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Shelter Friends Summer Camp 2016: Week 1
Shelter Friends Summer Camp 2016: Week 1 Read online
Shelter Friends
Summer Camp 2016
Week 1
by Elementary School Campers
Copyright 2016 by Pet Alliance
of Greater Orlando
This book was published in collaboration with
Karen S. McGowan and Dennis E. McGowan,
authors of Jolly Time Books.
Jolly Time Books tell exciting stories the whole family can enjoy.
Book Cover design by Dan S. McGowan
Stephen Bardy, Executive Director
Imagine a book that is filled with stories and poems written by kids who love animals. Writing gives us the chance to use our imagination, to be creative, to explore our deepest thoughts and feelings, and to discover the gifts and talents we have inside.
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando is proud to present original works that tell how the young authors are feeling in their lives and thinking about the world around them. The writings and artwork are truly from the heart and strive to portray the hands-on experiences with shelter pets and knowledge gained from educational speakers during our weeklong Shelter Friends Summer Camps. You will not find these imaginative and creative ideas anywhere else.
Cathy Houde and Diane Anderson, in collaboration with Jolly Time Books authors Karen S. McGowan and Dennis E. McGowan, headed up this endeavor. Our campers contributed a wide variety of works, from humorous to inspiring to deeply personal, to share their fun experiences.
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando educates, shelters, places, and heals pets and their families with compassionate, responsible care maintained to the highest professional standards. We create more caring communities by promoting happier, healthier pets and their families.
I hope you enjoy the stories and poems that our summer camp participants have put together for you. I encourage you to support our continuing positive community outreach programs.
Your support of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando goes directly to helping pets in need. Whether it is finding a dog or cat a new forever home, providing low cost vet services, or helping to prevent pet homelessness through our spay/neuter program, Pet Alliance’s goal is to have happier and healthier pets in Central Florida.
Please make a gift today.
Visit Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando
We are different from all the rest!
We speak. We heal. We care.
About Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando
About Jolly Time Books
1. Mason F.
2. Mia S.
3. Gabrielle P.
4. Ava Beatty
5. Paige Kaplan
6. Sallyann F.
7. Brinkley Harrold
8. Deuce Forrester
9. Lindsey Wilson
10. Ethan Devore
11. Andrew Carnes
12. Samantha Howard
13. Nina Davis
14. Tess Nixon
15. Chloe Dewar
16. Elena B.
17. Darby Engert
18. Isabella Zeron
19. Bella Sherer-Ramos
20. Grace Pett
21. Rose Palmer
22. Chloe Nixon
23. Bella B.
24. Simone Smith
Mason F.
Poem About Schedule
First we start our day
With Sara and Lenai
Then we color and play
Say Hey to the cats
And sup to the dog
Teach what’s wrong
And teach them what’s right
Then have lunch and watch a movie
And make something groovy
Play a game, find a champ
All before the end of camp
Mia S.
Pet Allience
Silly (woof!)
Soft (meow!)
Sit! Stay! Good Dog!
I had fun when Miss Lenai was lip synking
it was crazy!
I also love a cat named “Duke,”
He’s so cute! He got adopted.
It’s so fun At camp!
Gabrielle P.
Nova the Great
Nova never full of hate
Your little eyes
I see them when I pass by
The time has come to say goodbye.
Out of the room I go.
I will see you around.
I hope a great mother is found.
Ava Beatty
Adopt a pet.
Youll get a new Best Friend
Paige Kaplan
This is Aqua.
Aqua is a kitten that got adopted on Monday.
Aqua was very nice and playful.
We miss you, Aqua!
To Pet Alliance:
Sallyann F.
My favorite cat was Meme because she remends me of my Mimi.
My favorite cat that was not in a cage was Sweet Pea.
My favorite dog was Colin.
Brinkley Harrold
This is me and my most favourite dog in the shelter.
His name is Muneco
I am hoping to get hem.
I am relly happy I came to camp.
You will find a mate and save its life.
Before and After
Deuce Forrester
Age 8, 3rd Grade
Pet Alliance is awesome.
Did you know that they let dogs from the shelter come in the room!
You also wash dogs and ther are different jobs to do to clean the dog.
You shoud come.
One dog named Anber comes normally every year to camp.
Plus, they give you a different cup every year.
Lindsey Wilson
cat i was petting and loving on
this pet reminded me of my cats at home!!
Ethan Devore
this is the dog shelter
cat area
and clean up play area
Andrew Carnes
Age 10, 5th Grade
I learned a lot about animals.
I enjoyed playing with the pets.
One of the cats reminded me of my kitten, Shadow.
The dog’s fur was as soft as a pillow.
I learned the best way to take care of your pet is to give it love.
I didn’t realize that when you pull up the skin of a cat’s neck it calms them down.
Samantha Howard
Age 10, 5th Grade
A way to help us is to adopt us!
You’ll have a Blast
Miss: Lenai the bestest
Miss: Sara the best
Mr: Justin the musuls the brains and the nicest
: Jessica the most awesome!
Nina Davis
My favorite part is when we go into the cat room to play with the cats and kittens.
Tess Nixon
Age 8, 3rd Grade
The Cat Room
Camp at Pet Alliance of greater Orlando
The Best camp in the Universe because of its awsome counselors and animals!