Only For Now: Second Chances Read online

Page 4

  "I remember running into you. At least I think I do. I remember being surprised. No, shocked is more like it. I had gone up to the bar to get a drink, and there you were." She glanced at him for confirmation, and at his slight nod, she continued. "I also remember that I was supposed to meet up with the girls at the next location, but I wanted to spend a little more time with you." She looked away, embarrassed. "After that it gets kind of fuzzy. The thing is, I hadn't had that much to drink. Not enough to not remember an entire evening of, well, you know. I don't drink very often, but I know my limits, and I shouldn't have reached it."

  "Alexa, I don't think you were drunk. I think you were drugged." He let that sink in for a moment. Her eyes widened and she shook her head in denial.

  "I'm very aware of things like that." He was sure she was. "I never would have left my drink unattended."

  "Regardless, that's the only thing I can think of. It makes sense. When I first got there, you were perfectly normal and coherent. Not thirty minutes later you were practically passed out. I had to carry you to the cab."

  "So then what?" Her eyes were narrow slits and her voice was clipped.

  He held up his hands. "Nothing like what you've been thinking. You had no phone on you and you couldn't tell me where your hotel was. I wasn't just going to drop you off at the nearest precinct, and there was no way in hell I was going to leave you alone. I only had one option. I brought you back to my room to sleep it off. I slept on the couch the entire night."

  "What about my clothes?" She wasn't budging until she had every last detail, it seemed. "I wasn't wearing any when I woke up, if you remember."

  It was his turn to blush. He remembered all too well. "You came to enough to try to come on to me when I was trying to get you settled."

  "No, I did not," she protested.

  The sheer disgust in her voice made him laugh. "Sorry to say, darlin’, but yes, you did. I, however was able to resist your womanly wiles. After you began stripping your dress off, I wrapped you in my robe and tucked you in. You were snoring in no time."

  Alexa buried her head in her hands, then peeked at him through her fingers. "I am so humiliated. All this time I've thought that you were the one who acted inappropriately." She paused for a moment. "But how do I know you aren't lying? What if you're making all this up? I'd never know."

  "You're a tough one. Despite what you may think, you know me. If you think about it hard enough, I think the truth will be evident."

  She pursed her lips, but said nothing else. Instead she turned to where the sun was lowering below the horizon. Everything was cast in the golden light of dusk. The sun and shadows played across her features and he couldn't tear his gaze away from her striking beauty. She was simply breathtaking.

  He'd been unable to get her out of his mind for the past week, and now here she was next to him. His hopes of spending the week with her and recovering what’d he’d lost so many years ago had been on shaky legs after New Orleans. But it looked as if things may be turning in his favor after all. All he knew was, after all these years the power she held over him hadn’t diminished one bit. He only hoped he could convince her he was worth another shot.


  Alexa's gaze strayed from her laptop to the early morning ocean sprawling before her. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. Just beautiful. She hadn't felt so relaxed and at peace in a long time. It was nice to not have to worry about anything work related. Well, other than what her editor had to say about her article.

  She pushed the thought aside and returned to her musings on her blog. A blog that she kept totally private, only for her eyes to see. She would be mortified if anyone knew that she secretly dreamed of being able to write for a living, following whatever whim took hold of her. It was vital that she took her career seriously, so her fanciful private account of her life would remain just that—private.

  At the sound of the patio door creaking open, Alexa clicked out of her browser hurriedly.

  "Working again?" Will's voice was teasing.

  She was glad her sunglasses obscured her eyes because she couldn't keep them from roaming over his muscled chest and shoulders that were currently straining against a plain white tee. "Not even. I plan on spending the rest of this week in vacation mode."

  He grinned at her, completely disarming her. "Sounds like a plan."

  She tried to control her response to him. Damn, he was near irresistible. But resist she must. After his admission last night of what had really transpired between them, Alexa had been floored. He hadn't taken advantage of her after all. And strangely enough, she didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed. Surely all the long work hours had robbed her of some vital brain cells, because no one in their right mind would wish to have been taken advantage of.

  But she knew that wasn't the source of her disappointment. It was more of an acknowledgment that of course a man like Will wouldn't be interested in a woman like herself. Why would he be? There had been more than ample opportunities through the years, and he’d never taken one. Well, there was that one kiss, but that didn’t count. She’d practically thrown herself at him that night. And had been so terrified of the emotions it had dredged up that she’d had to get away.

  Sure, she’d told everyone she was leaving to make something of herself in the great big world. But really she hadn’t been able to take what would surely be Will’s rejection of her. She’d harbored a secret love for him half her life, and she wouldn’t have been able to handle it when he moved on to the next girl. So she’d left.

  Last night, unable to get him out of her mind, she had spent the evening researching just exactly what he’d been up to in the past four years. Hours, in fact, on her smartphone once she had gone to bed. And it turned out that he had achieved quite a lot. He'd said he was a photographer, but what he didn't say was that he lived a life full of adventure and wonder. He made his living from his photographs and articles about all the exciting places he traveled to. After she’d taken off, it seemed as if he’d decided on his own adventure. From the looks of it, he was always on the move to the next great escape. Only in her dreams.

  Speaking of dreams, the memory of waking up from this morning's had her cheeks burning. Even though her body hadn't experienced it after all, her mind sure hadn't had a problem filling in the details of what a night with Will may have been like.

  And here she was now wanting to find out for real.

  "You know, this is one of my favorite beaches," he said suddenly.

  "It is gorgeous," she agreed. "What else tops your list?"

  "It's hard to say my most favorite, but Hawaii, Bali, and the black sand beaches of Tahiti are pretty high up there."

  "It must be nice to get paid to see that stuff."

  "I love it. I don't think I could ever stay in one place again now that I know what all there is to be seen."

  And there it was. The exact reason she couldn't even consider the idea of getting involved with this man. He was a rover, a nomad, with no intention of settling down. Especially not with one woman. She was set on a steady and reliable career path that she continually reminded herself that she wanted. So why was she now feeling such a surge of excitement at the idea of traveling the world? It was a childish fantasy and she knew better than to feed it.

  Changing the subject, she jumped to her feet and all but ran toward the door. "I'm going to get some coffee."

  "I'm right behind you."

  * * *

  Will leaned his hip against the kitchen counter while he watched Alexa set up the coffee to brew. He was surprised to have found her awake so early. He was always an early riser, finding the early morning light to be some of the best for particular landscape photographs, but he was sure that she would have wanted to sleep in like everyone else.

  Alexa's reaction to his confession the night before had surprised him. She hadn't made much of a fuss over it once she knew the truth. She also wasn't making much of a fuss over
him, which both frustrated and intrigued him. Jocelyn's overbearing questions and obvious flirtation were more what he was used to. In his experience, it wasn't uncommon for women to be enticed by his seemingly romantic lifestyle and abundant riches, and they all wanted a piece of it, even for just a night. Not so with Alexa. She didn't seem to need anything from him. But she never had.

  The more aloof she remained, the more he wanted her. He was used to getting what he wanted. He allowed himself to run his eyes over her body while her back was turned. Her thin tank clung to her curves, while her pajama pants were slung low on her hips. She let out a little sigh as she leaned against the counter and rolled her head around her shoulders.

  In an instant he felt a rush of blood to his groin and almost groaned aloud. She had a way of affecting him without even trying. Against his better judgment, Will walked up behind her and began to massage her shoulders. She stiffened briefly, then gave into it and let her head fall forward.

  "You’re tense," he observed. "Tough night's sleep?" He entertained the image of what it would be like to show her a night of sleeplessness.

  "No." Her voice was strained, but with irritation or unease, or dare he hope, desire, he couldn't be sure. "Just too much time spent hunched over my computer." She made a noise in her throat that indicated just how good his hands felt, and he nearly grabbed her hips and jerked her back against his now rock-hard dick to show her what those little noises were doing to him. Thankfully, he'd restrained himself, because just as he was about to run his hands down her sides, he heard the patter of slippers on the stairs.

  Alexa must have heard it too because she jumped as if she'd been burned, and edged away from him. He let his hands drop and quickly retreated to the other side of the kitchen, adjusting himself on the way. He pulled out the cream and sugar just as Cara rounded the corner.

  "Morning," she said sleepily, stifling a yawn with her hand. "I thought I smelled coffee. Thank god." She was dressed in a silky robe with her hair piled upon her head in a manner too perfect to have been left that way from sleep. She walked to the cupboards to take out some mugs. The contradictions between her and Alexa were sharp to Will's eyes. While Cara was a bit of an ice princess that you'd have to be careful not to muss, Alexa was relaxed and laid back, regardless of what the other women thought. It was no wonder she’d always been the sister he preferred.

  Cara was a bit too much like Jocelyn, and Will knew their type like the back of his hand. They were, after all the type of women that he was normally surrounded by. But taking in Alexa's cotton pajamas and long, unkempt tresses, he knew she'd be a hell of a lot more fun in bed.

  Dammit. There he went again. If he didn't stop thinking like this, he would never get his body to chill out. Maybe it was time for a cold shower and a little distance.

  Just as he was about to open his mouth to make his exit known, Alexa turned with a steaming mug and held it out to him. "How do you like it?"

  Hard and fast. He caught her gaze, and noticing the twinkle in her eye and slight tilt of her mouth, he realized she was well aware of his body’s current predicament. He acknowledged her with a quirk of his eyebrow and took the extended mug. "Straight up."

  She turned and fixed her own coffee, passing Cara in the process. Her eyes were narrowed as she regarded the two of them. He better watch out. The last thing he needed was for her to get involved and start match-making. That was a surefire way to send Alexa running again. Without another word for either of them, he walked out the door and down to the beach.

  * * *

  "Alexa..." Cara's voice was a warning. Great. So she hadn't missed that exchange after all.

  Alexa turned and gave her sister what she hoped was her most innocent expression. "Yes?"

  "We need to talk." Her eyes were grave and her mouth was set firmly.

  Alexa tried to play it off lightly. "Oh, do you need something done before the ceremony? I'll be happy to help with anything you need." The ceremony was days away, and Alexa knew everything was already worked out to the finest detail.

  "Come sit with me." Cara walked to the couch and patted the cushion beside her. Making her way warily across the room, Alexa glanced toward the stairs before meeting Cara's eyes. "Everyone's sound asleep. No worries about them hearing what I have to say."

  Alexa settled in for the conversation, unsure where it was going to lead, but pretty sure Cara still didn’t know what was going on between her and Will.

  "I know about you and Will." Okay, maybe not.

  Alexa couldn't keep her mouth from hanging open. "What do you mean?" she asked in a last ditch effort to pretend that her secrets weren't about to come spilling out.

  Cara patted her hand. "Please spare me the act. We're sisters. I sometimes know you better than you know yourself."

  Alexa nodded. She was right. They’d been through everything together and she needed to at least not treat her as if she were an idiot. "What exactly do you know?" she said carefully.

  "Well, I've seen the way you two are around each other. The secret looks and smiles. The fact that you light up when he's around." Ugh, was she that obvious and pathetic? No wonder he wasn't ever interested. "Also..." She hesitated.

  "What? What am I missing here?"

  "I know about that night in New Orleans," she said it in a rush, careful to keep her voice down.

  Alexa felt the room tilt. How could she have known, and then played dumb the next day? She opened her mouth to say something, then shut it again. What was there to say? Cara had seen them.

  Then she was angry. "You're one to talk about an act. You had the nerve to play dumb that morning, and then you accuse me of doing it now." Alexa knew she was being irrational by getting upset with Cara, but she didn't seem to know how else to channel the roller coaster of emotions she was feeling.

  At least Cara had the nerve to look sheepish. "I didn't know what to say." Cara bit her lip and Alexa instantly knew there was more.

  “What are you not telling me?”

  Cara took a deep breath and stared into her coffee cup. “I asked him to come out that night.”

  All the irritation that she’d felt at being blindsided by Will’s presence at the wedding resurfaced. She’d tried to let it go for her sister’s sake. After all, Will was close with Cara, and apparently Jace now too. But this was too much.

  “Why? Why would you do that? What are trying to do?” She could feel her face burning with anger.

  “Shh.” Cara glanced around to make sure no one, presumably Will, was within earshot. “Give it up, Alexa. You’ve been running for way too long. I see the way you two look at each other. Why do you fight so hard against yourself?”

  “Because I won’t let myself get hurt this time. It’s too painful. If I ever let myself give in…and then he left…I couldn’t bear it. And you know he would.”

  Cara looked doubtful. “I don’t know. You may think you know him, or at least the way he was, but I’m not so sure. If I had to bet on it—”

  Alexa shook her head. “You’re wrong. It would never work. Besides, he doesn’t want me like that.”

  “I see the way he looks at you, like he wants to devour you. But I get what you’re saying. We've all heard stories about Will, and most of them aren't positive. At least not where women are concerned. I don't want you to get hurt, either. He's not the type to settle down and I don't guess I want you to get invested in a man who will pick up and leave at the drop of a hat."

  Her words echoed Alexa's own thoughts from just moments ago. "Exactly. I realize this. Hell, it’s why I went to New York in the first place.” She could tell this was no surprise to her sister, even though she’d never said it out loud. Cara's intentions were good, and on an impulse Alexa reached out and hugged her. "Thank you for looking out for me.”

  But Cara wasn’t done. “Can I just say one more thing?”

  “I don’t think my opinion matters on that. You’ll say whatever you please.” Alexa laughed.
br />   “If you know that nothing can come of it, then what are you so afraid of? Live out your fantasy for a week. It’s not like you’re likely to see him again soon. Just keep your head on straight and enjoy the ride.”

  “Are you seriously telling me what I think you’re telling me?” She almost couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with her sister. But then again, the two of them were very different.

  “Why not? Just be careful. And I promise not to get too involved. At least not any more than I can help,” Cara added sheepishly.

  "Get involved in what?" Jace rounded the corner of the staircase, looking at the women suspiciously.

  "Wedding plans that the groom has no business knowing," Cara clipped out effortlessly. She certainly was able to turn the conversation around on a dime.

  Alexa gave her sister a kiss on the cheek then made her way back outside to her deck chair and settled back in with her laptop. She pretended to be absorbed in reading for the next little while, but really she was watching Will walk along the shore.

  After a bit, he made his way back up to the house just as the other house guests were starting to converge at the pool. Jocelyn was already in full war paint for the day, which Alexa found ridiculous. Really, who got all made up to get in the water? Her sheer sarong barely covered anything and her peach string bikini left her looking nearly nude. She was tempted to accidentally knock her in the pool.

  Seeing Will as he neared the house, Jocelyn ran down the stairs and draped her long arms around him, whispering conspiratorially in his ear and trailing her fingers down his chest. That was all it took for Alexa to be out of her chair and heading back to her room. She'd be damned if she let that little bitch outdo her. Even though she knew she had no business pursuing anything with Will, he had awakened desires in her that she hadn't felt in a long time. And her sister was practically encouraging her to have a week of no-strings sex. She shook her head again at that.