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- Heather Mar-Gerrison
Heaven Sent. (Behind The Scenes Book 1) Page 2
Heaven Sent. (Behind The Scenes Book 1) Read online
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She shook her head, “Oh, my God – can I come with you?”
I smiled, “Sorry, babe – it’s a low budget movie this time – no entourage for me.”
She pulled a face, “Please FaceTime me when he’s there – just so I can say hello to him.”
I laughed and promised that I could definitely do that.
My phone rang with a number I didn’t recognise. “Hello?”
“Uh, hi.” A voice I didn’t recognise spoke, “Is this, uh, Gerard Sinclair?”
I frowned, “It is.” I confirmed, “Who’s this?”
“Oh, thank God,” he said in such a way that I could totally hear him breathe into the phone, “My name is Jason Flaherty. I’m going to be your co-star in ‘Heaven Sent’? I believe you’re leaving for LA tomorrow and I just wanted you to know that I’ll be on the same flight – and I believe my agent has already organised a car for us… I, uh, I was just checking in with you. I’m in England right now visiting my maternal grandmother.”
His accent off-screen had a very definite New York sound to it but it wasn’t so much his accent that struck a chord with me – it was that he sounded so much younger than I did. His voice was slightly breathy and dare I say it, girly. Nothing like he sounded on film. “Oh, right.” I said. “I guess I’ll see you at the airport tomorrow, then.”
“That would be fantastic.” He said, “We can go over the script if you like.” He sounded so enthusiastic.
I grimaced a little. I hated practicing scripts anywhere other than tucked away in my hotel room where no one could hear me go wrong before I perfected it. The busiest airport in the country really wasn’t my favourite place to do so – and coupled with the fact that I hated flying – well, I was beginning to feel a little nauseous already… “Yeah, maybe.” I agreed, “We’ll see.”
“I really admire your work.” He blurted out, “I’m dying to meet you.” There was a bit of an awkward silence as I racked my brains for something to respond with but I had nothing. I heard him suck in a breath and then finally he spoke again, “I’ll uh, I’ll see you tomorrow. Laters.”
“Uh, yeah, bye.”
I hung up and faced Gina, “Guess who that was?”
She looked at me blankly, “How the hell am I supposed to know?”
I grinned at her, “That was Jason.” I said, “He’s meeting me at Heathrow tomorrow – he’s over here visiting his gran.”
“Oh, my God!” she screamed excitedly, throwing herself into my arms, “I’m really going to meet him!”
I nodded, laughing at her enthusiasm, “You are.” I agreed, “You really are!”
Chapter 2 – Calling Gerard…
I’d never felt so nervous in my whole life. My agent had given me Gerard Sinclair’s cell phone number and had told me to call him to arrange to meet and get back to the US together. My ticket was booked – apparently, we were sitting together. Eek! And I was to meet him at the airport and get acquainted. Great. Just what I needed. What the fuck were agents for if they didn’t do this sort of shit for you?
And, holy fucking shit, how was I supposed to call him and say hi like it was nothing? Gerard Sinclair was totally my idol! I’d watched all of his movies, I’d stalked Wikipedia about him numerous times – I’m not too embarrassed to admit that I was totally in awe of him.
“Be brave, Jay.” I muttered to myself as my finger hovered over the call key for about the ninetieth time. I’d saved his number to my phone almost as soon as it had been sent to me – but to actually make the call – man, I was shitting myself.
I pressed the call button. No going back now…
His voice actually made my knees feel slightly weak. It wasn’t like I had a terrible man-crush on him or anything but there was no denying it, he was my all-time hero and this was totally surreal… “Uh, hi…”
I ended the call with my heart in my mouth. I actually felt like I might be sick with the amount of adrenalin coursing through me. Holy fucking shit. I was going to be in a movie with Gerard Sinclair. I was going to have to get naked with Gerard Sinclair, Gah! That was fucking terrifying. He was so fucking manly and butch – and even though I’d been hitting the gym since I’d first read through the script, there was no denying that I still looked about twelve…
Well, okay so that wasn’t quite true but I didn’t have one measly little hair on my chest – and I still didn’t need to shave. I was hardly what you’d describe as particularly masculine and I wasn’t surprised to have been offered the part of ‘Sacha’ over the more masculine part of ‘Henry’.
Gerard’s part was totally fitting for him though. He was playing the part of Henry, the slightly older, lonely guy who meets and falls in love with Sacha. It was an intense story, full of forbidden love, romance and drama. I’d read the script from back to front and back again – I was totally in love with the story – and I could totally picture Gerard in the somewhat tragic part of Henry.
I wondered for the millionth time why he’d taken the part – not that I was complaining. Hell, it was a total dream come true for me to work with him but it really wasn’t anything like his usual stuff. Maybe he just didn’t want to be typecast…
The next morning, I was at Heathrow, bright and early. I wasn’t a particularly comfortable flier but as long as I had my music, I was usually good.
Today, though, I was nervous for a whole different reason. And that was Gerard Sinclair…
I looked around. There were hundreds of people around – what do I mean, hundreds? There were thousands – all going off to different places, all with people to go and meet, some on business like me, others to meet family, friends, lovers…
I’d never had anyone I could really call my lover. Sure, I’d had sex a few times but I’d never really connected with someone on an emotional level. I wasn’t exactly desperate about that – but some of my friends from college had been in relationships since then and were planning their weddings now.
Not me though. I couldn’t imagine settling down at the age I was, couldn’t imagine tailoring my life to someone else’s needs and desires. I couldn’t imagine ever falling in love if I was honest…
“Come on, Gerard.” I muttered under my breath, “Show yourself.”
Almost as if he was telepathic, out of the midst of a crowd of people, there he was and Jesus, in real life, he was fucking huge.
I looked up, and up and up again. “Gerard?” I squeaked.
He looked down at me, “Jason?” he asked, looking me up and down with a totally dismissive expression on his otherwise absolutely gorgeous face, “Wow, I thought you’d be bigger.”
Well, that was… rude. I grimaced and tried my best not to feel instantly disappointed in him, “I thought you’d look younger.” I shot back at him, my inner bitch coming to the surface without my permission. It was a total lie. The guy was probably the most vital, handsome guy I’d ever seen in my life – but be rude to me, pal – and I’m gonna come right back atcha…
He blinked, “Really?” he asked, looking slightly crestfallen.
I shrugged, “I’ve already checked in.” I eyed his suitcase, “I’m guessing you still have that to do.”
He nodded, “Yes,” he said tersely, “You might as well get yourself to the departure lounge, I’ll probably be a while.”
Fuck. I’d pissed him off. That was me and my big, bad mouth. “Oh, okay.” I nodded, trying not to look as disappointed as I felt for making a bad first impression.
“Oh, there’s no need for that, surely?”
I peered around the hulk that was Gerard and spied a very pretty woman. She had dark brown hair and dancing brown eyes. She was smiling at me in a rather predatory manner. I swallowed. I had a terrible knack for attracting cougars – not that this woman appeared to be much older than I was – but just like Gerard, she just had an air of worldliness about her.
Gerard was scowling at her, “He’s already checked in.” he said, “He can go.”
r /> “But what if I’d rather he stayed?” She ground out.
Fuck. Now I was causing him beef with his girlfriend. I started to back away, “I’ll just give you guys some space. I’ll uh, I’ll go and get a table for us in Starbucks – what would you like?”
I was desperate to get things back on track with Gerard – being naked for most of a movie with a guy that really didn’t like you couldn’t be a good thing – we needed convincing chemistry and I was afraid that I’d just managed to flush any chemistry we might have had right down the toilet…
“Coffee.” He snapped, “Black, no sugar.”
I nodded and looked to his girlfriend, “Cappuccino.” She purred, eyeing me with far too much interest.
“Got it.” I pointed at her with the forefingers of both of my hands like a child does when they’re pretending to be a cowboy, then feeling as if I looked totally stupid and immature, I turned on my heel and scarpered.
Chapter 3 – Awkward…
I know I’d been a little blunt but I really was absolutely amazed at the slightness and shortness of Jason. He was so vibrant on screen that I’d really expected him to be nearer my height. As it was, he was actually smaller than Gina.
And now he was ignoring my existence completely because I’d hurt his feelings – and this was supposed to be our bonding time. God, why was I always such a prick?
If it wasn’t going to be awkward enough taking our clothes off in front of each other – we couldn’t even look at each other and laugh about it now. All because I’d pointed out his lack of stature – and now he hated me. Way to go, Gerard…
I chanced a glance at him. He was leaning back in his seat, ear buds in and nodding along to something that he was listening to. I was dying to know what it was he liked. I was dying to apologise for my rudeness and to ask him if he minded doing over our first meeting as well – but that would make me look pathetic and there was no fucking way I was going to do that…
I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. I would not show how stressed I was about the flight. I wouldn’t.
I felt a finger poke my arm, “Dude.” A quiet, slightly breathy voice brushed my ear.
I jumped, flinching away from the offending digit, “What?” I asked in a surly tone as Jason’s beautiful face peered at me, his massive blue eyes staring right into mine.
He smiled, his whole face lighting up and a dimple appearing on either side of his perfect smile, “Looks like we’re boarding.” He said, “Come on.”
“Oh, fuck.” I groaned, “Right.”
He frowned, “You don’t like flying?” he asked, sounding disappointed.
I shook my head, “Not especially.” I admitted, “scares the living shit out of me if I’m completely honest.” I smiled at his shocked face.
“Fuck.” He said with feeling, “I was kind of hoping you’d be the brave one out of the two of us. Looks like it’s gonna be me holding your hand.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Might as well get used to it.’ I muttered.
He grinned. “Touché.” He drawled.
We boarded and found our seats. I took his bag off him and stowed it in the overhead locker alongside mine.
Finally, I sat down. He was looking at me with interest. “What does the tattoo signify?” he asked.
I frowned, “Uh?”
“On your stomach.” He said, “I couldn’t help noticing…” He trailed off, blushing slightly.
“Oh, right.” I chuckled, “I had it done for my eighteenth birthday. I was a bit of a dick back then.”
He smiled, “Weren’t we all?” he murmured.
“Fucking Jack with his big ideas.” I grumbled. It had been a very long flight and I was in no mood to drive for another five and a half hours. I’d not slept a wink the night before it, worrying about everything that could go wrong; missing the flight, crashing into the sea, or the land or any other scenario where I would die because of the flight. I was a little paranoid about flying, it was true. “I’m not going anywhere until I’ve had some sleep.”
“Aww, c’mon, Gerard.” Jason whined, “Let’s get moving! I’ve gotta tell you, this is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done! My Mom went nuts when she thought I was going to be driving this by myself – but when I told her I’d be with you – well,” he shrugged, “she totally relaxed.”
I frowned, “Why?” What’s so special about me?
“Well, you know – being an older guy...” his eyes twinkled and he bit his lip, looking the total picture of mischievous child.
Older guy? Come on! The cheeky bastard, I wasn’t that fucking old. I was only twenty-six! “Fuck off.” I said hotly, “How old are you, anyway?” I asked. He couldn’t be that different in age to me, surely?
“I’m twenty.” He said. “How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-six,” I ground out, “So let’s give the age jibes a rest, huh? There’s hardly any difference.”
He nodded, still grinning like an idiot. “Not too much difference, no.” he murmured, “And I’ll be twenty-one in three weeks…”
I nodded, “I’ll take you for your first legal drink then – since we’ll still be stuck here together.”
His eyes widened, “Cool.” He said.
I sighed, “Look, I don’t give a fuck about driving this thing – but I’m not doing it when I’ve not slept for the best part of twenty hours.” I glowered at him, “I’m tired, I’m hungry. I stink and I feel dirty. I need a shower, I need food and I need a pint of something alcoholic and cold.”
He nodded, his eyes wide and his mouth clamped shut. I was being a bit of an overbearing old grump but in that moment, I couldn’t have cared less about that.
Chapter 4 – First rehearsal…
“So, should we, like, rehearse or something?” Gerard’s low growl made me jump slightly. I wasn’t expecting him to want to talk to me since we’d driven the short way to this motel in complete silence.
I turned around and looked at him and was overawed all over again. Fuck, he really was a big guy. “I guess we could.” I said. Shit. I’d been excited about working with Gerard Sinclair – hell, I’d been a massive fan for years but fuck me, he was intimidating in the flesh. I’d been certain he was only a couple of years older than me but shit, in person he looked older – not in a bad way – he just had a presence that I was certain I would never possess... What was I doing? How the hell was I supposed to do sex scenes with this beast? He’d devour me whole and leave me for dead…
And he was so damned hostile too. He clearly didn’t like me. But that was stupid. What was there to instantly hate about me? Maybe he really was just tired – I sincerely hoped so – and you know, we had just come all the way from the UK and he’d said he was tired. Please God, let him just be tired… “– unless you just wanna get some sleep? You said you were tired…”
He blinked and then he just stood and looked at me for what felt like forever until he answered, “I am.” He said, “But I’m also kind of wired.” He rolled his head around and then shrugged his shoulders, “My body-clock is all out of sync.”
I nodded, “Yeah, I get that. Maybe we should just do a bit of a read-through – learn some lines or something before we crash.”
He nodded, “Fine.” He said in his perfect English accent, sounding far less growly now, “Pick a scene.”
I had no idea which scene was which, I just picked one, “Um, I don’t know. Scene thirty-five maybe?”
We riffled through the script, “Oh.” I stared at the page. It was a kissing scene – not the first one, but one of the many. I’d read it through, like nine thousand times… why hadn’t I taken notice of the scene numbering? Fuck. I was such a douche sometimes.
“You want to start with a kissing scene?” he looked at me with slightly narrowed eyes across the queen size bed in the middle of the room, one perfectly groomed eyebrow was arched. He was beginning to remind me very strongly of Flynn R
ider from the Disney movie, ‘Tangled’, which would be fine apart from the fact that I’d been crushing on him since I was about twelve years old, when I’d taken my first girlfriend to see it at the movies. I think we’d both fallen in love that day – not with each other, with Flynn… “Okay.”
How could he be so cool about this? I’d taken the role because I really wanted to grow as an actor. I figured in this day and age, taking a gay role as a straight actor would likely get me more offers, but what the fuck did I know, really? I might just fade into oblivion. Well, if that was the case, at least this movie wouldn’t be remembered…
“Uh, right.” I said, trying to sound all nonchalant about it, “Where should we be?”
He looked at the script. “Well, according to this, we’re semi-naked and in the bed – so this is actually a pretty perfect setting.” He gestured to the bed, “After you. You can obviously keep your clothes on.”
Holy fucking shit, I should think so…
I wasn’t really serious. I was trying to freak him out – like I’d been freaked out when I saw him. How could a guy be so fucking pretty? It was insane!
I was truly amazed when he scrambled onto the bed and patted the space at his side, “It says here that you’re on the left and that you stroke my face and then lean in and we kiss – tentatively at first – and then…” he looked up at me, his eyes wide and looking a little scared. I watched his throat move as he visibly swallowed, “We kind of go for it.”
I nodded, “Okay, that’s cool.” I agreed, even though every nerve in my body was actually commanding me to run for the nearest exit.
Well. I might as well make a total tit of myself while it was just the two of us… I climbed onto the bed and lay on my side next to him, “So, what does it say?”
He turned so he was facing me, “It says that you stroke my cheek, here.” He stroked his own cheek and I couldn’t help following the action, “And then I guess you lean in and uh, kiss me.” He gave a little shrug.