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Hold Back The Dawn Page 7
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Page 7
They started ambling toward the street hand in hand, and Leslie was acutely aware of his touch. Her voice was hopeful as she asked, "Are you staying for dinner?"
"You wouldn't mind if I did?"
Her heart gave an odd little jump when she realized he had been studying her. "No, I wouldn't mind at all, unless—" she slanted an impish look up at him "—you brought that damned map or the file on Redwillow!"
He shook his head as he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering. "Not a chance. I've more sense than that—I don't bring the competition to dinner."
She frowned, her eyes puzzled. "What did you mean by that?"
He grinned and squeezed her hand. "Never mind, Dwarf. I don't want you getting into another 'twist.'"
She pulled a face and laughed. "Didn't anyone ever tell you, Mr. McRory, that it's impossible to twist jelly?"
They arrived back at the house to find that Ted and Maggie had slipped over to the neighbor's for coffee. Leslie showed Steve where the downstairs bath was so he could shower and change, then she ran upstairs for her own shower.
She had donned a very casual but very feminine peasant dress that emphasized her petiteness, the soft burgundy color highlighting her flawless complexion and the natural flush of her cheeks. She was standing at the kitchen counter making a salad and enjoying the late-afternoon sunshine that was streaming through the window when she experienced a tingling sensation along her spine.
She turned to find Steve leaning against the doorframe, his face reflective as he watched her through hooded eyes. He had changed into the dark brown slacks and shirt he'd had on at the office that morning. It made Leslie ache inside to look at him.
"Would you like a drink, Steve?" Her voice was so husky it was only a whisper.
He didn't answer her but continued to watch her with a smoldering gaze that shattered her already shaken composure. She was mesmerized as he came toward her. "Do you know that there are little beams of sunshine caught in your hair?" His voice was low, seductive. He cradled her face in his hands for a moment, then ran his fingers slowly through her hair, sweeping back the slightly damp tendrils. "I like to be able to see your face, Leslie."
She felt her knees grow weak as a warmth wreathed within her. She laid her hands on his broad chest, partly to steady herself and partly because something growing inside her needed to experience the feel of him. His grasp tightened and he tilted her face up toward his. She breathed his name as he lowered his head, and his mouth closed softly over hers. Then his arms came around her, molding her tightly against his hard muscular body.
Nothing that Leslie had ever experienced had prepared her for the explosion of raw emotion she now felt, an explosion that sent shock waves shuddering through her. Nor was she prepared for the unleashed passion in her response. A fervent desire erupted in her with a force that sent her senses reeling. She was aware of nothing but Steve's hot demanding mouth on hers, his strong masculine body contoured against her own. Red hot hunger welded them together, and Leslie was lost to the virile charisma of Steve McRory. She buried her hands in his thick hair as he trailed his moist warm mouth down her neck, his tongue leaving an agonizing trail of fire. His hands caressed her body with a tormenting slowness that was inflaming her to a fever pitch.
She uttered a low ragged moan of protest when he raised his head and pressed her face against his heaving chest. His heart was racing, his breathing hoarse and labored as he held her firmly against him. He bent his head and dropped a gentle kiss on the throbbing pulse of her temple, then nestled her trembling body closer to his. He caressed her back with comforting strokes in a way that was protective and possessive.
Leslie leaned against him, spent and powerless as she fought to control her own ragged breathing and galloping heart. He held her for long, golden moments, his hands soothing as he continued to stroke her back. She buried her face tighter against his chest when he tried to lift her face.
"Leslie?" Without warning, he picked her up and seated her on the kitchen counter, his arms wrapped around her shoulders, his forehead resting against hers.
She sat unmoving, her head bowed, her hands clasped tightly in her lap as a cloud of dismay settled upon her. What had happened to her that made her respond so wildly?
"Leslie, what's the matter?'' He forced her head up, his jaw set as he studied her face.
"I never—I don't—" How could she explain to someone like Steve McRory that she was relatively innocent when it came to men? How could she explain that her reaction was like a bolt of lightning out of the blue? Her expressive eyes mirrored her bewilderment, her confusion, as she reluctantly raised her eyes to meet his. "Steve, I don't know what..."
His expression softened, and she noticed a warmth in his eyes that was as potent as brandy when he brushed her hair back from her face. "I think you're trying to tell me that not only did you surprise the hell out of me, you shocked yourself as well."
She blushed at his accurate insight. Steve laughed softly. "So The efficient collected Miss Kairns who's been coming to work all week is only a clever cover-up."
There was a wicked gleam in his eye as he watched Leslie's eyes widen with bemusement. "How did you know...?"
"Ah, I'm just beginning to realize that there is much more to Leslie Kairns than her professional exterior."
Leslie lowered her gaze. He could see too damned much with those eyes of his.
He immediately tipped her head back and kissed her, his warm moist mouth soft and undemanding. Her lips were instantly pliant under his, and her world slipped into a long slow spin.
Steve took a deep shaky breath. His arms tightened around her, and he nestled his face in her hair. "Miss Kairns, I wonder if you have any idea what a very tempting morsel you are?"
Leslie felt slightly intoxicated as she slipped her fingers into his hair and kissed the corner of his mouth. She smiled at him softly, her eyes shining with a touch of mischief. "That comment tells me I'm faced with a starving man who's obviously hinting that it's time for dinner." She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. "Talking about morsels when really what he wants is a big steak."
Grinning, he ran his fingers slowly across her lips. "Well, no, that isn't exactly what I want, but I guess I'll have to settle for second best, won't I?"
She caught his hand and laced her fingers through his. "Are you going to let me off the cupboard, or am I going to have to climb over you?"
He contemplated the question for a moment, then sighed in capitulation. "I guess I'll have to let you off, although the other option could present an interesting exercise." His smile deepened, his eyes crinkling appealingly at the corners when she blushed. "But Leslie, I want you to know that I'm going with option number one only because Maggie and Ted are coming up the back walk."
Steve laughed at the look of confused alarm that swept across her face. He lifted her off the counter and planted a firm kiss on her mouth.
When Ted and Maggie entered the kitchen, Leslie was busily finishing the salad, and Steve was nonchalantly leaning against the cupboard, his eyes gleaming with devilry as he casually munched a carrot stick.
No one noticed Ted's eyes narrow slightly, or the smug knowing look that flitted across his face. "What! Don't you have dinner ready, Leslie? I thought for sure I'd come in to the aroma of burning steaks!"
Leslie threw him a warning look as she finished tossing the salad. "You can scorch them yourself, Ted McAllister!"
Laughter rumbled from Ted as he opened the fridge, lifted out the tray of marinating steaks and set them on the counter. Then he went into the front hall to hang up his jacket.
"That's the way. Don't let him bully you, Leslie," said Maggie. She patted Leslie on the back as she, too, walked past on her way to the front hall.
Steve leaned over, his breath warm against Leslie's ear as he murmured softly, "You could have told him the heat was on, and I can certainly testify that it was scorching." He laughed when Leslie colored beautiful
ly, then bent her head to let her hair obscure her flushed face. Steve reached out and tucked a strand behind her ear. The provocative touch sent her blood rushing heatedly through her veins.
"Ah, Dwarf, there you go again—hiding behind your hair. You can't use that ploy on me anymore because I know exactly what you're doing."
Leslie was about to retort, but she closed her mouth and glared instead as Maggie and Ted entered the kitchen.
Ted caught the look and sighed exaggeratedly. "Jeez, I hope you two aren't going to be in full battle tonight."
Steve looked at Leslie and winked, a wicked glint in his eyes. "No, we've agreed to a kind of truce, haven't we, Dwarf?"
Leslie looked up at him, her eyes dark with the heady recollection of those unbelievable moments she had spent in his arms. His eyes grew lambent, and she knew that he was reading her like a book. Their gazes met and locked as a current coursed between them.
Then Leslie grinned, her dimples flashing. "A truce perhaps, but never a surrender!"
She heard the sharp intake of Steve's breath, then he laughed huskily, his voice audible only to Leslie. "That sounds very much like a challenge to me—and you know that I love challenges!"
After dinner they all retired to the cozy family room downstairs, where they sat before a crackling fire. It was such an ordinary scene, yet for Leslie, it was very special. This was the homey informal setting she had always longed for. Maggie was sitting in her favorite chair, busily knitting, and Ted was comfortably sprawled out in his big reclining chair enjoying a brandy. Steve lounged at one end of the sofa, his feet propped up on an old-fashioned hassock. His pipe was cradled in one hand, a drink in the other. Leslie was curled up on the opposite end of the sofa, watching the flickering fire through half-closed eyes. Yes, this was how it should be—no stiff formality or stilted conversation.
She turned her head slightly and let her gaze rest on Steve. She had never met anyone like him before. She had been so intimidated by him during the past few days, but in spite of that she had come to respect his integrity, his intelligence, his perspicacity. Today, though, she had seen another facet of his personality, one that left her feeling more than a little lightheaded. She had never expected to find him the easygoing cordial companion he had been that afternoon. For the first time she realized he was a very casual, open person who not only possessed a keen sense of humor and a great deal of charm but was also very empathetic. She liked him; she liked him very much. He was so easy to be with. For Leslie, that alone was unusual, for she was basically very shy. But she hadn't felt tongue-tied or dull around him. Anything but shy, she thought, when she remembered the unbridled passion he had unleashed in her.
She studied him unobtrusively. No one could deny his rugged good looks, but there was more to his masculine appeal than that. There was an aura of restrained animal power and cunning about him that could be released in a flash. Still, his most fascinating feature was his eyes. They were such an unusual shade of blue. They reminded her of deep blue mountain lakes that could become a cold steel gray when a storm was raging.
Steve shifted his position slightly, and his eyes glinted as he grinned at her. He had been well aware for some time that she had been watching him, and he was making her squirm for it now.
Ted came to the rescue. "Say, how about a game of crib, Steve. As I recall, you play a pretty mean game. But I think I could skunk you.''
"As much as I'd like to take you up on that challenge— " Steve paused and shot a pointed look at Leslie, his grin broadening as she dropped her eyes, her cheeks pink "—I'm afraid I can't. I have to go to Edmonton for a few days, and I'd like to make the 8:45 airbus."
"Well, you don't have to rush off, man. You don't have to leave here until about quarter after eight to make that flight."
Steve glanced at his watch. "No, I'm going to have to leave now. I have a couple of errands to run, and I have to stop by the office for a few minutes."
"When do you think you'll be back?"
"Probably by Thursday, if all goes well."
Leslie couldn't smother the empty feeling of disappointment that washed over her. It was going to seem very strange not having him around.
"Well, Leslie and I should have all the loose ends tied up by then."
Steve stood up and nodded his head. "That would be great." When Maggie laid down her knitting and started to rise, he said, "Don't bother seeing me out, Maggie. You wouldn't want to spoil Leslie's fun in shoving me out the front door, would you?"
"No, I certainly wouldn't. I don't know how she puts up with you two. I really don't."
"Now Maggie, do you really think we'd give the dwarf a bad time?"
"I have absolutely no doubt about it."
Steve looked at Leslie, his eyes sparkling. "Hmm. Perhaps I'd better change my methods of dealing with her, then." He studied Leslie for a moment, then bent over and kissed Maggie on the cheek. "Thanks for dinner. It was terrific."
"You're welcome anytime, Steve."
"See you in a few days, Ted."
"Right, Steve. Have a good trip."
Leslie was halfway up the stairs before she heard Steve follow her. She was enveloped in a mood of despondency that could best be defined as dismal. Knowing that he was going to be gone was affecting her far more than she would have expected, and it didn't make much sense.
She was leaning against the newel post, her hands tucked behind her back when Steve set his canvas gym bag on the floor and tossed his jacket on top of it.
"Come here, Leslie.''
She looked up at him, her small face overwhelmed by her dark vulnerable eyes.
Without a word she walked into his arms. He gathered her against him and held her close, somehow sensing how very fragile she was at that moment. Her arms went around his waist as she nestled her head against the broad expanse of his chest. She had to fight to swallow the hard lump in her throat. What was happening to her? Why did this man have such a potent effect on her?
She felt his cheek resting on top of her head as he caressed her back with strong yet gentle hands. When she felt him smile against her temple, she tipped her head back to look at him. He didn't say anything, but lifted her up and stood her on the bottom step of the staircase.
He continued to hold her against him as he laughed softly and ran his fingers through her hair. "I keep forgetting you're a dwarf. I'll have to get you a box to stand on."
Her mood lightened with his gentle teasing, and she was able to smile. "You could always stand in a hole, you know."
He laughed again, then whispered huskily, "There's another solution, Leslie, but I don't think you're quite ready for that one.''
Leslie shivered. The thought of lying beside Steve left her breathless and shaky. Her eyes darkened and her mouth trembled as his face sobered, and he lowered his head. "Steve—" It was a low husky plea.
His mouth covered her parted lips with a tenderness that sapped her strength. His own lips moved slowly against hers as his tongue explored the sweetness of her mouth. Leslie melted against him as she yielded to his touch, her body responding to his seductive caresses. A throbbing ache grew within her as the kiss intensified and Steve's arms crushed her against him. Leslie lost touch with reality as she clung to him, submitting to him. She whispered his name when, eventually, he trailed his mouth across her face and kissed her eyes, then nestled her head against his neck.
"Oh, Leslie, you are definitely high voltage.'' His voice was hoarse with emotion as he whispered softly against her ear.
Her own voice wobbled treacherously as she whispered back, "Does that mean I'll short circuit if I come in contact with another high voltage?"
He laughed softly, then lifted her face and kissed the tip of her nose. "Either that or there will be the most spectacular fireworks ever witnessed." He held her face in his hands, his thumbs caressing her ears. "Leslie Kairns, I think you are a potentially dangerous package. I've been warned more than once that
dynamite comes in small bundles."
Leslie raised her eyebrows in mock surprise, her eyes wide. "But you can't mean that, Mr. McRory. As I recall, you made the comment that I wouldn't have the stamina of a butterfly."
Steve grinned as he tapped the end of her nose with his forefinger. "Ah, yes, Miss Kairns, but I was imperiously informed by an expert that I shouldn't judge a package by its size."
The wicked gleam in his eyes challenged her to deny it. She had no quick retort to his comment, but she knew that five minutes after he left, a perfect response would pop into her head.
Steve chuckled. "You're spinning your wheels, Leslie."
She looked up at him, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. He was doing it again—reading her thoughts. But as he gathered her against him and covered her mouth with his, it no longer disturbed her that he could.
LESLIE'S ENTHUSIASM for the Redwillow project had been rekindled, and she entered the office the next morning with a determined, cheerful attitude. Much of the work she had yet to do was basically unrelated to her training as a geologist, but it was the type of groundwork she had done at Denver Oil. It was tedious and boring, but very essential.
She tossed her jacket on a chair and walked over to the massive table, frowning slightly. A note in Steve's bold handwriting was clipped to the map, and a box wrapped in brown paper was beside it. She leaned over to read the note.
To: Miss Kairns, Geologist
I expect all the pertinent information to be transferred onto this map by the time I return.
Leslie felt as though someone had just thrown a pail of cold water in her face. He was letting her know very bluntly that their relationship on the job was to be strictly professional. Her temper flared. Why had she been so quick to let her defenses down yesterday?