The Campers Out; Or The Right Path and the Wrong Page 2
"The folks will leave the house," said Tom Wagstaff, "about half-pastseven, and there will be no one home but me and Maggie, the girl. I'llbe up in my room and Maggie down-stairs. When I lean out the windowand wave my hand I want you, Jim, to fire two or three charges out ofyour revolver through the winders of the dining-room."
"What for?" asked the startled Jim.
"Wait, and I'll tell you; the noise of the pistol and the breaking ofthe glass will scare Maggie half to death: she will run out of thehouse, and you and Billy must then slip inside, hurry up-stairs, tieme to the bed-post, and put a gag in my mouth. I'll have all the moneyand jewelry ready in a handkerchief, and you can scoot with it. Maggiewill run down to the Hall and tell father and mother, and they'llhurry home and be so scared they won't know what to do. They'll untieme, and I'll pretend I'm almost dead, and they'll call in the police,and when I come to, I'll have a story to tell about robbers with maskson their faces, and all that sort of thing, and they'll hunt for 'em,and never smell a mouse. What do you think of it, fellers?"
It was a scheme which, in its vicious cunning, was worthy of olderscamps than these three young school-boys; but their minds werepoisoned by pernicious reading, and they eagerly entered into itsspirit. Everything promised success, and Tom, the originator of theplan, found his companions as eager as himself to lend a hand incarrying it out.
It seemed as if fate had arranged to help the boys. When the threeclimbed over the fence again into the highway, and separated to theirhomes, Tom, in order that there should be no miscarriage of theprogramme, took pains to be particularly ugly and impudent to hisparents. His kind-hearted father was disposed at first to recall thethreat made in the morning that his son should not go with the rest tothe concert in the Town Hall, but he was so irritated by the behaviorof the lad that he not only carried out his threat, but was on thepoint of chastising him before leaving home.
It followed, therefore, that when eight o'clock came, the condition ofthe household was just what Tom prophesied and wished. Maggie, thehired girl, was busy at her duties below-stairs, when he stole softlyto the upper story and began his work of ransacking thebureau-drawers. He found considerable jewelry belonging to his motherand sisters, besides over seventy dollars in money which his fatherhad left within easy reach.
All this was gathered into a handkerchief, which was securely tied andplaced on a chair beside the window, where the gas was burning at fullhead. Then, everything being in readiness, he quietly raised thewindow and looked out.
The night was dark, without any moon, and even his keen eyes coulddetect nothing among the dense trees which surrounded the fineresidence of his father. But, when he whistled, there was a reply fromunder the branches which he recognized as coming from his allies, whowere on the lookout.
Tom waved his hand, lowered the sash, and stepped back from thewindow.
Maggie was singing below-stairs and, with that exception, everythingwas still. His heart beat fast as he knew that the opening of thedrama, as it may be called, was at hand.
Suddenly the sharp report of a pistol rang out on the night, followedby a second and third shot, mingled with the crash and jingle ofglass. Jim McGovern was doing his part with unquestioned promptness.
The singing of Maggie ceased as if she were paralyzed by the shock;but with the third report her scream pierced every nook in thebuilding, and she was heard running to and fro as if in blind terror.She would have dashed up-stairs to escape, but a noise on the rearporch caused her to believe the burglars were about entering thebuilding, and she was certain to be killed if she remained.
Through the front door she went in the darkness, her screams stilledthrough fear that the dreaded beings would be guided by them; and,recovering her senses somewhat when she reached the street, shehurried in the direction of the Town Hall to acquaint Mr. and Mrs.Wagstaff with the awful goings-on at home.
Billy Waylett and Jim McGovern were on the watch, and the moment shevanished they entered through the rear door, which remained unlocked,and hastened up-stairs to the room where the gas was burning and fromwhich Tom had signalled to them.
"Quick, fellers!" he said, as they burst into the apartment, "fatherwill soon be back."
"Where's the rope?" asked Jim.
"There on the chair."
"What's that handkerchief for?"
"The money and jewelry is in it; tie me first and then hurry out withthat, and take good care of it till to-morrow, when we will fixthings; hurry up!"
Billy had the rope in hand, and both boys set to work to bind theyoung rogue to the bed-post. Since the victim gave all the aid hecould, the task was completed with less delay and difficulty thanwould have been supposed.
This was due also to the preparations which Tom had made for thebusiness. A strong bed-cord, cut in several pieces, was at hand. Hiswrists were bound together behind his back; then his ankles werejoined, and finally the longest piece of rope was wound several timesaround his waist and made fast to the bed-post. This rendered himhelpless, and he could not have released himself had his life been atstake.
But the shrewd boy knew that something more must be done. Though tiedsecurely, his mouth was at command, and it was to be expected that hewould use his voice with the fullest power the moment his captors lefthim alone.
But with all the cunning displayed by Tom, and with all his perfectpreparations in other respects, and after having referred to thenecessity of the gagging operation, he had forgotten to be ready forit.
"What shall we put in your mouth?" asked Jim, pausing and lookinground after the binding was finished.
"Golly! I forgot all about that," was the reply.
Billy darted to the bureau and caught up a large hair-brush.
"How'll this do?" he asked, holding it up to view.
"It won't do at all," was the disgusted reply; "it's too big for mymouth."
"I don't know 'bout that; you've got the biggest mouth in school."
"We'll take a sheet off the bed," said Jim, beginning to tug at thecoverlets.
"What's the matter with you?" asked Tom; "do you think you can cram awhole sheet in my mouth?"
"Why not?"
"'Cause you can't; that's the reason."
"I have it," exclaimed Billy, running to the corner of the room andcatching up a porcelain cuspidor; "this will just fit. Open yourmouth, Tom, and give me a chance."
But at this juncture, when the perplexity threatened to upseteverything, Billy Waylett solved the difficulty by whisking out hislinen pocket-handkerchief.
"Now you're talking," remarked the pleased Tom; "why didn't we thinkof that before?"
It was curious, indeed, that they did not, and it was curious, too, inview of the cunning shown in other directions, that all three forgot aprecaution which ought to have occurred to them.
A handkerchief was just the thing to be used to seal the mouth of thevictim, but it should have come from the pocket of Tom Wagstaffinstead of from Billy Waylett's.
Perhaps had the boys felt that abundance of time was at command, theywould have thought of this necessity; but they were well aware thatMaggie, the servant, was making good speed to the Town Hall, and thatMr. Wagstaff would not let the grass grow under his feet on his wayhome. Besides, too, the screams of the girl were likely to bringothers to the spot before the coming of the owner of the house. Theboys, therefore, had not a minute to throw away, and they did not idletheir time.
The twisted handkerchief was pushed between the open jaws of thevictim, like the bit in a horse's mouth, and then knotted and tiedbehind his head. Billy, who took charge of this little job, was notover-gentle, and more than once the victim protested. Little heed,however, was paid to him, and his words were but feeble mumblings whensifted through the meshes of the handkerchief.
"There! I guess that'll do," said Billy, stepping back and surveyinghis work; "how do you feel, Tommy?"
The latter nodded his head, mumbled, and tried to speak. He was urgingthem to leave, but his words were unintelligible.
Meanwhile Jim had picked up the other handkerchief, tied at thecorners, and was surprised to find how heavy it was. It contained muchvaluable property.
The boys were reminded of their remissness by the sound of voices onthe outside. Neighbors were at hand.
"We're caught; it's too late; what shall we do?" gasped Jim, droppingthe handkerchief with its precious contents.
"They will hang us for bigamy," replied Billy, turning pale andtrembling in every limb.
Tom Wagstaff tried hard to utter a few words, and was struggling tofree himself, but succeeded in neither attempt.
"Come on!" whispered Jim, catching up his load again; "they haven'tgot in, and we may have a chance."
He whisked through the open door, and scurried down the carpetedstairs, with Billy so close on his heels that both narrowly escapedbumping and rolling to the bottom.
The voices were louder, and it looked as if the youngsters werecaught.
And such would have been the case, but for the timidity of the partiesout-doors. They had been drawn thither by the out-cries of theservant, and were convinced that some fearful tragedy was going on, orhad been completed within the dwelling.
These people were unarmed, and it was only natural that they shouldshrink from entering where several desperate men were supposed to beat bay. They consulted with each other and decided to await thearrival of re-enforcements.
This was the golden opportunity of the young scamps. The rear door wasajar and they noiselessly drew it inward far enough to allow them topass through.
Before venturing forth they peeped out in the darkness. They could seenothing, though, for that matter, there might have been a dozenpersons within a few feet without being visible; but the room in whichthe lads stood was also without a light, so that the advantage wasequal.
The sound of the voices showed that the new arrivals were at thefront, and the way was open for the flight of the amateur burglars,who still hesitated, afraid that men were lying in wait to nab them.
More than likely they would have tarried too long, but for a movementon the part of the newcomers. They were increasing so fast that theybecame courageous, and one of them pushed open the front door.
The creaking of its hinges and the tramping in the adjoining roomspurred Jim and Billy, who hesitated no longer. Through the door theystole on tip-toe, and a few steps took them across the porch to thesoft ground, where the soft earth gave back no sound. The trees, too,seemed to spread their protecting branches over them, and inspiredthem with such courage that, after hurrying a few rods, they came to astop and looked back and listened.
"By George! that was the luckiest thing that ever happened to us!"whispered Jim McGovern, with a sigh of relief.
"That's so," assented his companion; "I thought we was goners sure,and we come mighty nigh it."
"I wonder whether that gag is too tight in Tom's mouth?"
"No, of course not; can't he breathe through his nose?"
"But mebbe he has a cold."
"That won't make any difference, for he knows how to breathe throughhis ears; Tom's too smart to die yet. Besides, if he _is_ dead,it's too late for us to help him; them folks are upstairs by thistime, and they'll get the handkerchief out of his mouth in a jiffy,unless, mebbe, he has swallowed it."
"I say, Billy," said Jim, "this thing in my hand weighs more than aton!"
"It must have lots of gold in it; shall I help you carry it?"
"No, I can manage it; but what shall we do with the thing? It won't doto take it home, for our folks might find it."
"We'll bury it under that stump back of our barn."
"Is that a good place?"
"There aint any better in the world, for nobody wouldn't think oflooking there for it."
"I seen our dog Bowser pawing under the stump the other day."
"But he wasn't pawing for money; we'll hide it there till we're readyto use it."
The two moved off, when they heard another cry from the house behindthem. They recognized it as the voice of Mrs. Wagstaff, who hadarrived on the scene with her husband, and was probably overcome atsight of the woful plight of her boy.