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Shiela Stewart - [Darkness 03] Page 13
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Page 13
Basil moved his hands restlessly until Trinity took them in hers to still them. “They took off when we left and came back after. They watched the surveillance feed and saw that he’d been there. By the way, the alarm system worked like a charm,” Basil informed, turning to Jonah.
“Glad to hear it. Raven might be able to help us in the Chaos department.”
“Oh, how so?” Trinity inquired, turning her attention Raven’s way.
“She was his blood slave,” Jonah blurted out then gave her hand a squeeze for support.
All eyes turned her way.
“How long?” Basil demanded.
“Um…a few months.”
“Do you have any idea where he is now?” Trinity piped in.
She turned to Trinity and shook her head. “I’m sorry, no.”
“But you know where he’d hid out before, right?”
She shrugged. “The compound and the farm for certain. I was blindfolded when I was taken to him after it went dark, but if I had to guess, he was hiding in the sewers. It smelled really bad.”
Jonah pulled her down onto his lap and stroked her back to help her relax.
“Yeah, I followed one of his men down there. Blew me away that Chaos would actually hide out down there.”
“I do know one thing though,” Raven added. “He is determined to take out you, Trinity, at any cost. It’s his main goal.”
“I figured as much. I didn’t think he’d be too pleased with me after sending Avadur to the queen. Do you have any idea what else he has planned for me?”
Raven shook her head. “I didn’t even know about the bomb so that must have come about after I took Jonah out of there.”
“Bet he wasn’t too happy with that either.” Trinity looked at Jonah. “I bet he was hoping you would turn me over to gain your freedom.”
“He wanted me to tell him how to get through the alarm. That really pissed him off,” Jonah admitted.
“Well he got through it all right. By blasting his way in.” Basil shook his head. “It actually surprises me that he would think of bombing us. It means he’s willing to go to any lengths.” His eyes shifted to Raven. “Even have someone planted amongst us.”
“Raven is not working with Chaos,” Jonah piped in defensively, baring his fangs.
“Calm down everyone. Man, you look lethal in your vamp mode,” Dante said to Jonah.
“It’s okay.” Raven stepped in, her eyes squarely set on Basil. “It’s understandable that you would think that, but let me reassure you, I am not working with Chaos. I was taken by him in one of my darkest moments and made to supply Chaos with nourishment. He never relied on me for anything but blood and housekeeping. But even if he had I wouldn’t even consider working with him to bring you all down. He took a defenseless man and chained him up and beat him before turning him into a vampire. For that alone I would do anything to have him taken out. But if I have to prove myself to all of you, I will.”
“No, you won’t,” Jonah blurted out as he stood. “And I won’t allow you to condemn or question her so back the hell off.” He speared Basil with a heated look.
He turned that look to Trinity. “I mean it, Trin, not even from you. She helped me when I didn’t even want help. She saved my life and she didn’t do it to help Chaos.”
“Jonah!” Trinity said again.
“What?” he blurted out.
“You’re standing,” Trinity gasped.
“What?” And that was when he noticed he was eye level with everyone else. “Well, damn, I guess I am.” And just like that, his legs gave out and he toppled into the chair. “Fuck!”
“Are you okay?” Raven was on him faster than he could blink. “Did you hurt yourself? Is your back sore? Do you feel pain anywhere?”
“I’m fine. Okay, sure, my back is a little sore, but I’m fine. I meant what I said.” He poked a finger at both Trinity and Basil.
“I think we got it. You stood! On your own!” Trinity gaped.
“He does that from time to time. I think the swelling is finally coming down. You’ll be back to your old self in no time, Jonah,” Raven laughed then plastered a kiss on his lips.
“What did I say before about getting a room?” Dante joked.
“Okay, I think we can all agree that Raven isn’t working with Chaos.” Trinity glared at Basil.
“It had to be asked.”
“You need to rest,” Raven advised Jonah. “And I want to check out your back.”
“We need a plan to look for Chaos,” Basil piped in.
“Half an hour,” Raven spouted and pushed Jonah from the room.
“That was pretty bold of you.” Jonah smiled up at her as they left the room, then gave her a baffled look when she stopped him and came around to face him. “What?”
“You stood up for me. Literally. No one has ever done that. Thank you.”
“There is no need to thank me, Raven. Basil was out of line.”
“Still…I appreciate it.” Taking his face in her hands she kissed him solidly on the lips.
“Do I have to shove the two of you into a room? Sheesh,” Dante joked as he exited Trinity’s room. “Seriously, though,” Dante looked over at Raven, “I know you’re on our side even if Basil has his reservations.”
“Same here.” Gypsy added.
“Thanks.” She smiled warmly.
“’Night.” Dante winked at them as he took Gypsy’s hand in his and walked away.
“You’d think the guy wasn’t getting enough of his own,” Jonah joked while wheeling himself to his room. “Just ignore Basil. The guy can be an ass sometimes.” She held the door for him as he wheeled inside.
“He has his concerns. How does your back feel now?”
“Not bad, actually. I don’t think you need to check it out.”
She patted the bed and smiled. “Nice try.”
Smiling, he gripped onto the arms, pushed his feet off the rests then stood. “See, perfectly fine.”
“Uh huh. Let me decide that for myself. Face down if you can.”
“I hate being on my belly.” But he did it anyway, with her help pulling his legs onto the bed. “Be gentle with me.”
“Baby.” She lifted his shirt and clucked her tongue. “You have some nice coloration back here. Not to mention a nice round ass.”
“You’re checking my back, remember?”
“I can do both. Tell me when it hurts.”
Her hands were warm as they touched his back. He felt her fingers pressing down and winced. “A little tender there.”
“I figured as much. Is it as tender all the way down?”
She moved the waistband of his pants as she felt along his back bone. “Yeah. But nothing extreme. Nothing worse than I felt when I slipped on the ice last winter and fell flat on my ass.” He was taken by surprise when he felt her lips brush the lower part of his back.
“Um…yeah.” No one had ever kissed his…well, ass, before.
“Good. Would you like a painkiller? Maybe some ice?”
“No, I’m good.” He rolled to his side when she lowered his shirt and saw her yawn. “You haven’t been sleeping much. You should take a nap.”
“I’m okay.” Then she yawned again. “Okay, maybe I’m a little tired.”
“Come here.” He held his arm up indicating he wanted her to lay beside him. And when she smiled and settled in beside him, resting her head on his shoulder his heart did a little dance.
He lay there listening to her sleep and thought about what she’d said. No one had ever stood up for her.
Yet he had, without thought.
And he would do it again, in a heartbeat.
Dante didn’t know about anyone else, but he was famished. So while Gypsy took her shower, he decided to scout around the kitchen for some food. Since the elevators weren’t working he took the stairs down. With only the emergency lights on, the stairwell wasn’t lit enough that he felt comfortable walking down alone. So he found a flashlight at the nurse’s station and headed down.
If he was a skittish person he might actually be freaked out right now.
“Lone man walks down dark stairwell and is attacked by some psycho wielding an ax or chainsaw. Classic late night thrillerfest.” But he laughed it off as he pushed through the door at the bottom of the stairs.
And nearly screamed like a girl. Before him, looking as freaked out as Dante was feeling was his brother. “Danny?”
“Wait.” He grabbed Danny’s arm before he could bolt. “Don’t run off.”
“Yeah, like I’m going to stay here so you can haul me off to your bosses and lock me up, again. Not going to happen, bro.” He jerked his arm free.
“I’m not going to do that. Just talk to me.” He didn’t want to let him go because he feared if he did he would never see him again.
“What for? Like you gave a shit about me when the house went cablooey? Hell no. You high tailed it out of there without giving me a thought.”
“What was I supposed to do? If I’d stayed I would have been toast. As it was we barely made it out of there.”
“Well, you made it out of there just fine and now you’re all warm and happy hiding out here. Life is just perfect for you isn’t it.”
Dante’s jaw tightened. “Now what? Are you going to run to Chaos and tell him where we’re hiding?”
Danny laughed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his faded denims. “Thanks to you, bro, Chaos wants nothing to do with me. Though…if I were to tell him I knew where you’re hiding out he might just change his mind.”
“Why would you do that, Danny? We’re family.”
“Chaos is my family,” Danny shouted at him.
“If he’s your family then why did he push you away?” Dante countered.
“I guess I have that effect on people around me. Seems no one wants me.” He turned and ran off.
“Danny…stop!” But despite his plea, Danny kept on going.
His appetite gone, Dante turned around and headed back up the stairs. He had to warn the others that they might be getting company.
Chapter Fourteen
She was snuggled right against him, her breasts were pressing into his side, her leg was draped over his her crotch was tightly pressed into his thigh. One hand rested on his chest. Her hair smelled like apples.
The scent of her arousal wafted up to draw his attention.
What was she dreaming about?
He stroked her hair, enjoying the softness of it and she snuggled in a bit closer. He felt himself harden instantly when her knee brushed over his cock. She hadn’t had a release when he had and that was probably why she was aroused now. The least he could do was give her back what she’d given him.
Placing a finger under her chin, he lifted her face then touched his lips to hers. She reciprocated with a moan as she kissed him back. Sliding his hand down, he cupped her breast in his hand and gently massaged it while it grew hard. She ground her pelvis into his leg then began to gyrate. Her mouth was so hot and with the eagerness that she kissed him he knew she wanted more. So he released her breast and slid his hand down her belly and past her waistband. He’d been correct, she wore nothing beneath.
When her hand slid down to his dick he pulled his mouth away. “This time is for you.”
“But I want to feel you. I need to feel you.”
“If you do, I may not be able to stop myself.”
“Then don’t.” She slipped her hand beneath his pants and curled her fingers around his base.
His heart began to hammer and he told himself this was for her. But the instant he touched her warmth he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on for long. She was so incredibly hot and wet and touching her was like being in a warm bath. Using the tips of his fingers he twirled her clit and she pumped her hips even more. He stroked her gently, bringing her up and making her gyrate more.
Her hand stroked up and down his shaft and he knew if she continued he was going to lose his control. So he dipped a finger inside. God, she was wet and tight and the feel of her inside was more than he could handle. He wanted desperately to be inside of her.
But until he could move his hips, he knew that wasn’t possible.
So he gave her the best he could.
His lips caressed her mouth, his tongue slid inside her mouth and he palmed her clit as he fingered her to her release. When she spread her legs inviting him in deeper, he gave her just what she needed.
“Yes…yes…” she panted, throwing her head back as her pussy clamped down onto his finger. “It feels so good.”
He rubbed her faster, his hand working her up until he felt her gush over him. The orgasm slammed into him with a violent force that nearly left him breathless.
He spilled himself into her hand, his dick twitching with each drop released.
They both jumped at the knock on the door.
“Jonah? You awake, man?”
“What?” Jonah called out hoping Dante wouldn’t open the door.
“Meeting in Trinity’s room. It’s urgent.”
“We’ll be there in a bit.”
“’K. See you there.”
Raven began laughing. “I feel like I’m sixteen and doing it in my bedroom and my dad just called me to dinner.”
Jonah looked down at her, baffled. “You had sex in your bedroom during the day with your parents home?”
“No!” she laughed again. “But I did masturbate.” She tilted her head up and smiled at him. “That felt nice.”
“Yes, it did. And you’re right. I feel like a teenager which is a nice feeling considering I haven’t been one for more years than I can count. I want to make love to you, Raven.”
She sat, her hand still wrapped around his penis. “I’m ready and apparently, so are you.” She gave him a squeeze.
He smiled and kissed her. “Not now, we have a meeting to go to remember. But soon, when I can use my lower extremities again.”
“Your lower extremities seem to be working just fine to me.” She gave him another squeeze.
“That part, yeah.” He smiled. “But there’s a bit more to having sex than a hard-on. I can’t move my hips enough to be able to mount you and give you what you need.”
“I’m not sure I like how you put that. Makes me sound like a dog or something and, besides, who says you have to be on top. I rather like being on top.”
“It wasn’t meant as an insult. Sorry if it came across that way. I’m always on top. it’s just the way I prefer it.”
She kissed his lips as she pulled her hand free. “Well, Mr. Moore, it’s time to experiment. I’ll bring you a towel to wash up with.” She scooted from the bed and hurried to the washroom.
“We’re almost out of towels,” he shouted to her over the running water. Experiment? What did she mean by that?
“Then I guess we’ll have to check out the other floors for some. Here you go.” She set the bowl of warm water, towel and washcloth on his pullout table. “Maybe after the meeting we’ll get on it.”
“What did you mean by experiment?”
She smiled slyly. “Guess you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
“I think after we find some towels we should get you to try walking while supported.”
Jonah tilted his head back and eyeballed Raven. “Define ‘supported’?”
“There’s a therapeutic room on the third floor designed for paraplegics. They have
a harness that is connected to a pulley system. It supports your body and if your legs give out you won’t fall flat on your face.”
“Option two?” He didn’t like the first one.
“I could be with you and help to hold you up.”
He didn’t much care for that one either. “Any other options?”
“I’ll take option two then.” He was not going to be held up by some harness deal.
“Then that’s what we’ll try. Here we are.” She backed them into Trinity’s room.
“Took you guys long enough,” Dante grumbled. “We have a problem.”
“If it’s your impatient attitude, I know how we can fix that. It involves tape and restraints,” Jonah piped in with a dose of humor. Dante was looking much too sober.
“Ha ha. I just ran into my brother down in the basement.”
“And?” Trinity asked. She sat on her bed, legs crossed and looking like she’d just come out of the shower. Her hair was still damp.
“I think he might tell Chaos where we’re hiding,” Dante supplied.
“Did you try to convince him otherwise?” Basil snarled.
Dante shot him a nasty look. “No, I told him to go right ahead and do it and I’d get the party hats ready. Of course I tried to convince him not to.”
“Getting snippy won’t help the situation,” Gypsy said soothingly while running a hand over Dante’s hair.
“We have to get out of here now,” Dante emphasized.
“And go where? We can’t go back to the house because we’d be sitting ducks. We don’t have anywhere else to go,” Trinity reminded with more than a little attitude.
“The Digital Domain,” Jonah added and had all eyes turn to him. “Sure Basil trashed the front office but there are two apartments upstairs and the place is wired with an alarm. We’d be safe there.”
“The nerd has a point,” Basil pointed out with a nod.
Jonah flipped him the bird and continued. “Trin’s place is a one bedroom but the other suite has two. Dante, Gypsy, Raven, and I could bunk there. There’s a cot in my office for you Cooper.”
“Much obliged.” Cooper nodded.
“The power’s out. The alarm won’t work,” Dante pointed out.