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Ever After High: 5-Minute Fairytale Stories
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First Edition: October 2017
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Library of Congress Control Number 2017935528
ISBNs: 978-0-316-54816-8 (paper over board), 978-0-316-44483-5 (ebook),
978-0-316-44481-1 (ebook), 978-0-316-44484-2 (ebook)
Table of Contents
Raven Queen............................... 1
Ashlynn Ella............................ 15
Holly O’Hair............................. 31
Cedar Wood............................ 43
Madeline Hatter................... 63
Melody Piper......................... 79
Apple White............................ 95
Lizzie Hearts...................... 109
Ginger Breadhouse...... 125
Farrah Goodfairy.......... 139
Duchess Swan................... 155
Darling Charming.......... 169
Raven Queen
The Ever After High “Book-to-School”
orientation was the week before classes started,
and the Charmitorium was packed
with everyone telling tales about
their summers.
But there was also another
story being told....
There was hexcitement in the air, because
this year everyone was going to pledge his or
her destiny to the Storybook of Legends during
Legacy Day. Raven Queen, the daughter of
the Evil Queen, sat next to Madeline Hatter,
daughter of the Mad Hatter and Raven’s best
friend forever after. Maddie, like so many,
couldn’t wait for her first chapter to begin.
Raven, however, was less hexcited.
Raven had been dreading this
year. She didn’t want to be the
Evil Queen. But what choice
did she have? As Headmaster
Grimm always said, the
students had to follow their
fairytale destinies. Everyone
always signed the Storybook of
Legends on Legacy Day. And
that meant Raven would have
to as well.
During orientation, everyone
split into story groups for their yearly tour.
While Maddie skipped
happily to Professor
group of quirky
characters, Raven
was grouped with
the other “villains.”
The scary, hairy Professor
Badwolf snarled, “You will
follow me.” He took
them down to the dark
cauldron room, where
they would learn the toil
and trouble of potion
making. Raven didn’t
like the idea of causing
trouble one bit.
After the tour, Raven
returned to the dorms,
feeling flustered. She wasn’t a
villain—not at heart, anyway.
She wondered what her life might be like if she
weren’t the future Evil Queen, but just Raven.
She knew she was supposed to follow in her
mother’s evil footsteps, but she truthfully never
wanted to be a bad guy. She always wanted to
make the world happier.
When Raven was a little girl, she would cast
spells that made flowers burst into butterflies!
Then one day, her magic just didn’t work right,
and instead the flowers burst into flames. Ever
since then, her magic backfired whenever she
used it for good. When she tried to help others,
it ended up making things worse. Raven thought
she would get in trouble for accidentally casting
evil spells, but it only made her mother prouder.
Raven finally fell asleep, wishing that there
were some way to change her destiny.
The next day, Raven went to visit her
advisor, Madam Baba
Yaga, to go over her
class schedule. Raven was
supposed to take General
Villainy, Home Evilnomics,
Magicology, History of
Evil Spells, and Witchness
Management. They were all
villain classes!
“Don’t I have any choice
in what classes I want to take?” Raven asked
without thinking. The words just slipped out.
Madam Baba Yaga looked hard at Raven for a
long while. “You know perfectly well it is school
policy to take the classes best suited for your
destiny,” she said, finally breaking her
stare. “However, you may choose one class of
your own, Ms. Queen.”
Raven didn’t need to think twice. She wanted
to take Muse-ic Class. It was traditionally a class
for princesses only, but singing always set her free.
Madam Baba Yaga thought for another long
“I will inform Professor Pied Piper
immediately. I expect no more talk of choice.
Are we clear?” she said sternly. Raven nodded.
“Now go to the library to receive your
Raven arrived at the library and found Maddie,
bouncing around hexstatically. She was going on
and on about something that Raven needed to
see, but nobody could find. Sometimes Maddie
spoke in a silly Wonderlandian language called
Riddlish. It always sounded like nonsense to
Raven. When Maddie couldn’t explain what she
wanted to say, she grabbed Raven’s hand and
guided her through the library to a secret door
she’d found.
Maddie knocked a playful rhythm, and in a
flash, they were suddenly surrounded by a ring
of ancient, dusty books.
“Maddie, where are we?” Raven asked.
Maddie explained they were in the Vault of
Lost Tales, where the Master Librarian, Giles
Grimm, lived. She told Raven that
he had
something important to tell her.
When they found Giles Grimm, he was
buried under piles of books. His eyes darted
back and forth across the pages of a large
tome. He started speaking, and Raven realized
he was speaking in Riddlish. He’d been cursed
by a babbling spell, and only Maddie could
understand him.
After they spoke, Maddie
told Raven something that
would change her friend
forever: According to the
Master Librarian, if Raven
pledged to create her own
Happily Ever After, she would
be free to write her own story.
Could it be true? Raven had
spent her entire life thinking
she had to be the Evil Queen.
She and her classmates had been
told to follow their destinies, no matter what.
Did Raven dare to be just Raven instead? If she
flipped the script, what would happen? And
what would people think?
But then, Raven thought, maybe there were
others who wanted a chance to write their own
Happily Ever After, too. And it was up to Raven
to give them the chance. So that Legacy Day,
Raven would rewrite her script.
Ashlynn Ella
Ever since Ashlynn Ella
was little, she had been told
that everyone at Ever After High
wished they had her Happily
Ever After. She was Cinderella’s
daughter, and one day, when the
shoe fit, she’d be swept away
by her Prince Charming. Still,
Ashlynn never wanted to be
swept away by some prince.
Instead, she thought true
love should happen naturally,
not by the storybook. But
could Ashlynn have a fairytale
romance that was never meant
to be? She was so royally torn.
So on the fairy first day of Damsel-In-
Distressing class, Ashlynn wasn’t hexcited
when their teacher announced that she
would be paired with Daring Charming.
Daring wasn’t fairy princely, and
he wasn’t even supposed to be
Ashlynn’s prince! She let out
a big groan. It was going to
be a long school year.
After class was finished,
Ashlynn needed to clear her head.
So she went to the most calming
place she knew: the Enchanted
Forest. The Enchanted Forest
was where magic blossomed
and oh-so-cute-and-cuddly
woodland creatures lived
and played.
Every fairytale
princess had a special
connection to the woodland
creatures, but only Ashlynn could
actually understand what they were
saying. Sometimes the animals made
more sense to her than people.
Ashlynn breathed in the
spellbinding scent of the
charm blossom petals. She
closed her eyes and enjoyed
the sounds of birds chirping
and leaves rustling. Then
suddenly, an animal
shouted, “Help!”
Ashlynn jumped
into action.
Branches lifted themselves out of Ashlynn’s
way as she hurried through the clearing. When
she found the animal, she could hardly believe
her eyes! There was a helpless squirrel stuck to a
tree, and Hunter Huntsman was lifting his axe.
“No!” she shouted as she ran toward Hunter.
With all her strength, Ashlynn pushed him face-
first into the mud. She couldn’t let him hurt that
poor squirrel.
“Hey, what’s the big idea?” the squirrel
chittered. An arrow pinned him to the tree by
the satchel around his little squirrel waist.
Ashlynn scratched her head. “I just
saved you from the scary huntsman!”
she said.
“Hunter? Scary?” the squirrel
replied, bursting with laughter.
“He’s my friend!”
“Pesky!” Hunter called out
to his pet squirrel as he lifted
himself up from the mud.
Before Ashlynn could blink,
Hunter plucked the arrow from
the tree and caught Pesky in his
hand. He bandaged Pesky from
head to tail.
Hunter had been trying to save the squirrel,
not hurt him. Ashlynn was so embarrassed.
“Sorry I pushed you,” she said.
He turned, and their eyes met for the first
time. Time stood still. His hazel eyes were gentle
and warm. Her heart thumped in her throat.
Was she sick? Her feet felt really weird in
her heels.
Hunter offered to walk Ashlynn back to
school. On their walk, Ashlynn was surprised
by how much they had in common. They both
loved nature and caring for animals. She was
totally throne for a loop!
Hunter wasn’t some
big ogre. He was
totally charming!
Ashlynn could’ve talked to Hunter forever
after, but soon enough they were inside the
school’s castle. She was twirling her hair, not
wanting to say good-bye, when she realized her
ring was missing. “Oh no!” she cried. “My family
ring! It must have fallen off in the forest!”
Hunter’s face lit up.
“Maybe we could go
back to the forest and
search for it,” Hunter
said nervously before
adding, “And maybe
we could have a
picnic, too.”
Ashlynn’s heart
raced. “Hunter, I’d
love to go on a picnic
with you.”
His eyes widened. “Really?
I mean. . .cool,” he said, trying not to show how
hexcited he was. He paused for a moment, then
finally said, “Hext you later.” Then Hunter raced
off in the other direction.
Ashlynn couldn’t believe
it! The day totally flipped
the script! She’d gone
into the forest worried
about one fairytale
prince, but she
exited having her
fairytale dream
come true. Ashlynn
spun around and
skipped all the way to
her dorm.
But when Ashlynn
was back in her room,
she realized that she and
Hunter couldn’t have a Happily Ever After. He
wasn’t her fairytale prince. Ashlynn had never
been so upset.
The next day, Ashlynn went to the Enchanted
Forest at sunset to clear her head. The sun hung
low in the sky. The air was still and crisp. The
trees looked lonely, save for branches reaching
toward one another. The seconds passed like
hours. Finally, Ashlynn heard a rustling coming
from the trees, and Hunter walked into sight,
looking adorably silly. He wore a
prince’s jacket that was way too
small for him, and he carried a giant
bouquet of charm blossoms.
Hunter bent to kiss he
r hand
and his jacket ripped!
She lifted his face and let out a laugh. “Oh,
Hunter, what are you wearing?” she asked.
“I borrowed one of Dexter’s old jackets
and ties,” he wheezed. “Every princess needs a
Ashlynn laughed again. “You don’t need to be
a prince for me!” she said.
Hunter took her hand, and it felt like a bolt
of lightning ran up her arm. “I found your ring,”
he said as he pulled Ashlynn’s family ring from his
pocket. Ashlynn’s heart raced again. The world
brightened. Her true hero saved the day! As
she threw her arms around him, something still
bothered her. “Hunter, if anyone finds out—”
she began.
He gave her a smile that Ashlynn would
cherish forever after. “It will just have to stay our
little secret.” He gave her a big, warm hug—and
the stars started sparkling again.
Holly O’Hair
After years spent memorizing
every fairytale, writing about
her favorite legends, and, of
course, studying her own
fairytale, Holly O’Hair was
finally going to let her hair
down at Ever After High!
This was her first time
living outside the tower.
She was hair over heels
with hexcitement! She