Spark of Intent Read online

Page 14

  “Then we’ll put the request in first thing tomorrow. Don’t openly engage her. Try to avoid her until you get reassigned. If she harrasses you or us any further, we can report her to the school board. The same goes for her son.” I couldn’t keep my dislike for the male out of my tone.

  Tension left her body as she snuggled into my side, and I reached up to caress her hair, running my long fingers through her silky tresses. It never ceased to amaze me how soft her hair was, or how good she felt pressed up against me.

  For the rest of the evening we laid together watching a movie on my small TV, simply soaking in one another. When she slipped form the bed, I instantly regretted the loss of her. I hated that we’d spent some of our valuable time arguing. I watched as she climbed into the Hummer with Killian, heading home for the night. I wanted nothing more than to go home with her. Well, that and to stay the night in her bed, even if it was to just breathe her in and enjoy her presence.

  My Kitsune howled in my head as she drove off. I watched until the taillights disappeared before I headed back inside.

  Smiling to myself, I grabbed my phone off of my computer desk when I reached my room, scrolling to my reminders app. I typed in a note and set an alarm, planning to make a stop first thing tomorrow morning before class.

  Crawling into bed later that evening, I dreamed of Nix. Of a future where the threats against us were gone and we were free to love each other as we were meant to.



  I stared at the table in shock. “Really? Hiro bought me flowers.” I didn’t want to admit that no one ever had, though I was sure that was obvious. “We haven’t even fully made up yet from our fight.” While things had settled after the Mrs. Stone incident in front of Hiro’s dorm and our corresponding fight, it hadn’t necessarily felt normal either. It was odd feeling disconnected from Hiro, not having his gentle, soothing presence or demanding kisses. While he’d tried to smooth things over with the movie in his dorm room after our spat, his body had continued to remain tense, even as he played with my hair to try and set me at ease.

  Ryder rolled his eyes from his place at the table behind the giant bouquet. “Yeah, he always does that. Even for us guys. Always has. The bigger the bouquet, the angrier he was. I don’t really know why. I guess it’s his way of apologizing.” I winced at that. The bouquet was huge, to me at least. But if this was his way of apologizing to me and opening the door back up for us to move past things, I’d take it. I reached out a hand to brush my fingers across the soft, fragrant petals and froze.

  “Wait. These are yellow carnations. Peonies. Goldenrod.” I didn’t know whether to laugh or to try and find Hiro and throw the bouquet in his face.

  “Yeah, he usually gives something with peonies in it. Ryder usually gets geraniums and buttercups.” Killian shrugged. “It’s the only reason most of us know what a freaking peony is. I figured it had to do with him being a kitsune… into nature and everything. Like I said, it’s always been his way of apologizing.”

  I tried to hold back my grin, still unsure whether to be amused or let the flowers fuel my anger. “Do you guys know that flowers have meanings? They can be used as a language?” The guys looked at each other in confusion. I was mildly shocked that it had never crossed Theo’s mind.

  “I was aware that was a hobby in the Victorian era. I thought it had fallen out of favor.” Theo rubbed his eyebrows, studying the bouquet. He seemed to be catching on.

  “Very few people know the meanings anymore outside of the common ones like roses or lilies. I did a project on them in high school. Do you know what these mean?” I indicated the bouquet in front of me, arching an eyebrow in question. Blank faces met mine. “Yellow carnations mean disappointment. Peonies mean anger. Goldenrods usually symbol encouragement, but they also mean caution. He’s freaking insulting me with a bouquet.” I looked up, giving in to my shock. “Who does that?”

  Ryder was scowling. “Wait, so what do geraniums and buttercups mean? The other guys usually only get peonies.”

  I bit down on my lip to stop the smile. Okay, I admit it. It was kind of funny. “Buttercups can mean childishness or unreliability. Geraniums…” I trailed off for a minute as I studied a now pouting Ryder. “Geraniums usually mean someone is stupid or foolish, committing a folly.”

  Ryder shot from his chair with a menacing grin. “Hiro!” He bellowed. The Kitsune had gone upstairs to take a shower after returning home, but the shower had turned off a while ago. “Really? Apology through insulting flowers?!” He let his voice raise as he stomped from the room. “Seriously? Bloody hell! I’m gonna kill you!”

  I couldn’t resist the laughter that was swelling up from my stomach. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad way to apologize after all. I grinned at my bouquet, moving it to the counter where it could get more light. The flowers really were pretty. I’d just enjoy them for that.

  I could hear Ryder searching the house for Hiro and shook my head, all of my residual irritation disappearing.

  He’s in his bedroom. Damien gave away his friend’s location.

  I laughed as I listened to Ryder banging down the door. I adored my guys, even when they were a little bit crazy. I glanced at the clock, biting my tongue to keep from whining as I realized the time. I was so far behind on my studies, and the last thing I wanted to do was draw more attention to myself from either my professors or Mrs. Stone. It was time to buckle down and do some serious work.

  “Nix?” Kill’s sharply irritated voice and rapidfire knocks had me groaning where I sat at my desk. I studied the pile of work in front of me and debated ignoring him, but he simply rapped harder. It felt like every time I set myself to studying—or even reading those slightly addicting romance novels I’d gotten from Rini—another interruption arose.

  “Can it wait, Kill?” I called the words from my studying position, my legs curled under me on my desk chair, my books sprawled around me.

  “No.” The word was short and I rolled my eyes. My grumpy bunny was even grumpier than normal. I slid from my position with a grumble, heading for the door.

  “What couldn’t wait?” I glanced back over my shoulder, indicating with my hand the stack of work awaiting me.

  “You’ve got a visitor.” His teeth were clenched, as were his hands, and my Phoenix hissed at his agitation. “He’s waiting downstairs for you. He wants privacy, so the rest of us will be scare. I have no idea where the hell Ciar went, so I’m going to try and track his ass down. The others will be near the house and will hear if you call out. He doesn’t want Damien listening in either.”

  I froze, my body locking tight with nerves. “No one’s going to be around?”

  Stop scaring her, asshole. Damien’s voice was a scold to Killian. Nix, be calm. It’s just my grandfather. He’s going to be acting as your Elder and wants to speak with you without us pressuring you or getting jealous. I won’t shut the link down entirely, and we’ll all be right outside. If you have a frantic thought or call out at all, one of us can be there in moments. My grandfather is a good man and has offered his help. He paused. I trust him.

  Kill rolled his eyes, his hands still clenched tightly as he indicated that I should proceed him down the stairs, but he didn’t speak another word. I gave him a small wave as he headed out the door, heading into the kitchen where Damien and his grandfather were waiting for me. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. If Damien trusted the man, I would try to as well. Trust from Damien was a ringing endorsement—especially these days.

  Damien’s smile was bright, his arm around the shoulder of his grandfather in a casually affectionate move.

  “Nix, you remember my grandfather, don’t you?” I studied the older gentleman lounged at our dining table, a plate of Damien’s cookies and a glass of milk in front of him as though he was channeling Santa Claus.

  The fact that Damien kept baking sweets had me worried, but I tabled that concern for another day. Besides, they really were delicious.

  I turned mo
re fully toward Damien’s grandfather.

  “Yes, sir. It’s good to see you again, Mr. LaCroix.” I tried a smile but knew it wasn’t convincing.

  He snorted, taking a sip of his milk as he patted his grandson’s hand. Without warning he whipped a cookie from the tray and, in my shock, I caught it. He nodded his approval before waving a hand, indicating for me to take a seat. “No need for formalities, child. I haven’t been on the Council for many years and am glad of it. My grandson is a good baker, eat that cookie. You’re thin for a child your age.” I obeyed in shock, the sweetness of the cookie melting in my mouth. “Damien, go on now. She’ll be plenty safe with me here. I just want her to have some privacy for this conversation. We need to get to know each other if I’m to act as her Elder.” Damien shot me a wink, slipping away and leaving me there, my mouth full of cookie and the air filled with tension.

  “Alright, Ms. Nix. Are you ready for this?” His eyes twinkled as he nibbled at another cookie, the contrast of his relaxed air with his aristocratic bearing enough to keep me on edge. “I’m sure my boys have explained some of this to you.” I nodded, unsure still of how to address him. I knew Damien adored his grandfather, but the fact that he was a prior councilmember kept an icy tendril of fear wrapped tightly around my Phoenix and me. “You should have had a Gala at sixteen. As you are eighteen now, mating is a high priority in the Council’s mind. I know they would prefer you to take a mate and settle down as you are more likely to bear children with a lifetime mate than with a casual mating. You are too humanized to handle the matter in a way common to high-ranking mythologicals.”

  I wanted to hiss at the cool words and the raised eyebrows, but I could see the twinkle of humor in his eyes. I believed he was teasing me so I tried to keep my own response calm, rather than firing back at him. “If I ever choose to bear children, then yes I would like to have them a bit more traditionally and raise them myself.” He merely nodded, sipping on his glass of milk. If I ever had a child, I swore I’d be a caring, responsible parent, giving them the childhood I never had.

  “Gala’s are unique. They encourage political matings rather than emotional matings. As your Elder, I will handle most of that. You will be free to mingle with the other young ones there, though none—even my boys—should be actively approaching you as potential mates. In older times, you would have been encouraged to mingle with only other females, but, times do change and adjustments have been made.” Finishing his glass, he set it down with a clink, lacing his fingers together around it as he continued. “Offers will be made on you. Not just a comparable status, but offers of gifts—money, power, votes—will all occur.” I froze at that and my Phoenix hissed. My control faltered for a moment and my hands heated, waves bending in the air from the drastic change in temperature. He ignored it as though it were an everyday occasion.

  “You’ll be accepting gifts for me?” The words came out weaker than I intended. I wasn’t a possession. I wouldn’t be bought no matter how much money or how many votes it would bring him.

  “Calm yourself, my dear. It is traditional. Some families do take these things into consideration, just as they may not take into consideration the feelings of their daughters. I am not among that crowd.” I didn’t understand the politics in this world. As an ex-councilman, shouldn’t he be promoting the political side and encouraging me to accept gifts that would promote him or his son? “Now, due to your status, the current Council members will have some specific ideas about whom they want you mating.” For a moment I thought I saw his lips twist in disgust, but his expression was neutral again before I could tell for sure.

  “You want me to let the Council pick who I mate?” My Phoenix squawked her outrage. She had made her choice of mates and wasn’t going to let anyone stand in our way.

  He raised an eyebrow and tsked quietly. “That is not what I said, now is it? My dear, you need to stop jumping to conclusions and listen.” Fuming, I sat quietly, waiting for him to continue. “The Council will want to pick your mate. That does not mean I will allow them to. The Council must feel as though they are powerful, so yes, I will approve some of the higher ranking, powerful families in our culture. My approval of them is not yours. I will not force a mating on you.” He leaned forward, his eyes suddenly serious as he focused on me. “I am acting as your Elder, Nix. Not a councilman. I want to ensure your safety, and your future. On a personal level, I think you are a sweet girl, and I know you have caught the eye of my boys. They would do well by you, politics be damned. I will encourage you to keep an open mind, however. You never know when true love will fall into your lap.” If he hoped for a confession from me, it wasn’t his to receive, even if I knew what I would say.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” My voice was drier than I had intended, and my Phoenix squawked her irritation.

  “The Council will not approve of all members of your group bidding for you. We will deal with that later, so do not get offended that not all of them will. It has nothing to do with their relationship with you. At the end of the evening, all of those who I have approved to court you will join us in a room to the side of the throne room where the Gala is hosted. You will have a few minutes to meet each of them. While technically you may automatically disapprove someone at that time, it is not appropriate in your case to immediately deny everyone no matter how much you may want to. I will warn you before you enter the room that no matter how badly you dislike someone, there will be at least one chosen by the Council whom you are not allowed to deny.”

  “Not allowed to deny?” The words were nearly a squawk I was so indignant. “I have to court one of them no matter what?”

  He sighed, steepling his fingers. “You really are not used to politics, child. You will pretend to court one, to keep the Council happy. You could potentially end up liking them. You are no longer a child, so stop acting like one. This is a game we all play. Listen to our advice, learn the rules—you will succeed. You are no longer a human. Different rules and traditions will apply to you. Stop expecting your life to be what it was. It will be different, that does not mean it will be bad. You have found fast friends already—why not enjoy the other aspects our world has to offer before scoffing at it?” Shocked, I gaped at him. This was not the way I expected our conversation to go. I did not expect him to be so blunt, nor so friendly. Even more off kilter, I remained silent, staring at him.

  “Now that we have some of the Gala logistics out of the way, we can focus on other things.” The corners of his mouth twitched; I was unsure if it was in irritation or amusement. “Now, Nix, I know that you have seen how relaxed our societal structure is in regards to pregnancy. However, that choice should remain yours and not be foisted upon you. Therefore, it is my duty to make sure you understand sex, pregnancy, and protection.”

  “What?” The word was a screech and I nearly fell off of the chair. Oh my god, come save me! The thought was nearly a scream in my head. I felt the guys’ panic, followed by their amusement as I shoved the last few seconds at them.

  We all got the talk, Nix. Hiro’s voice was amused. I figured he’d spring it on you at some point.

  It may be embarrassing, but it is necessary. Logical Theo, as always. We all survived it and knew him far better at the time of it. You need to be aware of your choices and everything that may be upcoming in our relationship.

  “I assume you’re calling for help from the boys, they all know better than to interfere.” Gaspard’s voice was dryly amused.

  You all suck. I know how babies are made and how to prevent them, and if I didn’t, your grandfather is not the appropriate medium to gain that knowledge!

  I held up my hands to placate Gaspard. “Seriously, I’ve had the birds and the bees talk. I know about condoms and the pill and STDs.”

  “Very good.” The amusement hadn’t left his voice. “However, you’re still going to get at least a stilted version from me right now. Refreshers never hurt.” I groaned, and I could feel myself turning redder than my Phoenix feathers as
he continued to speak. “Condoms only work if you put them on correctly. In the heat of the moment, many don’t. Practice if you need to. The pill will only work if taken at the same time every day. It will not protect you from STDs. One time together is enough to get pregnant. Abortion is not done for high-level shifters, Nix. That may have been an option in the human world. It is not one here. Every baby is homed. That should never be a worry for you, however, if you are with child you will have to see that to the end of the pregnancy.” His face hardened as he studied me. “Do not test that law, Nix. Not at your level. You will not like the results.” A shiver racked my body under the force of his stare.

  “Yes, sir.” I felt as though he needed confirmation of this statement, and apparently I was correct. After studying me a minute longer, he nodded.

  “Now, the act of sex itself should be pleasurable for all parties involved. If it isn’t, stop. You and they can always learn, but you should not be forced to have unpleasant sex. Your first time may hurt some.” I grimaced, turning my eyes away. My Phoenix cooed gently at me, sending a soothing wave of heat across me as I wrapped my arms tightly around my waist.

  “Ah.” Gaspard hissed through his teeth. “Well, then, I am not going to continue. If you ever have questions you may come to me. I will leave my contact information. If you are more comfortable speaking to a female, I know my grandson said you had become close with Rini.” I nodded, still unable to meet his eyes. “Well, you did far better than some of my grandsons did.”

  “Huh?” That drew my attention to him. What in the world did that cryptic statement mean.

  Gaspard’s eyes danced with amusement. “Oh, yes indeed. You see, I had this talk with all of them. As well as a talk on how to properly treat their mates. When I spoke with Theo he was probably about twelve years old. He turned a very amusing shade of green. I’m quite surprised he didn’t hurl all over our kitchen floor when I drew him a diagram.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the image that painted for me. “Killian walked into a door in an attempt to avoid the conversation. He hit it so hard that he knocked himself unconscious.” My lips twitched, and I lost my ability to stay quiet. I giggled like crazy, picturing a teenage Killian knocking himself out trying to avoid having the sex talk was just so ridiculous. He grinned widely at my amusement.