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2) the classical layer, where structures — such as the other Egyptian pyramids, or the Mayan pyramids of Mesoamerica — are the products of the civilizations themselves; and,
3) a modern era, where sites are situated according to older grid locations, an activity clearly evident in the Middle Ages with the placement of Christian churches on or near older pagan “sacred sites”.10
This broad classification is not, of course, a hard and fast rule, for as we shall see, considerable mystery surrounds some of the sites and just who really built them, such as Teotihuacan outside of Mexico City.
D. The Activity of the Elite and the Meaning of the Term “Grid” in this Work
One need only glance at these chronological layers and at certain ancient texts — and to take those texts seriously — to see the activity of these elites at work behind the scenes, manipulating social policy and culture at the minimum, and, as we shall discover, attempting to manipulate the physical medium itself by means of their surviving technologies and techniques.
The activity may be glimpsed at the following account from the Aztec Codex Chimalpopoca:
Well, it is told and related that many times during the life of Queztlcoatl, sorcerers tried to ridicule him into making the human payment, into taking human lives. But he always refused. He did not consent, because he greatly loved his subjects, who were Toltecs. Snakes, birds, and butterflies that he killed were what his sacrifices always were.
And it is told and related that with this he wore out the sorcerers’ patience. So it was then that they started to ridicule him and make fun of him, the sorcerers saying they wanted to torment Quetzlcoatl and make him run away.
And it became true. It happened.
Then they tell how Quetzlcoatl departed. It was when he refused to obey the sorcerers about making the human payment, about sacrificing humans. Then the sorcerers deliberated among themselves, they whose names were Tezatlipoca, Ihuimecatl, and Toltecatl. They said, “He must leave his city. We shall live there.”11
Leaving commentary on the relationship between human sacrifice and the physics of the pyramid peoples to the main text, note what we have in this passage:
1) A “god-king,” in this case Quetzlcoatl, who refuses to institute a certain policy demanded by
2) an “elite,” in this case, “sorcerers,” who then determine to
3) depose the king and drive him from the capital, and take possession of it and of the symbols of authority in order to institute its social policy.
In other words, taken at face value, the “god-king” Quetzlcoatl represents the public face of a more hidden elite, and when the policies of the two come into conflict, he must be deposed. Notably, this suggests that Quetzlcoatl represents one elite, the “white” brotherhood, while the “sorcerers” represent the other. Were it just the Aztecs saying such things, one could perhaps summarily dismiss them, save for the fact that one encounters very similar ideas in Egypt at various points in its mythology and history, and in the Mayan legends, and even in a famous mediaeval Christian theologian, as we shall discover in the main text.
A final word is necessary on what the term “grid” means in the pages that now follow, though again, we shall defer detailed commentary on these points to the main text. The “grid,” as we shall eventually discover, embodies at least three distinct types of numerical encoding:
1) A “grid” based on latitude and longitude positions of ancient sites, using as a prime meridian the line running from the north to the south pole through the apex of the Great Pyramid at Giza;
2) Within many if not most of these structure, there is present another “grid” of encoding the numbers of “sacred geometry,” a science that has persisted in the designs of cities and public places down to our own times, as exemplified in the layout of Washington D.C., and other cities;12 and,
3) A final “grid” directly encoding a physics that incorporates two distinct aspects:
a) An astronomical-astrological “celestial grid” encoding the physics of the very large, according to the alchemical and hermetic axiom “as above, so below;” and,
b) a much less-well-known encoding, within certain megalithic structures, of the actual coefficients of the constants of quantum mechanics, encoding the physics of the very small.
This book is thus very different than previous books on the world grid system, which tend to focus on only one of these three aspects (and as we shall see, only two of them focused on the last aspect concerning quantum mechanics). This book will attempt to integrate all three forms of the grid and the structures upon them, and where possible, the myths and legends of the cultures surrounding them, in order to argue speculative possibilities on what all this means about the physics of the pyramid peoples and the activities of the elites that created them.
With this in mind, I also mean the term “pyramid peoples” to be taken rather loosely and broadly, for while pyramid building was a major activity of these post-Cosmic War elites, it is not their only building activity, as the inclusion of Pumu Punkhu and other sites mentioned in this study would suggest. The term simply designates the building activities of all those peoples associated with these sites, activity that including pyramid building to be sure, but also the construction of numerous Stonehenge-like structures and other megalithic constructions.
A final word is necessary. This book is to be understood as yet another essay standing in the series of books that began in The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts¸ continuing through The Philosophers’ Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter, Babylon’s Banksters: the Alchemy of High Finance, Deep Physics, and Ancient Religions, and Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agendas.
Like all my books on ancient topics, this is a highly speculative work, though I do my best to argue the case put forward here, namely, that when one considers the three various kinds of encodings taking place in these structures, a complex and very advanced physics comes into view, and with it, the likelihood that one is dealing with the elites that were legacies of a Very High and “paleoancient” Civilization. Nonetheless, it remains a speculative case.
Joseph P. Farrell
1 Michael A. Hoffmann II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Coeur D'Alene, Idaho: Independent History and Research, 2001), p. 21.
2 See my The Giza Death Star Destroyed (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2005), pp. 222-245, and my The Philosophers' Stone (Feral House, 2009), pp. 42-48.
3 See my Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men(Feral House, 2011), ch. 3.
4 These ideas constitute some of the major themes of my books The Giza Death Star Destroyed and Babylon's Banksters.
5 See my Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion (Port Townsend, Washington: Feral House, 2010), chapter 1.
6 See my Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agendas (Port Townsend, Washington: Feral House, 2011), chapter 2.
7 See my Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men, (Feral House, 2011), chapter 3.
8 See my interview on The Byte Show: "The Philosophers' Stone and the Magic of Social Engineering, Part 4." www.thebyteshow.com.
9 See my Babylon's Banksters, pp. 187-207.
10 This tripartite classification of basic chronological periods of building activity in ancient times is that of Alan Alford. See my The Giza Death Star Deployed (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003), pp. 25-36.
11 John Bierhorst, trans. and ed., History and Mythology of the Aztecs: The Codex Chimalpopoca (Tuscon: The University of Arizona Press, 1992), p. 31, emphasis added.
12 While this book will not go into any detailed discussion of the modern principles of this alchemical geomancy and architecture, particularly in the case of Washington, D.C., it is worth noting that there have been studies of these subjects, most notably Da
vid Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital (Perennial Books, 2000).
“Meanwhile in the 20th century, because of numerous aircraft crashes in the Lake Ontario Earth Grid area... the Canadian national Research Council and U.S. Navy began Project Magnet in 1950 to investigate the area’s magnetic anomalies and possible magnetic utility. This has been the only known official governmental research program into the Earth Grid system.”
Richard Lefors Clark, PhD.
Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes, cited in
Anti-Gravity and The World Grid, pp. 53-54.
(...and that, strictly speaking, isn’t exactly true.)
“In the case of time, there also exists a variable property which can be called the density of intensity of time. In a case of low density it is difficult for time to influence the material systems, and there is required an intensive emphasis of the causal-resultant relationship in order that the force caused by the time pattern would appear.”
Dr Nikolai Kozyrev1
Their names were “Mike,” “Shrimp,” and “Runt.” They were a true alchemical trinity — genuine alchemical works — for when each was fired, for a brief moment, all the elements of the universe were recapitulated in a starburst. “Mike” was the world’s first “thermonuclear device,” a reassuring euphemism for the world’s first hydrogen bomb, for “Mike” was, for all intents and purposes, an artificial man-made sun, the fire of the ancient star-gods brought down to earth by an act of thermonuclear theurgy. “Mike” was a star that for a brief and terrifying moment would fire and light up the sky, outshining the sun itself, until he consumed himself and his fuel in a deafening roar of destruction, rising as a pillar of fire and smoke into the stratosphere. Every precaution had therefore been taken; calculations of his yield were checked and re-checked. Calm statements from Pentagon leaders reassured the American people, and indeed, the world population, that “Mike” would not ignite the hydrogen in the atmosphere and turn the entire planet into a funeral pyre. Newsreels of calm, confident pipe-smoking military men were prepared to announce to the world that mankind had entered a new age, the “thermonuclear” age, an age that made the short-lived “atomic” age seem a mere kindergarten by comparison. “Shrimp” and “Runt” were also “devices,” only in this case the euphemism was for actual deliverable weapons, but we’ll get back to them. First, we must deal with “Mike.”
Behind the scenes, the military was not, of course, being entirely truthful, and in that deception was bound all the insanity of the “thermonuclear age”. The committee that had overseen “Mike’s” development, the Panda committee, had “estimated that the Mike device would yield one to ten megatons, with the remote possibility that it might go as high as fifty to ninety megatons. The likeliest yield estimated was five megatons, the equivalent of ten billion pounds of TNT.”2 Of course, a certain amount of latitude should perhaps be accorded this wild margin of error; after all, mankind was firing his first “thermonuclear device” and no one knew for certain how well and efficiently it would work, or even if it would work, until it was actually detonated.
Those estimates should nevertheless give one pause, for the military was throwing the thermonuclear dice. There is a great deal of difference between an explosion of one megaton, or a “mere” two billion pounds of TNT, and one of ten megatons — twenty billion pounds of TNT — not to mention the “outside” possibility of ninety megatons which would amount to a whopping one hundred and eighty billion pounds of TNT. The point is an important one, for the military would, of course, station observation ships and aircraft around the test site in the Pacific to monitor and witness the test; how far away from the “event” would they have to be stationed? How many local natives would have to be evacuated from their homes? And to what distance? The military decided on the likeliest yield — five megatons — and stationed the observation ships and aircraft, and evacuated the natives, accordingly.
The reason for this decision lay in “Mike’s” design itself.
A. The Design of “Mike” and the Actual Test: The First “Woops!”
“Mike,” like most hydrogen bombs ever since, was a “staged device,” that is, it was actually three bombs in one: (1) a standard “atom splitting” or fission bomb which was used to ignite (2) the second stage of the actual “atom fusion” reaction, not splitting atoms apart, but actually fusing them together, and (3) a third stage, another fission bomb to boost the yield even more. It is important to understand that the first two stages are essential to a working hydrogen bomb, as the atom bomb is required as the “fuse” to achieve the enormous heat and pressures required to fuse atoms together. Thus, all hydrogen bombs are “staged devices” possessing at least the first two stages, the fission bomb (stage one) that sets off the fusion bomb (stage two), and most hydrogen bombs are three staged fission-fusion-fission bombs simply as a matter of efficiency, since the third stage provides the extra “kick” to make the reaction burn efficiently and to boost the yield of such devices.
“Mike” was part of a two-test series codenamed “Ivy,” with the second shot being the test of a pure but high yield uranium atom bomb codenamed “King” with an expected yield from four to six hundred kilotons.3 The second test was thought to be necessary in case the “Mike” test, for whatever reason, failed. The design of “Mike” was simplicity itself.
Imagine a long cylinder several feet tall, as shown in the following photograph of the actual “Mike” device. Note the man sitting in the lower right of the picture for a comparison of scale.
Photo of the “Mike” Device During Construction. The Actual Device is the vertical cylindrical structure on the left. The horizontal pipes leading from the device to the right are the pipes for measuring radiation emissions that would allow scientists and engineers to determine if each stage fired, and if so, how efficient the reaction was.
Simplified Schematic of a Three Stage Fission-Fusion-Fission Hydrogen Bomb first tested in the “Mike”
In order to understand this simple schematic of a hydrogen bomb, we will go through each of the steps of how this device actually functioned when “Mike” was fired, describing what happened in the witch’s brew of the thermonuclear mechanics of the device. The essential thing to understand about hydrogen bombs is that the fusion reaction itself is triggered by the use of radiation itself to drive a massive shockwave inwards around the secondary core containing the fusion fuel — in this case cryogenically cooled liquid deuterium4 — literally squeezing and compressing it to fusion temperatures and pressures.
This reveals the secret of the design on the facing page, for scientists very early recognized that the pressure of soft X-rays generated by the explosion of the primary atom bomb would not be sufficient to achieve the needed pressures to do this.5 So “Mike’s” designers first decided to surround the entire device with a foot of steel casing, which would act as a reflector for the radiation for just the briefest fraction of a second. In addition to this, they lined the inside of this thick steel casing with a liner of lead, over which was layered a further lining of polyethylene plastic. This polyethylene, in the instant of the detonation of the primary atom bomb initiating the whole process, would act as a plasma generator since its atoms would be instantly turned into an ionized gas.
So, while referring to the diagram on the facing page, let us now describe what happened when “Mike” was fired, and how the design of the device itself engineered a sequence of events that all occurred within a few millionths of a second:
1) 92 detonators6 around the “high explosive lenses” surrounding the spherical fission fuel (uranium-235 and plutonium-239) represented as a ball at the top of the diagram on the left, of the primary atom bomb are fired;
Simplified Schematic of a Three Stage Fission-Fus
ion-Fission Hydrogen Bomb first tested in the “Mike”
2) Each section of exploding high explosive is detonated within a fraction of a microsecond of every other detonation, and each drives a shockwave forward, merging with the shockwaves from all the other detonators, creating a shockwave “front” which presses forward to the aluminum casing surrounding the uranium and plutonium core of the primary;7
3) The aluminum is instantly vaporized by this compressing shockwave, which passes through it and on to the surrounding U-235 shell of the core, liquifying it and pushing it across a small gap between it and the plutonium 239 core. It is important to note that in the very center of this plutonium core there was a device called an “urchin,” a small ball of the metals beryllium and polonium which, under intense stress (such as being symmetrically imploded by an explosion!) will spit out a lot of “thermal” or “fast” neutrons, the “bullets” used to split the nucleus of atoms;8
4) At this point, the polonium ejects alpha particles into the beryllium, which in turn spits out approximately a half a dozen thermal neutrons for each impacting alpha particle, which are slammed into the supercritical, i.e., superdense, mass of uranium 235 and plutonium 239. As these neutrons slam into the nuclei of U-235 and Pu-239, the atoms split, spit out more fast neutrons which collide with more U-235 and Pu-239 nuclei, and the chain reaction has begun, with each generation of fissioning atoms growing in number, like compound interest;