Murder Maker Read online
An Entwined Horror Anthology
Crazy Ink
Table of Contents
Title Page
Murder Maker
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” | ― Stephen King
For Lucifer | Sorry about the stew.
Horror author Lee Mathews lives in a rural town in northern Maine. A famous horror author big enough to rival King, he’s released more than 100 titles over the course of his career. Now, ailing, out of words and deep in retirement, he’s turned his attention to his legacy: helping less established authors carry on his craft. | But a life’s work doesn’t come without muses. There are things—qualities and even objects—that have steered Mathews’ writings through the years. Literary critics have been able to spot them. Readers who have paid attention have noticed them too. But no one is quite sure exactly what ties his work together or why. He’s kept that a secret and very intentionally. | With a terminal diagnosis and limited time, Lee has invited a group of superfan authors to his home to study under him for six weeks. They will learn not only what ties his work but how to propel his legacy. Lee’s chosen have agreed to drop all they know about the written word, lose their own voices, and take on his forever. | The hook? Not everyone will leave the mansion—rumored to be haunted—alive. Instead, Mathews will use one unsuspecting author as the group’s muse. | Who will survive? Who will die? And why?
Prologue | Lee Mathews
Final Round Applications
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Lee Mathews’ General Observations of Group Dynamics during application process | Initially...
Jennie Olson
Don Heart
Ruby Vincent
Claire Thomas
Brian Pratt
Lee Mathews | August 31, 2020
September 1, 2020 - Arrival
Workshop Day One
Workshop Day Two
Workshop Week Two
Workshop Week Three
Workshop Week Six
Hours later
Lucifer’s Girl | By Jennie Olson
Epilogue | One month later
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”
― Stephen King
Copyright 2020 Crazy Ink
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Book Layout 2020 Crazy Ink
Murder Maker —1st ed.
For Lucifer
Sorry about the stew.
Erin Lee as Lee Mathews
John Watson as Jennie Olson
Lorah Jaiyn as Don Heart
Olivia Marie as Ruby Vincent
Rena Marin as Claire Thomas
Tiffany Carby as Brian Pratt
Horror author Lee Mathews lives in a rural town in northern Maine. A famous horror author big enough to rival King, he’s released more than 100 titles over the course of his career. Now, ailing, out of words and deep in retirement, he’s turned his attention to his legacy: helping less established authors carry on his craft.
But a life’s work doesn’t come without muses. There are things—qualities and even objects—that have steered Mathews’ writings through the years. Literary critics have been able to spot them. Readers who have paid attention have noticed them too. But no one is quite sure exactly what ties his work together or why. He’s kept that a secret and very intentionally.
With a terminal diagnosis and limited time, Lee has invited a group of superfan authors to his home to study under him for six weeks. They will learn not only what ties his work but how to propel his legacy. Lee’s chosen have agreed to drop all they know about the written word, lose their own voices, and take on his forever.
The hook? Not everyone will leave the mansion—rumored to be haunted—alive. Instead, Mathews will use one unsuspecting author as the group’s muse.
Who will survive? Who will die? And why?
Lee Mathews
I had no idea who would die. It was intended that way. Their words, their stories, her mood, and in many cases, their own egos, would dictate that. I’d done my research, of course. No author with any sense would proceed otherwise. We had spent a year sifting through more than a hundred thousand applications. What the hell else was I going to do with my time? I was done with chemotherapy and radiation. I’d turned down immunotherapy – tired of prolonging the inevitable. I’d even gotten her blessing. And soon, we’d be together in eternity – whatever that looked like.
My final reasons for picking each student would never be known to my visitors. I refused to leave every secret on the table. And, of course, I was very protective of my Virginia as she was me. There would be theories – certainly. There always were. And with the group I’d compiled, the reasons might even be obvious – to them. It could go any which way, really. Plot twists and turns were what I enjoyed best about the writing process.
The rules were simple. They were to stay at my estate for a six-week period. They were to bring to workshops only pens and paper. They were to drop their own voices and all they thought they knew about the written word. I’d teach them to write like me. One, the least lucky, would be used as a sacrifice. An author cannot know the taste, sight, and feel of a corpse unless they’ve spent time with it rotting firsthand. That’s what I’d tell them. Hell, it was what I had told them when they’d agreed to this and not one of them had blinked or reported me to the authorities. I hadn’t, of course, admitted that I knew this from my own tragic experience with Virginia. But I was more than aware that she was exactly the reason for my better, later works.
I knew they wouldn’t report me. What they did when they left my estate would be of no real consequence to me. The story would be simply a bigger part of my legacy; a legend passed down for generations about a man twisted enough to leave his life’s work in the grabby hands of strangers but only after a sacrifice.
They’d be reluctant, of course. Anyone on the premises could technically be considered an accomplice. Whatever. It would not be my problem. And with Anthony’s help, in mere hours after turning my estate over, Virginia and I would be gone forever. As they scuffled about in the aftermath of the experience, she and I would finally have a chance to get started on a happy ending of our own. Lord knew, we’d earned it. As for my students? Not even close.
bsp; Greed is a predictable thing. They’d risk their very lives to spend six weeks with me. They’d tell themselves the twenty percent shot at skipping to the top was worth it; to own my estate, back list, unfinished manuscripts, and the whole of everything would be good enough odds to hand me the keys to their final destinies. And all the while? Not one of them would know that it was the very thing that would most infuriate me: believing they could skip the steps.
Entitlement. It was, and always had been, my biggest pet peeve and it was the one thing they all had in common. If they wanted to offer their lives for all I’d spent mine on? Well, who was I to stop them? I wasn’t the monster inside them; that was entirely of their own making. As for Virginia? She agreed. And she was watching, always observing.
My role was clear. I was the murder maker – plain and simple. It was all I’d ever claimed I’d be. As for them? They could think I was here to silver spoon feed them every one of their dreams. I couldn’t do shit about assumptions. And that was the thing. Not one of them had bothered to do their research on me... Not one of them knew that I no longer had anything to lose. I’d already lost my Virginia.
Final Round Applications
Appearing in order, and EXACTLY, as received...
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Legal name: Ruby Vincent
Pen name: Holly Stars (ya know, for all us Hollywood Starlets)
Preferred genre: Horror
Years of writing experience: 4 yrs
Bestselling titles/awards attained: International Bestseller aiming for USA Today
Number of published works to date: 3
Employment: I work one night a week at the local theater club as Ms. Monroe, other than that, I focus solely on my writing. That’s why I have 3 books in 4 years.
Hobbies: Is drinking a hobby? I love that and old movies. Audrey Hepburn is a goal I strive to be like.
Dietary preferences/restrictions: No red meat, no wheat of any kind. Only fresh fruit and vegetables. I need high end bottled water and it needs to be diet.
Writing goals: To write a book that will get me on the big screen. I want people to know me like they know Lee Mathews. My dream is to have them impatiently waiting for my next great book to release.
Personal goals: To be a famous writer/movie star. I feel like I can and deserve both. I will do whatever Mr. Mathews says to do if it will help me achieve this faster.
In 500 words or less, tell Lee Mathews why you should be chosen to attend this once in a lifetime workshop: I should be chosen to attend his workshop because I will bring to it what he will. I want to be somebody and feel like Mr. Mathews will be the one to help make my dreams come true and to help his legacy live on. He has loads of success and is dying. He will need someone to carry on his twisted legacy and who better than a beauty from L.A.? I will bring charm and a sense of life to the event. People are drawn to me and I feel like I could be beneficial to him that way.
Besides all of that, I have been a huge fan for as long as I can remember. I deserve to be there and to learn from him all he will teach me. After all, there has to be a faster way to success and every Hollywood star needs their story written. With his many books and errors along the way, he can help me learn what not to do to get ahead in my career.
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Sloppy – yrs verses years on a formal application. Can’t be bothered with last question either. Likely doesn’t self-edit.
Ego – caps on Scarlets – questionable as seems to have best manners in the group to date.
“Ya know” – Valley girl – possible inability to mimic voice?
Has goals but questionable ones.
Likely alcoholic who thinks her looks can buy the top shelf.
Believes there is a such thing as diet water. SMDH. I’ll need ear plugs when this one speaks.
Focus is fame, not the art of writing.
Missed the memo about assuming my name and voice and writing in ambiguity. Will be miserable if she wins which could lead to darker works.
Entitlement – “Like I deserve.”
“Errors along the way.” FFS. Her arrogance alone will get her killed.
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Legal name: Jennifer Woodall
Pen name: Jennie Olson
Preferred genre: Dark Fantasy
Years of writing experience: 10
Bestselling titles/awards attained: 3
Number of published works to date: 6
Employment: Full-time author
Hobbies: Collecting oddities and creepy artifacts
Dietary preferences/restrictions: Keto, leaning toward carnivore diet
Writing goals: To win a Hugo Award
Personal goals: To have $100 million in the bank by age 30
In 500 words or less, tell Lee Mathews why you should be chosen to attend this once in a lifetime workshop:
I could go the sycophantic route and tell you how discovering your books when I was thirteen was a pivotal moment in my life. I could also tell you that your words inspired me to write my own, but the fact of the matter is that my words would have found a way out regardless.
I’m not sure how many other so-called authors you are considering for the retreat, but I can wager that not one of them can hold a candle to my resume. How many of them became an international bestseller at the age of fifteen? How many signed with a big six publisher before graduating high school? NONE!!
I’m not asking for permission to be a part of your workshop. Do I want to be a part of it? Yes. Do I feel as though I should fill out some asinine application to get there? HELL NO!! If you are serious about having the best of the best come to your home, then you should see by my writing history that I am the obvious choice.
Your words may have dried up, but mine are still flowing full force. Tap into that energy and cast all others aside. If you don’t have the balls to cut the other authors at this workshop, I’ll happily do it for you.
If you want your legacy to live forever, send me the invite!!
One item you will bring to the workshop and why it is your chosen item (chosen authors will be stripped of all personal possessions, other than prescribed medications, at the door): Lucifer, my rabbit, my muse, my lucky charm. We are a package deal. It’s both of us or none.
Lee Mathews’ Notes on Applicant
Struggles with authority – likely issues in family of origin and/or trouble/history of detention centers.
No other source of income or hint at prior job history. Explains the bunny – Lucy-Lu – needs a fluffy friend to leave house. Likely naive in how the real world works. Possible anxiety issues. Could impact overall group dynamic and/or how she is able to function in group exercises. Not a team player anyway.
Clearly read my fourth book – describing herself nearly exact to Jayne Dough. Likely unoriginal with clear concern projected toward me about her ability to revive the life in her words.
Enjoys a challenge – also challenging authority. While she doesn’t have balls, she hopes that I don’t either. Yawn. Possible gender confusion.
Diet may mean a change to the tasting exercise – see Alice on this. We wouldn’t want to bore our resident egomaniac.
Impressive achievements.
Attention to detail.
Fears burning out before her prime.
Lazy – assumes. Either that, or clearly naive. Easily corrected.
Complains about homework, yet sits at the front of the class. Second to turn in assignment. Drown her in busy work. See how long she lasts.
Impressive vocabulary.
Fantasy – not horror. Possible borderline. Explore psychosis. More likely? Not capable of living in the real world due to fear. We shall see about that. Time for a push.
Lee Mathews’ Murder Maker Horror Writing Workshop/Residential Seminar – Short form
Legal name: Donald McPhee
Pen name: Don Heart
Preferred genre: Thriller (mostly political/action)
Years of writing experience: Enough
Bestselling titles/awards attained: In Title Only (2013); Powers Abused (2014); The Senator’s Sister (2015); David’s Retreat (2016); The First Lady’s Lover (2017); The Daughter at 1600 Pennsylvania (2018) – all best sellers on Amazon.
Number of published works to date: 10
Employment: Writer
Hobbies: Hunting / horses / fishing / water sports / hiking / camping (if it’s outdoors, I do it)
Dietary preferences/restrictions: If I can’t easily identify it, I don’t eat it.
Writing goals: Six figures asap.
Personal goals: Financially secure and able to travel.
In 500 words or less, tell Lee Mathews why you should be chosen to attend this once in a lifetime workshop:
I deserve this workshop because when I write, I get it done. Most of my works have gone best seller and delve into the darker side of politics that don’t involve the American people much. I want to make an income that accurately reflects my talents. I want to show my kids the world outside of their immediate zip code, but I also want to have the ability to explore on my own. I inspire people wherever I go, and I’m never at a loss for company or companionship. People get me. I want to be appreciated for my gifts instead of always having to wonder how to push the next book. Marketing is a drag on my valuable time when I could be writing the next masterpiece. I want to get to where I can pay a staff to do that for me. I know you understand where I’m coming from. You’ve risen above and beyond, and I feel that pooling our talents would give us both what we want – your legacy will live on, and my legacy will shine. I’m exactly who you’re looking for.