With Me Now Read online

Page 16

  “You’ve told me a lot about the charming Miss Monroe, but nothing that would lead me to believe she’s trouble.” Drew adjusted his hat and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small notebook. “I’ll have to file a report, pending confirmation of the age of the remains. I’m sure it goes without saying you documented everything?”

  “Photographed and logged.”

  “I hate to even ask, Lieutenant, but you have permits from the park service? I just need to jot down the numbers. You know. Protocol.”

  “Yeah, right here.” Mike flipped through the log book and pulled out the site permits the park service issued prior to the start of the dig. “Signed by Frye himself.”

  “Hold on to that, man. I think he’s getting ready to retire.” Drew jotted down the permit numbers in his notebook, then handed it back to Mike. “He published a couple books last year and, word on the street is, he’s vying for park historian. Less work, no pencil pushing. Just living the dream.”

  “Oh, no, if he wants to live the dream, he wants to come work with us.” Mike snapped the binder shut and stepped back to Madison, running his hand across the small of her back as he brushed past. “There’s a lot of peril in archeology. Obviously, lots of excitement.”

  “I think he’s looking for less excitement. He had to reorder seven thousand brochures last week because McPherson was spelled wrong on the ones we got.”

  “We can accommodate lots of sitting. It’s a pretty flexible profession.”

  “Let’s ask him now.” Liam nodded toward the parking area. A white sedan pulled into the lot; Brad was already circling it like a turkey vulture. “I’m a little bit panicked. I’ve only met him once and I spilled apple juice on myself. Not on purpose, mind you, but suave and elegant nonetheless.”

  Madison watched Superintendent Frye cross the field, with a somewhat strained and lumbering gait. He was tall and stocky, with thick lensed, round glasses that seemed to dwarf the rest of his face. His pace was rapid but he walked with difficulty, like someone who had perpetual trouble with his knees, and the effort was noticeable in his face.

  Brad motioned in their general direction. “Mr. Frye, this is my team. They’re the ones who actually discovered the remains when I was indisposed this morning.”

  The superintendent reached his hand out to shake theirs. “I almost didn’t believe Mr. Emerson when he told me you’d found remains out here. Commendable work, this is an exquisite find. Mr. Caldwell, it’s a pleasure to see you again. I remember you from last summer. And you, sir?”

  “Liam Stanish.”

  “Liam.” Mr. Frye shook his hand and then turned to Madison. “It’s a delight to meet you, my dear. You are?”

  “Madison Monroe.” She shook his hand. It was sweaty and damp. She had to restrain herself from promptly wiping her hand down her jeans. Gross.

  “Madison, Liam, and Michael. You just put yourselves on the map.” He looked into the pit, adjusting his glasses as if to see better. “Let’s get the rest of the gum blanket up and see how intact the remains are. The condition of the femur and pelvis are remarkable. Some of the smaller tarsal bones appear to be missing, but the larger bones seem to be in place.”

  “Liam and Madison, you take that side; Mike, you help me on this side.” Brad crouched down next to the edge of the blanket. “We’ll take it slow, like last time, and set it on the tray if we can. Ready?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. They lifted the blanket free from the ground and eased it to the waiting artifact tray. The weight of the double folded blanket seemed to make it sturdier and Madison was thrilled it actually made it from the ground to the tray without falling apart. Now it could be preserved. Protected.

  She turned back to the pit. They’d uncovered the skull; its gaping eyes sockets stared back at her from the ground, the jaw open as if frozen in unspoken final words.


  Frye was silent for several moments. His eyes were locked on the skeletal remains. He rubbed his fingers together, tapping the pads of each finger to his thumb in quick succession. He shook his head. “Shut it down.”

  Brad opened his mouth to speak and then promptly closed it. He tried again. “Excuse me, sir?”

  “Shut the dig down.” Frye turned on his heel and headed back in the direction he’d just come. “Now.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mike pressed her up against the back wall of the shower, the sudden shock of cold like electricity against her skin. Her breath caught in her throat and she arched her back in attempt to squirm away from the wall, but not from him.

  He chuckled, pinning her in place with his hip. “Do you like that?”

  “You I like. The cold freaking wall I could do without.”

  He kissed her again and cradled both sides of her face with his hands, guiding her underneath the stream of hot water. “I wish we had more time before dinner. I’d like to take this to the next level.”

  “You didn’t have to tell Liam yes.”

  “I was caught up in the moment.”

  “You can have me after dinner.” She kissed him, dragging her teeth over his bottom lip. “It’s not like we have to get up early tomorrow or anything.”

  “Eh, it’s only for a couple days while they date the remains. Then we’ll be back to work.” He trailed his lips down her neck to the hollow between her throat and shoulder. “I can think of other ways to spend the day.”

  “What if they shut the dig down permanently? It could happen. I’m sure it’s happened before.”

  “Over remains? Nope, won’t happen. And if it does, you can spend the rest of the summer with me.” He straightened and kissed her deeply, pinning her against the wall. “On further consideration, we have time. Liam can wait.”

  “Liam won’t wait.”

  “Then he can eat by himself.” Mike slid his hands down her thighs and lifted her up, pushing her against the wall for better balance. He entered her with one thrust, drawing in a sharp breath through his teeth.

  Madison’s legs flailed awkwardly behind him and she crossed her ankles to lock herself in place. She giggled against his lips. “This is so dangerous.”

  “You like it.”

  She kissed him in response, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and trailing her fingertips down the nape of his neck. It was almost dizzying, his steady rhythm, the clouds of steam, the fear of falling; she let her eyes drift shut and kissed him. It was perfect. He was perfect.

  The phone started ringing.

  Mike dropped his face to her shoulder, burying it against the side of her neck. “God damn it.”

  “Don’t stop.” She locked her legs around him. “Voicemail will get it. That’s what voicemail’s for.”

  “That’s the ring I have set for Brad. If I don’t answer…and he calls you and you don’t answer…he’ll figure out that we’re not answering together.” He pulled her away from the wall and set her on the floor, holding her steady until she checked her balance. “Let me get rid of him.”

  “You can always call him back.”

  As if in agreement, the phone stopped ringing. Mike pressed his clenched fist to his forehead and groaned. “I fucking hate him.”

  Madison followed him out of the bathroom, dragging a towel over her arms. “Delayed gratification is good for you.”

  He didn’t respond, instead catching her wrist and pulling her into his arms. He tossed the towel to the floor and picked her up, setting her down on the counter and nudging her legs apart with his hip. “Remind me to thank him later, then.”

  She lightly moaned against his lips as he entered her again. Neither of them spoke, focused on each other, on touching and exploring. When she opened her eyes, he looked at her and smiled, kissing her deeply. His eyes slid to their reflection in the mirror and he watched for several moments. After a beat, his eyelids fluttered and he pressed his face to her shoulder. “Shit.”

  He thrust several times and then relaxed against her, exhaling against her skin.
“Sorry…that, uh, was my fault. Lesson learned though. It’s not a good idea for me to watch in the mirror.”

  She leaned her head back against the mirror and took several deep breaths, trying to slow down her heartrate. “I think if you’re going to fuck me like that, you can watch in the mirror anytime you want. Now get back in the shower.”

  After a markedly shorter, uneventful shower, they toweled off and started the slow process of getting ready for dinner. Madison pulled on a black bra and hot pink panties, then stood in front of the dresser. “So…do you know where we’re going for dinner?”

  “Your birthday was yesterday. You wouldn’t let me celebrate.”

  “Still doesn’t answer my question. Is this like, a shirt and jeans kind of place or…mini skirt and shirt kind of place? Because, honestly, that’s about all I’ve got here: jeans, shorts, and one skirt/slutty boot combo that just seemed appropriate.”

  Mike pulled his jeans on and buckled the belt at his waist. “Skirt and boots. Like it or not, Liam and I are insisting on celebrating with you. Birthday, most momentous dig in the history of the Spangler Farm—”

  “Only dig in the history of the Spangler Farm.”

  “Anyway.” He stepped behind her and kissed the top of her shoulder. “I got something for you.”

  “Mike.” She turned around in his arms, pursing her lips together in a coy smile. “You didn’t have to get me a present. We’ve only been officially breaking all the rules of professional relationships for four days.”

  “I know, but I can’t be a bad boyfriend after four days.” He suddenly looked sheepish. “If that’s what the kids these days still call it.”

  “I imagine so.” She pushed up onto her tip toes and kissed him. “But you still didn’t have to. I wasn’t expecting you to do something.”

  “Which is exactly why I did.” He reached around her and pulled his hoodie off the top of the dresser. Digging into the large front pocket, he withdrew a flat, square box. “Happy birthday, Maddy baby.”

  She picked the lid off the box. Inside was a silver fleur de lis, attached to a black choker necklace. “I love it! Thank you, Mike, seriously. This is sweet.”

  “I saw it when I was, ah, on my way home from the counselor Friday night.” He took it out of her hands and fastened it around her throat. “I thought of you.”

  The fleur de lis hung in the hollow of her throat. She loved it. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him tightly. “You’re adorable.”

  “I do my best.”

  A knock at the door made them both jump. Mike ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Either he’s early, or we took ample advantage of what little time we had.”

  Madison shrugged on a tight, black short sleeved shirt and her denim mini skirt. “Possibly.”

  She crossed the room to the door and, without checking out the window, opened it. “Hey—”


  It was Brad, not Liam, on the other side of the door. Madison dug her fingers into the door to restrain herself from slamming it in his face. “Um, hey, uh, Brad. What are you doing here?”

  “Huge news, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for the past hour.” He held his phone to his ear. “I can’t reach Mike either. He’s not picking up.”

  Madison froze. “Don’t—”

  Mike’s phone, inside the hotel room, still resting on top of the television, started ringing. She heard him curse under his breath and the phone shut off.

  Brad stared at Madison silently, lowering the phone and sliding his finger across the screen. He pushed the door open wider. “Mike?”

  Mike jerked a white V-neck shirt over his head and cleared his throat. “Hi, Brad.”

  “Okay.” Brad looked back and forth between them, a frown etching across his forehead. He shoved his phone in his pocket. “Okay, uh, wow. This is awkward.”

  “You wanted to get ahold of us.” Mike shrugged. “We’re both here.”

  “Yes, you are.” There was a tone to Brad’s voice that made her feel uncomfortable. They were all adults—whatever she and Mike wanted to do together was their business. He looked accusing, hurt, angry; all ridiculous reactions for someone who was already sleeping with another digger on the team. She wanted to punch him. “You’re together. Together, together.”

  Mike crossed his arms. “And?”

  Brad seemed to snap back to reality. “Frye’s been on the phone since he left the Spangler Farm. He’s called in a forensic anthropologist and an osteo-archeologist from Washington D.C. They’re coming tonight, which on its own is huge.”

  “Great, so we can get back to work soon?” Madison tugged on the bottom of her skirt, wishing she could lengthen the hemline. Brad’s eyes seemed to be everywhere at once.

  “Uh, no, we’re shut down indefinitely.” He paused. “Well, not indefinitely. Only until they determine the age of the remains. If they’re modern, so to speak, we’ll have to turn it over to federal law enforcement. If they’re to the period, we’ll be allowed back on site, but not in those pits. Those pits are done. It’s a burial ground.”

  Madison finally realized what it was about Brad’s behavior that gnawed on her psyche. He sounded condescending, like a father who just caught his daughter having sex with a boy in the backseat of his car. The idea of him being insulted she’s picked Mike over him was ludicrous. He was a louse. He was louse who was already fucking Cianna—just because he could.

  “But, they’ll at least let us finish the dig.” Mike recrossed his arms in front of him. “They’re not throwing us off the farm.”

  “Well, no.”

  “Sounds like business as usual. This happened at Chancellorsville. Remember, that other team found the femur bone?”

  Brad’s face clouded. “Yeah, Jim Miller’s team. I remember that. But, this time, it’s us. And it’s not just a femur bone. It’s practically an intact skeleton.”

  Madison glanced at Mike. Practically intact was an exaggeration. From what she’d seen, only the thicker, denser bones were left. The delicate bones of the feet, hands, and ribs were long gone.

  “The park wants us to make a statement.” Brad took a deep breath. He was nearly quivering with excitement. Madison wasn’t sure she’d ever seen someone quiver. “And after that, Frye warned me that media outlets are going to explode. We’re talking national news. He wants us to be ready for a press conference.”

  “Seriously?” Mike groaned. “Talk about ruining the sanctity of the site. It’s going to be a circus out there. Can’t the park’s public relations department handle that shit? I mean, come on, we’ve got work to do. We only have a few more weeks to do it before they shut us down for tourist season. Oh, God, can you imagine what a madhouse that will be if they let tourists out there?”

  “He’s already thought about that. They’ll have law enforcement rangers monitoring the farm and they’ll shut down through traffic to the site.” He rubbed his hands together. “They won’t hold the press conference until after the remains are dated. But, when they do, we’re all going to be there and we’re all going to be happy, right?”

  “Yeah.” Madison again exchanged a look with Mike. “Right.”

  As she spoke, she saw Liam round the corner of the exterior corridor. He saw Brad standing half in her room and half out and stiffened, trying to duck back around the building before Brad noticed him.

  His effort was too late. Brad looked up and waved. “Hey, there’s the other digger I was trying to track down. What are you doing here?”

  “Oh God.” Liam looked frantically from Mike to Madison, as if he were watching an out of control tennis game. Mike shrugged. “I’m…we were going out to…ah…what are you doing here?”

  “I was coming to tell Madison how huge our discovery was today.” Brad cocked his head inside the room. “I found this loser here with her.”

  “Isn’t that special?” Liam picked at an invisible piece of lint on his shirt. “So, what’s this epic announcement? Do we get our own wing in the visit
or’s center? A monument dedicated to our supreme archeological prowess? And, side note, why did you see it fit to tell the heterosexuals and not me?”

  “I called you, man. Fuck you that you didn’t pick up.” Brad ran his hands through his hair. “Frye wants us to make a statement. Once the remains are dated, they want us to have a press conference. This is the most exciting discovery in park history.”

  Liam adjusted his collar, still not looking directly at Brad. “Here’s a statement. Quote. Three archeologists discovered human remains at the Spangler Farm. End quote.”

  “He’s going to have us do it in front of the press.”

  “I fail to see the difference between that and a press conference.”

  “We’ll take questions at the press conference.”

  “Terrific.” Liam dug the toe of his shoe into the pavement. “So, here we all are…”

  “I know, and it’s perfect, because I was thinking we could head out to dinner and celebrate.” Brad’s smile seemed forced. “All of us. Come on, Cianna’s in the truck waiting.”

  “We can just meet you there.” Mike nodded toward Madison. “She’s not finished getting ready yet.”

  “She can finish. I’m parked out front.” He backed away from the door and clapped Liam on the shoulder. “See you in five minutes. Come on guys, look excited. It’s my treat.”

  Liam watched him walk away and then pushed his way into the hotel room, shaking his head in disgust. “I bet that was uncomfortable.”

  “Which part?” Madison headed back to the counter and pulled out black eyeliner. She glanced down at the countertop and blushed; oh the things that counter had seen. “The part where he insinuated he helped discover the remains, or the part where he discovered Mike, shirtless, in here with me?”

  “You weren’t wearing a shirt?” Liam pursed his lips together. “I’m literally irate I missed out on that.”

  “He handled it better than I thought he was going to, don’t you think?” Mike stepped into his tennis shoes and leaned over to tighten the laces. “I mean, yeah, at first he looked like he’d just taken a drink of rank milk, but once that passed he didn’t seem bothered. Much.”