Shiela Stewart - [Darkness 03] Read online

Page 11

  The sound of her wet mouth sliding up and down his shaft made his balls grow harder, and opening his eyes, he watched as she bobbed up and down over him. He placed his hand on her head of short green hair and guided her to go deeper. She was a master at deep-throating and she didn’t disappoint one bit when she took him all the way in.

  “Lord, Gypsy. Your mouth is so fucking hot.” Then she did the one thing he loved beyond life. She began to hum, deep in her throat as she kept him in her throat. The sensation vibrated along his shaft and right down to his balls. It was beyond fucking phenomenal.

  “Fuck. Yes, yes. God, baby, I love that!”

  Then she slid her hand to his balls and further back to his hole. She’d done this to him one other time and had him exploding with a mind blowing orgasm that had left him gasping for air.

  And when her finger slipped inside, he clutched hold of the bedding and let the wave of heat scorch his body. “Yeah, oh yeah!” He spread his legs allowing her in just a bit deeper and when she pushed her finger further inside and curled it up the orgasm speared into him like lightening.

  “Fuck it, fuck it!” He urged her on as he shot himself deep into her throat. She drank him down, every last drop, then slowly slid her finger free and pulled him from her mouth. She licked her lips and smiled.

  “Feel good?”

  “Beyond fucking good,” he laughed, then dropped back onto the bed and tried to catch his breath. He completely expected it when she straddled him.

  “Ready for some more?”

  “Bring it on, baby.” He nodded, gripping her hips with his hands. She lowered down onto him, the tip of his dick splitting her lips open before piercing the hole. She moaned as he entered her. Then she began bucking like a wild woman.

  The bed rocked back and forth, the wheels creaking with the motion. He held onto her hips and urged her down so he could suckle on her breasts. She moaned and when he suckled one hard nipple into his mouth she arched. He flicked it with his tongue, teasing the tip then gently grazed is teeth over the ripe pink taut bud. She gasped and pumped her hips even harder.

  He knew how much she enjoyed the pain.

  So he gave her more. Gripping both her butt cheeks, he took her breast into his mouth and suckled. Then not so gently, gave her backside a smack. She squealed and her vaginal walls contracted around him.

  She liked it.

  So he did it again. He suckled on her breast, nipping the tip with his teeth and spanking her ass while she pumped him hard.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she chanted, then put her mouth to his shoulder.

  He knew what came next and it was enough to bring him to the verge of coming again. When her teeth sunk into his flesh he slapped her ass one more time, the snap ringing out in the silence. She cried out as the orgasm shook her body.

  He felt his blood slide down his back as she convulsed over him.

  When she collapsed against him, breathless, he smiled.

  He was a damn lucky man.


  Basil’s head rested on Trinity’s bare belly and had been in that position for the past ten minutes. His black hair fell like waves over her pink flesh and felt like satin as she stroked it. If they never left this spot she would be happy.

  “I can hear the heart beating,” he murmured softy, placing his hand on her belly.

  Trinity smiled and continued stroking his hair.

  “I’ve never listened to a child’s heart before. I had no idea they beat so quickly.” He kissed her belly, then placed his head back down. “I will protect you with my life, little one.”

  Her eyes teared up but she fought them away. “Do you want it to be a boy?”

  He lifted his head to look at her and there was so much love in his eyes that it overwhelmed her. “I want whatever we’re granted. As long as the baby is healthy, I’m happy.”

  That was how she felt too. “This was so not in my plan.”

  He lifted his head to look at her. A frown creasing his forehead. “Are you upset about being pregnant?”

  “No, though it’s maybe a little inconvenient right now, I’m not upset about it. I guess it was to be expected considering we’ve been going at it like rabbits since I returned.”

  His lips curved up in a sultry smile. “I never once changed into a rabbit,” he teased.

  . She only shook her head at his comment. “What sort of abilities do you think it will have?”

  “I don’t like referring to our child as it.” He frowned as he replied. “I’m suspecting both of our abilities. Though yours were given as a gift and not by birth, I still think some of it will transfer to the child.”

  “Could be scary. What if it—the child,” she amended when he narrowed his eyes at her, “sneezes and causes the crib to fly across the room.”

  “Hm, you’re right. I hadn’t thought about that. We’ll deal with it. Cooper can watch over the child when we’re not there to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled with that job. We have to find Chaos,” she said on a long sigh.

  “We will.” He kissed her belly, then placed his head back down to listen to the heart. “But you’ll stay here. I don’t want you going out after him in your condition. Ouch!” he yelped and lifted his head when she snapped a finger against his head.

  “Don’t be a sexist pig, Basil. I’m not a delicate flower you need to protect.”

  He climbed up to rest beside her. “Flower doesn’t suit you. China maybe—I’m joking.” He chuckled when she lifted her hand to smack him. “What do you think will happen if he finds out you’re with child? He’ll spare no lengths to get to you or the child. I want you both safe and you know as well as I that being out there right now isn’t safe for either of you.” He placed his hand on her belly.

  She hated that he was right. It was risky for her to be out there in her…damn it, in her condition. “Fine, but don’t ever say ‘condition’ again. You make it sound like I have some disease.”

  “Nix the ‘condition’.” He smiled then kissed her softly. “Despite the bruising and cuts, you have more color in your face. I think it has to do with seeing Jonah.”

  He was right, she was glad knowing he was alive and safe. “When he called me before the explosion, I thought I might jump out of my skin. I was so glad to hear his voice. Then the house exploded and I was knocked back, losing him. I thought I would never see him again. I thought I was a goner. Again,” she amended. “Then I heard his voice and I clung to it. But seeing him was all I needed. I just wish…well, you know, that things had worked out differently for him.”

  “We all do. But he seems to be faring well, especially with Raven at his side.”

  “Remind me to thank her for saving him.”

  “I will. But for now, you should sleep. The more you sleep the faster you’ll heal.” He tilted her to face him and kissed her softly.

  Resting her head on his chest she closed her eyes and relaxed her body.

  She drifted off feeling everything would be right in the world very soon.


  Chaos paced the main lobby of the precinct as he impatiently waited for word from his men. It was only him and Fritz who had remained behind while everyone else went out in search of Trinity. She had to be somewhere.

  Yes, it was a relatively large city and his men had a fair amount of ground to search, but he didn’t care. He was tired of sitting around and doing nothing.

  “Perhaps it’s time we moved to another city, sir,” Fritz chimed in while sitting on one of the chairs in the lobby.

  Chaos stopped abruptly and faced Fritz with a heated glare. “Are you telling me to give up?”

  Fritz cleared his throat, fiddled with his tie. “No, sir. It’s just that the blood supply here is diminishing and with no humans retu
rning I don’t see us getting anything fresh for a while.”

  “There’s still blood at the bank. More than enough to sustain us for a few more weeks. But the sooner Trinity and Basil are found and taken care of, the sooner we can move on. I do not intend to walk away until they pay for destroying my plans.”

  “I’m curious, sir, just what your plan was in bringing the king back. With the city encased in darkness, wouldn’t the town have been evacuated anyway?”

  “Avadur had great powers. The plan was for him to induce a mass hypnosis over the city and put them into a deep sleep. With the humans asleep, he would be able to take as many as he liked and turn them, creating a super race of vampires.” His lips peeled back. “But thanks to Trinity, that will not be happening.”

  “Then our plan after she and Basil have been taken care of is what exactly?”

  Chaos didn’t like being questioned and he showed his distaste for is as he approached Fritz. In lightening fast motion he grabbed Fritz by the throat and lifted him off the ground. “If you do not like my leadership I can make it so you won’t be bothered by me any longer.”

  “I was just curious, sir,” Fritz croaked out.

  Chaos dropped him and turned his back as he walked away. “Curiosity did not only kill the cat, Fritz.” Grabbing one of the daggers that had been left behind by his men, he spun around flinging the dagger towards Fritz. The knife caught him in the left shoulder as it had been intended to, with enough force to have Fritz stumble back into the chairs.

  Chaos stared blankly at him as he spoke. “Next time, I won’t miss.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jonah learned that since becoming a vampire, sleep was not a necessity for him. Lying on his uncomfortable hospital bed, the lights out, he’d done everything in his power to ignore the sexy dark haired beauty lying only a few feet away from him. He could still taste her on his lips, still feel the softness of her skin, and still see her cerulean eyes sparkling down on him.

  He wanted more.

  Rolling onto his side, trying to be as quiet as possible so not to wake her, he watched her sleep. She had such delicate skin, so soft and pale. Normally someone with such dark hair and pale complex would look ghostly. But Raven didn’t. If anything, she was glowing. And the way her dark lashes fanned over those big blue eyes of hers was enough to make any man melt.

  Her body was pretty damn hot too.

  He shouldn’t be thinking of her in a sexual way. He felt like he was betraying his wife, his vows. But even as he chastised himself for it, he grew hard.

  Throwing the covers off, he sat up, then as silently as he’d possible, pulled himself from the bed. The wheelchair sat near the head of the bed, close enough for him to slip into. With more than a little fear, he slid his legs off the bed, holding onto the side rail that had been lowered, and willed himself to stand. When he did, albeit wobbly, he gave a silent cheer, then shifted himself into the chair. Once in it, he disengaged the brake and pushed himself back. He glanced at Raven, still asleep, then wheeled himself out of the room.

  The only form of light came from the emergency lights on the walls. He didn’t need light though, as he wheeled himself down the hall. What he needed right now was a place to go to think and to talk to Ariel.

  The chapel was the perfect place. He was damn glad it was on the main floor. He wasn’t too eager to go wheeling around in the basement or anywhere else for that fact. The closer the better. Following the directions on the walls, he headed for the chapel.

  He wasn’t a religious man by any means, but this just seemed like the right place to go to do what he needed to do.

  Entering the tiny room, four pews lined up on either side of the isle and an alter at the front, he felt a little uneasy. He knew that it was only a myth that vampires couldn’t enter churches, yet part of him was on guard just the same. But as he wheeled himself down the center aisle, he felt nothing out of the ordinary.

  Stopping at the front, he took a deep breath before beginning.

  “This is the best I could do, Ariel.” He looked around, his hands nervously fiddling on his lap. “I was told they’d laid you to rest on Basil’s property and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to go talk to you there. I guess it’s not really you there anyway, right? You’re here.” He placed a hand over his heart.

  “I miss you.” His voice wavered. He cleared it. “I wish things had turned out differently. I wish so many things, like seeing you grow large with our child. Watching you give birth and hearing you swear at me for making you endure it.” He smiled now then continued. “And seeing our child grow. I thought we would grow old together.” His voice cracked. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath before continuing. “You’ve only been gone a short time, though at times it feels like forever. You were my life for so long, and now you’re gone. Oh, honey, I am having such a hard time here. I don’t even know what to say to you and that scares me because I never had trouble telling you everything. I guess I just need to come out with it. I’m attracted to another woman. Whoa.” He let out a long breath.

  “I feel like I’m betraying you. I kissed her, really kissed her, and I wanted to keep kissing her. But…I thought of you and I felt like I was cheating. You know I never cheated on you when we were together, right? I never even thought about other women sexually. You were my everything. Were…” He drew in a deep breath then let it out. “I never thought I would ever say that. I love you, I think I will always love you, but…I have to move on. Don’t I? Oh Ariel! This is so damn hard! I don’t know what to do.”

  “She would want you to be happy.”

  He spun around to see Trinity standing by the door, dressed in hospital pajamas and robe, her long, red hair hanging free to her waist. If it had been anyone else he might have been angry that they interrupted him. But not her. He didn’t respond to her as she walked his way but waited until she stopped before him. “You should be resting.”

  She shrugged, then sat down on the pew to her right. “Better?”

  “Not what I meant.”

  “I know.” She smiled, then let out a long breath. “Ariel would want you to be happy, Jonah,” she repeated.

  “So soon?”

  “Do you love her any less?”

  “No.” If anything, his love for Ariel was as strong as ever. “Still…”

  “The heart is a wonderful thing. It can hold more things than any other organ. It has a never ending well for love. Just ask any mother of multiple children. You can still love Ariel, in one part of your heart, and she will always remain there. But I know she wouldn’t want you to grieve forever. Are you in love with Raven?”

  He shook his head maybe a little quickly. “No!”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a physical attraction. You’re not betraying Ariel if you want to be with another woman. She’s gone, Jonah, but you’re not.”

  Wasn’t he? Part of him was. He wasn’t the same person he had been two weeks ago. He was a vampire. And he was paralyzed. “I don’t even know if I can…you know, have sex.”

  “You won’t know until you try. Have you tried?”

  He shook his head again. “No, but I know I can get it up. And I think that is the end of this conversation.” He laughed making her laugh and it was an incredible sound. “How are you doing?”

  She shrugged again, gave her dingy green robe a tug. “I’d be better in my own clothes. Aside from that…a little achy in places, mostly my head.”

  “And the pregnancy? Everything okay with that?” He felt awkward talking about it only because it was a touchy subject with him.

  She patted her flat belly. “We’re good. I’m sorry about your baby.” She looked him in the eyes and the sympathy he saw in them nearly did him in.

  He nodded, picked at his pants. “It’s not that I’m not happy for you. I am.” He looked up at her. “But it’s
just hard to think our kids would have grown up together.”

  “I know.”

  “I mean, I would’ve had to teach mine to be careful with yours. No biting would have taken on a whole new meaning,” he added humorously.

  “Of course.” Her lips curved up slightly.

  “I’ll come around, Trin. I promise,” he sighed.

  She stood and kneeling down at his feet, took his hands in hers. “I know. But just so you know, I want you to be the baby’s godfather.”

  His jaw dropped. She couldn’t have said anything more shocking. “You’re joking, right?”

  “Why would I joke about that? You’re the closest thing I have to family. I love you, Jonah, like a brother, and I want my child to know her Uncle Jonah is there for him or her if anything were ever to happen to either Basil or me. You’re my one and only choice so you’d better come around.” She smiled.

  “Don’t give a guy a choice.” But he didn’t mind it that much. “Okay, I’ll be the godfather.” He rolled his eyes, smiling.

  “At least you haven’t lost your crappy sense of humor.”

  “Hey! My sense of humor isn’t crappy.”

  “You keep believing that.” She laughed as she stood, then walked behind him and took hold of his chair.

  “Be nice. I’m fragile right now.”

  She stopped them and kissed his head. “Better?”

  He smiled but she couldn’t see it. “If that’s the best you can do I suppose I’ll have to settle.” She gave his head a shove, then moved them forward. “Why were you coming to the chapel anyway?”

  “To see you. I heard your chair squeaking and decided to follow you. I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Where’s Basil?”

  “Asleep. I think I scared the life out of him and it exhausted him.”

  “He’s not the only one you scared. Chaos should feel lucky you’re alive. He would have had both Basil and I ripping him apart.”

  “My heroes. Here you go.” She stopped by his door, then moved around to face him. “If I could change what happened—”

  “Don’t.” He stopped her. “Life is what we’re given. What we do with it is up to us. I’ve stopped feeling sorry for myself and decided it’s time to move on.”