River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Read online

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  I cringed. “That was a huge misunderstanding.” I mumbled. It wasn’t really... I’d just been feeling horny...

  He shook his head, “No,” he said firmly, “it wasn’t a misunderstanding – he thought you were really into him but just to prove that you were a real shit and not worthy of anyone’s love, you went and fucked his sister’s boyfriend in the bathroom while the four of you were on a night out – if it wasn’t bad enough that you broke both Mitch and his sister’s hearts, the other guy didn’t even know he was gay before you got your tongue in his arse and your hands on his dick.”

  I chuckled even though his barbed comment about not being worthy had actually touched a nerve. I wasn’t worthy... “Fuck off.” I said, flipping him the bird, “That was a long time ago – we’re all good now.”

  Seth gave me one of his looks. “Mitch and his sister haven’t actually spoken to each other since Mitch decided to forgive you.” He reminded me.

  I shrugged, “That’s not my problem, dude – that’s their problem. Alex was in the closet – I just led him to the door and showed him the way out.”

  He nodded, flashing me a grin that lit up his whole face, “Yeah – I guess you did him a big favour – in the end.”

  Damn straight I had. He’d gotten married to his boyfriend the month before – we’d all gone to his wedding – Mitch too.

  Seth finally gave me a genuinely happy smile, “So, when do they arrive?”

  I grinned back at him, happy that he was happy with me again, “Tomorrow afternoon.”

  He nodded, “Cool – are you bringing them to the club tomorrow night, then?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know – it’s a pretty long drive but maybe if they’re not too tired. I know Jake has to report to the office the next morning, so we might just get a takeaway and a few beers or something – I’ll see.”

  Seth smiled, “Jake’s gonna be totally stoked when he sees you again after all this time – I’ll bet he’ll find it hard to believe you’re the same person.”

  I smiled, “I’ll always be the same person to Jake.” I said, “He’s my best friend forever.”


  Mitch’s Dad, Rob grinned at me from behind the bar, “Hey, River.” He said, “How’s it hanging?”

  I grinned back, “permanently semi-hard and slightly to the left, how about you?”

  He chuckled, shaking his head at my dirty mouth, “What’s gotten you that way?”

  I shrugged, “Just walking in here gets my blood pumping, Rob.” I said, “The whole place is like a massive shot of pheromones.”

  He nodded, “I know it is – you youngsters just can’t get enough of it, can you?”

  I looked at Seth and we both shrugged and turned back with matching evil grins, “Nope.” We said in unison.

  Rob chuckled as he popped the tops off two bottles of beer and pushed them our way, “On the house,” he said with a smile, “What can I say – I’m glad I was able to finally buy this place – I can’t believe Peyton was so willing to sell me such a huge share – it’s a fucking gold mine.”

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I agreed, “It’s not like he’s been here all that long either.”

  Rob grinned, “He’s always got his finger in some pie or other.” He said, “He’s interested in another venue – a little classier, shall we say, than this one. Now that we’ve got this place ship-shape, he’s more comfortable to leave me to it – obviously he’s still going to be hands-on for the next few months – and I’m still gonna have to split my time between here and the old place.”

  I looked around, “Classier than this place?” I murmured, “It’s pretty fucking classy compared to Bubbles.” I added with a grin. ‘Bubbles’ was another gay nightclub on the other side of the city. It was a fun place to hang out but classy it was not.

  Rob smiled, “Yeah, but we’re talking a restaurant – not the same line of entertainment as you’ve got here.”

  I nodded, “Ah, well, I guess that makes sense then.” I agreed, “He can’t be working all day there and all night here.”

  Rob shook his head, “Knowing Peyton – he’d give it a go.”

  I grinned, “Well, maybe Kody has more say in his decision-making than we know of.” I murmured more to myself than to Rob. Kody usually looked at me as if I was something on the bottom of his shoe – which I could only assume was to do with the way my interview with Peyton for the job went. We got a little too friendly with each other – I was trying to impress him and I guess I was a little too enthusiastic in my approach. All it said to me was that Peyton meant more to him than just his employer. I strongly suspected they were more than business associates.

  Rob grinned and nodded. I totally got the feeling he shared my suspicions.

  I turned around on my bar stool and took a deep breath in. I loved this place. If I was honest I preferred being here than at home. The whole place vibrated with heat and energy and something not quite tangible – a feeling of excitement – at night. All those sweaty horny guys dancing with each other and getting down and dirty with each other on the dance floor – before getting down and dirty for real in the bathrooms or in the darker corners of the club.

  Rob and his wife, Jenna, just like Peyton, were quite particular about the leather sofas in the quieter area of the club – the punters could make out as much as they wished but they were straight out of the door if bodily fluids were spilt… All the regulars respected the rules and those who didn’t – well, they didn’t get past Buzz for a second go at it.

  Seth, who had just turned up and had been in the back taking off his coat appeared behind the bar and smiled at me, “You seem different today,” he said, “Jake must be someone really special.”

  I nodded, grinning at him, “He’s my only family.” I said, “I love him.”

  He nodded, “Good – don’t let him down, River,” He said, “and more to the point – don’t let yourself down. Stay away from his guy.”

  I felt myself getting annoyed. What the hell was it with him? “Right,” I said through gritted teeth, “You’ve already told me that once – and I’ve already told you – I don’t mess with my friends’ guys.”

  He nodded, “And I’m really glad that you don’t.” he said, “But not as glad as I am that I’m almost certainly straight and you’re therefore immune to the charm of my beautiful girlfriend.”

  I grinned, “I love Siobhan,” I said, “She’s smart and sassy and absolutely gorgeous – but you’re right.” I agreed as I watched his grin fading, “She’s got a pussy – and I’m all about cocks – so watch yourself!” I winked at him.

  He laughed but I could see the relief written all over his face, “Dude.” He said, “I was getting worried for a minute there – and I’m immune to your charms so…”

  I chuckled. “I never get confused about what floats my boat, dude – never – even if you do from time to time.” He flipped me the bird and muttered something about being horribly drunk. I rolled my eyes. I’d never got that drunk that I’d slept with a girl... “I will never want your girlfriend in a million years.”

  Rob shouted me then, “Hey, River,” he called, “Can you give me a hand with these new props?”

  I slid off my stool and went over. Two hours later, I was showered and changed into my ‘uniform’, which was a cropped top and short shorts, and I was shaking my booty for the punters. I was getting some really decent tips too because one of the group dancers had been ballsy enough to join me on my platform, dancing up real close and getting totally into my space. It was hot and he was hard as a rock. We totally got the punters off on a bit of a show of over-the-clothes sucking and fucking. I wouldn’t have to go to the ATM this weekend – that was for certain…

  His name was Alfie and he was as cute as a button. “Hey, kid.” I whispered in his ear as he turned to go back to his platform.

  He turned, eyeing me with his huge baby-blues, “What?” he asked worriedly.

  “Nice dancing – nice dick.”
/>   He grinned, his flirtatiousness coming back in a second, “It’s all yours if you want it.” He said, fluttering his eyelashes at me.

  I grinned back. Funny, I thought, that doesn’t surprise me. “What are you doing later?”

  He shrugged, “I was just gonna head home.”

  I darted my tongue out and licked my lips suggestively, “How about coming back to my house with me?” Why not? Might as well get laid as not…

  He nodded, “That would be fucking awesome.”

  I grinned, “I promise that my fucking is ten kinds of awesome.”

  “I’d heard.” He said softly and leaned in to me. He kissed me hard on the mouth, making me instantly hard and then abruptly left.

  I grinned down at the guys who were avidly watching the show, “Guess who’s getting laid later.” I shouted to uproarious applause and a few extra twenty-pound notes tossed onto my podium. Life was so fucking good…


  As it turned out, Alfie hadn’t factored in the fact that his mother was still too worried about him being attacked on the way home and she’d come to pick him up – bless him, he was only nineteen – and a little young for my taste anyway. I was into slightly older guys – the twenty five to thirty year olds were usually the type I pursued.

  He introduced me to her though and she offered me a ride home too.

  I shook my head, “Ah, no – it’s fine, love – my car’s parked over there.” I nodded to my beautiful little car where she was waiting for me.

  Alfie’s mum smiled and nodded, “Oh, good – that’s fine. Are you a dancer too?”

  I nodded, “Yeah, Alfie was great tonight – he’s made quite an impression – reckon his days in the group dancing are pretty much over.”

  Alfie looked at me with open admiration, “Yeah,” he said breathlessly, “dancing with you was awesome.”

  I smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll see you next week – we can dance together again – it worked – the punters totally lapped it up.”

  I turned around and started walking towards my car. Someone called my name, startling me. Well, it was three in the morning and I was alone. Something that Kody had warned me against doing – particularly with the threat hanging over Peyton at the moment.

  Peyton, the guy who hired me, hadn’t always been on the right side of the law with his business dealings and had been in a gang when he was younger. Callum McCarthy – some guy from his past was apparently obsessed with him or something. He was the prime suspect for being the driver in the hit and run that Peyton was the victim of and only a couple of months back he’d been shot at close range – putting him in hospital for a couple of weeks before being allowed home with Kody Elden as his bodyguard.

  I squinted in the darkness, “Yeah?” I called.

  Two young guys approached me. I was relieved to see they were wearing clubbing clothes and were quite clearly both gay – it would be unlikely that they’d got anything to do with the loony that was after the boss. “Wow, it’s really nice to meet you – you’re kind of famous.”

  I snorted, “Only for dancing at Studs.” I said with a chuckle.

  “Can I have your autograph?” the first one asked shyly.

  I nodded, “Sure.” I agreed, “Have you got a pen and paper?”

  He shook his head and pulled a face, “No, sorry – didn’t really think that one through – I’ve got this marker pen.”

  I smiled, “I’ll sign your chest then – and will you be back next week?”

  He nodded eagerly, “Oh, hell yeah.” He said, “We love it here.”

  I nodded, “well, come to my podium and I’ll not only give you my autograph on a card, I’ll give you a dance.”

  They went away high as kites on that promise; both of them admiring each other’s temporary artwork on their pecs since the second guy wanted me to sign his skin too. I shook my head as I got into my car and pushed the button down to lock it. It never ceased to amaze me how easy it was for people to fall in love with what they considered a superstar. I’d never been so damned gullible…

  Chapter 3 – No going back…


  “Ready to go?” Jake asked me nervously.

  I smiled and nodded, “Of course I am.” I said, “I can’t wait!”

  His frown told me that my step-mother, Marcia had to have snuck up behind me from somewhere and was probably holding back the tears. I turned around slowly, cringing at the thought of having upset her.

  She smiled at me mistily, “I’m going to miss you so much Jo-jo.” She said, using the nickname I’d been burdened with my whole life.

  I smiled back at her, “I know – but we can Facetime and text and talk on the phone.”

  She sniffed and nodded, “Of course we can.” She said, “Now – have you got everything?”

  I nodded, resisting the urge to roll my eyes, “I’m sure I have.” I said.

  She narrowed her eyes, “Your hay fever tablets?”

  I nodded.

  “Your inhaler?”

  I nodded again, “Check.” I said cheekily.

  She rolled her eyes at me, “Condoms and lube?”

  I stared at her. Surely she didn’t just say that? “Marcia!” I half-gasped, half-shouted as she and Jake fell about laughing at my shocked face.

  “Well?” she spluttered through her giggles, “I’ve got to keep my baby safe!”

  Jake assured her that he had plenty even if I didn’t (which I did but it wasn’t the sort of thing you told your mother!) and eventually after much hilarity between the two of them, we were finally on the road…

  I had no idea what to expect in River – he sounded kind of exotic with a name like River – and I knew he worked in a nightclub and therefore kept rather unusual hours. I doubted the two of us would ever really meet but that didn’t stop me feeling a little nervous about the whole thing. What if he hated me for being in a relationship with his beloved Jake?

  Well, I guess only time would tell…

  “You’re awfully quiet, Jo.” Jake took his hand off the wheel for a moment to squeeze my leg, “Not having second thoughts are you?”

  “Nuh-uh.” I said firmly, “I’m totally on board with this.”

  He smiled, looking relieved, “Well, I’m glad.” He said, “Because I really don’t think I could have done this without you.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I’m damned sure you could have.” I argued, “You’re a brilliant graduate of accountancy and you totally landed yourself that job – I had nothing to do with it!”

  He frowned, “Yes you did.” He said, “You helped me with all of my applications – and you put up with all my drama while I waited for the replies. You listened to my preparations for my interviews. You were totally something to do with it all!”

  I could feel my face heating up with my embarrassment, “Okay.” I said, “Well, whatever – do you think I’ll ever find employment?” I was aware that I was sounding a little desperate.

  He sighed, “I’m sure you will – and soon – you’ve just got to stay positive.”

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I agreed, “I guess.” I looked out of the window, “How long do you think it’ll take to get there?” I asked.

  Jake shrugged, “Two or three hours – it’s not particularly the distance – it’s the tiny country roads when we get nearer – he couldn’t live in a more remote area.” He frowned.

  “What’s up?” I asked, sensing his change of mood.

  He shook his head, “Nothing…”

  I shrugged and turned to look out of the window. If he didn’t want to tell me, well, I guess that was his prerogative. It was really none of my business anyway…

  “Oh, you might as well know.” He blurted out and I turned back to him with a bit of a jump, “His parents bought him the house – as a leaving gift – they refuse to acknowledge him but he isn’t allowed to sell the house for ten years – that was one of the covenants of their formal contract they had drawn up. I think they deliberate
ly bought him a house that was out of the way of ‘normal, straight folk’.”

  I stared at him with my mouth slightly open, “You’re kidding me, right?” I asked.

  He shook his head, his mouth set in a straight, grim line, “Nope.”

  Oh, my God. That was awful. My heart went out to this mysterious River. “How does he cope?”

  Jake shook his head, “He shags everything that moves –I guess it works for him.”

  I squirmed in my seat, fighting the arousal that his words had conjured up in the pit of my belly and at the same time, fighting down the disgust. I so wasn’t into one-night stands and sexual promiscuity – it was such a recipe for disaster… “I guess.” I managed.

  I dozed for an hour or so on the motorway and finally jerked awake as Jake braked hard with an exclaimed, ‘Shit!”

  “Wha-what?” I blinked, trying to focus.

  “A fucking sheep! That’s what.” He replied with a little laugh, “They’re everywhere!”

  I sat up, peering out of the window at the totally changed landscape to the one we’d left behind, “Wow – this place is amazing.” I said. It was utterly beautiful. Rolling hills and trees as far as the eye could see. I was stunned. I could totally see myself living in this sort of place once we were set up properly – and that couldn’t be too far off now that Jake’s job was really properly serious and grown-up. I just had to do the same…

  “And here we are,” Jake said with a smile as we turned into nothing more than a dirt track, “River said to mind the ducks and the chickens.” He said as we pulled up, “They’re everywhere and they apparently try to get in the door, too.”

  Oh, holy shit. Sheep were one thing. Chickens and ducks were quite another – I was ever so slightly afraid of large birds… Probably watched Jurassic Park a little too often growing up…

  I got out gingerly. Afraid that I was going to be attacked at any moment by a large feathered beast. The house was in total darkness. “Isn’t he in?” I asked.