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It is after Richter was denounced by the Argentine commission and placed under house arrest by Perón that things began to get really interesting, for while the U.S.A. was busy publicly denouncing him, very quietly and it was sending Air Force officers to secretly interview him and analyze what he was saying, and this was being done after the Castle Bravo tests and its anomalous yields. Small wonder, for Richter explicitly stated that he was achieving fusion reactions in lithium-7 and at atmospheric pressures to boot!
But what Richter told his American interrogators must have stunned them. “We assume,” he wrote for his American visitors,
that highly compressed electron gas (i.e., a plasma, ed.) becomes a detector for energy exchange with what we call zero point energy…in a shock- wave-superimposed, turbulence-feed-back controlled plasma zone…(and that) on the basis of exchange coupling, it seems to be possible to ‘extract’ a compression- proportional amount of zero-point energy by means of a magnetic-field-controlled exchange fluctuation between the compressed electron gas and (a) sort of cell structure in space…48
In other words, Richter is saying the exact same thing as Kozyrev: a rotating plasma under conditions of magnetic stress and resonance will transduce energy from the local geometry of space-time itself, and that geometry includes the position of a thermonuclear detonation on the surface of the earth, and the time of the detonation, i.e., the relative position of the sun and planets.
The reception of this comment by his American counterparts led to something of an impasse within American scientific circles; some continued to denounce Richter as a fraud and a montebank… but others were not so sure, and in fact, one Atomic Energy Commission scientist stated that Richer was “a mad genius working in the 1970s,” decades ahead of his American counterparts.49
It is the timing of this assessment — in the mid-1950s — that suggests quite strongly that America’s interest in Richter and his explanations of lithium-7 reactions was in response to the anomalous yields from the Mike and Castle Bravo H-bomb tests. Richter had told them that, yes, part of the reason was that lithium-7 had entered the chain fusion reactions, but he had also told them something else: the bombs were gating extra energy beyond the reactions themselves, energy coming into the reaction by dint of a coupled resonator effect between the reaction and the geometries of local space-time — what Richter is calling a “cell-like” structure or grid structure in local space — and all by dint of the rotation of the fusion plasma. Richter was telling them, like Kozyrev in the Soviet Union, that the bombs were “torsion machines,” activating the energy of that global, and celestial, grid.
E. Explanations and Transitions
But why bring rotating plasmas into the description at all, since nowhere in the descriptions of the fusion reactions of “Mike” examined previously is rotation ever mentioned, and for a very important reason: there was absolutely nothing within the engineering of the Mike device that was designed to rotate the plasma inside a magnetic field.
…or was there?
Might rotation in the plasma of that bomb have been accidentally introduced, and thus with it, hidden torsion effects?
The answer is a simple yes, and a closer look is in order.
Look once again at the atom bomb primary at the top of our diagram of a standard hydrogen bomb.
It is this atom bomb that sets all else in motion, for in order for a fission reaction to take place, the core must be symmetrically compressed in a matter of a few thousandths of a second. But the likelihood of all the conventional explosives firing at exactly the same instant to achieve such symmetrical compression is very small; there will be minute nanoseconds’ of difference between the firing of one set of explosives versus another, and this means that a slight asymmetry will be introduced into the shockwaves compressing the core. That asymmetry could conceivably induce vorticular, rotating structures in the core as it burns into a plasma, and those structures in turn may be strong enough to endure into the fusion reactions in the secondary.
All this, let it be remembered, takes place inside yet another rotating system with a magnetic field: planet Earth, a system with its own natural standing waves and torsion effects.
Richter was telling the American scientists that more was involved in thermonuclear reactions than simply the particle-nucleus reactions and extreme heat; there were hidden factors at work: factors of rotation, of magnetic fields, and the placement of the device itself on the surface of the earth. These were totally unaccounted for in standard physics models and in the standard engineering resulting from them. For a brief moment, just as he stated, a strong fusion reaction acted as a resonator, tapping into the structure of space-time, a structure that would perforce include the bomb’s placement on the planet itself. Vary the position, and time, of the detonation, and the yield will vary.50 The reactions driving the awesome destructive power of hydrogen bombs were truly magical, alchemical acts, calling down the heavenly fire of the gods of old, the planets and the stars.
Torsion may thus also explain why the Soviets tested their massive “Tsar” Bomb so close to the Arctic Circle, for there, any torsion effects of the Earth’s rotation would be smaller since the angular momentum of the planet at extreme northern latitudes is much less than that closer to the equator.51
In any case, in offering these explanations, Richter was really telling the American scientists that there was an ancient aspect to the engineering of such massive weapons, an aspect dependent upon time and location. Small wonder that this former Nazi scientist would say such a thing, for he also told his American interrogators that he made these discoveries in Nazi Germany in the year 1936!52 And little wonder, too, that in addition to investigating such torsion-based technologies of “thermonuclear theurgy”, that Nazi Germany was also investigating the world grid system and pursuing its own geopolitical geomancy as well…
Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev
Dr Ronald Richter
1 Dr Nikolai Kozyrev, “Possibility of the Experimental Study of the Properties of Time,” www.abyme.net, pp. 10–11, emphasis in the original.
2 Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb (New York: Touchstone, Simon and Schuster, 1996), pp. 493–494.
3 Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 487.
4 Deuterium is simply the most common heavy isotope of ordinary hydrogen, with an extra neutron in the nucleus. Ordinary hydrogen's nucleus contains only one proton. Tritium, the next most abundant heavy isotope of hydrogen, has two neutrons in the nucleus, in addition to the proton.
5 Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 492.
6 Ibid., p. 505.
7 Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 505.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Rhodes, Dark Sun, pp. 505, 507.
11 Ibid., p. 507.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid. MeV = mega-electron volts.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 507.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 507.
23 Ibid., p. 509, emphasis added.
24 Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 510.
25 “Operation Castle,” http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Castle/ html, p. 11.
26 Ibid., pp. 2–3.
27 Ibid., p. 3.
28 Ibid.
29 Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 541.
30 “Operation Castle,” http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Castle/html, p. 11.
31 Ibid.
32 Table compiled from “Operation Castle,” http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Castle/html, p. 11.
33 Rhodes, Dark Sun, p. 541.
34 Q.v. “Nuclear Fusion,” Wikipedia, www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fusion, pp. 9–10.
35 Table compiled from “Operation Castle,” http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Castle/html, pp. 11–12.
36 Operation Castle,” ht
tp://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Castle/html, p. 7.
37 Ibid.
38 Joseph P. Farrell, The Philosophers' Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (Feral House, 2009), p. 155, citing Dr. Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov, “N.A. Kozyrev's Ideas Today, p. 291.
39 Dr. Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov, N.A. Kozyrev's Ideas Today,” p. 291.
40 Joseph P. Farrell, The Philosophers' Stone, p. 155, emphasis in the original.
41 Ibid., see the discussion on pp. 153–155.
42 Joseph P Farrell, The Philosophers' Stone, p. 191.
43 Joseph P. Farrell, The Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009), pp. 249–250.
44 Joseph P Farrell, The Nazi International, pp. 259–260, citing Dr. José Balseiro, “Report About the Experiments of Dr. R. Richter, according to what was Witnessed by Me During the Visit made to the Atomic Energy plant at Isla Huemul, from 5 to 8 September 1952,” www.ib.edu.ar/informes-heumul/reports-huemul-principal.html, p. 2, emphasis added.
45 Dr. José A. Balseiro, “Report About the Experiments of Dr. R. Righer, according to what was witnessed by Me During the Visit Made to the Atomic Energy plant at Isla Huemul, from 5 to 8 September 1952,” www.ib.edu.ar/informes-huemul/reports-huemul-principal.html, p. 2, cited in my The Nazi International (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009), p. 260.
46 Ibid., p. 3,. cited in my The Nazi International, p. 261, boldface emphasis in the original, italicized emphasis added.
47 Dr. José A. Balseiro, “Report About the Experiments of Dr. R. Righer, according to what was witnessed by Me During the Visit Made to the Atomic Energy plant at Isla Huemul, from 5 to 8 September 1952,” www.ib.edu.ar/informes-huemul/reports-huemul-principal.html, p. 2, cited in my The Nazi International (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009), p. 262, emphasis added. For a fuller discussion of the problems inherent in Dr. Richter's claims on the basis of the standard models, and Dr. Richter's highly anomalous behavior before the Argentine Commission, see pp. 262–274.
48 Joseph P Farrell, The Nazi International, p. 343, emphasis added, citing Richter's Paperclip file.
49 Q.v. Joseph P Farrell, The Nazi International, pp. 314–342 for a fuller discussion of the Air Force attempts to assess Dr. Richter and its ultimately ambiguous conclusions.
50 Richter's explanation also suggests that such devices establish longitudinal pulses in the physical medium itself, pulses which would be detectable to those having the physics and technology to do so. The coupling effect spoken of by Richter with the zero-point energy may rationalize why some UFOlogists maintain that “ET” started showing up in high numbers after the beginnings of human nuclear testing, i.e., such tests literally sent “hyper-dimensional” pulses of energy through the medium itself.
51 There is a school of thought, to which this author does not subscribe, that suggests that thermonuclear weapons are space-time harmonics weapons to such a degree that they only can be set off at certain locations and times, or otherwise they will not work. This is total nonsense and is not representative of the theories of thinking of Drs Richter or Kozyrev.
52 Joseph P Farrell, The Nazi International, p. 293.
“There can be little coincidence in the observation that Nazi German radio and radar stations were constructed on ancient mark-points in the land’s sacred geometry.”
Nigel Pennick1
Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler may justifiably be said to be the most powerful man ever to have attempted the resurrection of “Atlantis” and to have attempted to understand, and activate, the world grid system that was its legacy. This he did by establishing officially, on July 1, 1935, a department called the Ahnenerbedienst, the so-called “ancestral research bureau” to research ancient texts and sites and to establish their supposed Aryan patrimony. By 1940, it had been wholly absorbed by Himmler’s other notorious creation, the SS. It was, as researcher Peter Levenda has quipped, “a humanities program. With guns.”2
The Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft or “Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society” was but the tip of a very large iceberg of all manner of projects involving occult methods and practice within the Third Reich. Dowsers using pendulums over maps were employed to successfully locate Benito Mussolini when he was being held prisoner in 1943 after the collapse of his government.3
The German Navy employed a “research” institute that attempted to locate Allied ships using similar methods, including dowsers, astrologers, pendulum geomancers, naval charts, and a whole host of occult and magical techniques. According to Wilhelm Wulff, who was involved in these projects,
All intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power — from modern technology to mediaeval black magic, and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation — were to be exploited in the interests of final victory.4
The Nazi Reich, in other words, was attempting literally to resurrect the ancient magic, the lost science of the gods, in some cases, quite literally by invoking them.
Concomitant with this all-encompassing philosophy, all manner of esoteric practice was pursed for its potential military application. Within the Ahnenerbedienst alone there were
over fifty separate sections devoted to a wide range of scientific and pseudoscientific research… There was a Celtic studies group within the Ahnenerbe; a group to study the Teutonic cult center at Externsteine (near Wewelsberg), which… was believed to be the site of the famous World-Tree, Ydragsil or Yggdrasil; a group devoted to Icelandic research (as the Eddas were sacred to the Teuton myth…); a group that was formed around Ernst Schäffer and his Tibet expeditions; a runic studies group; a “World Ice Theory” division; an archaeological research group that scoured the earth for evidence of Aryan presence in lands as remote from Germany as the Far East and South America…5
In addition to this, one does not have to dig very long to see that part of this research also included serious effort to understand the “world grid,” and if possible, to tap into whatever sources of power it represented, from geomancy to torsion.
A. The Grid and Hitler’s East Prussia Headquarters
Hitler’s East Prussia headquarters, the Wolfsschanze at Rastenburg, for example, has always been something of a mystery to military historians unaccustomed to examining the influence of esoteric systems of thought on Nazi practice. Why was it built there, “set as it was in the swampy woodlands of Die Görlitz among the MasurianLakes of East Prussia”?6 Why build a headquarters in a wooded swamp?
The answer, if one knew about the world grid and the Nazis’ obsession with anything that could confer power, was simple:
When Hitler’s engineers laid out the fortress in 1940-41, they incorporated a civilian graveyard lying astride a ley line which ran from a high point west of Rastenburg, through a church in the town, the church and chapel at Karlshof near Krausendorf, a suburb of Rastenburg, through the site of the Kurhaus itself (a high point at 137 meters above sea level), on through the graveyard to the island of Tautenburg and thence to the village of Schwiddern. Himmler’s headquarters in East Prussia, Hochwald, was situated in another wood twelve miles away to the north east of the Wolfsschanze. It was linked to the Kurhaus by another ley line which ran from Hochwald via the Kurhaus to several high points (marked by triangulation markers) to the south-east and south-west of the town of Rastenburg itself. In Ancient German Sanctuaries Wilhelm Teudt had noted the coincidence of triangulation markers in his holy lines and it was borne in mind by Himmler’s men when selecting the site of Hochwald.
The occult function of the headquarters is obvious. Placing them in significant positions according to sacred geography enabled their rulers to transmit psychic power over the areas covered by the geomantic grid. Of these two lines, one ran almost due east-west, whilst the other, which linked the two sites, ran
towards the north-east in the direction of Moscow.7
But there may have been something more than just Nazi obsession with geomancy and “psychic energies” in the placement of the two leaders’ headquarters, for it should be noted that the number 137 forms a part of the coefficient of the fine structure constant of physics, with a value of 1/137.035999679. The constant was introduced into quantum mechanical theory by Arnold Sommerfeldt in 1916.8
The Convergence of Ley Lines near Hitler’s Wolfsschanze Headquarters near Rastenburg, East Prussia. Note the Placement of the Fortress on the East-West Line.9
B. Grid Geopolitical Geomancy
Might the Nazis have found (or at least thought they had found) the means to “activate” or even tap into the physics of the alleged energies of the global grid system?
The answer to this question is more disturbing.
Official and unofficial German interest in the occult in general and geomantic systems in particular goes back at least to the era of the Holy Roman Empire, when the secret imperial star chamber, the Heilege Vehm or “Holy Vehm’s” initiates and executioners would often meet secretly at night at various sacred geomantic sites.10 By the time of King Frederick the Great’s Prussia, this esoteric interest had become fully fledged. Frederick founded the Afrikanischen Bauherren, or Order of Architects of Africa, centering it at his Constantinople structure constant to modern theoretical physics and the anthropic cosmological principle, this is the subject of another book. It should be noted that 137, the basic coefficient of the constant, is the 33rd prime number.Lodge in Berlin. There, “its initiates studied hieroglyphics, the sciences, history and antiquities, and the Manichaean Mysteries.”11This fascination with ancient mysteries, esotericism, and knowledge was accompanied by an interesting claim, for Frederick’s Prussian Grand Lodge also asserted its continuity from another ancient society, the World Wise Men: