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Labyrinth Junction Page 6
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Page 6
Ben heard voices approaching and noticed a group of around ten people shuffling towards him. Some were handcuffed and being led by the King’s men. Ben quickly hid beneath the bench and closed the curtain. He listened to the party boarding and heard the guards shouting orders to their prisoners. There were rustling sounds as people took their seats. Ben’s spirits soared when he realised that nobody had chosen to sit on the back row where he was hiding.
“To Numblebrook Island Prison!” shouted one of the guards
Ben felt a sudden jerk and was thrust backwards as the dragon-drawn chariot rose into the sky. He heard the gasps of the prisoners as the carriage tilted to one side on its ascent. However, after a few initial bumps and jolts, the journey seemed relatively smooth and Ben began to relax.
About twenty minutes into the journey, he felt his fingers start to tingle and knew immediately what was happening. He looked down at his body and saw that it was becoming visible again. At first, he panicked and pulled the jar of sweets from his pocket, but then decided that he was hidden well enough and not in immediate need of one.
He was just beginning to relax when something caught his attention and he listened carefully. There were two prisoners sitting in the row in front of him, and for some reason, their voices sounded oddly familiar. He could not quite make out what they were saying as their words were muffled, but there was definitely a familiarity that Ben could not fathom. He felt a few more jolts and jerks, and then heard the scraping sound of the metal runners under the chariot as it came to a standstill. They had arrived.
“Numblebrook Island Prison. All dismount!” shouted one of the guards.
Ben heard the prisoners pick up their scarce belongings and start walking towards the front of the chariot. Once again he heard a familiar voice, and slowly pulled the curtain slightly to one side. There was a gap just big enough for him to peep through, and he glanced at the prisoners and counted six in all. He was just about to move the curtain back in case he was seen, but then something made him hesitate and he stared in astonishment. One of the prisoners had turned to look behind him. It was Jacob! He climbed down from the chariot and Ben watched as he and Owen were led away in handcuffs.
Chapter 8
The Rescue
Ben waited beneath the bench for what seemed like a very long time. Night fell and everything was now dark. He thought about Jacob and Owen and how they must have followed him into this weird and magical land. He wondered whether the old hag had told them which passageway he had chosen, or whether it was just a coincidence that they had picked the same route. He also wondered how they had managed to pass her without paying ten noggings!
Although Owen and Jacob had been incredibly mean to him, he still felt a little sorry for them and wondered whether he should help. Could he leave them here on the island, locked away for a lifetime? Their families would be as worried as his own. Ben thought about it for a long time, unsure what to do. He was a kind-hearted boy, and even though Jacob and Owen had been nasty to him, he didn’t like the thought of leaving them here in this dreadful place.
Ben had an idea! The Moonbeamers had still not thought of how they were going to gain entry to the red dragon’s lair without being seen. Their only plan so far was that Ben would eat a sweet and enter unnoticed, but he didn’t like the thought of going in alone. Jacob and Owen were both Giddles and therefore, the red sweets would make them invisible too. His mind was made up: he would not enter the lair on his own; Jacob and Owen would enter too! As well as rescuing Amy, he would rescue Owen and Jacob, but there would be conditions and they would have to agree to help! Besides, what other option would they have?
Ben waited another couple of hours until everything was silent and checked his watch. It was two in the morning and Hal had told him that sunrise was around five o’clock. He ate one of the red sweets and immediately became invisible. He climbed out from under the seat and stretched his legs; he had been lying in the small space for several hours and his body ached. He quickly climbed down from the chariot and looked at the sleeping dragon, still in harness. It did not stir, and Ben headed off in the same direction that the prisoners had been taken.
As he walked, he looked around and decided that this was probably the strangest place he had ever visited. Where the island ended, there was nothing but sky and stars. There were no railings or other barriers; you could just walk straight off the edge and fall into the sky. Ben shuddered. No wonder prisoners never escaped from this awful place!
The path led to a doorway where a bored-looking sentry was on duty. He sat reading a book, and Ben walked straight past him without being seen. He crept along a hallway until he reached a scruffy reception area. A sleeping guard was slumped in a wooden chair at the desk. Ben walked over to a large metal board, where hundreds of large brass keys were dangling. Each key hung next to a number, and Ben presumed these related to which cell they would unlock. He wondered which one would open Amy’s cell, and searched around for any clues. He noticed a drawer in the desk and tried to open it without waking the snoring guard. The Uniceron stirred in his sleep and Ben leapt quickly backwards, but to his relief the guard continued to snore. He felt around inside the drawer and found a map of the prison, showing each numbered cell. He also found a little book, and felt a stab of excitement as he realised that it identified who occupied each room. He quickly scanned the names and found Amy’s written by Cell 102. Further down the list, he discovered that Jacob and Owen were both in Cell 151. He placed the book carefully back in the drawer and closed it quietly, taking the map with him.
A long flight of concrete steps led him to a large landing, with passageways leading off in three different directions. He studied the map and crept down the centre passage towards Cell 102. Ben heard wails coming from behind one of the doors and hurried along, eager to escape the awful high-pitched shrieks. Eventually he came to Amy’s cell and studied the sliding panel on the wide metal door. He released a catch and the panel slid to one side, revealing a small, square hole. Ben looked through the gap, searching for Amy in the darkness.
“Amy, Amy. Are you in there?” he muttered softly.
A figure in the corner started to stir and then sat up.
“Amy, is that you?”
“Ben?” whispered a small voice.
“Yes, it’s me!”
Amy leapt up in delight and ran over to the doorway. Joy overwhelmed her as she bent her head down to the hole and peered through.
“You won’t be able to see me,” murmured Ben, “I’ve taken one of my invisibility sweets.”
“Thank you so much for coming to get me. It’s awful here, I’ve been so afraid. Did anyone see you?”
“No, I ate a sweet before I climbed aboard the chariot and then I hid under the seats, just like you said. I stayed hidden until well into the night and then crept into the prison. The guard on reception was asleep and I managed to steal the key.”
Ben felt in his pocket and took out the two cell keys. He looked at their numbers and quickly inserted one into the lock and opened the door. “I’ll go ahead and check each passageway. You need to make sure you are well hidden. I have also discovered that two boys from my class at school are locked away here too!”
“What, you mean there are two more Giddles on the island?” asked Amy in amazement.
“Yes! They must have followed me through the passageway and into this land. They aren’t my friends, but I can’t leave them here. I’m going to help rescue them, but in return they must help us to solve the riddle. I will need you to help as they won’t be able to see me.”
“Do you know where they are?” replied Amy eagerly.
“Yes, they’re in Cell 151; I have the key here. We need to lock your cell behind us, otherwise someone might notice it is open and realise you are gone.”
Amy stepped out of the cell and Ben locked the door quickly.
“What time do they no
rmally come and check on you in the morning?”
“They bring breakfast to our rooms at about eight o’clock,” answered Amy in a hushed voice.
“That’s good – the chariot leaves at seven, so hopefully, we will already be back at the castle before anyone notices you are missing.”
They crept down the passageway back towards the main landing, and Ben peeped around the corner to check the coast was clear. He gave Amy a little tug and they sneaked towards Cell 151.
They eventually came to the large metal door, and Ben released the catch and slid the viewing panel to one side. He could see two silhouettes sleeping in the corner.
“Jacob, Owen, can you hear me?” he whispered.
One of the silhouettes stirred and sat bolt upright.
“Yes. Who is it? What do you want?” answered Jacob nervously as he tugged at Owen’s shirt. “Someone is at the door!” he whispered to his fellow prisoner.
“It’s me, Ben.”
“Ben! Is that really you? What are you doing here? Have they taken you prisoner too?” gasped Jacob, quickly moving towards the door and peering through the hole. “I can’t see you!”
“You can’t see me because I’m invisible!” replied Ben mischievously.
“Please don’t tease us,” sniffled Jacob. “I know we were horrible to you. We didn’t mean to be; we just thought it was funny. But this is serious, we are prisoners. We’re scared and we want to go home!”
Ben giggled. He found it amusing that he finally had the upper hand over the two bullies. “I’m not teasing you,” he answered, “I really am invisible. The old lady in the cave gave me some magic sweets. I came here to save my friend Amy; it’s just a coincidence that I found you both here.”
Amy moved over to the hole in the doorway, so that Jacob and Owen could see her. They stared at her in disbelief through the gap.
“Hello, I’m Amy,” she whispered, pushing her arm through the hole. Jacob and Owen shook her hand in stunned silence.
Ben had every intention of helping the boys, but first he thought he would have a little fun of his own. After all, he wasn’t going to let Jacob and Owen off the hook that easily!
“Well, it was nice bumping into you again. We’ll be off now. See ya!” he said in a very serious voice, pulling Amy away from the door and starting to head back towards the stairs.
“You can’t leave us here!” cried Owen, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Where are you going? Please, you have to help us!” pleaded Jacob.
Ben and Amy walked back towards the door and Ben smiled to himself.
“And just why should I help you?” he whispered. “After all, you were calling me names the last time I saw you!”
“We are sorry, really we are. Like I said, it was just a joke. Please forgive us. You can’t leave us here. Please!” Owen begged.
“Let me think…” Ben said, finding the whole situation particularly amusing. “If I help rescue you, will you help me in return?”
“Anything, we will do anything! Just let us out and I give you my word,” sobbed Jacob.
“I am trying to locate the passageway to find my way home,” said Ben. “The Moonbeamers are helping me, but first they have to overthrow the King.”
Jacob and Owen looked at each other in bewilderment.
“To do this we need to solve a riddle, and this involves some dangerous tasks. I need you both to help us on these missions. After all, the outcome will benefit you too, as it means finding our way home.”
“Yes, we’ll do it, I promise you. We’ll do anything you ask!” cried Jacob.
“OK,” replied Ben, “but you had better keep your promise!”
He unlocked the cell and Jacob and Owen quickly slid out before Ben relocked the door.
“This way,” he whispered, giving Amy a little tug.
They made their way back along the corridor and down the stairs. At the bottom of the steps, Ben told the others to stay hidden whilst he quietly returned the keys and map. He found the Uniceron still snoring and quickly replaced the items without disturbing him. He whistled for the others to follow and they all sneaked past the guard, crawling on all fours behind the reception desk.
The guard at the main entrance was still reading, and Ben quickly thought of a plan.
“Do you know the way back to the chariot from here?” he whispered.
“I think so,” replied Amy in a hushed voice.
“Good, then I have an idea. I will go ahead as the guard can’t see me. I will head down the side of the building, away from the chariot. I will do something to alert the guard, and hopefully he will go to investigate. This should give you just enough time to creep past the entrance and reach the chariot before he sees you. Remember to move quietly, though, as you do not want to wake the dragon. Once you are safe, I will come and join you on the chariot.”
“Be careful!” whispered Amy.
Ben sneaked off down the corridor in the direction of the main entrance. The guard was still engrossed in a book, oblivious to him walking past. Ben turned right and followed the pathway leading to the rear of the building. He frantically looked around, searching for something he could use to distract the guard. He found an old wooden barrel lying on its side in the grass, picked it up and threw it against the stone wall of the prison. It made an enormous bang and then rolled along the cobbles with a loud creaking sound.
The guard jumped up and immediately pulled out his sword. He quickly followed the pathway to the right, looking for the source of the strange noise. Amy and the boys heard the noise and knew that this was their cue. Amy motioned to the boys to follow her. They crept to the main entrance and looked in both directions; the guard was nowhere to be seen. They ran as quickly as possible towards the chariot, where the dragon was still sleeping soundly. They sneaked aboard and hid beneath the seats, with the curtain hiding them from view.
Ben saw that the others had made it safely to the chariot and went to follow. Suddenly he felt his fingers start to tingle and knew immediately that within a few seconds he would be visible again. He could hear the guard’s footsteps heading back towards the front of the building. He needed to run. His heart pounded with fear as he looked down at his body and realised his legs were beginning to reappear. The sound of the guard’s boots was getting louder, and he looked back as he ran. He reached the chariot, jumped aboard and hid beneath the side rail, just as the guard came into view back at his post outside the prison. Ben peeped through the railings, holding his breath. The guard sat back down in his chair and Ben’s heart leapt in relief. He lay on his stomach and slithered across the chariot floor towards the curtain.
They lay huddled together for a long time and eventually, they heard people boarding the chariot. Guards were shouting orders and three prisoners were brought on board. The prisoners were being taken to the King, but the reason was unclear. They listened carefully to the guards’ conversations and remained hopeful that their absence had not yet been discovered. At precisely seven o’clock, orders were given to commence the flight and they were thrust backwards with the force of the chariot climbing into the air. They knew that the flight down to Cottisham Castle would take approximately thirty minutes, and thus they would arrive at 7.30am.
With five minutes of the journey remaining, Ben handed Jacob and Owen a red sweet each and they took them gratefully, eager not to be found. All three boys ate the sweets and within seconds they were invisible. Amy felt a little apprehensive that she was now the only one who could be seen.
The chariot landed smoothly and Ben listened to the passengers disembarking. He peeped through the curtain and watched the three handcuffed prisoners being led away by the guards. Ben moved out of his hiding place, still invisible to anyone who might be observing. Jacob and Owen followed him, but Amy remained where she was, hidden from prying eyes. Ben looked around and could see guards on the castle
wall. Nothing was out of the ordinary and everything seemed relaxed and undisturbed.