Sacred Bond: Secrets of Stone Ridge Read online

Page 6

  “Saying what?”

  “That you’ll protect me,” She rises up, resting the weight of her upper body on her arm that is now beneath her. “Is that just a figure of speech or should I be scared? Am I safe?”

  Taking in a deep breath I know there is so much that she’ll need to know, so much I should share with her. Only doing so now, when everything is still so fragile, it could backfire and I might lose her. “I want you with me, I want you near, I feel completely unsettled when you aren’t close.”

  I’m not sure if my choice of explanation will be enough to calm her. I watch, waiting for her to relax. I don’t look away, and I fight the urge to move in closer. The soft breaths she takes, the way her petite body moves beneath the blanket still covering a good portion of her only makes it more difficult not to touch her. I want nothing more than to pull back the blanket and crawl up on the oversized couch with her. To feel her pressed against me, the feeling of her skin touching mine. I am a ball of nerves, pent up energy and desire. I have wanted this woman for longer than I can remember and to have her here, this close, it is still so incredible.

  “You’re so intense,” she takes in a deep breath, still remaining where she is, close, staring directly into my eyes. “It’s almost impossible to think clearly when I am near you.” This time I smile because Taryn is so cute when she was frustrated and confused. The way her brows furrow and her lips purse. “I don’t understand this, and I can’t pretend that I do.”

  “I don’t want you to pretend, I want you to keep an open mind.” I need her to accept me. I need her to understand that I am me, but I am also what some would consider a beast. But no matter what I am, I will always be the man she needs me to be. “I need you to trust me, and this life that I want you to be a part of.”

  I sat up all night watching her sleep. After our talk she laid back on the couch and worried her lip as she silently thought to herself. It drove me mad. I wanted to know what she was thinking, what her worries are so I can soothe them. But I didn’t push. After an hour she slowly began to close her eyes and I listened to her soft breaths mixed with the popping of the fire blazing only a few feet away, Sleep didn’t come for me, my mind raced with too many fears.

  I heard the rustle of the leather couch as she climbed off of it, and the sound of her bare feet as she began to walk in my direction. Standing at the stove, I don’t turn to face her though I know she is there. I can practically feel the heat of her gaze. Each breath she takes, though it is soft and even, appears to echo through the expanding kitchen. I may have gone a little overboard when building this place, but I wanted to spare no expense. I didn't want it to be lacking in any sense.

  I did it for her.

  “Wow,” she says. I look back over my shoulder and see her scan over the space from one side of the room to another. “I don’t think I have ever seen a kitchen like this.” There is awe written all over her face and to me, that is worth everything. She is impressed, just as I want her to be.

  “Do you like to cook?” I ask. I already knew the answer to that question. I know everything there is to know about Taryn.

  “I dabble,” she replies softly as she moves in further and rounds the large island in the center, coming around to where I stand. The way her hand glides over the marble top slowly appreciatively gives me chills. I would give anything to feel her touch me. “I’m more of a baker.”

  My girl may have a little sweets addiction, though her body shows absolutely no signs of such.

  “I can cook dinner, and you can make dessert.” Smiling, I watch her tilt her head to look up at me.

  “But it is morning.”

  Leaning in closer her breath hitches when I get within an inch of her mouth. “It is,” grazing my lips over hers. The hunger I feel for her is harder to control than any other want I have ever felt. “But if I have it my way, you will still be here this evening.” Then I kiss her softly, and feel myself relax when she reciprocates. I don’t want to scare her or set us back in any way. I want to build her want for me, play on her needs and when she is ready, she will give herself to me. I won’t let my father's words taint my time with her. I know the clock is ticking, but I needed Taryn to want to be with me as much as I have always wanted her.

  The rest, it will come.


  It’s been hours since Merick kissed me and my lips haven’t stopped tingling. We have yet to talk about anything or at least anything pertaining to his persistence and empowering words of desire. While we ate breakfast we were both silently watching each other. His lips constantly tipped up at the corners in a grin that warmed my belly.

  After we ate, ignoring my protest, he carried me into the living room and placed me on the sofa so he could change the bandage on my arm. I winced when he poked at it and watched as he covered it in the ointment. The dressing was quickly applied and then he helped me upstairs, leading me into what must be the master bedroom.

  The massive California King four-poster bed is covered in a dark blue comforter. The nightstands on both sides are made of the same dark walnut stain. A large flatscreen was anchored to the wall above the dresser. It oozes masculinity and I allow myself to imagine him sprawled out beneath the darkened sheets. Night after night, naked maybe. My head feels woozy from the images I’m conjuring of him.

  He led me into the master bath and I took one look at the large Aqua Eden Freestanding bathtub and bit my lip to keep from moaning. I can visualize myself soaking in that tub for hours. The large glass shower has a smooth stone backsplash and a wooden bench that caused my belly to flip. Oh, the possibilities.

  Merick grabs something out of the closet. He turns to me and sticks his hand out. “Spare toothbrush.”

  I take it from him. “Thank you.”

  “Get cleaned up, but avoid getting your dressing wet for now. I’ll lay out some clothes for you and wash what you’re wearing.” He reaches out ever so slowly and strokes my cheek with his thumb. His chestnut brown eyes are so bright they almost look like they are glowing. “I want to talk to you about how you ended up in the forest last night.” Merick leans down, brushing his lips against mine before disappearing out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

  I touch my lips and smile. What is wrong with me? Last night I nearly died, well maybe not died, but something or someone was trying to get into my cabin. A shiver ran down my spine thinking about the figure I saw walking by my window.

  I push the fear aside and get cleaned up. In only a towel I poke my head out of the bathroom and find his bedroom empty, and a stack of clothes on his bed. I throw on the basketball shorts, folding the waistband over and over until they somewhat fit.

  The sweatshirt hits me mid-thigh and when I hold it up to my nose, the soft cotton material smells just like Merick. It causes an ache between my thighs. I ignore it, knowing that it is the last thing I should be focusing on at this point. One by one I pull on the wool socks that go to my knees. I’m petite for a woman, and in his clothes, I looked like a child.

  I let my brown locks down and go back into his bathroom, grabbing Merick’s comb and run it through my hair. I leave it hanging down my back. As soon as I finish I make my way down the stairs. The living room is empty and the fire is roaring. “Merick?” I called out.

  There is no response and I move around to sit in front of the fire. I’m warmed all over and I curled my legs under me.

  I rub my fingers over my lips, still feeling Merick’s gliding over my own. My nipples harden to painful points, rubbing against the fabric of his sweatshirt. I ignore the way my body feels like it’s short-circuiting.

  My eyes begin to feel heavy and I welcome it. I am both emotionally and physically exhausted.

  I feel my hair being brushed out of my face, opening my eyes to find Merick sitting next to my hip. “Sorry, I fell asleep.” My voice is rough.

  He smiles down at me, rubbing his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip. “That’s okay. You needed sleep. I grabbed you some pain reliev
er and some water.”

  Merick helps me sit up and then hands me two white pills and a bottle of water. I swallow them down and half of the water not realizing how thirsty I truly am. He takes it from me and stays close. “Can you tell me what happened last night?”

  Grabbing the blanket that is over me I pull it up to my neck as the fear comes back.

  Merick strokes my hair and talks in a soothing voice. “You’re okay. You’re safe here.”

  I take a deep breath. “I was asleep and I woke up to noises. They startled me. First, I heard something scratching at the back of the cabin. Then hissing started, it was so loud I covered my ears. That didn’t help, so I let go and grabbed a knife when the banging started.” I run my fingers through my hair. “It was when I stood up that I saw the shadow of someone. The only thing that kept running through my mind was, I had to get to you. I knew you’d save me.” His eyes creased at the corners and his nostrils flared.

  Merick grabs my hand and brings it to his lips. “You’re safe, I promise.”

  He speaks with such conviction I can’t help but believe him. “Thank you,” I whisper softly. Merick leans in, tilting my chin up so he can reach my lips. The kiss is slow and sweet. I lick the seam of his lips until he opens. He spears his fingers into the hair at the base of my skull, holding me in place.

  All too soon the kiss is over and Merick is pulling away from me. “You make me want to lose control.” He runs his nose along the side of my face. It’s like he’s trying to inhale my essence.

  My hands rest over his heart that is pounding against his chest. God, his body is hard and he radiates so much warmth. “What are you?” I ask so quietly I’m not sure if I actually said it out loud. And then I ask something that has been toying with me for days. “Are-Are you a werewolf?” After I speak the words I feel my cheeks heat, it sounds ridiculous to even ask, but all of this is so what's the difference.

  “I’m a shape-shifter.” My nose wrinkles in confusion before I have the chance to control it. “I shift into a wolf.” He says it matter of factly. Merick takes in a slow steady breath. “Please don’t be scared of me. I’d rather die than hurt you.”

  “But shapeshifters aren’t real—they can’t be.”

  Merick stands up and moves toward the open space in front of the window. He peels off his t-shirt, showing off his broad, tan, muscled chest. My eyes drift to his jeans and the massive bulge. “Don’t look at me like that. Not when I can’t touch you the way I want.” He unbuttons and then unzips his jeans.

  “W-What are you d-doing?”

  He doesn’t answer me he just pulls them down, but before I can get a look at him fully naked his body does this weird shimmer thing before his body changes before my eyes. I scramble back, taking the end table and lamp down with me.

  The giant wolf, my wolf, starts walking toward me. His steps are slow, thoughtful. My heart beats a rapid staccato in my chest. He stops right in front of me. “M-Merick?” He snorts and then bobs his head, bumping it into my hand.

  I reach out and run my trembling hand over his fur and immediately start to cry because I remember the feel of his fur against my fingers when I was twelve and he still feels the same. I wrap my arms around his neck. “For so long I thought I had imagined you. Shift back for me?”

  His body quivers and then just like that Merick is in human form again. I look away before he can catch me staring, but he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He grabs his clothes, holding me in his hypnotic stare as he begins getting dressed. It takes all of my restraint, not to look down at his dick.

  My belly warms and my nipples harden. I bite my lip to keep from moaning as he covers up his beautiful body. The sexual tension between us is so thick, but then my stomach growls, breaking it and causing us both to laugh.

  Once Merick is dressed he comes over to me, lifting me off the sofa. “You know I can walk, right?”

  “Let me take care of you, okay?” He sets me down on the marble countertop and then cages me in with his hands next to both hips. “What are you hungry for?”

  Well if that isn’t a loaded question I don’t know what is. “Umm...whatever you want is fine. I’m not picky.”

  Merick leans in until our lips are almost touching. His breath tickles mine and he whispers, “Whatever I want?” He licks his lips and I swear it makes me want to wrap my legs around him and let him have my body. Instead, my stomach growls again, loudly. He laughs, “let’s get you fed.”


  I scanned the forest for the third time, roamed over the land surrounding her cabin, and found nothing. I believe Taryn, but there were no signs of anyone near her place. The grounds were clean, with no footprints. I'd picked up no unfamiliar scent.

  I must have spent hours while she slept, seeking out who had her so spooked. The lack of findings made me irritated because it meant whoever it was they were still out there.

  I sat near the large picture window, overlooking the trees. Just beyond was her cabin. The quietness around me meant she was still sleeping soundly.

  Seeing her in my oversized bed, curled in safely beneath my sheets. Her hair fanning out over the pillow, the soft sounds of her even breaths, it's all so perfect. I'd give anything to have her here with me day after day, night after night.

  To touch her, feel her warmth engulf me. Resisting her was growing more difficult and I could feel the urgency in her actions too. She wants me, I know she does. The scent of arousal coming off of her in waves, but not acting on it.

  "Good morning," I turn my head to find Taryn taking the first three steps and pausing on the landing. "Do you ever sleep?"

  Smiling, I allow my gaze to wander as I take in her appearance. A T-shirt, one of mine to be exact, hitting at her knees, bare feet, and bright red toenails. Her hair was down, tossed and slightly matted from her sleep. Taryn looks beautiful, breathtaking even.

  “You are staring.” Quickly I shift my gaze upward and find her staring at me. A smile is tugging at the corner of her lips and she bites it in an attempt to hide it. But its too late, I find the humor dancing in her eyes.

  “I am,” confirming her observation, I turn taking a few steps toward her, then pause weighing out her reaction. She remains where she is, staring at me with a smoldering look in her eyes. The two of us have been dancing around our attraction for one another for a couple of days now and if I was less of a man I would have already taken her up on those thoughts I know that are rolling around in her mind. But instead, I continue to enjoy the build. I’m securing the bond, strengthening that desire she feels. I need this between us to be unbreakable, so I will wait.

  “I’d like to show you around today.” Taryn shifts on her feet, tugging at the hem of the shirt she wears, “I want to share Stone Ridge with you. Make you fall in love with this place, then maybe it will be enough for you to stay.” The plan was to make her fall in love with me, but somehow saying that aloud feels like a bad idea. “It’s quiet here, peaceful mostly. But it has character and the welcoming atmosphere, I think you’ll find it's more than you thought it was. Small shops that have been around for longer than I can remember, run by generation after generation.”

  “Do the people in Stone Ridge—” she pauses and worries her lip. I already know what she was about to ask but I let her ponder over her words, looking away from me, focusing on the floor. I sense her worry. “So they know about you?”

  Taking another step toward her, she lifts her head and our eyes reconnect.

  “Do you mean, do they know I’m a shifter?”

  Taryn nods.

  “Some.” Very few, but that is a conversation for another time. I want her to accept me before she is told of all the others in this area and the others that are out there.

  “So what do you say?” I ask, reaching out I glide my fingertip up and over her arms. Goosebumps rise on her skin and a gentle shiver courses through her. “Can I show you around?”

  “I’d love that,” her response is breathy and again
I find pure enjoyment in knowing how I affect her. It is time to start to seal the deal, time to ensure Taryn never considers walking away. Because the idea of a life without her is a life I don’t ever want to live.

  “And you make these yourself?” Taryn lifts the crystal high in the air, twisting it from side to side. It has been made into a necklace and the way the light catches it as she tilts it and examines its beauty is almost as beautiful as she.

  “Yes dear,” Marissa tells her, watching her with amazement. Marissa is one of the oldest residents in town and she was also one of my mother's best friends. Her powers are healing and visions, she is one with the land and knows of the powers and sacred bonds that live here. Those powers that were at one time so strong and powerful have since been weakened by the loss of our people. As a pack we are stronger, losing so many before has left us all vulnerable.

  “These are so amazing.” Taryn lowered one only to pick up another and repeat her analysis of every detail. “I’ve never seen anything like these before. For the next twenty minutes we watched, both Marissa and myself, equally enamored by Taryn.

  Walking out of the shop with one necklace and bracelet, I feel lighter seeing the awe in Taryn’s eyes.

  Those that know me already knew of her importance. They know the purpose of her being here, what it means for all of us. They played their part and I could tell it was all without great effort. The way they looked at Taryn, how they were so mesmerized by her, they love her too and it's not only because of the key she holds to the rebirth of the true Stone Ridge, but because she is without a doubt, the most gorgeous woman, both inside and out. Falling for her, it was inevitable, she has that way about her that leave people astounded.

  I remain just outside my bedroom door, listening to the sounds of the shower running. The soft hum of her voice as she sings a tune low to herself. The words are hard to pick out, but the enjoyment in her mood while singing cannot be misconstrued. Taryn feels joy, she was happy. I’d like to believe that being with me played a huge part in that.