

  He grinned, “Nah,” he said, “Well, not in the first year, anyway...”

  “Better get your supplies.” I said with a grin.

  He nodded and slid off the bed, “I put them in here earlier.” He whispered as he pulled the top drawer open of the chest of drawers.

  He pulled out the bottle of lube and tossed a couple of condoms on the bed. I raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Two?” I asked, “That’s ambitious.”

  He chuckled, “Just being prepared, babe.” He said, “I thought you might want to go again in the morning.”

  I winked, “Of course.”

  He settled himself back between my legs and rubbed his cock against mine. “What do you want me to do, baby?” he whispered.

  “I want you inside me.” I murmured, “Fill me up.”

  He made quick work of getting the condom on and got himself lubed up. Then he set about getting me ready to take him. This was one of my favourite parts...

  He traced his fingers along my rock-hard shaft and then, teasing me, he stroked his fingers further down, teasing my balls and making them tense up in anticipation. He stroked further down and traced my hole with his lubed fingers, sliding in one and then another. “You’re ready.” He whispered.

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I agreed, “I really am.”

  Chapter 12 – Tom

  I pushed my cock against his entrance and slid easily inside with a couple of decent thrusts. Will gasped as I pushed deep inside him, “Is that good, baby?” I murmured.

  He nodded, “Amazing.” He breathed.