Degrade: A Dark Mafia Romance (DeLancy Crime Family Book 1) Read online

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  Madelaine slips her tongue out and swipes it across the tip of my cock, licking up the precum already beading there. I narrow my eyes as she plays with the beads of my magic cross piercing.

  “Fuck, cumslut, wrap your mouth around me before I decide I don’t want your mouth but your needy pussy instead,” I growl, clenching my fingers tighter in her hair.

  Madelaine gives me a grin, her eyes alight with amusement but she does what I say wrapping her mouth around my cock and slowly takes me all the way to the back of her throat and swallows.

  Oh shit.

  I groan as she swallows again. Madelaine pulls back, her tongue running along the bottom of my cock. Fuck she’s good and I don’t want to think of how she got that way. I’ll end up going and killing every man she’s been with before me in order to say I’m the only man alive she’s been with.

  Madelaine hums around my cock and that’s my undoing. Tightening my fingers in her hair further, I grab her and pull her mouth from my cock. I release her hair and move my hands to grasp her waist as I sit up. I flip us until I’m hovering over my woman with my cock sitting at her sopping wet entrance.

  “Fuck, bombe, you’re damn good with that mouth, baby, and I want to come in it right now . . .but it’ll have to happen another time. I need to feel your pussy quivering around my cock like it did all those times last night. You’re gonna come soaking me with your juices,” I say gravelly while I rub myself against her entrance, soaking my shaft with her essence.

  “Fuck me, Félix,” she purrs her demand.

  “You got it, bombe,” I state, slamming forward going all the way to the hilt. I don’t stop there. No, I fuck my woman the way she wants. When I feel her pussy starting to spasm, I reach up and wrap my fingers around her neck feeling her rapid pulse. I apply the slightest pressure and meet her gaze. “Come for me, my little slut,” I rasp huskily, knowing how much she loves it when I call her names. She loves them all except the term ‘whore’.

  Madelaine’s body listens to me and her pussy tightens around my cock and her juices soak me completely. I don’t stop with my movements. I keep the rhythm, holding her gaze. I want her to come one more time before I do. Madelaine’s moans grow louder, and I release her throat, glide my hand down her chest, pinch her nipples, and slide further down to flick her clit. Madelaine cries out my name as she clenches around me, drawing the cum from my balls. I still deep inside her as I come, feeling the effects of euphoria storming through me.

  I fall to my side and pull Madelaine with me. I adjust us until she’s tucked with her head resting yet again on my chest.

  “I’m never gonna get tired of being in your pussy, bombe,” I mutter and press a kiss against her forehead.

  “I think if you did, I’d have to cut off your dick and take it with me. That or I’ll make a mold of it to create a clone copy. Oh, and I’d need the piercing on it. Holy shit, I love the way those beads feel inside me,” she rambles, causing me to chuckle.

  “Good thing I’m not letting you go. I’m fond of where my dick is, and I don’t plan on it ever becoming detached from my body. We might have to clone my cock. This way I can watch you fuck yourself whenever I’m in the mood. Maybe I’ll fuck your ass with my cloned cock and your pussy with my real one. Would my cumslut like that?”

  Madelaine giggles in response, giving me the answer I need to know.

  Silence sets in between us for a few moments and I glance to the clock and notice the time. I have to get some things done, but first I need to have a conversation with Madelaine.

  “I have Malcolm looking for your father,” I announce, breaking the silence.

  “Why?” she asks, lifting her head from my chest, her eyes narrowing on me.

  “For you. I hate the thought of you feeling something for a man who has no emotion for you. I’m going to try and get him the help he needs in hopes that he’ll maybe get his act together,” I say. Though I’m not lying when I say I hate the thought of her wanting her dad to be who he is supposed to be, I’m not telling her the real help he’s getting is my putting a bullet between his eyes.

  “You’d do that for me?” Madelaine’s eyes soften and I should feel some sort of remorse for withholding the truth from her but I don’t. I’m doing this to protect her.

  “Told you, I’d do anything for you. You’re mine, Madelaine. I’ll do anything to keep you, even if it means trying to help your dad. I’m gonna get him into a rehab facility that specializes in all types of addiction. I believe there’s one that will work for him in Wyoming,” I say, coming up with a State on a whim.


  “Yeah, we’ve sent a couple of our girls there when we needed them to come off something or other.” This is true. We’ve sent some of our girls to rehab, just not in Wyoming.

  “Okay, thank you, Félix. I won’t hold my breath that he’ll get through rehab and stay away from his addictions, but I love the fact you would do this for me,” Madelaine murmurs and reaches up to place her lips to mine. I reach up and grip her chin between my fingers, holding her in place wanting to deepen the kiss she started.

  Pulling back, I press my forehead to hers. “Come out with me tonight. Let me show all of New Orleans who you belong to. Show them the Queen of Louisiana.” I grin.

  “Um, Queen of Louisiana?” she lifts a brow inquisitively.

  “Yeah, Madelaine, the queen. You’re with me and I’m the fuckin’ King of Louisiana,” I declare, giving her a mischievous grin.

  Shaking her head, she giggles and agrees to go out with me tonight.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I have a date with him. Jesus. Part of me wants to chastise myself for even allowing me to let my guard down, but another part of me is so damn excited for what’s to come that butterflies are swarming through my stomach at every possible moment.

  Félix left not too long ago to go get some work done and told me Gia was coming to the house around ten. He suggested we have brunch out on the back patio, the exact patio I fled past when I ran from the DeLancy estate. I of course asked him what the temperature was going to be like for today and he pulled out his phone, said it looked like the high was going to be eighty-two and the humidity is luckily only going to be around sixty percent.

  Now, it’s a little past ten and I’m in the kitchen with Olivia, making a pitcher of homemade mimosas. She went on to tell me the champagne is Tristan’s and he’s been saving it for something special, but considering it’s been here for a year she doesn’t think he’ll mind missing it. I didn’t mistake the deviousness in her smile and know enough about the woman to realize she loves teasing her brothers whenever she’s given the opportunity.

  There’s a loud knock at the front door and I glance to the time on the oven, knowing Gia isn’t supposed to be here until ten-thirty. “I’ll take this outside and in the meantime you can go get the door,” Olivia says, grabbing the pitcher from my hands she heads out the kitchen doorway, straight onto the patio before I can even say anything.

  Figuring it’s probably Gia I head to the front door and open it, and it is Gia Lopez here in the flesh, wearing her signature color—red. “You know, I thought you were lying to me but you were only telling me the truth. Félix is a madman.” Gia smirks, walking in as I motion with my hand for her to enter. “Now, I didn’t miss the smile on your face. It seems you have a lot to tell me about, don’t you, Madelaine?” Gia cocks a brow and I give her a nod.

  “Yeah, but it’s probably best over mimosas and carbs.”

  “A woman after my own heart. Lead the way.” Gia chuckles, and I lead her to the kitchen and we go back out onto the patio.

  There’s a white cloth over the table and it looks like the cushions have been freshly changed. If that’s not enough, the table is set for two with silverware, plates, as well as champagne glasses and there’s a three-tiered plate with scones, finger sandwiches, and macaroons. Then there’s another three-tiered plate, though it has something metal over it. I’
m sure it’s to keep the heat in and the food warm.

  “Well, you’ve prepared quite the spread,” Gia mutters, taking a seat in one of the chairs while I take the seat across from her.

  “It wasn’t me, the only thing I did was make the mimosa with Olivia. Everything else is courtesy of the DeLancys and their staff.” It feels so odd knowing these people have a staff, but it’s true, they do. Their life is so different than my own and the mere fact is I worry about if Félix and I can survive the differences in the lifestyle we’re accustomed to. I’m so different than him, but maybe I can adapt to this . . . to being a DeLancy and what it means.

  “Well, I’m appreciative of everything, but I haven’t come here to talk about the DeLancys, Madelaine, and I’m sure you know it. When you called me you sounded distraught, and now I’m seeing something entirely different from you. What changed?” Gia relaxes in her seat and grabs the pitcher, pouring the mimosa into my champagne flute and then hers. She takes her glass in her hand and takes a sip, awaiting my response.

  My initial thought is everything, but I can’t say that. Not with a woman like Gia. Since I met her a couple years ago, she’s always struck me as a badass woman of the elite lifestyle. Though, somehow, she’s never seemed pretentious.

  Realizing I can’t lie to the woman, I’m as honest as I can be with her. “He was trying to protect me from the enemies my father made and I didn’t have a clue, not until after I called you and begged for you to rescue me.”

  Gia smirks and takes another sip, then sets her drink back on the table. “I’d love to say I knew it, but I didn’t have a clue what Félix did. It must’ve been something pretty good. He’s always been a sly bastard like that, making moves no one ever saw coming.”

  Gia piques my curiosity. “You know Félix?”

  She nods once. “Yes, my family has known his for many generations. As children we would attend one another’s birthday parties, Christmas parties, and he even came to my quinceañera.”

  Félix has said he’s the King of Louisiana . . . and while he hasn’t told me exactly what he does, I know it can’t be anything legal. Hardly anyone in power gets there by following the rules. What’s the saying, ‘well behaved people rarely make history’. He’d never be in his position if he wasn’t doing something wrong.

  “I’m not sure what you know about my family, Madelaine, but I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors from your co-workers. Allow me to tell you the truth about my family. My father is the leader of the Mexican Cartel and I live a very lavish, secure lifestyle because of them, as well as my own business ventures. I’m sure you’re already putting the pieces together, noting how I’m the one in charge of security for Crave, LLC and the locations we have. There’s a reason I focus on that side of the business, because I understand what it takes to keep not only our employees safe, but our clients as well. Now, forget everything that’s happened over the last few days and tell me what you want, how you feel.”

  I don’t know how she expects me to forget about everything that’s gone on. It’s not easy to take away the things I’ve been through, or the experiences I’ve had since being here. I’m trying to think of what to say when she speaks up again, “Say something, Madelaine, something about what your father doing this to you makes you feel like, ho—”

  “Furious,” I interrupt her and as I do I know I’ve been rude as hell. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you . . . but fuck, it makes me so angry. It infuriates me how time and time again he can continue doing this to me, even after I’ve bailed him out. I haven’t done it once, Gia. I’ve gotten him out of so many rough situations it’s crazy. If it weren’t for me, he’d probably be dead in a ditch somewhere.” As my words roll passed my lips, my hands begin to shake and old feelings come back to the surface. “I’m pissed because Félix doesn’t want me to work for OneEye anymore, and it’s been the only sort of independence I’ve ever had. It’s been the only sort of . . . home I’ve had, and I don’t want to leave it behind. Not when I’ve never really had a home in the first place. I want to live for myself, Gia, not for someone else . . . and honestly, I’m conflicted when it comes to Félix. After finding out he was trying to protect me from the men my father did wrong, I’ve been letting my guard down and I’m liking the man underneath the suit, underneath the façade.”

  Gia grabs a macaroon and tosses it in her mouth, and I wait for her response as she chews. I’m glad I got this all out and I don’t think I could’ve said any of this to Olivia. She’s nice and all, but she’s always going to have loyalty to her brother. Family is above all else when it comes to people like this.

  Gia swallows and grabs my hand from the other side of the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “I’ve known the man for many years now, and don’t think I’m loyal to him, because the relationship I have with you trumps it all. You’re one of my girls, so you’re more important to me. You entrusted me and the other women when we first launched OneEye, giving us a great amount of your faith in something that we weren’t sure if it was going to work or not. Thankfully, it did, but that’s neither here nor there. Just know, Félix has already done some good things for you. He told me he was arranging for your father to get a spot at a very private rehabilitation clinic in Wyoming. It deals with all sorts of addiction, but they specialize in gambling addictions. There’s not another place like it in the world, and I know the man will go out of his way to get your father in. At the end of the day whatever you do here is your decision, but I hope whatever it is you’re looking for, you find in this magnificent city, and you give the man a chance of course.” Gia releases my hand and takes another sip of the mimosa, coughing lightly. “You two must’ve mixed the ratio up a bit.”


  “It’s a bit strong,” Gia laughs, causing me to cut loose a bit as well, but she’s right. I need to decide what I want to do here, but I’m feeling so much better about it now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I didn’t want to leave Madelaine at the house this morning. I would’ve liked to have kept her at my side. Better yet, I would’ve preferred to stay in bed with her legs wrapped around my waist. Instead, I left her with Olivia. I already knew Gia was going to be by later in the morning for brunch, so the girls could have some time together and bond a bit more. I’m so happy they seem to be getting along, not just for Madelaine’s sake, but for Olivia’s too. After everything, I believe having a female she can trust in her life that isn’t one of her sisters is a good thing.

  With a kiss to Madelaine’s lips and a promise to be back by seven for our date, I leave her in the hands of my sister. I walk out to the garage attached to the carriage house and back my car out of the slot. Traffic isn’t bad getting to the office which is unusual. In August, New Orleans is usually packed with tourists. I park the car and though it’s cooler than it has been the last few days, it’s still a bit sticky humidity wise. Walking down the street the short ways to the café I frequent, I order a coffee and beignet to go.

  They don’t take long to fill my order and get it to me. I step back out into the heat and head to the office. On the way there, I pull my cell out and shoot a text to my brother, Rémy, asking him to meet me at the office. After that, I read an email I received from Nicholas who I haven’t heard from in two days. Seems he’s having issues with the architect not wanting to listen to what he wants and is being stubborn. Shaking my head at the audacity of this man, knowing he’s getting paid well, I high-tail it to the office and head up the stairs.

  I don’t respond until I’m sitting at my desk, telling him we don’t have to use them if he doesn’t want to. This is his project and there are plenty of architects out there who won’t mind being paid well. Not only that, but if I like the way one of our projects has been handled, I drop the architects name to a few of my friends. You see, it’s a win-win situation.

  I suggest he comes back home and we’ll look into other potential architects to go with, saying we can find someone loc
al. Nicholas puts up a bit of a fight with me, saying he wants to handle this, but I tell him it’s better to try and find someone local, or someone we can trust. Though, as we near the end of the conversation I remember Mia De Luca graduated a year or two ago . . . which strikes me to want to confirm the information. If she’s qualified, I have no problem bringing her on.

  Sending the email, I sip my coffee and eat the beignet quickly. After my morning activities with Madelaine, I need it. Especially if I have plans to continue those activities tonight when we get back from our date.

  I’m scrolling through my emails and deleting the ones I find pointless to look at when my cell phone rings. I lift the phone off the desk and take in the name on the screen, Chains.

  Swiping a finger across the glass, I bring the phone to my ear. “What can I do for you, Chains?”

  “Wouldn’t ask this if it weren’t important, but here I am. Last time we spoke you told me one of your sisters overheard something being said about my ol’ lady. I need to know if you’ve heard anything else, or if any of your family has about these men taking a woman,” Chains mutters through the line. I straighten in my seat and a knock comes to my door. Rémy steps inside and I hold my hand up telling him to be quiet for a moment.

  “Far as I know we haven’t heard anything else. I heard you took out the man and that you all found out Tiny is Sarah De Luca’s daughter,” I state, having heard from Leo that Chains ol’ lady is his cousin. “How’s Tiny taking the news? Is she doing okay with her pregnancy?” I ask, knowing I’m getting under his skin.

  What a small world we live in.