The History of House Six Read online

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  “What will we sail on?” – Said cheerful Mouse with a serious voice.

  “We’ll sail in a coconut shell,” – clicked in Dwarf’s mind. “Thus, we are going to have a supply of food and a boat.”

  A Treasure for True Friends

  Early in the morning, they set out for their journey. The bottom of the coconut was covered with palm leaves. They took a supply of drinking water in small seashells. The ocean splashed waves gently. The Sun was playing in the water. Friends were relaxing.

  Suddenly everything went dark and rambling. The Sun hid in the clouds. Then friends saw a sinister ship on the horizon.

  “Pirates!” – The Dwarf cried.

  “Why do you think so?” – The Mouse began talking mockingly and froze.

  Although there were no flags and sails on that boat, they could see clearly: there was a huge rat standing at the stern on one leg, wearing a red caftan and a pirate patch on one eye that covered his long whiskers.

  What can a small coconut boat do against an old broken fishing boat overrun by pirate rats!

  A coconut boat was boarded. The friends were tied up and carried quickly to the boat. The Mouse didn’t even have a chance to squeak – it all happened so quickly. The pirates ransacked friends’ boat and returned disappointed. They found no treasure, nor they found food, and everything turned out somehow rude and stupid. The Captain was embarrassed, and the pirates were quiet. The Mouse and the Dwarf awaited with horror for what was going to happen next.

  “My name is Boris,” – captain broke the silence. “Be my guests on this pirate ship.”

  As soon as the pirates heard that friends found in the coconut shell were invited to their pirate ship, where everyone was already hungry enough, they moved rumbling toward the one-legged captain. Captain Boris began to retreat to the bow of the boat, flinging himself in front of the Mouse and the Dwarf. The Mouse retreated, feverishly moving her tail through space until she grabbed a piece of paper.

  The Dwarf snatched the paper from his friend’s tail and put it into the pocket of his jacket. He was the only one who could read on that ship, but he wasn’t up to this at that moment. Rats were coming. Suddenly, Captain lost his balance and flopped. When he was falling, his leg got caught in a piece of wood sticking out of the ship’s bottom, and… it fell off. While the wooden leg was jumping along the bottom, Captain Boris was standing on both feet to keep the balance.

  This event had decided the outcome of the pirate battle, which hadn’t even begun. Real pirates were so insulted that their captain was not one-legged, and, as it turned out, not one-eyed either, that they decided to cast him out with shame on an uninhabited island together with the captives.

  Captain was tied up and put next to our friends. The pirates began to look in a large spyglass for an island where the prisoners could be dropped off. Time passed slowly. The Dwarf decided to take a closer look at a scrap of paper and discovered that it was a treasure map with the exact coordinates of the island.

  The Dwarf decided to get to the right island at all costs, and said to the Mouse loudly:

  “Hope they’re not going north to a triangular island.”

  “And what’s there?” – she asked.

  “DwarfEATERS!” – said Dwarf in a whooshing whisper.

  The Mouse froze, and the pirates grabbed a compass in a vigorous discussion. When the boat headed towards the island, the Mouse started weeping quietly…

  “Why did you say that so loudly that everyone could hear you?”

  “Let them do what they want,” – said Captain Boris calmly. He knew about the Treasure Map too, but could not read it, because no one had taught him the alphabet.

  The Mouse froze frightened, as she did not understand why the Dwarf and the Captain were so calm. Meanwhile, the island appeared on the horizon and the pirates started chattering joyfully.

  While landing the prisoners ashore, they were keeping their eyes open. They decided to untie only the Mouse because the overthrown Captain Boris still frightened them.

  When the boat with pirates had sailed from the island, the Dwarf told about the map and the treasure. The Mouse felt relief and began to untie her friends with her tiny paws.

  As soon as they were released, friends set out to examine the island. Pretty soon they found the highest tree under which the treasure was buried.

  The Mouse and Captain Boris began to dig the sand with paws, while the Dwarf paced around impatiently and suddenly…

  “It’s a real ship!” – cried Captain Boris. Indeed, a mast appeared under their paws, carefully wrapped in palm leaves, and then the whole hull of a ship. There were food supplies and tools inventory in the holds.

  Fondest Wishes

  After seeing its friends off to the ocean, House Six became sad. It was so worried about the Mouse and the Dwarf that it forgot to tell them it wanted to come too. When it found the forgotten suitcase, it was waiting for the Dwarf to come back to tell him about its wish, but no one came. Then the House looked up by accident and saw its friends flying away on the Cloud…

  It decided to go to the wise Owl and ask her: how could it get to its friends on the Island.

  The Owl was very surprised that the Mouse and the Dwarf managed to fly away after all. She could not believe that her left atlas was enough to give our friends the courage for such a dangerous adventure. When the embarrassed House told about its wish, the Owl had nothing to do but to sigh… How wonderful it is to have your own fondest wish: to talk about it eagerly, to cultivate it, to admire when it starts to grow and rejoice when it comes true. The Owl also had her fondest wish: to write in a large beautiful book with a thin quill pen, so that later she could tell wonderful fairy tales to the children of the Magic Forest on a long winter evening.

  The Owl never thought about how to make it come true. She was a grown-up and very wise Owl. Her fondest wish seemed too small and insignificant to believe that it would really come true.

  Now, when House Six itself came to her and told about its fondest wish, the Owl decided that two desires are a serious reason for them to be fulfilled.

  The Owl sighed, more as a habit, and offered the House to talk with an old Fairy, because only she had the magic power left. Heavenly Master went to another country and could not help.

  The House became a bit more cheerful: after all, when you share a problem with a friend time runs quite differently, it’s almost skipping! New ideas are born and the solutions are found themselves.

  House Six went along the forest path together with the Owl, until they heard a rolling laughter which made the spoons inside House’s kitchen table rattle.

  “Giant Midgets! – Said the House cheerfully. – I missed you so much!!!”

  Giant Midgets hurried to hug the House. As they approached it they were becoming small like a pinky. Their feet were the only thing that remained large.

  When the House and the Owl told where they were going, Midgets also remembered about their fondest wish: more than anything else they wanted to travel, to get acquainted with new cities and countries, so that when they returned home, they would tell about amazing miracles to all the inhabitants of the Magic Country.

  The Owl nodded approvingly. So many fondest wishes was an excellent occasion to visit the old Fairy. Soon the big and friendly company continued their journey.

  The path looped through the forest, sometimes jumping out into meadows with bright red wild strawberries. House Six sighed softly. In moments like this, it imagined how happy would his friends the Mouse and the Dwarf be to see all these tasty fragrant berries.

  Time runs very quickly when you go with your friends along the Magic Forest. Talking, friends did not notice how they reached the house of the old Fairy.

  A Wonderful Transformation

  The Fairy was puzzled when she saw such a motley company. She was very old and didn’t like the noise around. But friends began talking at the same time, anticipating the fulfillment of their wishes. Everyone tried to speak loud
er and louder to be heard: The House, the Owl, six Giant Midgets. The Fairy was at a loss… The words in her head were rolling around, confused and combined in completely different senses. At some point, it seemed to her that if Giants and the House came along, they asked to correct the mistake, the one when she had accidentally spilled magic potion, and Giants started turning into Midgets when they approached House. Turning everywhere except the feet.

  The Fairy took her belt off and began to whisper magic words. Suddenly, a golden pollen appeared from the House, spinning around Giants, and they became small, just like the Mouse and the Dwarf.

  House Six, the Owl and Giant Midgets stopped talking with surprise. The old Fairy looked at them and smiled. It seemed to her that she had corrected her past mistake in an amazing way.

  The wise Owl was the first to break the silence:

  “We had a long way to beg you make our fondest wishes come true. Forgive us that we were talking all at once and you have misunderstood our request.”

  The old Fairy realized that she was too hasty and got the friends wrong.

  At this awkward moment, the most cheerful Midget said: “I like to be of the same height as the Dwarf, the Mouse, the Bunny, and the Hedgehog. We can all spend time together!!! And I still want to become a real traveler.”

  House Six looked at embarrassed old Fairy and decided to ask her a question: “Do you have a fondest wish?”

  The Fairy replied slowly:

  “On the border of two countries, there is a large and beautiful house. A century-old apple orchard grows around it. Magical birds are flying there. Blossoming flowers aroma is so thick that it can be used as perfume. In this stone house, there lives a young Fairy. Every morning she records all the travelers of Magic Country in a large book. This book reflects all the paths and roads that travelers walk. This book can help anyone return home, in case there are any troubles on the road or wrong forks distract them off the road. She is the Road Home Keeper. My fondest wish is to live in this stone house and keep roads and paths. I really want to live in this house and, perhaps, I’ll go with you to ask the young Fairy to stay a little and look at this book.

  The Magic Around Us

  The words of the old Fairy sank deep into friends’ hearts. They could not even think that the most important work in the world for someone was to keep roads and return travelers home.

  “That’s it!” – Said House Six. “Together we will go to the young Fairy, and then decide how we can make our wishes come true.”

  House Six was very kind and hospitable, therefore, he continued without any hesitation:

  “Come inside. I have the most delicious raspberry jam, and since Giant Midgets have become Midget Giants, they will also fit Mouse’s favorite table.

  The old Fairy and six Midget Giants happily went into House. The Owl sat on the roof to show the way. From above you can always see better than from the below.

  Time flew while as they’re talking. It was so warm and cozy inside the House that even the Sun was sitting with the friends on the windowsill. Midgets couldn’t get used to their new height – they were touching porcelain cups and saucers very cautiously. More than anything they liked to knock lightly on a cup with a small spoon while stirring sugar. The Owl was far away on the roof, and the old Fairy was smiling without making any comments.

  Suddenly House Six stopped. Friends rushed outside, worried. What they saw was impossible to imagine even in the wildest dreams: the border of two countries was sparkling with a pearly rainbow. On a small hill, there stood a beautiful stone house. Apple-tree orchard was like a fancy labyrinth covered with a veil of blooming trees petals, with fluttering butterflies above – large and small, in flocks and single.

  The young Fairy was walking in the garden. Her beautiful dress touched bright green grass, and from far away it seemed like she was also floating on a cloud of petals and colored wings.

  Midget Giants froze in admiration, and the old Fairy smiled happily. The wise Owl flew forward to tell the friends’ story and the reason why they traveled this way from the Magic Forest to the border of two countries.

  The young Fairy was very delighted to meet the guests, especially House Six. After all, thanks to his kind heart everyone near him felt warm and calm. She listened to the stories of Midget Giants, of the Mouse and the Dwarf who had set off to the Ocean, the Sleepyhead Sun, the Old Dwarf.

  She offered travelers to take a break from the road, and in the morning they would arrange a real Council to listen to all fonder wishes again.

  The most polite Midget Giant, inspired by House Six, asked the young Fairy: “Do you have a fondest wish? What is it? How can someone who can do absolutely everything have the fondest wish?” The Midgets learned very well that it is very important to care about what others want.

  The young Fairy laughed heartily. From her iridescent laughter, the sun lights hiding in her hair fluttered and spun around like golden pollen of a magical tulip. At this moment, House Six felt how much it missed the Mouse and the Dwarf.

  The young Fairy said: “I dream to see the Magic Forest, play with the Hedgehog, help the Bear in his preparation for winter, walk through centuries-old trees and settle in each, even the smallest hole, a small sunbeam bunny, so that the inhabitants never lose their hearts and always believe that their dreams will come true.”

  The Heavenly Master

  In the morning, there was a real Council in the apple orchard: the young Fairy, House Six, Midget Giants, the old Fairy and the Owl.

  The young Fairy delayed the beginning as if she was waiting for someone. Friends were worried: what if she had suddenly changed her mind to fulfill their fondest wishes and was just figuring out how to put that into words so that no one got hurt.

  “We are waiting for one more guest,” – the young Fairy calmed everyone. “He’s a little late, but you’ll be happy to see him.”

  At that moment appeared the Heavenly Master, a little embarrassed all the guests gathered in the apple orchard at a long table.

  “Good day to everyone,” – he said.

  Friends jumped from their seats and rushed to hug him. Even the wise Owl could not help herself, she flew over the table and sat down on his shoulder. Everyone had missed each other and they were glad to meet again! There were a lot of things to do in the Magic Forest, and all its inhabitants were eagerly awaiting for Heavenly Master’s return.

  When everyone had calmed down a little, the young Fairy invited friends to return to the table to begin the most important Council of their lives. Even the Sun sent an official Beam there.

  “Dear friends,” – she began “We are here to understand how we can make our fondest desires come true. But first, we need to ask the Heavenly Master if he has the fondest wish?

  The Heavenly Master stood up and said in a low voice: “It’s been a long while since I left the Magic Forest. First, to fill the supplies with necessary tools. Then, after I had seen a beautiful city, I became interested in whether it is possible to build such wonderful houses for everyone in our Magic Forest. I wanted to build a beautiful castle and locate a beautiful park with fountains and patterned wooden benches around it, and the Castle doors should be open to all the inhabitants, so that big ones and small ones feel good there. But I could not return because every castle should have a loving and caring hostess. Therefore, my fondest wish is to find the perfect mistress for my castle in the Magic Forest.

  There was silence at the table. It could be heard how thoughts ran and stumbled in the minds of Midget Giants, how they assembled into intricate patterns in the minds of the old Fairy and lined up in orderly ranks in the head of the Wise Owl.

  The first to laugh was the official representative Sunny Beam.

  “I know how to help House Six and Midget Giants get to the Island to the Mouse and the Dwarf. As for other wishes, they will be fulfilled by themselves, as if by magic, I think,” – the Beam said.

  It’s so good when real friends get together. In moments like these i
mpossible things becomes the most common, and wishes come true on their own.

  Sunny Beam invited a storm Cloud because the task would be much more serious: a small Cloud, even the most powerful, won’t be able to put House Six and six Midget Giants into the air.

  The Heavenly Master made a large lifting device. He had really learned a lot. On the platform stood House Six, fastened tight with Sunny Beams. Midget Giants stood side by side holding real safety ropes made up of the same Beams. The Master pressed the button, and the mechanism began to lift friends into the air, like a real elevator, up high, to the Storm Cloud.

  The Sun had shown their way, and the storm Cloud set off. Fairies, the wise Owl, and the Heavenly Master waved them from the ground. The Master was very glad that his new skills were useful to friends.

  After seeing the storm Cloud off, the young Fairy led everyone to the room where she was working. Everything was prepared for their arrival. The room had four large bright windows from the floor down to ceiling.

  – North, South, West, East, – explained the hostess.

  There were two massive tables in the middle. On one table there was an open book in which all the roads and paths were marked. There was a perfect view from the windows on all four corners of the world, so even the smallest path could not go unnoticed.

  On the other table, there was an open book with dazzling white sheets. Next to it stood a massive inkwell and a set of quill pens, which had already been prepared for the Heavenly Master.