Wintertide Read online

Page 21

  I had no clue how much longer I could control my magic around her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I was disappointed that Eva didn’t show up for our lessons. Scratch that, I was pissed off. I could have used my time to do something else, not that I had anything to do, still, it was the principle of it. Instead, I was stuck talking to Sebastian, the man I had avoided being alone with for so long, he was the one person here besides my father that knew the truth, and I hated it.

  It was uncomfortable as fuck to be sitting there chatting about the damn weather or whatever stupid mundane crap he could come up with to fill the silence. It wasn’t like we could actually go outside and enjoy the weather, so what did I care that there was a storm coming?

  He acted like he wasn’t worried, yet I saw the concern on his face. Sebastian might be able to fool a lot of people, but I had seen the real him, he couldn’t fool me. Not that I could say I blamed him, I knew he cared for her, and her not showing up was something to be slightly concerned about, especially knowing my father might be involved.

  He started talking about Eva instead of mundane things to pass the time and my anger finally surfaced and snapped. “Professor, I don’t really give a damn if she’s naive and needs to learn about this prison. If she got caught up in something she shouldn’t have, that’s on her. I’m here to teach her magic and that’s it,” I growled at him.

  Sebastian didn’t blink an eye as I reached my limit and snapped at him. Always the mellow one he calmly suggested that we just meet back up for our afternoon lessons. “If she’s a no show without a damn good reason, I’m not continuing. I don’t care what you or my father wants from me. I have better things to do with my time.”

  As I stomped out of the door, I got even more pissed, I realized I had nowhere to go, or anything to do. Carmen was no longer my fuck buddy, not that I was complaining about that, but I still hadn’t found another. I tried, Gods did I try. But no matter who I looked at, I lost interest before I even made my way over to them. Every woman I passed, I found something wrong with them. Everyone but her.

  Eva, that white haired beauty had gotten to me. I wanted her like I had never wanted anyone before and I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable with the idea of it or not. After all she couldn’t even control her magic, for fucks sake. Then again, I couldn’t even jack myself off without images of her pushing me over the edge. There was just something about her. She was the reason no one else was good enough anymore. The one that I knew I wanted, but there was no way she wanted me in return.

  I kicked the wall in frustration, thankful that no one was around to see my moment of weakness. I liked to portray a perfect image, and kicking walls was not it. I took a deep breath to calm myself before heading to the cafeteria. I knew what I needed to get out of this funk; a plan.

  I walked into the cafeteria and caught myself looking around for her, but she wasn’t there. Calex and Blade were missing too. Damn it, another one I would have in the competition for her. I went and got my food, giving Henry my number and ignoring his attempt at banter. Normally, it didn’t bother me that some of the staff tried to be my friend so they could get in good with the warden, but today was just not a day I felt like dealing with it, so I turned while he was mid-sentence and walked away.

  “Jaxon,” Carmen’s annoying voice came across the cafeteria. “Come meet my new friend!”

  I thought about ignoring her, yet my curiosity got the better of me and I still hadn’t figured out anything better to do. Not only did I like to know every student here and how I could exploit their secrets for my own benefit, I was curious about the new girl. This must be the new student my father talked about and I needed to know what was so special about her that he was sure Carmen would back off me.

  Approaching them, I was taken aback by the face that stared at me in a bored manner. Her hair was dark and waved over her shoulders, disinterested eyes in the same shade watched me. What shocked me was that while her features were not the same color, she was a spitting image of Eva. My dick twitched at the thought of having the chance to fuck an Eva look alike. Finally work out the frustration that had been plaguing me since I first spotted her across the cafeteria. Yes, this girl would work great, if I couldn’t have the real thing.

  “This is Alayna,” the harpy introduced the newcomer as she slung her arm over the girl’s shoulder. “Maybe she can teach you a thing or two about licking pussy.”

  “Like I would put my mouth where every other dick in this place has been,” I laughed sarcastically, earning a glare from her. “It was nice to meet you, Alayna. Welcome to the hellhole. I’ll see you around.” I gave her a wink, not wanting to close the door on that opportunity even if I couldn’t stand to be around Carmen for one more minute. I took my food and left the cafeteria, stuffing the stale biscuits and sausage in a napkin after the guard stopped me from leaving with the tray.

  I wandered aimlessly through the empty hallways. I had no place to be and I didn’t want to go back to Sebastian’s classroom before the other students arrived. As I chewed my nasty breakfast, I tried to figure out what Alayna was to Eva. They were obviously related, but I had never heard anyone mention a sister or anything before. I would think that having a sister would be something a woman would mention. Every other woman in this place talked about their families.

  It was odd Eva didn’t and I knew I had to find out more about who Alayna was. It wasn’t like I was trying to find out more about Eva, I should really care less when it came to her. I was simply curious about the newcomer and who she was to Eva. That’s all. At least that’s what I told myself.

  I would just have to bite the bullet and deal with Carmen for a little while longer. The way those two were hanging on each other they were certainly a couple and maybe that would be enough to keep the bitch off me.

  I had renewed vigor as I went back to my room and then went to class as the halls started to fill. I wasn’t the first one in Sebastian’s room but was early enough that I took the seat in the back corner, one that would keep me hidden as the other students filled up the room.

  Class started and still Eva hadn’t shown. I fought back the unwanted concern as it threatened to surface. Even more so when I noticed Sebastian’s eyes wander to the door every now and then also, clearly waiting for her to enter.

  With about only ten minutes left of class, Eva strolled in with Calex and Blade hot on her heels. Her scent reached me, that cool scent of winter she seemed to carry with her everywhere, only now it was tarnished with the stench of the Prince of Darkness.

  Jealousy burned through me and I fought back the urge to let loose in my rage as they took their seats, faces flushed and looks of bliss covering them. There was no doubt she skipped her tutoring session with me to get fucked.

  The audacity of her to just dismiss the time with me, like it was nothing, so she could go roll around with those two. My irritation and anger rolled to the surface and I spent the rest of the class having a hard time controlling my own powers. More than once I glanced down to find my pencil encased in ice and had to consciously focus to stop it. The icy coldness of revenge called to me, tempted me to give into its seduction, and make them pay. It was the one thing I had fought so hard to not give into my whole life, and here this girl was making me angry enough to want to give in.

  I silently chuckled when Alayna started in on Eva, trying to goad her into a fight. I could tell by her demeanor that she was cruel, and the part of me that raged, that part loved it. I wanted more. I wanted to see them fight, unleash the magic that lurked within both of them. I was curious to know what Alayna held and how she would stand up to the raw power of Eva. Even more, that rage wanted to see Alayna take Eva down a peg or two, and I waited in anticipation for it to happen.

  Calex and Blade stepped in and I thought it might get good, but then Sebastian had to ruin it. Why the fuck did he have to care? It would have been a much better show if he didn’t give two fucks like the rest of the teachers.

Eva was angered, yet the despondence that radiated in her turquoise eyes made me pause. I didn’t know why but I ached to comfort her, to have her tell me why she was so sad. That yearning to see her excitement as I did when she made the snowman was so strong that I stumbled as I made my way to the exit.

  I paused at the door, fighting the urge to go back to her and find out what was going on when I heard Alayna and Carmen speak her name as they walked down the hallway. Quickly, I made my choice to find out what was going on with them. Eva would be alright with all the protectors she had. I had no doubt about that.

  “My sister is so easy to rile up. I just have to keep going and she’ll be in solitary before we know it,” I overheard Alayna as I trailed nonchalantly behind them, shocked at the animosity in her voice. Sister? I knew they had to be related somehow, there was no way they looked that much alike unless they were. But the way they talked to each other I would have never guessed that close of a family relationship. Alayna seemed venomous toward Eva from the way she spoke to her, and from what I had overheard she was set on destroying her.

  “I have an idea that will get her sent down there for good,” Carmen cackled, and I knew that whatever it was it couldn’t be good.

  I had to put my anger aside and find out more. I chastised myself for feeling so much self pity that I had been willing to put the woman I desired in danger for my own revenge. All because she had sex with someone else?

  That was something my father did, something I despised, and now I hated myself for going down that same path so easily. I would not be like that. Even if I couldn’t have her, I would do whatever I could to protect her.

  Carmen was wicked in her own right, but what I had seen from Alayna so far was much worse. In her brief interaction with her sister I could tell that while she pretended to be sweet and innocent it was only a facade to hide the evil that lurked inside of her. I knew from my own experience with my father that could make for a deadly combination.

  My stomach churned at the thought of what could happen to Eva if they were simply left up to their own devices. She was such a beautiful soul, one that didn’t deserve whatever hatred they were planning, and it sent me in a spiral of emotions.

  With determination, my mind set, I sped up and threw my arm over Alayna’s shoulder, “Nice show back there. You almost had that bitch losing her shit.”

  She preened under my attention, “I know, right? If that teacher hadn’t interfered, I would have had her in just a few more minutes.”

  Carmen glared at me, “Says the asshole that’s responsible for giving her lessons on control.”

  Alayna shrugged away from my hold. “You made my job harder,” she pouted and I wanted to smack her like the little brat she was. “Why don’t you go run along and find someone else to bother. We are having a private discussion and you are not invited.”

  I threw my hand over my heart dramatically, “You wound me. I was only following the warden’s direct orders. It’s not like I taught her anything useful. I give it the bare minimum just so that I don’t get thrown in solitary. I don’t do it to actually help her.” She exchanged a look with Carmen, whose eyes lit up at the prospect of having me again, since she didn’t think I was interested in Eva. I laid it on thick, I knew it was my only way in with the pair. “Personally, I’d like to see that walking disaster go away. I can think of a lot of things I could do in my free time.” I looked her up and down suggestively.

  “He does have all the connections in this prison. Maybe he would be useful,” Carmen relented, and I knew I was in.

  “So, what are we going to do to get rid of the whore,” I asked, managing to not choke on the last word. I was glad I had gotten so much experience from my father with lying through my teeth, pretending to be someone I wasn’t, or I would have never been convincing to the pair.

  Carmen stopped in the middle of the hallway, “For one, I’m not talking about it here. Two, you need to earn our trust first.”

  Internally I groaned, externally I showed my signature uncaring attitude. “I don’t have to prove anything. We both know I have the connections and I’m capable of coming up with a way to end her all on my own.” I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. “It sounds more like you need to prove to me that this is worth my time.”

  The harpy was stunned silent, knowing I was right. Alayna didn’t know enough about me to know any different, but she was about to have a wakeup call. She put her hands on her hips and sneered, “I am her sister. I know her better than anyone else. Trust me, there is nothing you can do to her that I can’t do better.”

  I threw my head back and laughed, “Oh you poor innocent child. You may think you know Evangeline, but I know this school better than anyone else. I know every nook and cranny, every secret room, the guard shifts and every way to get through the magical barriers that keeps everyone else on their own floors.”

  I pushed myself off the wall and called over my shoulder as I shrugged, “I could have ensured you wouldn’t end up with her in the dank basement caves, but have it your way.” I counted in my head as I strolled away casually, making it only to three before I heard her desperate voice call out.

  “Wait,” Alayna said but I didn’t pause until she jogged up next to me and gripped my arm. “You’re right. Can we go somewhere private and talk?”

  I stopped and turned as she dropped my arm and I made a show of hesitating, looking her up and down as I seemed to consider my options. She fidgeted under my scrutiny and held onto Carmen’s hand desperately. “For a price,” I said simply.

  Her mouth widened and she looked to Carmen for guidance. The harpy glared at me but nodded to her friend. “What kind of price?”

  “Secrets,” my voice was edgy, intentionally dark. “I want to know everything you know about your dear sister.” I was determined to get the answer of why she hated Eva. I had the feeling the woman I desired didn’t hold the same animosity, and I wanted to know why it was so one sided. Something told me Eva might want to know too, and it could be a way to get her to talk to me more.

  As soon as Alayna said the word deal, I led them to a door marked “No Students Beyond This Point” and created a key made of ice to unlock the door. Inside were sleeping quarters that were long abandoned. Long ago, the guards were here for so many hours that they would have to sleep here. Now the school had enough that there was no need for it. I didn’t take any chances though, jamming the door with ice so that I wouldn’t be opened unless I wanted it to be.

  “Make yourselves comfy,” I offered cheerily while I flopped on a bed.

  The two women lounged on another cot, Alayna sitting with her back resting against the wall while Carmen curled up in her lap. It was obvious they were a couple and it surprised me. As much as the harpy loved dick, I never considered that she would be with a woman. They looked good together, Carmen looking less vicious than I’d ever seen her before. That is until she spoke.

  “I know she can’t control her magic without Calex being there. So we need to get her when he’s not around. That guard I was fucking will give me some pixie dust for a blow job. We can get her alone and give it to her. Then she’ll lose control and the headmaster will have to put her in solitary.”

  It took everything in me not to look horrified at the idea. It was beyond anything that she had ever done since she got here and she’s done some pretty messed up shit to the other students. On top of that, Alayna didn’t seem in the least bit concerned of her girlfriend planning on sucking a dick to get what was needed. It was mind blowing, yet not. They seemed to be made for each other.

  When I thought it couldn’t get any worse, she popped up from Alayna’s lap, excited to share the rest, “I also have a guard in the basement that is so in love with me that he would do anything for me. I can have him put a little dust in her food everyday so she never gets control! Not only will she be stuck in there forever, but they will have to bind her magic. It’s pretty painful, from what I hear, and down there they really lay the magic
on the bindings. And with her magic trying to break free, it will be excruciating.”

  I felt sick when Alayna laughed, “You are brilliant, Carmen! But I was thinking something a little more permanent, if you know what I mean.”

  “In a high enough dose, it can kill,” I warned, pretending I didn’t understand her intent. I needed to know exactly how far she was trying to take this, if I were to help. “You have to be careful not to give her too much or too little.”

  Alayna rolled her eyes, “Yeah, her death is pretty much the point.”

  I sat up and looked at her, schooling my expression to one of detached interest. “Out of curiosity, what did she do to you that makes you want her dead? Everyone is so fake around here, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was a monster hiding under that helpless, innocent facade she has going on.” Ah, the irony of saying that to the very person that I was talking about.

  She shrugged and then created a ball of light in her hand. The way the electricity danced through the colors was impressive and I found myself staring at the dancing light as she tossed it from hand to hand. “She ruined my fun and always tried to stop me from doing what I wanted with my magic. I really started to hate her when I practiced on the nanny and she had to go and tell my parents what I was doing. Of course, they didn’t believe her, but just that she tried, broke my trust. A sister should want to bond over that stuff, not stop it.”

  I made a noncommittal noise that could have been taken as an agreement while I was boiling inside. She was just like my father, a sorceress that used her powers for evil acts and blamed someone else for not supporting her sadism. Mix her with the harpy no student here had a chance, not just Eva.

  “Are you going to help, Jaxon?” Carmen asked. “I know you can get the guards to hold up Calex and Blade. Maybe make up a story about them so that daddy Frost calls them away.”

  “I’m definitely going to help,” I said the words in a way that I knew was a loophole. I was not going to be bound by a promise to them that was for sure. I didn’t say who I would be helping and they were gullible enough to not question it. I didn’t say much as they continued to discuss the plan. My only input was that I agreed to get Calex and Blade out of the way for a short time. I’d find something simple that would cause them to be called to my father’s office for a short time but not enough that they would really be in trouble.