The lost sermons of Jesus,revealed Read online

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  1.Oh Emperor! Your empire is so small and weak that one stroke of the mighty storm, the lightning, flood, or fire will consume you in no time. Your empire is very temporary too. So many kings and emperors came and went, so many empires raised to the ground, and the emperors who ruled the empires fought many a battle. All were gone, only the greenery left. Yet you still take pride in calling yourself an Emperor and decorating yourself with jewels and ornaments. Oh Emperor! Don’t you see for yourself that no empire ever lasted for long? Some perished in the ground by natural calamity, the enemy battered some, and some ended with epidemic.


  1.The Lord created this world for you sentient beings and provided vegetation and minerals for your use. You will end this world by first destroying the vegetation and minerals and then yourself. You will turn this world into a ball of fire, turning your existence into dust and into nothingness.


  1.The power of togetherness of a family is one of the greatest powers that the Lord gifted to you with. When the family is steadfast in thick and thin, that family will prosper and earn respect, while those who will undermine each other will gradually cast away in oblivion leaving no trace of them. People will remember them with disrespect and an example of unfortunate people.


  1.To correct someone and not to offend him, the best way is to set your own example in his presence, quickly you would find the person learn to accept the correct way.


  1.Feasting is an occasion that man must make enjoyable and memorable for all. Feasts and celebrations are the responsibility of the host, the host must ensure the choice of clean food, guests, and environment to make it a success and it brings happiness to all!


  1.What you call filth may be food for the scavengers, the insects, and pests. It is customary for all living beings of this world to select their ways. What may be filth for one man may be clean for another, while, filth for mankind may be food for other living beings.


  1.You will one day create your own fire of destructions. There will be loss of life and property. There is disappointment and misery. There is nothing good about this kind of fire created by mankind.


  1.Creatures look to men for protection. If none ate of the flesh then none would slay them for profit.


  1.Food, unfortunately, kills you when you eat it as an alternative to your lost joy and disappointments in life, under the influence of depression.


  1.These fortune tellers have ready answers to all your questions. When you tell him, in spite of wearing the expensive stone that you purchase to ward off evil you fell in your bathroom and hurt your knees. Quick will be the reply; the lucky stone weakened the evil force, which may otherwise have harmed you further. If you tell him that nothing good or bad is happening wearing the stone, he will definitely tell you that much bad was supposed to happen to you; all is well due to the stone you wear and its positive effect on you.


  1.It is strange; man goes all the way to build a mansion or a machine with such painstaking foundation plans and layouts, which lasts a few generations. The universe with all its planets and stars are the example of constructions without any foundation whatsoever. The universe is there to stay while many a world will come and go.


  1.Man is always afraid of the unseen. Man therefore, is afraid of what the future holds for him. Man has little confidence when it comes to his own future. This is why man turns to clairvoyance and hangs his hopes around the predictions, which may never be true.


  1.It is not necessary for one to be generous in offering cash or kind only. One can be generous in offering knowledge, service, time, love, and help.


  1.Everyone loves to receive gifts. Receiving gifts sometimes embarrasses you, sometimes it moves you, and sometimes it disappoints you. Whatever it may be, gifts always leaves one moved either in giving or in receiving.


  1.Did you ever notice that some people are pleasant and always favourite to others in the society? Such a person always keeps good habits and they are not a threat to the social gatherings, in fact, they make the gathering livelier and pleasant. All are happy with such people having good habits.


  1.There is no specific rule to worldly happiness because one’s happiness does not depend upon any specific principle. One man may find worldly happiness in troubling others while another man may find happiness in taking away the trouble of the others.


  1.The major causes of disharmony on this planet is religion, sacrificing animals, disrespect to living being, mans’ passion and undue desire and unfriendly inventions. Like in any machinery, mankind are like billions of gear and pinion on this earth, if one gear or pinion is in disharmony the entire living being suffers and the mechanism of this planet works under stress. Man in millions of years on this planet has broken unaccountable teeth of his gear and pinion and put in unaccountable mismatching gears and pinions, on this otherwise harmonious planet and its working, due to which we now live in total disharmony, which relates to misery and suffering. With the passing of time, man is in competition with each other to promote their religion, invention, and territorial control, showing utter disregard to the harmony on which this planet is thriving. Man is ignorant, ruthless, and comparable to only unfriendly bacteria that thrives and destroy whatever it lives on.


  1.In the jungles and in the woods, in the valleys and in the plains your Lord sent you herbs that may be useful in healing your diseases.


  1.Healing your body is simple and need no money at all. In fact, when you get into this project of healing your body, you save money, time, and energy for better things to do now and later. When you simplify your ways of living, you immediately start the healing process. Smoking, alcohol, rich food, and night life all add to the dark circles under your eyes and gifts you that ugly pot belly. Gradually your personality and appearance gets to become unhealthy and weak. This is when evil people scan your personality and pressurize you in doing things that you may never like to do, for they know you are weak inside as well as outside. Except disappointments and woes, you have nothing to gain out of this ignorance.


  1.You are an ignorant when you try and follow the footsteps of others without knowing the consequences. You are also ignorant when you join in an argument without fully knowing the subject of the argument.


  1.Your Lord made you from the particles of this world and those particles in truth are non-existent. The entire universe and your world is made of such particles and in time those particles will disintegrate and become a part of this atmosphere and there would be no trace of you, your wealth and all those you touched ,heard and saw . What will remain will be the empty space of the universe with invisible particles of the lost world, as if nothing ever existed.


  1.Infants, like other creatures, do not have mouth to reveal the mystery of the creation that is awaiting you after you leave this earth.