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Shiela Stewart - [Darkness 03] Page 3
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Page 3
She kept on him as he ran for his freedom.
Now all she could hope for was that he would lead her to Chaos.
Chapter Three
Raven dumped the soiled linens down the laundry chute, then took a moment to herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been completely alone. It had have been months, at least. Since she’d been taken by Chaos’ men she hadn’t had more than five minutes to herself without someone watching her. Even while she’d showered she’d been watched. Sure, everyone knew she belonged to Chaos and was therefore untouchable, but that didn’t stop the men from ogling her while she stood naked under the spra of water washing herself. The first time they’d done so, she’d been so devastated that all she’d done was stand under the water and cried. They’d laughed at her, made rude comments about her body, describing what they would like to do to her. And she’d been helpless to their verbal abuse.
But she’d endured it, all of it. She had welcomed it after all.
Visions of Ricky laying lifeless in her arms came swarming back into her brain, making her eyes well up with tears and her heart ache. She missed him dearly and though it had been months since she’d lost him, the pain was no less devastating.
She knew how Jonah felt with his loss, because she was feeling her own. And she too had given up on her life, had been determined she didn’t deserve to have a life. Until Jonah had entered it.
There was something about him, something that made her want to protect, want to heal, want to convince that life was worth living even when you had nothing left to live for.
He had, after all, given that to her.
Now if only she could figure out a way to get him to eat and drink.
If she knew vampires, and she liked to think she’d become accustomed with the race, she knew he was going to need to feed soon. In the months since she’d been taken by the vampires she’d learned a great deal about them and found similarities in them and drug addicts. When a vampire didn’t feed, it seemed to have the same symptoms a person in withdrawal would endure. And she feared that Jonah would be feeling those withdrawal symptoms soon. Raven just hoped she could control him when he did.
She didn’t like to leave him for long periods of time simply because she didn’t trust that he wouldn’t attempt to take his life again.
Using a pen. Honestly. That was the lamest attempt at suicide that she’d ever seen, and she’d seen her share as a nurse. The moment she’d entered the room and saw him holding the ball point pen to his heart, she nearly laughed. The seriousness in his face had warned her of danger. She never thought a human being would resort to using a pen to end their life, she knew differently now.
Raven let out a loud screech when the lights went out, then thanked the hospital for their backup generators when the emergency lights came on. It was just another sign that the city was being abandoned. Practically no one lived in Jacob’s Cove anymore. Those that did had hid when the evacuations had begun. The city really was being run by vampires now.
Though she couldn’t understand why they would even stay. There was no food for them left here now. Only themselves to drink from and she knew that wouldn’t sustain them for long. Soon enough, she feared, they would leave too and go out looking for fresh blood.
Might not be a bad thing, having them leave, but she didn’t wish those blood thirsty fiends on anyone.
She headed back to Jonah’s room, by way of the blood bank in hopes he would give in and drink already. When she found him asleep in his bed, she blew out a breath of relief.
He was such a cutie. His face was gentle and she knew if she told him that he’d scowl at her. He kind of reminded her of Brad Pitt, complete with fangs and all. He was like a lost puppy that she wanted to take home and care for. He had one of those boy next door faces that every girl swooned over. And with those long sandy lashes fanning his eyes, he definitely made her heart go pitter pat. It had been a long time since she’d had that feeling for a man.
A long time since she’d allowed herself to feel anything for a man.
Setting the blood packet on the bed table, she grabbed the spare blanket from the foot of his bed and sat down in the high back chair by the window that was anything but comfortable, and waited for him to wake.
She was there, in his arms, the woman he loved more than life itself. She felt so real, so warm, so alive. Her lips were soft and giving when he kissed her and he wanted to drink her in.
Then his teeth grazed her bottom lip and he tasted her blood. Something inside of him rumbled, telling him to take more. Take it all.
And lifting his head, he looked deep into his wife’s eyes, then plunged his teeth into her neck.
Jonah woke with a start, his heart pounding, his chest burning with pain. The room was dark all but for the dim light over his bed. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked around. Raven was there, asleep in a chair, blanket wrapped around her body. He knew so little about her, and he should probably be wary about her, yet he wasn’t. Sure, she’d been with Chaos and the last words she’d spoken to him earlier still whispered in his mind, but he didn’t fear her.
What had Raven meant when she’s said she had been Chaos’ blood slave?
He knew quite a bit about the vampire race and he knew that some vampires chose one person as the one they fed from. Often they kept them as humans not wanting to turn them because doing so would put an impurity into their blood. Vampires craved the pureness of human blood. Trinity had said to him once: “If you were given the choice of filet mignon or ground beef, wouldn’t you go for the good stuff?”
He supposed he would go for the good stuff.
He saw the packet of blood on the table and realized quite painfully that he too would now crave blood. He tried not to think about what he’d become, but it was always there to remind him. Just staring at the blood made his mouth water. He wanted it in the worst way and that repulsed him.
Turning away from the packet, he saw Raven stirring in her sleep. What was her story? She was a baffling woman. Why had she saved him and why was she still trying to save him? He wished she would just leave him alone to die.
His dream bothered him. He’d bitten Ariel’s neck, and though it had only been a dream, it still bothered him. Would he, if she were still alive, want to drink from her? Never!
Would he drink from Raven if the thirst got to be too much for him?
Absolutely not!
Shaking it off, he shifted in his bed, trying to find a comfortable spot and made the bed creak, waking her out of her sleep.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?” she asked in a sleepy voice as she jumped from her chair.
“I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
“I’m awake now.” She stood and stretched, lifting her arms high above her head. “Did you notice the power’s out?”
He looked around, shrugged. “Day, night, I see the same.” Now at least. That hadn’t always been the case.
“I suppose. I figure they cut the power since no one is around anymore. You’re fidgeting. Are you okay?”
“My butt is a little sore so I thought I would shift positions.”
You can feel you butt?” she asked with genuine surprise.
He gave it some thought and nodded. “It tingles, like when its asleep. That’s a good sign, right?” He had to believe that.
“I think so, yes. Do you want to get out of bed for a while? I could get you a walker and you could try to stand?”
The idea of being on his feet was a heavenly one. But… “What good will it do me if I can’t walk?”
“You could try. Who knows, maybe you can now. Vampires heal easily. I’ll go get one and we can try.”
She hurried from the room without letting him speak. It was something she did often. He didn’t want to try to stand because
he was only going to be disappointed when he fell flat on his face. And when she raced back into the room with a metal walker he readied himself to tell her as much.
“I think this will be great. I’d like to document your progress. I’m kinda fascinated by the whole vampire healing abilities. Here we go.”
“Look, Raven—”
“I’ll be right here to help you so don’t worry if you can’t hold yourself up. But I think we have to try at least.”
She whipped the blankets off his legs. “Raven, I don’t—”
“Let’s put you in a sitting position first.” She pressed the buttons on the side, raising the upper part of the bed.
“I don’t want to—”
“Here we go, legs first.” She grabbed his feet and swung his legs off the bed.
“Raven, stop!”
“No!” she stated abruptly, looking him square in the eyes. “I know you don’t want to do this but I don’t give a damn.”
“Well, you can’t make me do something I don’t want to do.”
“Feel free to stop me.” Hooking her arms around his chest, she pulled him off the bed.
“Damn it, Raven! Why can’t you just leave me alone?” He was helpless to stop her. Sure he had his arms and hands, but what good did they do when he couldn’t stand on his own two legs.
“Because I refuse to let you give up on yourself. Now put your hands on the bars and hold on.”
“You’re pissing me off, woman.”
“Yeah, nice to know. Grab hold of the bars or I let you drop.”
Her face was a breath away from his and he could see every speckle in her eyes as she glared at him. For a brief moment, his heart sped up.
“I know you’re afraid, Jonah,” she said softly, drawing him back. “But you need to at least try.”
“I don’t have to try anything.” And he was determined not to.
“What would your wife think if she saw you now, acting like this.”
He narrowed his eyes, gritting his teeth. “Don’t bring her into this.”
“Why not? She seems to be the reason you want to give up. Would she want you to give up or would she want you to fight.”
He knew she was antagonizing him but he fell for it anyway. With a heated stare, he grabbed the bars. “Let me go,” he demanded.
With a smile on her face, she slowly released him.
His arms wobbled as he held himself up. He felt the cold tile beneath his bare feet, a welcomed sensation, and the pain in his back. But he held on, held strong.
“You’re doing good. If you need to rest, just let me know.”
“I can feel the floor beneath me.” He lifted his gaze to her, smiling. “I can actually feel it.”
“That’s good! That’s terrific! What else do you feel?”
“Pain, but it feels good. It’s an odd feeling, knowing I’m standing but I can’t feel my legs holding me up. Why can I feel the tile beneath my feet but not my legs?”
“It’ll all come, eventually. I think. This is a good start. You’re standing.” She laughed as she looked into his eyes.
“I’m standing.” He laughed back. Once, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal, but now, now was different. And with that joy, came the guilt…and the pain. “That’s enough. I want to lay back down.”
Her arms wrapped around his chest again and he could smell the strong floral scent he associated with her. It tingled something deep inside of him and only made the pain he was feeling stronger. “Let me go! I can do it!” he demanded, pushing at her.
“If I let you go you’ll drop. I’ve almost got you in the bed!”
“I can do it,” he insisted, gripping the bed behind him to help himself onto it. He didn’t want her help and he didn’t want her so close to him that he could feel her heart beating against his chest. “Damn it, Raven, just leave me be.”
She set him on the bed and cocked her head to the side, obviously baffled by his aggression. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just leave me alone.” Sitting on the bed, he tried to lift his legs and not being able to only made him feel worse. “Fuck!”
“Let me help.”
“NO!” he shouted making her jump. “I’m sorry. Damn it, I’m sorry. I’m…I…damn it all to hell!” He lowered his head and the tears began to fall.
“It’s all right. Shh now, it will be all right in no time.”
He felt her arms go around him, then one hand press against the back of his head. He leaned into her, resting his head on her shoulder and let himself go.
“It’s okay now,” she whispered, stroking his head with her hand. “Just let it out. That’s it, let it go.”
Her voice was so soothing and it felt so good to be held. Jonah closed his eyes and for the moment, just let himself feel.
He had no right to be happy when he’d done nothing to protect the woman he loved.
Sniffling back his tears, he lifted his head, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. “I want to lay down now.”
“Sure.” She released him and took a step back just looking at him. “I understand how you feel,” she murmured, then knelt down to grab his feet. “With the loss.”
“How could you possibly know how I feel?” He didn’t want her help but he knew he needed it.
She settled his legs on the bed and drew the covers up to his waist. “Because I lost someone I loved dearly not that long ago. Get some rest. I’m going to go find myself something to eat.”
Once again she left him with a devastating statement and no explanation.
Closing his eyes, Jonah pictured the woman he loved and wished desperately he could hold her in his arms.
Chaos breathed in the fresh air as he stood outside his new home. Fritz had done him well so far and he was more than pleased with the new accommodations. The police station would serve him well, especially since a majority of the weapons were left behind in their hurried attempt to evacuate the city. That pissed him off. He hadn’t planned on the city being evacuated. Now all that was left in the city were vampires. No fresh blood, no vulnerable humans for the taking. He hadn’t thought his plan out well enough. What he should have done when he’d gone to the Dark Mystics with help to bring the king back was have them evoke a barrier that would prevent anyone from leaving the city. Why he hadn’t thought about that sooner annoyed him. Usually he was so careful in his plans to make sure he had everything worked out. He supposed he’d been awestruck by the fact that the king would be returning.
That had been a major mistake on his part.
Now, not only was he without the king, he had to hide away to prevent Trinity and her band of misfits from taking him out and bringing back the sun. Not to mention, he had no humans to control.
Well, soon enough he was going to remedy one of his problems.
“I figured no one would think to look for you in here.”
Chaos turned to Fritz and gave a slight nod. “You chose well, Fritz. Are the rest of the men here already?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Perfect. I’m going to need to feed. Send a few men to the blood bank in the hospital for a supply.”
“I’ll get right on it, sir.” Fritz bowed his head reverently.
“Have you acquired the material needed to take out Basil’s fortress?”
Fritz held the front door for Chaos as he entered. “There’s been a bit of a glitch, sir.”
Chaos stopped as the door swung shut behind him and gave Fritz a narrowed look. “What sort of glitch?”
“My men are having some trouble acquiring enough munitions to do enough damage to Basil’s home. I’ve sent them to Hadiville to gather more, but it’ll take a few more days than expected.”
“How many more days?”
“Two,” Fritz admitted with a cringe.
“Two.” Chaos huffed, then stalked off to pace. “What about this place? Aren’t there explosives here? I’m sure the officers would have a supply on hand should they have the need to use them?”
“Yes, sir, but all they have is teargas. We’ve searched,” he added when Chaos turned to him with a tilt of his head.
“I’m growing tired of these obstacles.”
“I know, sir. I’m sorry.”
Chaos waved it off then turned his back on Fritz and stalked off. “Get me my blood and make sure that doesn’t take two days.” He was growing very tired of not having his way.
Chapter Four
Maybe she should have stopped Troy when he’d hotwired Dante’s car, but that would have ruined her plan. And besides, Trinity decided, the instant the fool left the vehicle she’d drive it back home. No harm no foul.
She sat beside him in the passenger’s seat as he sped along the highway towards Jacob’s Cove. He had to lead her to Chaos. If he didn’t…well, she wasn’t going to allow herself such negative thoughts.
They entered the city and Trinity wished the brute would turn his country music down. She wasn’t a fan of the music, not that it was bad, it just wasn’t her type of music. Especially when it was so loud it made the windows rattle. If she knew she wouldn’t jeopardize her cover, she might very well use her powers to turn it down. Instead, she suffered through it as he drove them through the streets. When they came to a stop on Burton Street, she thought she might actually hit pay dirt. He climbed out, she followed. As he walked down the street, she kept behind him. This area of the city was mostly businesses and warehouses, a perfect spot for Chaos to hide out. But when Troy headed out to the middle of the road and stopped, she was more than a little baffled.
Then he knelt down and popped up the manhole cover.
He shimmied his large frame into the hole and she followed. Where the hell was he going? She slipped in behind him and continued to follow him down the sewer. To say it smelled bad was an understatement, not to mention the rats and mice and creepy crawly things scurrying along the walls. She’d always hated bugs.