Jingle Bell Rock Read online

Page 6

Aww, poor Viper—I really shouldn’t tease him. But there was something so damn hot about the way he got all possessive over me. “No, I haven’t forgotten.”

  “So you just don’t care? What about his husband?”

  I frowned, Viper’s outrage on this stranger’s—Dylan Prescott’s—behalf making me chuckle. Of course I cared. I wasn’t a homewrecker. I also loved Viper with all my heart. But seeing him all riled up over this was slightly amusing, considering he’d been Mr. Playboy when we first met.

  “Well, maybe his husband could come along too.”

  When I waggled my brows, Viper growled and leaned in to press a hard kiss on my lips. Not a second later, Killian called out, “Found it!”

  We pulled apart and hurried over to where the others stood. As he flipped through the pages on the clipboard, Killian let out a low whistle. “Damn, okay, there are some pretty kickass prizes on here.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?” Slade looked over Killian’s shoulder. Killian quickly moved out of the way. “Hey, no fair. Tell us.”

  “I found it. I’m looking first.”

  “It’s not like he can bid now, Slade. Relax.” Viper smirked in Killian’s direction. “We all get to see the list, and then, well, let the best man win.”

  “Whatever,” Killian said. “Hmm, yep, there’s one or two things on here I think I’m gonna bid on.”

  “Okay that’s it, hand it over.” Jagger grabbed the clipboard out of his hand and flipped through the pages as Slade stood beside him. When they came to the very last one, their eyes widened.

  “Holy shit,” they said in unison.

  “Oh God,” Viper said beside me. “Is it a date with Ace fucking Locke?”

  “No.” Slade shook his head. “Even better, a walk-on spot in one of his movies.”

  “Shut the hell up.”

  Yes, that was my boyfriend. You know, the I’m a kickass rock star guy? It seemed the possibility of being in a movie with Ace Locke made him more excited than he wanted to admit.

  “It’s right here, man, look.” Jagger handed over the clipboard, and sure enough, there it was. A chance at a walk-on scene with Ace friggin’ Locke.

  Holy shit was right.

  “Damn.” I let out a whistle. “That’s a hell of a prize.”

  Viper looked at me and immediately tried for an air of indifference. “I mean, it’d be cool, but—”

  “Oh, quit it.” I chuckled. “You want that prize as much as we all do.”

  “Well, I definitely don’t want the signed guitar from Trent Knox.”

  We all laughed, and I gestured for the clipboard. “What else is on there?”

  As I flipped through, I saw that along with the prizes we’d already drooled over, there was an Audemars Piguet watch from Dylan Prescott’s last campaign up for grabs and a free matchmaking service for a lucky single out there wanting to find love.

  “Wait,” Slade said, looking over at me. “I didn’t see anything from us on there. We donated something, right?”

  “Of course we did,” Killian said, and then he cut a sly smile in Viper’s direction.

  “Yeah, we told Paige last night when you went to dinner,” Viper added.

  “You did?” Slade frowned as he looked between all of us, but I was staying all the way out of this.

  “Yep.” Killian crossed his arms over his chest. “We told her to put us down for a dare. We’re rockers—we wanted to prove we were up to do anything for charity.”

  Viper grinned like a fiend. “So we put down that they could shave your mohawk off.”

  Slade’s eyes bugged wide. “You did what?”

  I looked to Jagger, who was biting back his laugh as Viper nodded. “I mean, you can rock bald for a while, right?”

  Slade’s eyes darted around all four of us. “You’ve all lost your fucking minds.”

  Killian smirked. “But it’s for charity.”

  With a final fuck you glare in his direction, Slade turned on the heel of his black boots and stormed out of the room, leaving us laughing behind him.

  Viper dropped the clipboard onto the table where we’d found it, and as we left the same way Slade had just gone, Killian said, “How long do you think it’ll take him to work out we’re fucking with him?”

  Jagger shook his head. “Right up until the moment they read out what we really offered for the auction.”

  “Poor bastard,” Viper said, though he didn’t sound contrite at all. The three of us chuckled and headed out to find our dressing rooms for the night.



  “I DIDN’T REALIZE limo service was included in the prize,” Panther said, sliding his hand up my thigh as his lips met my neck. “Maybe we could have the driver ride around for a while longer.”

  I moaned and shifted on the leather seat, careful not to spill the glass of champagne we’d been offered when the limo pulled up to our hotel. I would’ve preferred a Corona, or almost anything else, but I wasn’t going to turn my nose up at the bubbly. It was time to relax, and I was going to make sure this weekend in L.A. was nothing but perfect for Panther. Though if he didn’t stop trying to rile up my dick, I couldn’t promise he’d get all that I had planned.

  “So you’re saying fuck the show…” I said, catching his hand just as it made its way between my jean-clad thighs. “And the meet-and-greet—”

  Panther’s mouth stilled on my neck. “Can’t it be fuck, then the show?”

  I chuckled, not about to complain, but as I let go of his hand and reached for his neck to steal a kiss, the driver came over the intercom.

  “Arrival at the arena is in two minutes.”

  I cursed. “Even I’m not that fast.”

  Panther pulled away, tucking in his shirt and then running a hand over his close-cropped hair. He’d paired a blue collared shirt that matched his eyes with black slacks, looking every bit the sexy, put-together Navy pilot I knew him to be. Me, on the other hand? A new pair of jeans was as far as I wanted to go if I didn’t have to put on my dress whites.

  “Have I told you that you look sexy as fuck tonight?” I said.

  “You might’ve mentioned it a few times.”

  “Just making sure you know so when Ace Locke undresses you with his eyes, you know I did it first.”

  Panther snorted, his head falling back as he laughed. “You’re delusional.”

  “Yet the Navy lets me fly a fifty-two-million-dollar jet.”

  “Like I said: delusional.” With a twinkle in his eye, Panther brought our joined hands up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of mine. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan to leave you for anyone tonight.”

  “Mhmm. Just so you know, if you do run out on me, I’m taking your Christmas present back. And trust me, you want it.”

  “I thought this was my present?”

  “It’s the cherry on top.”

  “Gentlemen,” the driver said over the intercom. “We’ve arrived.”

  I looked out the window to see the massive arena looming overhead, red and green spotlights flashing across it and up into the sky. Ornamental balls that were probably bigger than the limo hung at intervals across the front, along with an oversized Christmas tree framing the entrance.

  There were people everywhere, long lines out of at least half a dozen doors for those trying to get inside, while others wrapped around the hot chocolate and cider stands set up every few feet. Others milled around in their ugly Christmas sweaters, watching the already crowded ice rink that had been set up for the occasion.

  Panther let out a low whistle. “L.A. doesn’t know how to do things on a small scale, huh?”

  “Those are the biggest fucking balls I’ve ever seen. Where the hell do people find shit like that?”

  “Jealous?” Panther teased, as my door popped open. I downed the rest of my champagne and stepped out of the limo to see a gorgeous blond woman standing on the curb waiting for us. She wore a red long-sleeved reindeer-print dress that looked like one of the ugly Ch
ristmas sweaters I’d seen others wear, only it barely covered her ass and hugged her fit body tight. Paired with thigh-high boots, she looked like there should be a whip in her hand, not a clipboard.

  “You must be Mateo and Grant,” she said, giving us a brilliant smile as she stepped forward to shake our hands. “I’m Paige, and I’m here to show you fellas a good time.”

  When I raised my brows and heard Panther choke behind me, she laughed.

  “And by that, I mean bypass the line and show you inside.” She inclined her head for us to follow her through the crowd, dodging the already-buzzed guests holding their drinks precariously. Guess those hot chocolate stands had a vodka option.

  Paige led us past the long lines to an unmarked door, flashed a badge across the scanner, and ushered us inside. The Christmas tunes that had been blaring outside followed us down a long hallway that opened up to the main floor of the arena, and once I got a good look inside…holy hell. It was something out of a Griswold fantasy. There were trees encased in fairy lights from top to bottom lining the perimeter of the arena, with clouds of snow gathered around the trunks. Icicle lights dripped off the tree branches, and even more hung down from the ceiling, like we were in a snow globe or some kind of winter wonderland.

  “Wow,” Panther said, and I had to agree. It was all you could do to just stare at the transformation of a place that usually hosted basketball games.

  Paige beamed. “Thank you.”

  I did a double take. “You did this?”

  “Well, I’m not just a pretty face,” she said with a wink. “Now, the two of you will have your meet-and-greets later on this evening, but I think the plan is to get you all liquored up first and enjoying the party. And, if I may so say myself, it is a pretty fabulous shindig.”

  “I don’t even know where to go first,” Panther said, sounding utterly entranced. I laced my fingers through his and squeezed, and the smile that lit his face was worth every second of stalking the radio station.

  “The concert starts soon, so if I were you, I’d go ahead and indulge.” Paige pointed to a huge bar set up on one side of the room. “Licked is where you’ll be able to grab a Locke Licker or a Santa’s Coming. Or a Grinch’s Jingle Balls, if that suits your fancy.”

  My brow furrowed. “Are you talking about drinks?”

  “Only the best drinks, courtesy of my best friend, Ryleigh. Tell her I sent you. And then over there we have catering by the Julien Thornton, one of the hottest chefs in the country. And I’m not just talking about his food,” she said. “Feel free to mingle, check out the items up for auction, do a twirl around the ice rink, dance, strip down to your Santa boxers. Anything goes.” Paige turned to leave. “Oh, and someone will grab you later to take you backstage, and you’ll pick up your VIP bags there too.”

  “VIP bags?” I said.

  “Of course. You don’t think we’ll let you boys leave empty-handed, now do you?” She laid a hand on Panther’s arm. “Oh my.” She squeezed his bicep and looked my way. “Aren’t you a lucky pair. Mmm.”

  Dropping her hand, Paige smiled again, and I was glad I wouldn’t have to peel her fingers off my man. Though she seemed more appreciative than interested in either of us, which I supposed was flattering. I mean, Panther was the hottest fucking man on the planet, so I couldn’t exactly blame someone for noticing.

  “You two have a fabulous time. I’m sure I’ll run into you later.” With a final wink, Paige headed off, and I squeezed Panther’s fingers.

  “I feel like I should’ve hired a bodyguard for tonight. No one’s going to be able to keep their eyes or hands off you.”

  Grinning, Panther wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. I didn’t think I’d ever get over how far we’d come, from having to hide our relationship while we competed against each other in the Elite program at NAFTA to being so open together in public. It wasn’t something I’d ever take for granted.

  “And here I thought you were my personal bodyguard,” Panther murmured as he nipped at my lip.

  “Oh, I’ll happily guard this body, don’t you worry about that.” I reached down to grab Panther’s ass and gave him a long, lingering kiss. Another thing I’d never get tired of: Panther’s full lips.

  He leaned back an inch and smiled. “You ready to get this thing started?”

  “Hell yes. Where to first?”

  As my stomach let out a loud rumble, he laughed. “I’m thinking we should check out this world-class chef and then maybe grab one of those Grinch drinks Paige was talking about.”

  “Perfect.” I stole another quick kiss and then reached for his hand again. “Let’s go see what this Julien guy’s got in store for us.”



  “HOW LONG DID Jules say he’d be?” Robbie asked as we headed toward the front entrance of the large arena. Julien had left brunch early to check up on his staff, who were catering the charity event, and his absence was now being felt as Robbie and I headed toward our destination for the evening.

  I tugged Robbie’s hand up to my lips to kiss. “Not too long, a couple of hours, maybe? And he’s already been gone—”

  “One and a half.” Robbie pouted, his slicked-up lips that matched his Santa hat beckoning me closer.

  I leaned in to place my lips at the corner of his. “I miss him too.”

  It was true. The three of us were so tightly knit that when one of us wasn’t around it felt like part of us was missing, especially when it came to events and holidays. But we’d catch up with our delicious chef soon enough. For now I needed to find something to distract Robbie with, since the actual concert didn’t start for another hour or so.

  People dressed in festive hats, tinsel scarfs, ugly Christmas sweaters, and signs with I love Fallen Angel walked toward the entryway along with us, all heading for the lines that led into the arena. Christmas music poured out of the speakers, and red and green lights lit the place up so bright that I was positive you’d be able to see it from outer space tonight.

  I was about to guide Robbie to one of the lines so we could make our way inside, when he tugged on my hand and drew me to a stop.

  “Everything okay, sweetheart?”

  Robbie turned his pretty face toward mine and nodded. “Mhmm. I just worked out what we could do to pass some time.”

  I could think of several things we could do, but judging by the mischievous grin on Robbie’s face, I had a feeling he was thinking of something completely different. “And what’s that?”

  He tugged on my hand until I looked to the left of the arena, where there was an…ice-skating rink. “No.”

  “I haven’t even said anything yet.”

  “You don’t have to. I know you, and the answer is no.”

  Robbie frowned and let go of my hand to cross his arms over his chest. “Um, excuse me, you don’t get to just say no and that be the end of that.”

  My lips twitched at the sassy eyebrow winging up over his eye. I reached out to smooth my fingertip along it. “Yes, I do.”

  Robbie swatted at my hand and pointed at me. “No, you don’t. You owe me.”

  “I owe you?” I chuckled. “And how do you figure that? Julien and I whisked you away for a surprise romantic weekend where you got to eat brunch with Ace Locke.”

  “That right there,” Robbie said, finger pushing against my chest. “I had no warning, no chance to dress to impress. You two just sprang it on me, and I acted like a fool.”

  I took hold of his finger. “You always impress, dressed or not. And I didn’t think you were foolish at all. I thought you were adorable.”

  “You have to say that; you’re married to me.” Robbie aimed a coy look at me from under his lashes. “And speaking of being married, haven’t you heard the saying, happy wife, happy life?”

  “Are you trying to tell me you aren’t happy?”

  “No, but I could be happier.”

  I sighed and looked over his shoulder toward the rink. “I don’t ice-ska

  “You don’t— You live in Chicago, where there is snow up to your waist half the year.”

  “Slight exaggeration, don’t you think?”

  “Okay, maybe a quarter of the year. You seriously don’t ice-skate?”

  “I wasn’t born in Chicago, remember? Louisiana and California don’t exactly have huge amounts of snow every year.”

  If I thought that was going to save me, I was gravely mistaken. The idea had already taken root with Robbie, and there was no swaying him.

  “That’s okay, I’ll help you.” He took hold of my hand and began tugging me toward the outdoor rink, where people were skillfully gliding and weaving their way around the ice as though they’d been doing it their entire life.

  There was no way in hell I was going out there.

  “I have an idea. I’ll stand over there by the rail and watch you,” I said as we moved into line to pay for the skate rentals. “You know how much I like watching.”

  “Nice try, but no. You owe me, and this is what I want.” Robbie squeezed my hand and gazed up at me with wide, hopeful eyes. “Come on, Joel. It’s Christmas.”

  It was clear that he had my number and knew it. I didn’t think there was anything I’d deny him when he looked at me that way. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Robbie all but bounced on his toes. This was going to be awful—and probably painful—but I would have agreed a hundred times over to see him so happy.

  I gestured to the counter, where it was our turn to order our shoes and pay, and ten minutes later they were on our feet and Robbie was urging me to stand.

  I looked at the skates and grimaced. This was not going to be pretty.

  “Come on,” Robbie urged. “Don’t be scared.”

  I aimed my most fulminating look his way, and when Robbie’s lips twitched, I shook my head. “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

  “What do you mean? It’s a fabulous idea.”

  Robbie held his hand out, and as I gingerly got to my feet, I swayed a little. Robbie’s eyes widened and he moved forward to steady me. Shit. I wasn’t even on the ice yet, for fuck’s sake.