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U.S. Army Special Forces Guide to Unconventional Warfare
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U.S. Army Special Forces Guide to Unconventional Warfare
Devices and Techniques for Incendiaries
Department of the Army
Copyright © 2011 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
U.S. Army Special Forces guide to unconventional warfare : devices and techniques for incendiaries / Department of the Army.
p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Incendiary weapons. 2. United States. Army. Special Forces. I. United States. Dept. of the Army.
UF860.U85 2011
Printed in China
This manual is one of a series now being published, primarily for U.S. Army Special Forces, that deals with subjects pertaining to destructive techniques and their applications to targets in guerrilla and unconventional warfare. The series consists of both classified and unclassified manuals of three types:
a. Unconventional Warfare Reference Manuals consist of detailed, illustrated abstracts of the technical literature. They are designed to provide sources of information and ideas and to minimize duplication of effort.
b. Unconventional Warfare Devices and Technique Manuals cover incendiaries, explosives, weapons, and harmful additives. They present principles of construction and methods of use of devices and techniques that are proven reliable and effective.
c. Unconventional Warfare Target Manuals identify critical components of selected targets and describe methods for destruction of the target using applicable devices and techniques.
This manual on incendiaries is written to serve the U.S. Army Special Forces in the field. It covers all aspects of incendiary systems including the incendiary devices, means for igniting them, techniques for their use, methods of improvising them, and sources of material supply. Some of the devices can be improvised from locally available materials. Detailed instructions are given for preparation steps. Others can be improvised if more sophisticated materials are obtainable. Still others require fabrication or formulation in a laboratory or industrial plant.
All of the devices and techniques herein reported are known to work. It is a special feature of this manual to present only those items that produce useful results as verified by independent test. Before an item becomes eligible for inclusion in this manual, it passes engineering tests designed to evaluate effectiveness, reliability, and safety. Not only does this program provide performance data, it also eliminates items that prove to be ineffective, unreliable, or unsafe, even though they may exist in print elsewhere. Although laboratory and final testing are adequate, user familiarization with construction, operation, and performance of each item or technique is recommended before tactical use. Instructions and formulations must be followed precisely to assure proper functioning of the incendiaries.
The material in this manual is grouped into six chapters.
Each chapter is subdivided into paragraphs having 4-digit numbers, the first representing section numbers, and the last two paragraph numbers.
This numbering system was selected to make location of material convenient for the reader, once he has become familiar with the arrangement. Section numbers are uniquely assigned to one subject and repeated for the same subject in other manuals of this series. Also for convenience, each paragraph (except in Introduction) is subdivided uniformly into four subparagraphs:
Description, Material and Equipment, Preparation, and Application.
It is anticipated that this manual will be revised or changed from time to time. In this way it will be possible to update present material and add new devices and techniques as they become available. Comments are invited and the submission of new information is encouraged. Address information to Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Frankford Arsenal, SMUFA-U3200, Philadelphia, Pa., 19137.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
a. This manual covers all aspects of incendiary systems. It describes useful initiators, igniters, incendiary materials, delay mechanisms, and spontaneous combustion devices designed for direct use in sabotage and unconventional warfare.
b. Incendiaries are primarily used in sabotage to set fire to wooden structures and other combustible targets. Certain incendiaries, such as thermite, can be used for melting, cutting, or welding metals.
c. The most basic incendiary system consists of putting a lighted match to an easily combustible material. However, a simple match is not always effective. There are many important combustible targets that require far more heat for reliable ignition than is available from a match. There are also instances where delayed ignition is essential for sabotage success. This manual contains formulations and devices to satisfy the requirements for high ignition heat and predetermined ignition delay times for use in sabotage and other harassment actions.
d. Every incendiary system consists of a group of elements starting with an initiator and ending with the main incendiary material. If the initiator does not produce enough heat for reliable ignition of the combustible target, an intermediate or booster incendiary is required. More than one booster is necessary for some targets. The initiator (ch 2) can consist of a simple match, a match and a fuse cord, an acid, or water. The intermediate heat sources are generally called igniters (ch 3). Igniters produce sufficient heat to set the principal incendiary charge (ch 4) aflame. Delay mechanisms (ch 5) are frequently used to prevent detection of the saboteur by postponement of the fire for some limited, predetermined time after placement and actuation of the device.
e. Spontaneous combuston is a good sabotage tool. Favorable conditions can be established for the deliberate employment of spontaneous combustion (ch 6), that is, setting combustible material aflame without application of direct flame or spark.
f. All of the devices and techniques described herein have been thoroughly checked by independent test to make certain that they work as intended. Detailed instructions are given for the necessary ingredients and their preparation. It is important that these instructions be followed carefully to be sure that the devices will operate properly. In addition, close attention to the instructions will assure safety.
Common terms used in connection with incendiary systems are defined below. Note that the definitions are worded s
o as to cover only incendiaries. Some of the terms have additional meanings in the related field of explosives.
a. Delay Mechanism. Chemical, electrical, or mechanical elements that provide a time delay. Elements may be used singly or in combination. They provide a predetermined, limited time interval before an incendiary starts to burn.
b. Fuse. A flexible fabric tube containing powder that is used to start fires at some remote location. The powder in the fuse burns and provides a time delay.
c. Igniter. An intermediate charge between an initiator and an incendiary material. It is set aflame by the initiator and produces sufficient heat at high temperature to ignite the main incendiary. Igniters are fast burning and relatively short lived.
d. Incendiary Material. A material that burns with a hot flame for long periods. Its purpose is to set fire to wooden structures and other combustible targets.
e. Incendiary System. A group of elements that are assembled to start fires. The system consists of initiator, delay mechanism (if needed), igniter, and incendiary material.
f. Initiator. The source that provides the first fire in an incendiary system. A match is an initiator. The initiator is so sensitive that it can be set off with little energy.
g. Spontaneous Combustion. The outbreak of fire in combustible material that occurs without an application of direct spark or flame. The fire is the result of heat produced by the chemical action of certain oils.
h. Thermite. An incendiary mixture of iron oxide flakes and aluminum powder that reacts chemically when initiated to form molten iron. Thermite can be used to burn holes in steel or to weld steel parts together.
a. The equipment needed for the manufacture of incendiaries consists of simple items. They are all readily available. Required are bottles, jars, pots, and spoons. There should be no difficulty in obtaining any of them. All of the necessary equipment is described in each paragraph dealing with a particular incendiary component.
b. It is important that the operator follow the directions given in this manual exactly as written. They have been worked out carefully to give the desired results with the minimum chance of mishap. Don’t experiment with different procedures or quantities.
c. By its very nature, the manufacture of incendiaries is dangerous. It is the function of incendiaries to burn with an intense flame under the right conditions. Care must be taken that no fires result during the making or placing of the devices. There are also other dangers in addition to the fire hazard. The chemicals used as ingredients may burn the skin, give off poisonous fumes, or be easily flammable. They must not be eaten.
d. When handled with care and proper precautions, incendiaries are fairly safe to make and use. Detailed precautions and instructions are given in each paragraph where they apply. General safety precautions follow:
Preventing a Fire Hazard
1. Fire prevention is much more important than fire fighting. Prevent fires from starting.
2. Keep Flammable liquids away from open flames.
3. Good housekeeping is the fire prevention. Keep work areas neat and orderly. Clean away all equipment and material not needed at the moment. Clean up spills as soon as possible.
4. Store incendiaries in closed containers away from heat. Do not store material any longer than necessary.
5. In the event of fire, remove the incendiaries from the danger area if this can be done quickly and safely. Use large quantities of water to fight fires.
6. Horse play is dangerous and absolutely intolerable.
Avoiding Chemical Hazards
1. Wear rubber gloves, apron, and glasses when handling concentrated chemicals if at all possible.
2. Avoid inhaling fumes. Perform reactions in a well ventilated area or out of doors because the boiling is often violent and large amounts of fumes are given off that are poisonous if breathed too much.
3. Avoid acid contact with the skin. If chemicals are spilled on a person, wash immediately in running water for several minutes. If they splash in the eyes, wash the open eye in running water for at least 15 minutes.
4. Clean up any acid that is spilled on floor or bench by flushing with large amounts of water. Acid spilled on wood can cause a fire.
5. Always pour concentrated acids into water. Never pour water into concentrated acids because a violent reaction will occur.
a. Description.
This item consists of a continuous train of explosive or fastburning material enclosed in a flexible waterproof cord or cable. It is used for setting off an explosive or a combustible mixture of pow ders by action of the fuse flame on the material to be ignited. Fuse cord can be initiated by a match flame, using a specific procedure, or with a standard U.S. Army fuse lighter. Fuse cord burns at a uniform rate allowing the user to be away from the immediate scene when the incendiary actually functions.
Fuse cord does not directly ignite any incendiaries listed in chapter 4 but is a primary initiator for all igniters listed in chapter 3 except: Potassium Permanganate—Glycer in (0206), Powdered Aluminum—Sulfur Pellets (0207), White Phosphorus (0209), and Subigniter For Thermite (0211).
b. Material and Equipment. Two Standard U.S. Army fuse cords are available:
Blasting time fuse.
This consists of black powder tightly wrapped with several layers of fabric and waterproofing materials. It might be any color, orange being the most common. The diameter of this fuse cord is 0.2 inch (a little larger than inch). This fuse burns inside the wrapping at a rate of approximately 40 seconds per foot. It must be tested before use to verify the burning rate.
Safety fuse M700.
This fuse is similar to Blasting Time Fuse and may be used interchangeably with it. The fuse is a dark green cord 0.2 inch in diameter with a plastic cover, either smooth or with single painted abrasive bands around the outside at 1 foot or 18 inch intervals and double painted abrasive bands at 5 foot or 90 inch intervals depending on the time of manufacture. These bands are provided to make measuring easy. They are abrasive so that they can be felt in the dark. The fuse burns inside the wrapping at a rate of approximately 40 seconds per foot. It must be tested before use to verify the burning rate.
Note. A commercial item can be substituted for either of the above U.S. Army issue items. The commercial fuse is 0.1 inch (about inch) in diameter and is coated only with waterproofing lacquer. This fuse can be easily ignited by holding the free end in a match flame because the outside covering if flammable.
c. Preparation. None.
d. Application.
General. (a) Cut and discard a 6-inch length from the free end of the fuse roll. Do this to be sure that there is no chance of misfire from a damp powder train because of absorption of moisture from the open air. Then cut off a measured length of fuze to check the burning rate. Check the burning rate before actual use.
(b) Cut the fuse long enough to allow a reasonable time delay in initiation of the incendiary system. The cut should be made squarely across the fuse.
(c) Prepare the fuse for ignition by splitting the fuse at one end to a depth of about one inch. Place the head of an unlighted match in the powder train.
(d) Insert the other end of the fuse into a quantity of an igniter mixture so that the fuse end terminates near the center of the mixture. Be sure the fuse cord is anchored in the igniter mixture and cannot pull away, In the case of a solid igniter material such as Fire Fudge (0202), the fuse is split to about one-half inch at the end opposite the end containing the match in the powder train. This split fuse end is wedged over a sharp edge of the solid igniter material. Be sure the black powder in the fuse firmly contacts the solid igniter. If necessary, the fuse cord can be held firmly to the solid igniter with light tape such as transparent adhesive tape.
(e) The fuse is initiated by lighting the match head inserted in the split end of the fuse with a burning match as shown below.
/> (f) Two standard fuse lighters, the M2 and M60, are available in demolition kits for positive lighting of Blasting Time Fuse and Safety Fuse M700 under all weather conditions—even under water if it is properly waterproofed. The devices are manually operated. A pull on the striker retaining pin causes the striker to hit the percussion primer, thus igniting the fuse. These devices are not recommended where silence is required because a report is heard when the primer is fired.
M2 fuse lighter.
The attachment and operation of the M2 Fuse Lighter are as follows:
(a) Slide the pronged fuse retainer over the end of the fuse and firmly seat it.
(b) Waterproof the joint between the fuse and the lighter, if necessary, by applying a sealing compound (putty or mastic).
(c) In firing, hold the barrel in one hand and pull on the release pin with the other hand.
M60 fuse lighter.
The attachment and operation of the M60 Fuse Lighter are as follows:
(a) Unscrew the fuse holder cap two or three turns.
(b) Press the shipping plug into the lighter to release the split grommet, and rotate the plug as it is removed.
(c) Insert end of fuse in place of the plug until it rests against the primer.
(d) Tighten the fuse holder cap sufficiently to hold the fuse tightly in place and thus waterproof the joint.