The Gangbang Collection Read online

Page 5

  “Angel,” a voice spoke as she felt Madam Constance place her hand on her shoulder, “you’re in the lounge tonight. I don’t think you’re quite ready for the Black Box room just yet.”

  Angel breathed an audible sigh of relief. “I… I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said.

  “You have a lot to learn,” Madam Constance smiled. “Come.”

  She lowered her palm fluidly to the small of Angel’s back and guided her further down the hall where another doorway waited, this one thickly padded with dark red cushioning. As Madam Constance pressed her hand against Angel’s back, the younger woman couldn’t help but relish the sensation of the tight slick PVC pressing against her flesh. What the hell was happening to her?


  The first thing Angel heard as the doors opened was the gentle notes of some smooth ethereal Latin-jazz and then Madam Constance ushered her inside. What waited for her was a sight to behold.

  The lounge was as rich and elegant in its décor as any high-class establishment Angel had ever been in, better even, not that she’d been in all that many high-class establishments to begin with. The tables and chairs were all rich silk and fine mahogany and the room was spacious and high-ceilinged. But what was even stranger was the clientele who filled the room. In their fetishistic garb they seemed immediately out of place in these rich and refined surroundings and yet everybody seemed totally comfortable and at ease.

  “You will be serving table seven tonight,” Madam Constance told her, “a consortium of wealthy Japanese businessmen who are in town for the night. Treat them well, make them feel like anything is possible, and they will tip in kind. I can assure you that however the night goes you will make more money tonight than you would have made during a whole week’s work at your previous job.”

  “Thank you,” Angel said. It was the only thing she could think of to say and she was surprised to find just how much she meant it. Bizarrely, even perhaps perversely, Angel was looking forward to spending the night completely at the beck and call of others, clad in this skin-tight, humiliating garb as she moved to and fro, chained to their every command.


  She’d never been looked at the way the businessmen looked at her, like she was a sinfully delicious chocolate dessert or a tall glass of sparkling champagne. They wanted to devour her and somehow that didn’t offend her sensibilities at all. In fact she kind of liked it.

  But her time with Mr. Yuki and his companions was not to last.

  She’d seen them already as she served drinks to her own table, sitting at the finest booth in the lounge, the alpha-male and obvious leader of the group reposing in the center with his sleek brown hair pulled back in a shiny ponytail and his dark wistful eyes thoughtfully surveying the lounge around him. He looked Italian or Spanish and obviously rich if the quality of the fine pinstriped suit he wore was anything to go by. Unlike the others at his table, who for the most-part were dressed for fast and filthy sex, this man looked like you could transpose him straight to the finest boardroom in the city and he would fit in just as seamlessly, be just as relaxed and in control as he was here in this dark underworld of sin and corruption. From the moment she laid eyes on him Angel wanted to know his name.

  “Andrino,” the young woman with the shaved head who’d stopped Angel on her way back to the Japanese businessmen had said. “Andrino has requested that you tend to him tonight so I’m taking over here. You’re a lucky girl Angel.”

  Immediately Angel had known who the other hostess had meant. She’d looked over to Andrino’s table and the dark and sexy man had turned his deep eyes directly towards her. He snapped his fingers and motioned to the empty glasses on the table. Angel wasted no time heeding his command.


  “Hi everybody,” Angel smiled, “is everything alright? Can I freshen your drinks?”

  The other people at the table giggled playfully but Andrino didn’t even smile. His entourage made for a strange sight. There was a skinny bald guy wearing a tight white body suit, while beside him that Conan the Barbarian lookalike Angel had seen earlier sat with his arm protectively around the smaller guy’s shoulder, like they were a pair of teenage sweethearts at the movies. On the other side of Andrino an elegant black woman in a tiny leather dress sipped from a cocktail glass with one hand while her other massaged Andrino’s thigh seductively. From her accent she sounded like she came from somewhere on the African continent. Beside her, fiddling with a smartphone sat a youngish, cute guy in a plain navy suit. He had a mop of blonde hair and blue eyes whose alertness suggested to Angel that rather than being here for his own sin he was probably somebody’s personal assistant, Andrino’s most likely. Everything about these people seemed to scream money, more money than Angel had ever conceived of.

  “Are you listening to me?” Andrino spoke, his voice soft and yet full of the gentle menace of a man who can make anything in the world happen with only a phone call and a handshake, no matter how extreme. “I will have another martini, Clyde and Boris here will have a Harvey Wallbanger and a neat vodka respectively. Cleo will have a tomato juice with a stalk of celery and Pete will enjoy another glass of beer. Won’t you Pete?”

  The PA guy looked up from his phone and nodded at Angel. “Yeah,” he said, “thanks Andrino.”

  “Certainly,” Angel beamed, desperate to impress this dark Alpha at all costs, “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “Yes,” Andrino spoke, smiling softly and darkly now for the first time since Angel had seen him, “yourself. And I’d imagine you will be the most delectable of all.”

  Angel’s cheeks burned as she walked back to the bar, painfully, deliciously, aware that the entire table was watching her go, defiling her with their eyes.


  Angel froze as she returned to the table. Her fingers clenched reflexively around the cool rim of the silver tray, her eyes widening as she watched the Romanesque scene before her. Andrino still sat in the center of the group, leaning back against his seat like a restful lion, but now the skinny bald guy was bent over him, bobbing up and down into his lap making wet, sucking sounds. Andrino’s dark eyes burned into Angel’s as he smiled to see her before him, so shocked and uncomfortable at the display. As it dawned on her that the guy was sucking him off right there in the lounge in front of everybody, a jolt of panic shot through her and the tray fell from her hands, clanging to the ground in an explosion of smashed glass and fine alcohol.


  “I didn’t tell you to stop Clyde, did I?” Andrino said as the other man lifted his head from Andrino’s crotch to see what the commotion was. He wiped a sliver of shining fluid from the side of his mouth before glancing sheepishly at Andrino.

  “No sir,” he said

  “No indeed,” Andrino replied, placing his hand softly but firmly against the back of Clyde’s neck, guiding him back down over his cock. “So keep going.” Andrino moved his gaze back to Angel as Clyde began to pleasure him with increased fervor. “And as for you, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I… I’m sorry,” Angel stammered, “I’ll go get more drinks.”

  “Forget the drinks,” Andrino smiled, “we’ve waited long enough. For you I mean, the drinks can wait longer still. Can’t they Pete?”

  “Yes Andrino,” the PA said, glancing up from his smartphone.

  “Yes,” Andrino continued, “but as for you, well I’ve been waiting all night for you all. Your name is Angel, correct?”

  Angel nodded meekly, transfixed beneath his domineering gaze like a rabbit caught in headlights.

  “You’ve let us down Angel and now you have to make up for it. Climb up on the table.”

  Angel stared at him for a moment. She felt shame and excitement burn inside her in equal measures, humiliation and the vague anticipation of some pleasure like she’d never known waiting for her just over the horizon.

  “Get up on the table,” Andrino repeated, “on your hands and knees. If we can’t have drinks to
drain then we will have you instead.”

  Before she knew what she was doing, like a peasant girl under a witchdoctor’s voodoo curse, Angel felt her body obey. She walked slowly to the table and lifted herself up, tentatively getting down on her hands and knees as she climbed onto the rich mahogany surface. The PVC edges of her outfit cut into her skin as she struggled to get into position and for the umpteenth time that night she felt her sensory system inexplicably rewire the pain into a pleasure so rich and sweet and velvet that she wanted it to last forever.


  There was a moment’s silence, punctuated only by the wet noises of Clyde bobbing his wet mouth up and down over Andrino’s cock. Andrino himself seemed totally unfazed, obviously he was a man well accustomed to pleasure.

  He reached up and caressed Angel’s cheek as she faced towards him on the table. Angel felt herself blush brighter still beneath his touch.

  “Yes,” Andrino smiled, “you certainly are a special specimen. I’m going to enjoy this. Boris, Pete, please relieve her of her clothing.”

  Angel could feel the warm juices seep out of her pussy and pool in the tight PVC, there was simply nowhere else for them to go and nowhere else for her to go for that matter either. The muscle-bound Boris and the cute young PA Pete both silently stood up and reached out to caress her body.

  They fondled her like a pristine marble statue, at once with loving reverence and clinical indifference. Angel’s whole body shivered beneath their touch as they ran their strong fingers up and down her back, around her bare belly and over her PVC-clad buttocks. Andrino continued to stroke her cheek, dominant and possessive, as he watched her, savoring the forbidden pleasures he knew she was feeling.

  “Spank her,” he said, his deep eyes still locked in hers, “punish her for her mistakes.”

  “Yes sir,” Pete said and slapped her hard on the ass.

  Angel rocked forward as humiliation, pleasure and pain merged together to form an electric shock of ecstasy in her brain. Andrino held her chin firmly in his hand.

  “Again,” he said.

  Pete spanked her once more, harder this time, and Angel winced with pain, whimpered with pleasure. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “I can smell her,” Boris spoke, his voice deep and animal, “I can smell the heat in her cunt.”

  “Release it then,” Andrino commanded, “Release it and feast on it.”

  Boris stepped to the back of the table, standing over her as he reached down to unfasten the zip on the back of her hotpants. The garment slid off her effortlessly such was the extent of the natural lubrication her aching cunt had produced. Angel’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment as the pleasure took over.

  Boris lifted her legs as he pulled off the garment and then buried his face in her pussy and ass. She couldn’t help but moan out in grateful surprise at the urgency of his movement as he immediately started to suck and slobber on her cunt, his tongue flicking out against her swollen clit and parting her lips to force its way deep into her gap.

  “That’s it,” Andrino smiled, “give in to it, let the pleasure consume you.”

  He lifted his other hand to her face and held her head firmly between them, admiring her, as his thumbs dug deeply into the flesh of her throat. Beside him, Cleo leaned in and began to kiss his neck, pressing her slender wrist against his chest and caressing his firm body.

  Boris continued to pleasure her with his mouth as Pete reached over her and undid the straps of her top, letting it fall to the table beneath her, freeing her small breasts that were now so full of blood and sensation, the nipples rigid as bullets. He slid his hands under her chest and took them in his palms, pressing them up against her body, filling her with fervent intensity.

  “That’s enough now Clyde,” Andrino said, “I want Angel to taste me, to feel my heat and power inside her.”

  Andrino stood up abruptly, forcing both Clyde and Cleo to abandon their efforts to pleasure him. It was hard to tell which one of the two was more disappointed.

  “It’s been a long time since I had a chance to defile something so pure and beautiful as you sweet Angel,” Andrino smiled, still gripping her head firmly in his hands. Even though she couldn’t look down to see it, Angel could sense the size, the sheer magnitude, of his manhood beneath her and her soul filled with hungry excitement to take it inside her.

  Andrino slipped his hands up towards her hairline as he turned her head downwards and over his thing. Angel only had a second to see it before it was filling her mouth, forcing its heat all the way up inside her, but it was every bit as bulging and impressive as she’d thought it would be.

  Andrino pushed her all the way down over himself, stretching her jaw wide open as his massive cock slid insurmountably deeper into her throat. Despite herself Angel wretched as the gag reflex kicked in and she prayed that Andrino wouldn’t take it the wrong way and empty her of his delicious manhood. He didn’t, instead holding her firm as his meat filled her completely, strands of sticky saliva falling from her gaping jaws.

  Behind her, Boris had lifted his head from her aching cunt and was now climbing onto the table, the weight of him causing the whole structure to tremble for one bone-shaking second before she felt the helmet of his massive cock push inside her and fill her with burning sensation.


  Boris fucked her from behind as Andrino moved in and out of her mouth in slow deliberate motions, thrusting in and out as her throat, now raw and swollen, still hungered to take him. She sensed that Andrino was near climax so she wasn’t surprised when he pulled out for the last time, electing instead to lean down and kiss her, a passionate, dominant embrace that made her body ache with lust even greater still as his tongue pressed roughly against her own.

  Behind her, she felt Boris’s strong fingers dig into her flesh as he jerked roughly against her hips, pushing his gargantuan cock even deeper into her cunt, filling her with the searing produce of his orgasm. He stepped back, emptying her completely, as Angel had just one solitary moment to reflect on what a mess she must have looked, before they were at her again.

  Now Pete was up behind her, sliding his fingers into her tight asshole, first one and then a second and a third. She knew exactly what he intended to do her and it was something she never thought she’d do. Now she looked forward to it with eager anticipation.

  On the seat in front of her she noticed Cleo violently masturbating herself as she watched them, a look of desire, cruel and greedy, twisting her beautiful face.

  “Andrino,” she moaned, “when’s my turn? I want to use the bitch too.”

  “Use her then,” Andrino smiled, “Angel is here to serve us all, aren’t you me dear?”

  “Uh-huh,” Angel was amazed to find herself nodding. She was beginning to realize that she would be willing to do almost anything for this man, no matter how obscene.

  “Good!” Cleo grinned, “then give me your hand, I want you to fist me!”

  Before Angel knew what was happening, the African woman had reached out and grabbed her by the wrist, causing her to fall down on her chin, her ass still up in the air behind her as Pete prepped it for fucking. What happened next was an overwhelming cloud of heady sensation. Behind her she felt Pete press his cock up against her puckered ring as Cleo guided her hand down beneath her dress and up toward the heat of her soaking snatch. As Pete pressed deeper into her back passage, filling her with a burning ache that was as pleasurable as it was painful, Cleo forced her hand right into her slippery channel, consuming it all the way up to the wrist. She began to fuck herself with it like it was an inanimate sex toy as Angel looked on through a haze of agonizing heaven and glorious hell. They continued to grind away together in rhythm, Pete at the back in her ass and Cleo at the front with her cunt clamped around Angel’s wrist until the overwrought hostess finally felt the onset of an orgasm that promised to be more intense than anything she’d ever felt before in her life. It shot through her whole body like a tsunami rising all the way up
from the gates of hell.


  As Angel shuddered, lost to the raptures of ecstasy, Cleo brought herself to climax too, her long fingernails digging into Angel’s wrists as she viciously fucked herself with it. Finally she collapsed back against her seat in grateful exhaustion. Pete still hadn’t cum, but Andrino was clearly growing impatient.

  “I want that cunt,” he growled, his voice low and dominant, and in an instant he pulled Angel forward by her hips, emptying her ass of Pete’s cock and lifting her all the way down onto his lap and right onto his delicious burning cock.

  Her soaking lips parted around it effortlessly and it shot up inside her, filling her out with his throbbing heat. Behind them, Pete wasted no time dismounting the table and bounding towards them, cock in hand, to fill her ass again once more. Angel winced with the pleasure, the sheer stuffed-ness, as he pressed his cock back inside her, fucking her from behind as Andrino continued to plunder his pussy. The three of them rocked together in fevered, moaning ecstasy until finally orgasm shot through them all, one after the other and all at once. It was so intense, the encounter had been so exhausting, that Angel thought she was going to pass out as the pleasure swept through her.


  This time she didn’t have to guess, she knew for certain that she was a mess. Naked but for her boots and covered in the juices of at least four different people, men and women, Angel knew that it didn’t get any dirtier or more depraved than that. A terrifying idea occurred to her as she wondered just what Madam Constance would have to say about all this. She didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  Behind them a slow, elegant clap began to sound. “Bravo, impressive work Andrino. I wasn’t sure about this one but you managed to break her in in record time. Fantastic work.” It was Madam Constance.