Heart of Winter: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Romance (Winter's Edge Book 2) Read online

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  Sarah grew up in Fayetteville, West Virginia, a city on the edge of spectacular wilderness. Her favorite past time growing up, apart from writing, was stargazing. Ever since her early years, Sarah has been enthralled by the beauty of space and one of her favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson that captures her sentiments exactly is; “The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us.”

  The ideas of exploring the unknown, discovering new worlds, and pushing the boundaries of scientific and technical limits have captured Sarah’s imagination and curiosity. This is largely the reason that the vastness of Space appears as the backdrop in the majority of her works.

  When she isn’t hunched over writing, Sarah likes to spend her time introducing her five year old daughter to the marvelous diversity and beauty that exists in the universe.

  All Books by Sarah Jane Ellis Can Be Viewed At:
