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The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) Page 6
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Page 6
One of the men asked the leader something in Finnish, and she wished she had taken the time to learn the language before coming here. Too late now, she thought glumly.
The leader scoffed. “She is half-human. She is foreign. Disease among us. She is not real wolf. She is not true shifter. She is not Finn. She is pollution to us. She must be destroyed.” Her heart jolted in her chest. As scared as she was, Summer tried to keep her focus on the conversation, disregarding the ghastly implications for the time being.
Someone spoke in Finnish again, and Summer could distinguish Annukka’s name as the man used a worried tone. The leader shouted something back in the same language, and the next thing Summer knew was she had been lifted off the chair into a fireman’s grip, draped over a huge man’s shoulder, and was being carried somewhere blindfolded and bound.
She fought back, kicking and squirming, but to no avail. The grip didn’t loosen, and the man just kept on walking. They descended stairs, stone by the sound of the man’s boots on it, and the air got chillier and damper, so she deduced they were going deeper underground, perhaps in a cavern of some kind. From such a place no one would ever find her. She cursed herself silently for not bringing Rik along, and tears swelled hot in her eyes.
Will this really be my end?
Thrown off his shoulder, she landed on her back hard on an unyielding floor. Steps moved off, and a heavy metal door was slung shut with a loud clank. Whimpering in pain, she struggled with the restraints. Rope wasn’t strong enough to hold her wolf, and, with an inarticulate cry, she tore the rope to shreds. She lifted the blindfold, blinking in dim lighting.
The cell was small, with no windows and only one reinforced metal door. Constructed of stone, the cramped space was ice cold. There was dry straw on the floor, but it didn’t add an ounce of warmth. Hugging herself to keep warm, Summer studied the room but saw no other way out except the door. And she seriously doubted anyone would come free her.
Why had they let her live? From the sound of it, there must have been a disagreement about her fate, and Annukka was, at least, partially involved in that argument. Perhaps they worried she would not approve of this course of action regardless of their claims that a mere half-blood like her would be worthless, and headed for death.
She relived the one-sided conversation. The man had said they were full wolves, as opposed to Summer. They had used the word shifter. That meant her mother Emma had been a complete wolf shifter too, and as she had married a human man, which resulted in a child, namely herself, Summer was a werewolf, who was just part-human and part-wolf. This wasn’t something that had worried her as a child, but now she felt concerns.
If these men had a pack of wolves, and Annukka and Emma had been a part of that, it meant that Summer had not just a lineage of wolves, but she was part of a larger community, which suggested there were more wolves than just these men, who hated her guts for being born a mere half-wolf. And yet they had mentioned something else too, that she smelled like a traitor. Whatever that meant.
She’d sort everything out once she was clear of this hell hole.
“I have to get out of here,” she said to herself out loud, reinforcing her decision. Unless these abductors sought to starve her to death, which would take time because the wolf would heal her, one or more of them would come by at some point to feed her. “That’ll be my opening. I have to make the best of it.”
Positioning herself close to the back of the door, Summer crouched by the wall, keeping an eye on the immobile door, and braced herself for a long wait.
Chapter Five
Waking up after a long night of hot sex would’ve felt far better had Rik not woken up alone.
With blurry eyes, as though he’d been out on the town on a binge, Rik scanned the bedroom, finding it empty. The apartment was silent. Summer was not there. Even her scent had dissipated from the air. She’d been gone for a while now. Raking a weary hand through his bed-tousled brown hair, Rik wondered how the hell that had been possible, since as a wolf he typically heard if a neighbor burped after dinner. How had Summer managed to leave without a sound to arouse Rik from his slumber?
Inside he knew the answer. The sex last night. The overwhelming, phenomenal sex that had shaken Rik to the core.
Only once before had sex felt so intense, and that had been with a man. The man who had bitten him and turned him into a werewolf.
And now there was Summer.
What did it all mean?
Sluggishly, feeling more than a little groggy, he stumbled out of bed, made his way to the bathroom on trembling legs, relieved his aching bladder, and climbed into the shower, washing away most of the remnants of last night’s assignation, sweat and saliva, his cum and her juices, all evidence of the most perfect night Rik had ever spent with a woman. Perhaps to hold onto the physical reminders he took a quick shower, not really minding if he wasn’t perfectly clean, but at least shaving. For him, stubble was too big of an evidence of his furrier nature, so he chose to keep his jaw always shaved.
After drying off, Rik searched for new boxers. While he was putting them on he happened to take a glance at the nightstand upon which lay a white piece of paper. Scratching his hair and yawning, he read the note.
And he nearly had a heart attack.
Summer had definitely not mentioned that her ancestors came from that village. Of all the places in the world. Rik cussed out loud. This was no joking matter. Even four years ago that area had been a political hotbed for the central shifter clan, consisting of a disputed part of clan lands. It had belonged to humans, even though many clan members heralded from that region. Some clan members expected the village and the surrounding areas to be claimed officially by the clan so that no outsider shifters could pass, but Leevi, the Prime Alpha of the clan, had decided against it because that stretch of land had a major road traveling through it, and it would have been unreasonable and unethical to completely cut off access to the north for other people beside the clan. Rik had been proud of Leevi for making this decision, but that move had earned Leevi enemies.
One of them had been Jaakko, Leevi’s Beta at the time. Rik had heard that Leevi and Jaakko had since then gone their separate ways, partly because of the political situation, partly because of Rik. Those who were born wolf shifters typically stayed close to their birth pack for life, sans the pack master’s parents, and when one was turned into a werewolf the same unspoken rule was expected to apply. Only, Rik had left of his own accord when he had learned, from Jaakko of all people, that Leevi would not have needed to transform him in order to mate with him. He had wanted to build his own life and be independent of his instinct to submit to Leevi in everything. And, worse than that, Leevi had loved him so much that he had let Rik leave without protestation. Jaakko and his crew had not taken that well, seeing that as proof positive that Leevi was too weak to rule as Prime Alpha when he couldn’t even control his own mate. The rest of the clan respected Leevi too much to resent him, so instead they despised the reason that made Leevi appear vulnerable, Rik.
Since those days, Jaakko had abandoned his post as Beta and had gone underground with his followers, a mere half a dozen clan members, to form his own pack on clan lands near the Hell’s Lake National Park. As it was, Jaakko was a danger to all shifters going through the area.
And possibly to foreign women who traveled alone, professing a familial tie to a village under dispute. Someone who could disappear without raising red flags.
Suddenly there was no end to the worries plaguing Rik’s anxious mind, and he knew what he had to do. He had to find Summer, even if it killed him, or worse, brought him together face-to-face with his former lover and sire.
The drive from Helsinki to the village where Summer’s mother hailed from would take at least three hours, closer to four with pit stops. Yes, the first two hours would be a dull, virtually straight line from Helsinki to Tampere on the highway, and the prospec
t of a long, boring ride that gave too much pause to reflect unnerved Rik more than he liked to admit. Still, he gritted his teeth and drove down to the highway.
Very quickly the few apartment buildings near the road changed to bushes and ditches, then to patches of forests and wide open fields. Most of the trip would be like that. The air was cool and refreshing, and, despite the time of the year, Rik dared to roll down the window for some crisp oxygen. The hue of the sky lingered somewhere between blue and gray, and a few whitish rags of clouds hung here and there, dotting the otherwise clear spring sky. One field and wooded area changed into another as he accelerated to a constant speed, unable to resort to cruising since his old car didn’t have that option.
As it was spring, some trees had tiny light-green buds, but most stood bare unless evergreens. Still, the smell of the earth was strong even amidst the arid dust of the road and the occasional fumes. Dispirited, Rik closed the window, sighed, and continued driving down a highway empty of traffic except for the odd car and truck.
He felt decidedly uncomfortable having to return to his old stomping grounds. What were the odds that the one woman who’d caught Rik by the short and curlies was headed to the same area of Finland where Rik had met his fate four years ago? A trip down memory lane, in his head or in real life, didn’t help matters. This morning he’d felt so comfy. He’d forgotten what it was like to just have fun. Sex with Summer had been fun. Just talking with her had been exhilarating.
Rik missed the ease of it.
Nothing had ever been easy with Leevi.
Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Their first hook-up had been fun and exciting.
Give yourself to me. Leevi had said that to Rik the first night they spent together. The first night with a man who was more than a man. That had not been the night when he’d discovered the truth about his lover, but it was then that Rik had known he wanted more than sex, which is why he’d left Helsinki to live with Leevi after only one night. Reminiscing on this singular act of sheer impulsiveness reminded Rik of Summer and her rash departure from all she knew to venture into a foreign land in search of any traces of living relations.
Summer and Leevi were like night and day. Summer was open and honest, a sweet little temptress. Leevi was glum and brooding, a ruggedly handsome Alpha personality.
Yet, that first night Leevi had been so much fun.
“I’ve got a hot dog, and you’ve got the buns to match.”
Spending his twenty-fourth birthday at DTM, the hottest gay nightclub in Helsinki, was turning out just plain weird. Rik turned toward the man who had whispered that more-than-a-bit cheesy pickup line in his ear with a smooth, sultry voice.
Damn, the man was hot with a capital “H.” The owner of the voice had at least five inches on Rik, being perhaps six foot four inches or six foot five. Taller than some trees, for fuck’s sake. With a golden-blond head of hair that glowed like a halo around him, the guy was sizzling hot, and Rik wondered if he was really a saint or a sinner, hoping for the latter. Those gilded strands cascaded to brush against his broad, muscular shoulders. In fact, all of him that Rik could see was pure muscle and bone, streamlined to perfection, probably able to squash Rik like a bug if he wanted to.
But his blue eyes, like sapphires, spoke of a different kind of want.
Despite his damn fine looks, his expression was a bit sheepish, and slightly blushing. Rik had planned on laughing at the man’s pathetic attempt at a pickup, but that look was too endearing to do so. And what came next just confirmed how absolutely adorable the man was.
“Smile if you think I’m so funny you want to spend the night with me.”
Now the man’s cheeks were positively beet-red. He was obviously more than aware of how awfully ridiculous he sounded, but that quick flash of a grin, pearly white teeth showing, was tentative and sweet, and Rik just had to smile at that.
As they were both leaning against the main bar counter, their stances mirrored each other in a laidback, easy way, and the guy looked pleased at getting a positive response out of his funny come-on. But Rik could tell the man was unaccustomed to these sorts of hook-ups. And that just made him hotter for the gorgeous guy. “Hi, I’m Rik.”
“I’m Leevi.” His rural accent was cute, and Rik’s body flushed with heat.
Then Leevi extended his hand in a formal handshake. Rik had not expected that given their informal surroundings. Nonetheless, the reaction to clasp the offered hand was pure reflex.
Only it didn’t feel like a hand touching him, but a live wire or a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves coursing through his body. Like magic, Rik had never experienced such a strange, bewildering response to a mere first physical contact.
It shook him to the core as Leevi shook his hand, and from the blue flames in the man’s eyes, he must have felt it too.
This really almost topped the sex that he knew would come. This reckless lightning-speed, get-to-know-enough-about-you-to-fuck-you-tonight routine held such promise of things to come.
And, damn, Rik wanted to come with this guy. “Wanna get out of here?”
Honking his horn at a small car blocking the fast lane with his dawdling, Rik slowly moved to the right lane. He barely controlled the urge to flip the guy and instead preoccupied his hand with turning on the windshield wipers to ward off the drizzle that had begun.
It had been a long time since he’d thought about that first night with Leevi. The warm tightening of his chest didn’t promise anything but more heartache.
But Leevi had been so gentle that first time they were together, so attentive and open that Rik had fallen for him right then and there. He had never really thought of himself as either-or, gay or straight. He was an equal-opportunity modern-day Casanova who saw what he liked and went for it, regardless of gender.
He’d been able to tell that Leevi was into guys. Not that on the way to his hotel room, Leevi had been on a business trip for his garage, his eyes hadn’t briefly veered to pretty girls passing by, but Rik was certain Leevi preferred his company to any of theirs.
And that conclusion had been confirmed when they’d reached Leevi’s hotel room at Sokos Hotel Vaakuna with a spectacular view over the rooftops of the railway station. Leevi had barely given Rik the chance to stagger backward properly before he had lifted him up and thrown him onto the queen-size bed with a light-colored wooden headboard of sleek, modern design, plump white pillows, and crisp white sheets.
“Easy, man,” Rik chuckled into Leevi’s rough kisses that tasted of beer and, for some reason, blueberries. He must have had a drink of blueberry schnapps earlier. “I’m not going anywhere.”
That statement made Leevi stop and actually look a little embarrassed over his frantic behavior. His grin was both baffled and apologetic. “Sorry. I guess I just want you too much.”
Heat pooled in Rik’s groin, and his cock stood up in attention. He smiled reassuringly. “It’s no problem. But unless they’re kicking you out of here within the next half an hour, I think we can take our time.”
Leevi cocked his head to left, a curious expression on his ruggedly handsome face with light stubble that Rik wanted to scratch and those lengthy fair tresses he wanted to wind around his fingers. The man seemed confused, like he didn’t know what to do.
“You all right, man?” Rik asked concerned. “This isn’t your first time, is it?” Rik himself had been with three guys prior to Leevi, but only one had lasted beyond one night, and even that had ended after a fortnight. Most of his one-night stands had been with women.
A salacious grin broke over Leevi’s face. “No. Not my first time. Just not used to picking up guys at clubs. Been sticking pretty close to home until now.” Kneeling between Rik’s splayed legs, Leevi said in a lower, more cautious tone, “But I do want you. You do too, right?”
At that Rik let out a relieved laugh. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
Leevi sighed and got comfortable, sitting on his heels on the bed, the position tightening his already taut jeans near t
o breaking point, hugging the man’s strong thighs like a second skin that Rik wanted to lick all over. Leevi’s fingers flicked rather expertly over Rik’s fly, popping the button on top open and unzipping to reveal the thin layer of Rik’s lucky underwear made of black silk. They’d cost a fortune but were well worth it every time his lover, man or woman, got their first glimpse of them. Leevi’s right hand began to rub the hard outline of Rik’s cock that swelled bigger and harder with every caress. Each time Leevi touched him a tingle went through his body, although not as shocking as the first time they brushed hands.
“Oh, yeah,” Rik huffed as his head fell back to the mattress. The hotel room’s windows were soundproof, so, even though the hotel was situated in the very heart of the city, no outside noise could be heard. Only the slight hiss of skin on silk. It was luxury and ecstasy in one, Rik thought, and gave in to being cherished.
“Why did you choose me, Rik?”
He was so busy feeling that rough hand massage his cock that it took Rik a moment to realize Leevi had addressed him. “Huh?” He peered up through the brown strands of his hair that had fallen over his eyes as his head had dropped onto the mattress. Though Leevi’s big palm did not stop doing those heavenly things to him, Rik could tell the man was serious.
Why had he? The guy was funny in a curiously unfunny way, there’d been a mixture of shyness and self-confidence that Rik had found fascinating, and then there was the scent. Even back at DTM, where odors of all sorts from perfumes and colognes to drinks and snacks abounded, Leevi’s unique smell had reached Rik’s nostrils from the instant the man had leaned near his ear from behind him to whisper those cheesy words. Earthy and musky. Not cologne as far as Rik could tell, but surely no man could smell so fantastic naturally? That intoxicating flavor lingering on his senses had made him turn around despite the ludicrous enticement.