Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2) Read online

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  Trix is about two sheets to the wind, when I go link my arm around hers and say bye to Grinder. We walk down the block to her car and I drive back to the clubhouse. I help her upstairs before I go into the club, making sure she’s settled and has everything she needs. I put out some ginger ale, Pedialyte, Pepto, and some pain killers on the counter for her whenever she wakes up. Lord knows she’ll need them.

  Reluctantly, I go down the stairwell that leads into the club and the second I’m through the door, my body is being pushed up against the wall. “Fuck, Ant! You startled the shit outta me. Thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow,” Bruiser, one of my father’s oldest members comments. He pulls his arms off me and looks me up and down. “Shit, if I was twenty years younger . . . mmm, women these days.”

  “It’s about time you showed up,” my father’s deep voice growls from the other end of the club. I peer past Bruiser’s shoulder and see he’s standing in the frame of his office door, staring daggers into me.

  “Yeah, well I was a little busy.” I reply in a snarky manner. I’m getting a bit sick and tired of his attitude, acting like I’m not doing anything but twiddling my thumbs. I start to walk over and watch how he disappears into his office, signaling I need to follow him. Man, if he could use his fucking words that would be splendid.

  “What did you find out?” Here he goes, questioning me before I even have a chance to shut his door.

  “Not much. A prospect was muttering about how Leo is going to be the interim Prez while Phoenix deals with some stuff. He didn’t go on about what the details were, but it makes me want to dig more.”

  “Is that it?” His tone shows me he’s pissed.

  I scoff, not in the mood for his attitude. “I was there for hours, trying to blend in like everyone else. Don’t act like the information I got wasn’t good. It’s going to take time for me to effectively get the information you want.”

  “If it were me, I would’ve gotten something better than that.” He snarls, glaring at me.

  I’m not going to stand here and listen to him treat me like shit when I’ve just wasted a few hours doing work for him. Hell, do I even want this? Do I even really want the club and the mafia? Pfft, he might make it pointless.

  I open the door to his office, walk through it and slam it shut, heading toward the bar. The only thing I want is some alcohol to wash away my worries, and if I’m lucky, I won’t be going to bed alone tonight.

  I need someone to ride until the sun comes up, to make me feel something other than fury.

  Chapter Six


  I kick my feet up onto the desk and light the cigarette hanging from my lips. Inhaling deeply, I suck the nicotine into my lungs. The last few days have been quiet around here. The party went off just like I wanted it to. It’s good for business and it’s good to know who the people are in our town.

  “Leo, you wanted to talk to me?” Grinder says as he walks into the office. I nod my head and motion for him to come in. He walks over and sits in the chair across from me.

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said about Jimmy. Looked into a few things,” I tell him. He shifts in his seat and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he looks at me intently.

  “What did you find?”

  “I was initially looking into the Aces since we’re moving that direction. I want to know all I can about them. Interesting fact though, Jimmy seems to have ties to them.”

  “No shit? What kind of ties?” Grinder asks. I take another long drag of my cigarette and blow smoke into the air.

  “Not sure. I’ve just heard some hearsay. I want to keep an eye on that one. We don’t need any surprises while Phoenix is out,” I tell him.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just what I said. Keep an eye on him. The land we’re looking at is right in the Aces territory line. I need to be sure we don’t piss anyone off if we get it. We don’t want any wars,” I tell him. I reach for the drawer and pull Phoenix’s whiskey out, unscrewing the top. Then I take a long pull before offering it to Grinder. He shakes his head and I take another long pull.

  “Something is off around here. I don’t know if it’s Jimmy or not. I don’t like fucking rumors, but I have a bad feeling that there is more to this Jimmy shit than we originally thought.”

  “Want me to tail him? Find out where he’s going, what he’s doing?” I run my hand through my hair unsure of how to play this one. Picking my knife up off the desk in front of me, I flip it between my fingers trying to calm the storm that’s brewing inside of me. I don’t like rats. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on in my own fucking club.

  “Yeah. See what you come up with. Don’t let him or anyone else know what you’re doing. If he’s out doing shit, I want to know. If he is fucking around, we don’t want everyone getting in the middle of it.” Grinder nods his head before shoving to his feet. I watch him walk out of the room before I pick up the phone.


  “Hey, Prez. How’s our girl?” I ask Phoenix.

  “Stubborn as fuck. She doesn’t listen,” he chuckles into the line.

  “Heard that. Just wanted to fill you in on what’s going on around here. I’m checking that land over near the Aces. We might need to touch base with them at some point.”

  “We can do that.”

  “That isn’t it. I’m putting Grinder on Jimmy. I don’t like the kid. I don’t like the secrets he’s hiding,” I tell him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I don’t like him! Grinder heard some shit and when we looked into it, we found out he was running with another MC before us. Had his colors stripped by that club for being a rat.”

  “Fuck. Why didn’t we know about this before?” He asks.

  “I don’t know, Prez. Must have slipped past us. I’m going to keep an eye on him. He keeps his head down for the most part which wouldn’t be suspicious if I didn’t know this shit,” I inform him.

  “Right. Now that’s got me a little on edge too.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Prez. I got this.”

  “Appreciate that, Leo. Do your thing, brother.” The line goes dead as I grab the bottle and take another pull. I’ll find out what that little fucker is hiding from me. Pressing the tip of my knife into my finger, I watch as blood slowly appears.

  “What are you hiding from us?” I mumble to myself.

  Chapter Seven


  “Well, what do you say? We goin’ back to the club tonight?” Trix wiggles her eyebrows in excitement. She might be acting like she wants to help me with my task, but she can’t fool me. She wants to get drunk and maybe get some good dick too. But I can’t say I blame her. Some of the guys in that club are drop dead gorgeous.

  “I had plans . . . but I suppose we could take a stroll out. You can drive and we’ll park around the same place just like last week.” I tell her, throwing on a black leather fringe vest. Trix is already by the door of her apartment, so I catch up with her quickly and give myself a once over in the full-length mirror she has beside her door.

  “You look fuckable, now c’mon, let’s go.” Trix tells me, dragging me out the door. We head down the flight of stairs and go over to the parking garage, get in her car, and whip across the city to where the Devil’s Ash MC has their clubhouse. The parking spot that was open last week isn’t this time, and cars line the streets.

  “This is exactly why I wanted to leave an hour ago, but you didn’t make up your mind until I kept nagging your ass.” Trix quips, obviously irritated with me. She’d been asking to come back the past couple days, but I’ve been putting it off because of my father’s ignorant comments. He’s made me want to say fuck it and let him hand the club over to someone else, but a short phone call with my mother earlier today made me realize I have every right to this club. Just like I have a right to the family business in Roma. The mafia and the MC lives run through my veins and I’ll do whatever I have to in order to p
rove I’m deserving of both. Even if it means appeasing my son of a bitch father.

  Trix manages to find a spot a little closer to the club than I want, but at this point we need to get back in there and make ourselves known. Given the way the boys acted last week when we were here, I’m sure they’ll be happy to see us again.

  Trix and I both get out of the car and walk down the block. Turning the corner, we see a massive line. And just like last week, Trix walks all the way to the front.

  “Hey, Suga’, didn’t know you were comin’.” The prospect smirks, eyeing Trix up and down.

  “Didn’t realize I needed to make a reservation. You gonna let me and my friend Toni in, or what?”

  He smiles sinfully at her, “If you make it worth my while I might.”

  “Oh, look at you playing hard to get.” Trix struts up to him, forces her hand over his jeans, and rubs the length of his cock in front of all these people. She gets up on her tiptoes and says something in his ear given the way his eyes widen and his smirk grows even wider.

  “You always got a pass here, darlin’.” He chuckles.

  I go up right behind Trix as she lets go of the big guy’s cock and mouths ‘see you later’. I’m not a mind reader, but I don’t have to be when it comes to her. She just sold her pussy for that pass. Not that she’ll care, though. Trix always loves a good lay.

  The two of us head in through the door and walk into an even more packed clubhouse than last week. There are plenty of women throughout the room, mixed with bikers. One blonde is getting jello shots taken off her body on the bar, while a pair of twins are sitting on one guy’s lap. I look around the area to see if I can find Leo, knowing he’s the quickest way for me to get what I want, but instead of Leo I find someone else.

  Someone I know far too well, and honestly . . . I’m furious.

  I’ve never been this angry in my goddamn life.

  Jimmy Regio is in this fucking club, wearing a cut from the Devil’s Ash MC that reads ‘Prospect’. I can’t believe the audacity my father has, sending me in here with him, not trusting me to get the job done by myself.

  Fucking sexist pig, never trusting a woman to get the job done. Well, I’ll show him, that’s for damn sure.

  I walk up to Jimmy with Trix, making it look like we’re asking where Leo is. No one will think anything of it, or at least that’s the hope. If they find out Jimmy and I know one another we’ll be fucked. This assignment will be over before it even begins.

  “I’m lookin’ for Leo,” I grit out to Jimmy, showing him just how displeased I am.

  Jimmy’s eyes rake up and down my body, “Shit. Why didn’t you ever dress up for me like this?”

  Jimmy isn’t just anyone. He’s my ex. A man who decided the club was more important to him than his girlfriend. Something else I can give credit to my father for, and yet another reason he and I have our strained relationship.

  “Where’s Leo?” I ask, plastering on a fake smile.

  “One of the other guys said you’d know where he is,” Trix pipes up loudly, almost too loud, so I turn around and see Leo walking over in our direction.

  “Hey there,” he murmurs, smirking like the cat who caught the canary.

  “Is that how you greet the woman you left in the cold last week?” I quip, cocking a brow as I get closer to him.

  Trix walks off, tugging Jimmy along with her. The last thing I need is for him to think he can get in between me and my mission, and he would. He’s a spiteful bastard like that.

  Leo on the other hand chuckles at me lowly, wipes his hand across his face. I’m not sure why, but man it only further aggravates me. It’s taking everything within me not to whip my hand back and slap him for what he did. But, just as I say it, I end up doing it.

  The cracking sound against his flesh even startles me, but I don’t back down. For fuck’s sake, I’m Antonia DeGrossi, and I demand respect.

  “I’m not a little plaything who will sit back and wait for you to give me attention. You either do it now or I can give it to someone else here who’s more appreciative.” I sneer, glaring at him.

  Chapter Eight


  Any other girl and I may have slapped her ass back. No, I wouldn’t. I’m not into hitting women, at least not in this sense. In the bedroom? Her little ass would be raw and the thought of pulling her tight black jeans down her legs and taking her in front of everyone crosses my mind. She looks hot as fuck and even with the sting in my cheek, I don’t mind if the whole club is watching.

  “Got a little attitude on you, don’t you?”

  “Not when I get what I want.” I watch her dark eyes as they assess me. She’s wondering if I’m going to hit her back or not, and that just makes me wonder about her even more. If she’s waiting for it then someone has done it before. I reach up and watch as she hardens herself only for me to brush a stray hair behind her ear. She lets out a breath of what? Relief? I can’t be sure.

  “And what is it you want exactly?” I ask her, curious to find out her answer. She licks her lips, effectively pulling my gaze to them before I look back into her eyes.

  “I thought we clicked last time I was here,” she says, a slight purr in her tone now. I step closer, leaving only an inch between us.

  “Did you? I think so too, sweetheart. So, what plans did you have in mind when you came back tonight?” My tone is husky and needy. I haven’t fucked anyone in a week and that’s a hell of a long time to go without. My cock is practically begging for a piece of this girl.

  “There’s so many things I’ve been thinking. First, a drink would be nice,” she says batting her lashes at me. I smirk and nod my head, turning on my heel and heading for the bar. As I go, I let my gaze wander over the crowd that’s here tonight. There’re a few new faces but mostly the same ones that always show up. Not that I care. I don’t. I love the fact that they were comfortable enough and had a good enough time to come back. That’s our goal. Show them that we might be a little off our hinges but we’re still good guys.

  I order a few shots and a couple beers, balancing them in my hands as I make my way back to Toni. She stands there with her arms crossed over her chest surveying the room until she sees me. The corner of her lips kick up in a smile that sends my cock into overdrive. When I reach her, I hold out the hand with shots and watch as she takes one. Then I offer her the beer. I watch as she downs the shot without flinching.

  “Good shit, yeah?”

  “Very good! You guys always carry the best of everything?” I chuckle and take down my own shot before nodding my head.

  “We are the fucking best.” She nods her head and steps a little closer. This time I slip my hand around her waist and pull her into me. The smell of alcohol on her breath hits me just before I lower my head and press my lips to hers. Just like I thought, they’re soft and sweet. I use my tongue to pry them apart and really get a taste of her. It’s like fucking heaven. Toni moans into my mouth as I tug her impossibly closer. Her tits are pressed into my chest and my cock is throbbing in my jeans. I open my eyes to get a look at her and damn is she fucking beautiful. That’s when I notice something else too. Fucking Jimmy. That slimy little fuck is staring at us with the look of pure hatred in his eyes. Is he jealous? The thought alone makes me smirk but when I do, Toni pulls back. I keep my hand pressed to her back, keeping her body close to mine.

  “What happened?” She asks nearly breathlessly.

  “A little prospect issue. I need to handle this but I don’t want you going anywhere. I’m not done with you yet,” I tell her. She smiles and the air is sucked from the room. Fuck, I’m going to be in trouble with this one.

  Stepping away from her, I move toward Jimmy. Stupid fuck doesn’t even notice me, he’s too busy staring at her. My hand wraps around his throat and I slam him into the wall listening to the air whoosh from his lungs.

  “You got a damn problem, prospect?” I ask, my tone gravely and low.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” His e
yes finally move to meet mine and I want nothing more than to snap his goddamn neck.

  “You’ve been awful close to me lately. You got a thing for me? Something I need to know about?” I know I’m pissing him off and that’s the point. I want him pissed. I want him angry.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind? I don’t have a thing for you!”

  “Then why are you always in my goddamn business?” The last word comes out as a growl right before I pull my fist back and slam it into his stomach. He doubles over as I release him. Then he stands back up ready to fight. I smirk and wave him on. He comes at me and fists fly. It’s been a long time coming. I’m sick of seeing his face everywhere I am. I’m sick of the unknown with him.

  I’m not sure how long the fight goes on and I don’t really care. What stuns the fuck out of me is the one breaking it up. I’m about to swing again when Toni steps in between us. She brings her beer to her lips and takes a long pull as she eyes Jimmy then turns her head to look at me.

  “As much fun as that looks, I think there’s something better you can do with your time,” she says eyeing me like a piece of fucking meat. I reach up and wipe the blood from my lip onto the back of my hand before I reach for her once more. Jimmy growls as Grinder shoves him away from us and I tug that sexy little body back against mine.

  “You got in the middle of a serious fight,” I state. She nods her head before bringing her lips closer to me and whispering in my ear.