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- George Cary Eggleston
Motor Boat Boys on the Great Lakes; or, Exploring the Mystic Isle of Mackinac Page 2
Motor Boat Boys on the Great Lakes; or, Exploring the Mystic Isle of Mackinac Read online
Page 2
"Hey, Buster," cried the one on the other side of the fence, "where didyou say Josh was?"
"He went for help, over to the farmhouse where we got the milk andeggs," answered the boy in the tree.
"Well," George went on, after looking all around. "I don't see himcoming any too fast; and I wouldn't put it past that joker to take asnooze on the way, so as to make you worry a lot more."
"Yes, I was just thinking that same thing myself, George. Josh has gotit in for me, you know, every time. But please think up some way to tollthis angry gentleman cow away, George."
"If I only had that red sweater now, I believe it could be done," saidGeorge, presently.
"Why, that was what Josh said too," lamented the prisoner; "but don'tyou see I can't get it over to you at all?"
"Course not; but hold on there!" called George.
"Oh! now I know you've thought of an idea. Good for you, George! You'rethe best friend a fellow ever had, when he was in trouble. Are you goingto sneak in the pasture, and tempt the bull away?"
"I am not," promptly responded George. "I've got too much use for mylegs, to take the chances of being crippled. But wait and see what I'mgoing to do. Trust your Dutch uncle to fool that old cyclone. Look athim tossing the dirt up again. Oh! ain't he anxious to get at me,though?"
"What's that you're shaking at him now?" demanded Nick. "It looks likemy sweater, only I know yours is gray. Why, it must be a bandannahandkerchief; yes, I remember now, you often tie one around your neck,cowboy fashion. I can see that you're going to get me out of this nastyfix, George. It takes a lawyer sometimes to beat a bull at his owngame."
"It _is_ a bandanna, Buster," replied the other, "and watch me coax theold fellow along the fence, down to the other end of the field. How heshakes his head every time I wave the red flag, and tries to get at me.It's working fine, Buster. You get ready to drop down and run when Itell you."
"But George, even if you coax him to the end of the pasture you know I'mso slow I never could make the fence before he caught up with me?"cried the still worried prisoner of the tree.
"Yes, you are like an ice wagon, Buster; but never mind. I've got allthat fixed. Just look down yonder and you'll see a nice little trapready for Mr. Bull. It's a small enclosure, with three long rails toslide across, once he's inside. Then he's caught fast, and can't getout. That is meant for just such a purpose. See?"
"Bully! bully!" shouted the delighted Nick, waving his hat in the air."Oh! I tell you it takes a smart fellow to get on to these dodges. Why,Josh must have been blind not to see that same thing. Look at the bullfollowing you every time you take a step. Then he turns his old head topeek back at me, as if just daring me to try and make the fence. But Iknow better. I can wait. Why, George, talk to me about your Spanish bullfights, this sure takes the cake!"
"Don't crow too soon," answered the other boy. "Now comes the ticklishpart of the game. Will he go in that enclosure, or balk?"
"Wave it harder, George! Make out that you're going to climb over.That's the way to hold him. My! but wouldn't he like to pitch youhigher'n a kite. Look at that piece of old fence rail go flying, wouldyou? Now he's inside, George! Oh! if you can only get the bars across!"
George proved equal to the emergency. He fastened his red handkerchiefto the fence, so that the wind kept it stirring constantly, with thebull snorting just on the other side, and smelling of the flamingobject. Then George slily slipped back, took hold of the upper bar, andquickly shot it in place through the opposite groove.
A second immediately followed; and by the time Mr. Bull awakened to thefact that he had again fallen into the old trap, he found himself neatlycaged.
Nick was wild with delight. Still talking aloud, partly to himself andalso addressing fulsome remarks to his chum, he started to slide downthe body of the tree, landing with a heavy thump on the ground.
Then he went off at a pretty good pace, for one so stout, heading forthe nearest part of the friendly fence.
Just about this moment, when Nick was half way across the interveningspace, who should appear but Josh, followed by a farmer bearing ameasure of corn as a lure intended to entrap the fighting animal.
All Josh saw was his friend trotting over the field; and filled withsudden alarm lest poor Nick be overtaken by the wily bull, whom hesupposed to be on the other side of the tree, he immediately broke outinto a shrill shout.
"Run faster, Buster! He'll sure get you! Put on another speed! Hurry,hurry!"
When the fat boy heard these wild cries he became visibly excited. Itwas all very well to tell him to gallop along at a livelier clip; butNature had never intended Nick Longfellow for a sprinter. When in hisnew alarm he attempted to increase his speed, the consequence was thathis stout legs seemed to get twisted, or in each other's way; at anyrate he took a header, and ploughed up the earth with his stubby nose.
It gave him a chance to roll over several times, as if avoiding avicious lunge from the wicked horns of the bull, which animal heimagined must be closing in on him.
Struggling to his feet, he again put for the now near fence; and Georgenearly took a fit laughing to see the remarkable manner in which the fatboy managed to clamber over the rails, heedless of whether he landed onhis feet or his head, so long as he avoided punishment.
When Josh came running down, accompanied by George, Nick was brushinghimself off, and wheezing heavily.
"Give you my word, Buster," said the long-legged boy, penitently, "Inever saw that the old duffer was caught in that trap when I yelled.Thought he was only hiding behind the tree, and giving you a fair startbefore he galloped after. George, did you do that smart trick? Well, itnever came to me, I give you my word. Everybody can't have these brightideas, you know. And Nick, I was bringing the farmer, with a measure ofcorn, to get the bull to the barn. Hope you don't hold it against mebecause I yelled. I sure was scared when I saw you trotting along soeasy like."
Nick was of a forgiving nature, and could not hold resentment long.
"Oh! that's all right, Josh," he said. "No great harm done, even if Ihave torn a big hole in my trouser knee. But you stayed away a mightylong while. Seemed like a whole hour to me."
"Oh!" replied Josh, with a twinkle in his eye, "not near as long asthat. Course it seemed like it to you, because a feller in a tree isworried. I had some trouble finding the farmer, you know. But let's goback and get some more milk. Here's my eggs all sound. Never broke one,even when I piled over this fence in such a hurry."
The rest were of the same mind; so, accompanied by the amused Michiganfarmer, they walked back to the house, where another purchase was made.Not only did they get milk, and another pail; but George thought to askabout butter, and secured a supply for camp use.
This time they avoided all short-cuts as tending to breed danger.
"I've heard said that 'the longest way around is the shortest way to thefire,'" laughed George, as they passed the trapped bull; "but I neverknew it applied to cow pastures as well. Just remember that, will you,Buster?"
"Just as if I could ever forget those wicked looking horns," answeredthe fat boy promptly. "I guess I'll dream about that bull often.If you hear me whooping out in the middle of the night, boys, youcan understand that he's been chasing me in my sleep. Ugh! forgethim--never!"
In about ten minutes they came out of a grove of trees, and before themlay the great lake called Huron. Although it was something of a cove inwhich a campfire was burning, beyond, as far as the eye could reach,stretched a vast expanse of water, glittering in the westering sun, forit was late in the afternoon at the time.
Three natty little motor boats were anchored in the broad cove, back ofa jutting tongue of land that would afford them shelter should a blowspring up during the night from the northeast, something hardly probableduring early August.
Near the fire a trio of other lads were taking things comfortably. Oneof these was Jack Stormways, the skipper of the _Tramp_; another Jim
mieBrannagan, an Irish lad who lived in the Stormways home on the UpperMississippi, as a ward of Jack's father, and who was as humorous anddroll as any red-haired and freckled face boy on earth; while the thirdfellow was Herbert Dickson, whose broad-beamed boat was called the_Comfort_, and well named at that.
George Rollins commanded the slender and cranky speed boat which rejoicedin the name of _Wireless_, and Josh acted as his assistant and cook;while Nick played the same part, as well as his fat build would allow,in the big launch.
They had spent a month cruising about the Thousand Islands, wherefortune had thrown them in the way of many interesting experiences thathave been related in a previous volume. Just now they were making a tourof the Great Lakes, intending to pass up through the famous Soo canal,reach Lake Superior, knock around for a few weeks, and then head forMilwaukee; where the boats would be shipped by railroad across thecountry to their home town on the great river.
As soon as the three wanderers arrived, laden with good things, Josh,who was the boss cook of the crowd, began to start operations looking toa jolly supper on the shore.
There were a few cottages on the other side of the little bay; but justaround them it was given over to woods, so that they need not fearinterruption during their evening meal, and the singing feast thatgenerally followed.
Out in the bay a large power boat was anchored, a beautiful craft, whichthe boys had been admiring through their marine glasses. Possibly theflutter of girls' white dresses and colored ribbons may have hadsomething to do with their interest in the costly vessel, though neitherHerb nor Jack would have confessed as much had they been accused.
The name of the millionaire's boat was _Mermaid_, and she was about asfine a specimen of the American boatbuilder's art as any of theseamateur sailors had ever looked upon.
"Me for a swim before we have supper," said Nick; who felt rather dustyafter tumbling around so many times during his exciting experience withthe bull.
"I'm with you there, Buster," laughed Jack. "You know I've got aninterest in your work, since I taught you how to swim while we weremaking that Mississippi cruise."
On the previous Fall, the high school in their home town was closeduntil New Year's by order of the Board of Health, on account of adreadful contagious disease breaking forth. These six lads, having thethree staunch motor boats, had secured permission from their parents orguardians to make a voyage down the Mississippi to New Orleans. Jackreally had to be in the Crescent City on December 1st, to carry outthe provisions of the will of an eccentric uncle, who had left himconsiderable property. The other chums had gone along for the fun of thething. And it was this trip Jack referred to when speaking of Nick'sswimming.
Presently both boys were sporting in the water, having donned theirbathing suits. While thus engaged Jack noticed out of the corner of hiseye that a boat had put out from the big vessel, and also that the twogirls were passengers.
Perhaps they were going ashore to take dinner with friends at one of thecottages just beyond the end of the woods; although Jack fancied thatthe men rowing were heading a little out of a straight course, so as tocome closer to the three little motor boats, and possibly give the fairpassengers a better view of the fleet.
There was now a stiff wind blowing, something unusual at an hour so nearsunset. The waves came into the bay from the south, it being somewhatopen toward the lower end, and slapped up on the beach with a merrychorus, that made swimming a bit strenuous for the fat boy; thoughJack, being a duck in the water, never minded it a particle.
Intent on chasing Buster, whom he had allowed to gain a good lead, Jackwas suddenly thrilled to hear a scream in a girlish voice, coming fromthe boat which he knew was now close by.
His first thought was that one of the girls had leaned too far over theside, and fallen into the water, which at that point was very deep. Andit was with his heart in his mouth, so to speak, that Jack dashed hishand across his eyes to clear his vision, and turned his attentiontoward the big power boat's tender.