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Out Of Time (Book 0): Super Unknown Page 3
Out Of Time (Book 0): Super Unknown Read online
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“Get in there you little witch,” one of the men said as he opened the door and pushed a teenage girl in roughly. She fell to her knees. “There goes one tough cookie,” he said to his friend as he locked the door behind him. “She nearly had us there.”
“I know John, it took 20 men to catch her over in Dulwich, you know.” Their voices faded as they walked away.
“Hi,” Dylan said to the girl, whose jet-black bobbed hair and fringe were covering her face as she kneeled over on the floor.
She lifted her head. “Hi,” she said with a smile, looking up at him with huge green eyes. “I’m Scarlett.”
Chapter 4
“Well, hello, Scarlett. That was quite an entrance,” Dylan said with a grin. This girl was gorgeous and feisty too from what he’d just heard. “It sounds like you gave those men a run their money.”
“I tried,” she said as she stood up from the floor and brushed herself down. “There were too many of them though. And they had guns. It wasn’t really a fair fight. At least I threw a few of them against the wall and did some damage.”
“Threw them? Are you super strong or something?”
“Ha, no. I’m telekinetic, which means I can move people and things with my mind.” She paused thoughtfully. “I don’t know why I just told you that – I’ve never revealed my powers to anyone before. I never expect anyone to believe me.”
“Well, trust me, I definitely do. I can control water and quite a few of us in this room can do special things too.”
“Really?” Scarlett looked around in surprise.
“We think that’s why we’re all here. Someone wants us for our powers – or in the case of those of us who are still ‘normal’, the potential to have powers, I guess.”
“Great. I was afraid something like this would happen, that’s why I never told anyone what I can do. Did one of you blab?”
Dylan shook his head and turned to Andrew. “No, one of us was exposed.”
“That’d be me,” Andrew said. “Sorry about that.”
“What happened?”
“I was hit by a car.”
“I’m fine though. Turns out I’m invulnerable, which is handy.”
“I fly,” Sasha said, fairly boastfully.
“I create lightning,” Lucy whispered.
“And I can read minds,” Neelam said.
“You’re not reading mine, are you?” Scarlett said suspiciously.
Neelam laughed. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t do that.”
Scarlett didn’t look so sure. She looked around the group, eyeing up each one of them individually.
“So…” Dylan said. “What are we going to do? I reckon we should try to get out of here. I don’t fancy waiting around to see what these people have in store for us.”
“Too late,” said a voice at the door.
Dylan spun around. He hadn’t even heard anyone approaching. Four men in black uniforms were stood there staring at them. These goons were all starting to look the same now.
“The boss wants to see you,” one of them said. The other three stopped and pointed their guns at the teenagers. “And what he says goes, so you’d better come with me. One false move and they shoot. Understand?”
They all nodded begrudgingly and trudged after the men. Dylan kept his eyes peeled for a chance to escape, but the menacing, uniformed guys never took their eyes off the teenagers for a second. The group followed them down a maze of corridors until they were led into a large meeting room. An older man was stood near the front with his back to them.
“Sit down,” one of the men ordered, pointing at the rows of seats near the front of the room.
Toshiko, Sasha, Maria, Alex, Ethan, Neelam and Jay perched apprehensively on the front row while Lucy, Aaron, Andrew, Rhianna, Louise and Scarlett sat behind them. Dylan looked around dubiously as he led Sophia over to the chairs, then took the two positions next to Scarlett. The room looked innocent enough, like a large classroom with cream walls, blinds on the windows and harsh lighting. The guards stood by the doors to make sure none of them could make a run for it.
“This is weird,” Scarlett whispered.
“I know.” Dylan said. “It’s like school or something.”
“It’s not that bad,” she joked.
“Ah hello,” the man at the front said. He turned around to face the group. “Please accept my apologies for the abrupt way you were brought here today.”
Dylan stared at the man, who looked around 45. He was wearing an expensive-looking suit and had an air of importance about him. He seemed strangely familiar, but Dylan couldn’t quite place why.
“Is he famous?” Sasha whispered to the front row. “I feel like I know him from somewhere.”
“As you all undoubtedly know, I am Prime Minister Adam Goulden, the leader of this great nation and I have a strong vision for making Britain and the world a better place,” he looked at them all expectantly, as if waiting for a sign that they were impressed. “Since I took over this summer, I have started implementing my plans for change. Changes for good.”
“The Prime Minister,” Dylan thought. “That’s why I know him – he only runs the whole country.”
“For too long now, we have been seen to be a weak nation. I want to start a war that will show people we mean business. There is trouble brewing in the Middle East and Eastern Europe right now and I want to step in and make sure it doesn’t turn into World War Three. Cause a little conflict now to avoid much worse happening down the line. Do you follow me?”
He paused and waited for them to nod, so they did so dutifully.
“Of course, this war will have the added bonus of warning people not to attack us. The old parties have allowed terrorists and violent groups to threaten us for far too long and we, the New Way Party, want to do things differently by sending a loud and clear message out there. Don’t mess with us.”
“Are you serious?” Dylan said. “That sounds like the perfect way to invite people to mess with us.”
Goulden shot him a silencing, disapproving look.
“No wonder my dad hates this guy,” Dylan thought. “He’s a power-hungry maniac.”
“What does this have to do with us?” Scarlett asked.
“Ah, Miss Shortt, I’m glad to meet you. I’ve heard great things about the way you handled yourself today.”
His flattery didn’t work on her. “Well, you ambushed me. What did you expect?”
Goulden laughed. “To answer your question, I want you people to be my super soldiers. I have a formidable army and security team, including the guards who are taking care of you here. However, with your amazing powers, you will make my team unstoppable. No one will dare to take us on.”
“What if we say no?” Dylan asked.
“You have no choice. I drafted a new Bill Of Parliament today, which says all citizens in possession of a super power must do national service for at least 10 years between the ages of 14 and 30. Those of you under 14 can stay here and train until your birthdays.
“No way,” Scarlett said. “I’m not doing this.”
Goulden nodded his head towards the back of the room. “Bring him in,” he said.
One of the uniformed guards entered, dragging a boy behind him.
“Dan!” Scarlett shouted as she jumped up from her seat. She lifted a chair and flung it in Goulden’s direction, but 10 men instantly ran towards her with their guns raised.
Scarlett backed down. “What have they done to you?” she asked Dan. “Are you OK?”
He looked at her with a petrified look in his eyes as he was pushed to the front to stand next to Goulden.
“This is your brother, I believe?”
Scarlett nodded. “What do you want from him?”
“The same as I want from you. Power.”
“But he doesn’t have any. Do you?”
Dan shook his head.
“Oh but he might have,” Goulden said with glee. “So that’s good enough fo
r me.”
He paced back and forth in front of the group before pushing Dan towards them.
“Sit down,” he commanded.
Dylan got up to grab another chair and shuffled it in between him and Scarlett so her brother could sit with them.
“Now then, as most of you will know, this all started when Andrew miraculously survived being hit by a car today. One of my trusty contacts alerted me to the news and we quickly apprehended him. While he was being driven down here from Corby…”
“Carby,” Andrew corrected.
“Whatever. It’s the north. I don’t care. Anyway, while he was en route, my contact ran a quick DNA test and theorised that Andrew has these powers because of a genetic quirk caused by a medical trial his mother took part in at Haybridge University many years ago.”
“My mum went there,” Lucy said.
Goulden ignored her. “So, we came up with a list of the children of the other women who were involved in this experiment, which was to test a contraceptive pill or something. Whatever the drug was, it was found to be dangerous and never made it to market.” He waved his hand as though he didn’t care about the smaller details. “And we came across you lot. Shall we check I have you all?”
He picked up a piece of paper from a desk to the right of him and began reading from it.
“Dylan and Sophia Nicolson.”
The room stayed silent.
“Here?” he asked sternly like a strict headmaster.
Dylan sighed. “Yes.” This man really was insane.
“Andrew, Rhianna and Louise Harper.”
“Ethan White.”
“Alex Connor.”
“Lucy and Aaron Watts.”
“Sasha and Maria Gomez.”
“Jason Ryder.”
“Toshiko Kobayashi.”
She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Here.”
Goulden raised an eyebrow, but let her insolence go.
“Neelam Nori.”
“Scarlett and Dan Shortt.”
“This is ridiculous,” Scarlett said.
“Scarlett and Dan Shortt.”
“Here,” she snapped.
“Excellent,” Goulden smiled. “We have a full house. Well done, men, you managed to capture them all.” He turned back to the group. “Now here’s a question I’m intrigued to hear the answer to – how many of you have powers so far?”
They squirmed in their seats and looked at each other.
“It’s a simple question.” He glowered at them angrily. “How many? Let’s do this the easy way, shall we? Put your hand up if you have some kind of special talent.”
Dylan, Neelam, Lucy, Scarlett, Andrew and Sasha reluctantly raised their arms in the air. Goulden appeared to make a mark by their names on his list.
“So,” he said. “None of the younger siblings can do a thing yet as my doctor friend predicted. You must be too young for your abilities to have manifested. But what about Jason, Ethan, Toshiko and Alex? Are you sure you can’t do anything?”
“Way to make us feel dumb,” Jay laughed.
Goulden wasn’t impressed.
“No,” Jay said.
“Well, maybe you’re on the verge of becoming powerful. We’ll run some tests on you all tomorrow and see if we can identify your powers. Maybe we can even force them to kick in.”
“You’re not going to hurt us, are you?” Toshiko asked. “Because I don’t like the sound of being prodded and poked in some tests.”
“It will all be very harmless, don’t worry,” Goulden said.
Dylan couldn’t help but think he was lying.
“As long as you do as I say, that is. If you make any attempt to defy me or escape, I will hurt you. Make no mistake about that.” He glowered at the group coldly to make it clear that he meant what he said. “Now, I think you should all get to bed. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. My men have prepared rooms for you. I’m sorry that there isn’t space for you to have one each, but it’ll be more comfortable than where you were when you first arrived.”
“It couldn’t get much worse,” Jay said quietly so Goulden didn’t hear him.
Neelam stifled a giggle.
“Sasha, Maria and Toshiko, you will be sharing room A. Alex, Ethan and Neelam will be in room B. Room C is for Andrew, Rhianna and Louise. Lucy, Aaron and Jay will take room D and Scarlett, Dan, Dylan and Sophia will be in room E.”
Dylan tried his best not to look pleased that he’d been teamed up with Scarlett. At least one thing had gone right today.
“Get your rest, you’ll need it,” Goulden said. He walked towards the door to show the meeting was over. “Guards, take them to their rooms.”
Chapter 5
As they were pushed into their new room, Dylan looked round the small, grey space with disdain. There were two sets of bunk beds with rusty, metal frames and dull, green bed sheets, while a small lamp by one of the beds provided the only light. He looked at Sophia, Scarlett and Dan with an unimpressed face before the door was locked behind them.
“We’ll be waking you at 7am,” one of the guards shouted. “And don’t forget I’ll be out here keeping an eye on you all night long.”
“7am,” Scarlett said with disgust. “Doesn’t he know we’re kids?”
Dylan looked at his watch. It was past 10pm now. “Sophia, you’d better go to bed,” he said. “You’ve had a long day and you need your sleep.”
Sophia sighed. Dylan bent down to be the nine year old’s height. “Please, sweetie. I need to take care of you while we’re away from mum and dad. It’s not like there’s even any TV to watch.”
“I guess so,” she said. “Can I take a bottom bunk? I’m scared of the high ones.”
“Of course.”
“Dan can take the top one,” Scarlett said. “He’s only 11, it’s time he got some shut-eye too.”
“Do as you’re told.”
As the two younger children got ready for bed, Dylan turned to Scarlett. “So how old are you?” he asked.
“Fifteen. You?”
“Sixteen. It was my birthday last month.”
“That makes you year 11 then. The one above me.”
Dylan nodded.
“Urgh, I’m not looking forward to all that preparing for exams.”
“It’s not so bad.”
Sophia and Dan had both climbed under the sheets now, so Scarlett and Dylan sat down on the lower bunk at the other side of the room and lowered their voices.
“Mind you, I guess even exams would be better than this,” Scarlett said with a wry laugh. “Unless it was science. I hate science – especially physics.”
“Me too. So you’re telekinetic?” he said, changing the subject for no reason at all other than the fact he wasn’t sure what to say to such a pretty girl.
She nodded.
“When did you find out?”
“About three months ago. My parents have been rowing for the last year and they very nearly broke up. My dad wanted to move back to Manchester, but my mum loves it in Dulwich, so they talked about going their separate ways. The plan was that I stayed down here and Dan went with my dad. I hated the idea and I didn’t take it well at all. I was sitting in my room full of teenage rage one day when I suddenly started throwing things around.” She giggled. “I guess that sounds like normal teenage behaviour, only I was using my mind instead of my hands.”
Dylan laughed. “I’m sorry about your parents.”
“They’re getting on again now. My dad got a new job in the city and suddenly decided he loved London again. Grown-ups are weird.” She rolled her eyes.
Dylan stared at her in fascination as he nodded. Even when she was scowling and making sarcastic comments, her face had a way of lighting up the room. He felt confident and nervous at the same
time when he was around her – like he’d suddenly discovered he could achieve anything and yet he didn’t even know what to say to impress her.
“Are you OK?” she asked.
“Oh yeah, just tired. Sorry.”
“I guess we should sleep too,” she said. “Not that I think I’ll be able to.”
“We should try. Do you want the top bunk or bottom?”
“I’ll take the top if that’s OK, so I can keep an eye on Dan.”
“Sure.” Dylan turned towards the lamp, while Scarlett leapt up the ladders to the higher bunk.
“Night,” he said.
“Night,” she called back.
He switched off the light and descended the room into darkness.
The next morning, Dylan awoke to the sound of banging on the door.
“Morning!” a voice yelled. “Time to get up, rise and shine.”
“Shut up,” Dan muttered from the other side of the room. “It’s the middle of the night.”
Dylan fished his watch from the floor and checked the time. It was 6.45am.
The man who had rudely awoken them popped his head around the door. “The boss wants to see you all upstairs in 15 minutes and he hates lateness. Get yourselves ready and I’ll be back in 10 to take you up there.”
“Can’t wait,” Scarlett said as he walked away and started banging on the next door along in the corridor.
Dylan leapt out of bed and looked around the room. “Well it’s not like we can shower or get changed,” he joked. “So this should be quick.”
Dan groaned. “Do we have to do this? I’m so tired.”
“Me too,” Sophia said glumly. “We only usually get up this early when we’re going to the airport and that’s a lot more exciting.”
“Come on,” Scarlett insisted as she jumped down from her bunk. “There’s no point moaning about it. Let’s adopt a positive attitude and try our best to handle what today throws at us. The more alert we are, the better placed we are to fight this guy and hopefully get out of here.”
“I think we’ll be lucky to use that positive energy to get through what Goulden has in store for us today,” Dylan said. “Never mind managing to pluck a great escape out of the bag.”