Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel Book 6) Read online

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  I had to get out of there before I said something that would ruin everything between us forever. I knew the way I felt about Bailey – hell, the way I’d reacted when I saw he was talking to someone else on text should have told him that but the way I’d reacted just told him – and everyone else at the bar – that I was a jealous prick. I wasn’t just a jealous prick, although that was a big part of the way I was feeling. I was in love with him and I wanted us to be exclusive. I wanted to be able to trust him completely and for him to be able to do the same with me. I knew I didn’t want anyone else. I’d found what I’d been looking for. Hell, I knew that the first time I laid eyes on him, months ago, when he was on the date from hell with that dickhead...

  I went for a walk. There wasn’t a whole lot of decent places to walk to around here. The nightclub was on the outskirts of the city; it was more industrial here than anything else, but it wasn’t that far from the city. I headed for the pizza place.

  I bought myself a pepperoni pizza and headed back.

  It took around forty-five minutes for me to get back and thankfully the guys had all dispersed. Buzz raised his eyebrows at me as I walked in. “Everything okay, bro’?” he asked.

  I sighed, “It will be – hopefully.” I said.

  He punched my arm, “Just grow a pair and tell him you love him.” he said, “You do love him, right?”

  I nodded, “I really do, yeah.” I said, “I’ll tell him – tonight.”

  Buzz grinned, “I’ll tell Franz to grab some earplugs.” He teased.

  I chuckled and made my way to the bar area. I could see Bailey working at his station further down the room, but I didn’t want to make things awkward while he was busy. I ordered a bottle of water from Seth instead.

  He smiled as he put the bottle in front of me, “Trouble?” he asked, nodding towards Bailey.

  I sighed and shook my head, “I’m just being a dick, I think.’ I said.

  He nodded sagely, “Yeah,” he agreed, “I think you probably are – he loves you, mate. I can see it in the way he looks at you,” he said in his reasonable and calming voice, “He’s totally into you. I couldn’t help overhearing your uh, discussion – and you know – the guy hurt him and now he’s sniffing around again. I get that you feel a little threatened by that, but it sure as hell doesn’t mean he wants to go for a second round of a hiding to nowhere. Trust him, mate – he’s a nice guy.”

  I nodded. Everything he’d said made perfect sense, “Yeah,” I croaked, “You’re right... it’s just...”

  He smiled understandingly, “I know,” he murmured, “It’s not easy.”

  Joel appeared at my side. Dressed to impress and looking absolutely beautiful, “Hi, Seth.” He said a little breathlessly, bless him. He was so obviously in love with Seth but Seth was completely oblivious. “Can I have a lemonade?”

  Seth nodded, “Sure.” He set to work immediately and seconds later, there was a lemonade on the bar, complete with ice, a mini umbrella, a piece of lemon and a glacé cherry. Well, he was the king of cocktails...

  Joel grinned, winked and grabbed his drink before heading back to his podium.

  I grinned, “He’s the cutest kid we’ve ever had working here – and that’s including Alfie.”

  Seth nodded, a little smile on his lips, as his eyes followed Joel all the way back to his podium, “Yeah,” he agreed, “he’s adorable.”

  Chapter 28 – Simon’s declaration...


  It was manically busy. Simon and I were still not really talking to each other after our fight, but it didn’t stop me from watching him every time I had a free minute between customers. He was so tall and so graceful with his dance moves. God, I loved him so much it hurt...

  I looked up as some guy approached the bar.

  I did a double take, “Joss?” What the fuck was he doing here?

  He smiled at me nervously, “Hi, Bailey.” He said, “Any chance of a quiet word?”

  Fuck me. What hadn’t he understood from my text that was made up of only two words that I never wanted to see him again?

  I raised an eyebrow and looked around the heaving bar, “Does it look like I’ve got time for a word? And why the fuck would I want to talk to you, anyway?” You cheating bastard...

  He sighed and nodded, “I just wanted to tell you that I was really sorry for the way I treated you.”

  I looked him dead in the eye, “Right, well, thanks – now you have. Do you want a drink or what?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Simon approaching. My heart started to beat a little faster at his nearness. He’d always had this effect on me – and it didn’t escape my notice that Joss had had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever – apart from making my heart sink to my boots that he was near me at all. Thinking back though, I couldn’t remember ever feeling quite so enamoured with Joss as I’d always felt with Simon...

  Simon came and stood next to Joss. “Hey, Bailey,” he said a little sheepishly, “Can I have a bottle of water?”

  I nodded, “Sure, sure.” I turned away and got him a bottle, hoping against hope that Joss wouldn’t say a word while Simon was within earshot. I just didn’t need the hassle of Simon finding out that he was my ex-boyfriend. He’d no doubt wonder why he was here – and no doubt put two and two together and get around five million...

  Joss of course, being the obtuse wanker that he’d always been, took that moment as his cue to try to strike up another conversation between us, “Bailey, please.” He wheedled, “I just want to explain...”

  I was just passing Simon his bottle of water. Simon raised an eyebrow at me and turned to look at the shorter man next to him. “Who’s this?” he snarled.

  I wanted to laugh. The situation was far from funny – it was a fucking nightmare really – the ex from hell and the current boyfriend that I was hardly speaking to in the same place, both vying for my attention. I really should have been flattered, only I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me.

  I smiled, “Simon, meet Joss – my ex boyfriend.”

  Simon’s scowl got even fiercer, “Joss?” he repeated incredulously. Turning to Joss, he looking him up and down, his lip curled and a look of utter disgust on his face, “I’m really going to have to educate my brother on who he should and should not admit.”

  Joss looked affronted, “Well, there’s no need for that...”

  Simon leaned down and stuck his face in Joss’s. “Seriously?” he asked, almost barring his teeth at the poor bastard, “You think?”

  Joss blinked, “What have I done to you?” he asked.

  Simon stood back up, looking utterly magnificent in his ripped tee shirt that showed off his abs to perfection, “Well,” he sneered, “It’s more that you exist at all that’s offending me the most.”

  Joss’s eyes about popped out his head and he opened his mouth to speak, but Simon wasn’t finished.

  “You cheated on Bailey.” He said, “So by my reckoning that already makes you a total fuckwit – but to come crawling back in here after months of being with someone else, just because you’ve been dumped for a sexier model – well, that’s just the lowest of the low. You should leave – now. I doubt Bailey wants you here.”

  Joss stuck his chin out defiantly, “Well, I hardly think it’s any of your business.”

  Simon smiled, “And that’s where you’d be very wrong. Bailey’s my business because I’m Bailey’s boyfriend now and I love him more than you could even begin to imagine.”

  My heart about burst in my chest. It was the first time I’d ever heard Simon admit to being my boyfriend to anyone – and he’d just said he loved me. I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry or to punch him in the face for not telling me the way he felt before.

  “What?” I whispered at the same time that Joss exclaimed it.

  Simon nodded, “Yeah, you heard me right.” He said, “He’s my boyfriend and I love him. So you can fuck right off back to where you came from an
d leave us the fuck alone.”

  I didn’t even think about the queue that was forming all around the three of us. I climbed onto the top of the bar, and threw my arms around Simon’s neck, “I love you too,” I said, beaming at him.

  He beamed back at me, completely ignoring Joss, who’d slunk away with his tail between his legs.

  I was sat on the bar. Simon leaned up against me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms were already around his neck and I kissed him with everything I was feeling for him.

  A cheer went up around us from all the guys waiting for a drink.

  Giggling I disentangled myself from Simon, who was grinning all over his face, “Better get back to work.” I said.

  He nodded, “Yeah, I better get back too,” he agreed, “Now I’ve got a boner to show off I’ll get more tips.” He winked and sauntered back off to his podium.

  I jumped back down behind my workstation, “What can I get you?” I asked the next punter...

  “A boyfriend like yours.” He said, turning and watching him walking away and making me laugh again.

  “Sorry,” I quipped, “He’s one of a kind.”

  Chapter 29 – Perfect...


  I took a short detour before I headed back to my podium. I just wanted to make sure that Joss had actually left the premises.

  Buzz was in the foyer, his boyfriend wrapped around him, as was the norm...

  “Hey, Buzz,” I shouted as I walked towards them, “Did that short creep with the spiky blond and purple hair leave?”

  He pulled away from Franz, looking slightly dazed. Fuck. They’d been dating long enough for them to be past this phase, surely? “Uh,” he said, “Yeah, yeah – he just collected his coat – it was fucking hideous wasn’t it Franz?” he added with a chuckle.

  Franz grinned, “Gross.” He agreed.

  I rolled my eyes. They really were utterly perfect for each other, “Great – don’t let him in here again.”

  Buzz saluted, “Message received and understood,” he drawled before being drawn straight back into another making out session with his cute little boyfriend.

  I headed back to my podium and climbed up the ladder.

  I looked across at the bar to find Bailey leaning on the counter watching me. He blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it and then I did the same to him. I could see that he giggled, even though I couldn’t hear him from where I was. My heart did a little flip-flop in my chest.

  I’d finally declared my love for him – and he’d almost immediately said it back to me. It felt so natural to love him – and to be loved in return. It felt so right. Perfect. That was what it was, perfect...

  Chapter 30 – Best night of my life...


  “Urrrragggghhhhh!” Simon half-shouted, half-groaned as I slammed down onto his cock. “Oh, my God!”

  I grinned. Oh, yeah. He loved every second of having sex with me – just like I loved every second of having sex with him too.

  I spent a good half of my time around at Simon’s place these days and our sex life was all the better for it.

  Thankfully, Franz and Buzz were on a health-kick and had gone for a run down the river together. We had the place (almost) to ourselves. They’d left the dogs behind (all three of them since Simon had insisted on rescuing Rocky from his parents house). They were all curled up together in the kitchen and weren’t in the slightest bit interested in the two guys pounding each other into blissful oblivion in the bedroom.

  I grinned down at him. “Enjoying yourself?” I panted as I slid right back up his length almost to the tip and then slammed down again, eliciting another slightly inhuman noise from him.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he groaned. “You’re awesome.”

  I leaned down and kissed him, licking into his mouth and making him groan again. “And you are, as ever, incredible.” I murmured, stroking my hands up his fabulous chest and pinching his nipples.

  “I’m not gonna last long,” he panted.

  Me either. I loved being on top like this, I could totally direct where his cock went inside me and I’d been getting myself off nicely with his cock grazing my prostate on every stroke. “Me either,” I admitted. “I might just be marking you as mine in a second.”

  Simon grinned, “Try getting it into my mouth this time.” He said.

  I grinned and nodded. It was a bit of a kinky little game we had going on...

  I slammed down on him a couple more times, my own cock getting harder and harder. I reached down and gave myself a few tugs to make sure I came with him and then I let go as I felt him coming inside me, his heat flooding me.

  “Oh, my God!” I yelled as my cock erupted, covering his chest, chin and lips with streams of hot come.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He shouted along with me, “I fucking love you.”

  “Love you too, baby.” I panted as I collapsed on top of him.

  His cock slid out of me and the come followed which was a bit gross but neither of us cared.

  I helped him get the come off his lips by kissing him and he reached behind me to finger my hole while it was still deliciously lubricated.

  “I really want to fuck you again, baby.” He murmured.

  I nodded, licking his chin clean and moving down to his chest, “And you can.” I murmured, “Right after you’ve sucked my cock.” Simon had transitioned nicely from only wanting to bottom to being a really good top over the last couple of months – and I hadn’t had any embarrassing IBS attacks recently – because I wasn’t stressed out anymore. I was just happier than I’d ever been and I was in a secure, loving, exclusive relationship with a man who loved me every bit as much as I loved him.

  He grinned at me, “What, now?”

  I nodded, “Sure.”

  He stroked my softening cock, “Won’t it be a little sensitive?”

  I nodded, “Yeah, it really is. So be very, very gentle.” I whispered.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy.” Simon groaned, “You’re already making me hard again.”

  I smiled, “And that’s exactly the way I want you – ever used a cock ring?”

  He shook his head, “No,” he admitted. “Have you?”

  I nodded, “Joss was into them – it was kind of fun to mess around with them. I think it would be really fun with you.” His cock was so big. To have that stay hard for hours on end was something that really turned me on...

  Simon gave me a lazy smile, “What about handcuffs and stuff – ever been into that shit?”

  I shook my head, “Nah, I don’t like being tied up – but if you want me to get some silk, I could tie your wrists to the headboard and we could have a little fun?”

  He nodded, “Sounds kinky – but fun.”

  I smiled and nodded, “I think we need to get a shower, your come is all over us both.”

  He eased his fingers out of me and nodded, “Good idea.” He murmured, “Let’s go – I’ll give you one in the shower too.”

  Chapter 31 – Mellow...


  After making love in the shower, I was feeling pretty damned mellowed out.

  We headed back to bed and I lay down, my towel wrapped around my hips, not really concealing my hard-on that seemed to be a permanent presence these days.

  Bailey came into the bedroom, completely naked and looking just about the same, his erection bobbing around tantalisingly.

  “Oh, God.” I groaned, “Come here and get that cock in my mouth.”

  He grinned and walked to the end of the bed. Crawling up the bed and then up me, he straddled my chest and then taking hold of himself, he rubbed the tip of his cock all over my lips before I opened my mouth up and he slid his cock in.

  He groaned as I sucked him down, swirling my tongue around the tip of his cock and dipping the tip of my tongue into his slit. I slid my hands around his backside; I was completely addicted to fingering him. In seconds my fingers were inside his tight hole. He groaned with pleasure as I stroked his prostate and sucked
him deep into my throat.

  “Gonna come,” he sighed above me, his eyes closed as he held onto the headboard, completely gone with lust.

  The first jet of come hit the back of my throat. I swallowed and then milked his cock through his orgasm, as I continued to finger him.

  Eventually I felt his cock start to soften in my mouth and slipped off him, sliding my fingers out of his arse at the same time. I figured he’d had enough for a while.

  “You’re adorable.” He murmured, “And sexy and beautiful...”

  I looked up at him innocently, “Not to mention exceedingly good at sucking your cock.” I said with a grin.

  He nodded, his smile utterly spellbinding and his eyes twinkling, “That goes without saying, babe.” He said.



  “What are we doing today?” I asked. It was a couple of days later and we had a whole weekend off together – something that could never have happened before Joel had been hired but a lot of things had changed in the last couple of months.

  Seth was back at work full time now – and he was still a little bit sad some of the time – but since Joel had wormed his way into his life, things were definitely getting better for him.

  Bailey shrugged, “I vote that we stay in bed all day, getting up only to eat. I want to have you every way possible.”

  I stroked his cock, which was getting hard again already, “That sounds like a plan, beautiful.” I said, “That sounds like a plan.”

  He grinned, “I got you something yesterday.” He said, idly pulling on my nipple, and sending delicious little electrical pulses directly to my balls.

  I raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” I asked, “What’s that then?”

  He grinned, “Remember when we talked about the handcuffs?”

  I grinned back at him. My dick was going hard and my heart was thumping away in my chest, “Uh-huh?”