The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) Read online

Page 4

  Finally she was up against the bed and stood there waiting for him, biting her lip in what looked almost like uncertainty. He moved forward slowly, letting his hackles subside and gently clasping her head in his hands as he nuzzled her face, giving in to the earlier urge to lick her cheek as she stroked his hair and pushed her hips against his.

  Taking hold of her on both sides of her waist, Rik found he could easily lift her, despite the fact that she was nearly as tall as he was, and threw her onto the bed. She laughed as she landed on her back and started to scramble away again.

  He wasn’t having any of it, and, grabbing her ankles, he swiftly pulled her toward him as he knelt on the bed. She squealed as her legs were spread to either side of him, and he pushed his face into her lace-covered pussy. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his nose into her as much as he could. God, she smells good. It was the smell of arousal, of woman, of primeval need.

  When he snuffled her, taking in several quick sniffs, she pushed at his head, laughing. “Hey.” Hell, he had let out more of his wolf than he realized, and abruptly he reined himself in. Ever since the time he had left Leevi he had refused to let his wolf out again, but he did have to fight hard to keep it at bay, particularly during the three nights of the full moon, and times of strong emotion. But it had never happened when he had been in bed with anyone, just when he was angry or upset. Shit. He needed to calm down.

  The problem was Summer wasn’t making it easy as she scooted out from under him quickly pulling off her underwear as she ducked her head to take his cock in her mouth. Her lips, wrapped around his erect silky cockhead, protruding past his foreskin, were blissful. “Christ, Summer. Hell and damnation, that feels good.”

  She giggled around him, causing vibrations to rake all over his skin and her teeth to rub against him before she sucked deeply, drawing her mouth down his length until he was nearly out before returning, her forehead resting on his pubes.

  He shuddered and gritted his teeth, fighting the need to come then and there. He pulled out of her with a wet pop. “Enough, girl. I’ll come if you do that.”

  Propping herself on an elbow she caressed his chest. “That’s the idea, lover.”

  “You are an evil English woman. My mother told me to beware strange women, particularly foreign ones.”

  Chortling at this, Summer responded, “But I’m half-Finnish, remember?”

  “And that’s the only reason why I’m allowing you to stay. I’m hoping your Finnish genes will remember that the man is the dominant one here.”

  Her taunt was teasingly mocking. “Huh! Is that right? I know from my Viking research that the woman was actually in charge of the household. Did you know that the word 'husband’ comes from that era because on marriage the woman would get control of the keys of the household, and she could lock him in, and he would become 'house-bound’.”

  Rik rolled his eyes. “Rubbish.”

  Innocently, she argued, “It’s true. At least that’s what I’ve read.”

  “You do realize that the Vikings never actually had much of a presence here.”

  She laughed. “And I had envisaged modern-day Finnish men to be the descendants of those hunky Vikings. Of course, if you can demonstrate your superior strength, I’ll submit. But do remember that with my sporting background I could probably outrun you any day.”

  Uh-oh. That was a battle cry if he ever heard one, or at least a provocation. The little she-wolf is goading me. Well, two could play that game. Before she got the chance to ascertain his intentions, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back to his front as he rose to his knees. Her arms flailed in the air, and her knees scrambled for purchase on the bed, but he held her tightly, his time in the gym proving its worth as he pushed her onto all fours, pressing her firmly down. Her body was tense as she struggled to get away, so he nudged her head with his. “Submit, Summer.” His arm was still locked around her, his other hand on the bed holding himself up. He growled against the soft shell of her ear, “Come on, Summer. Give yourself to me.” His voice was deep and husky. It brought back unbidden memories of Leevi saying the same thing to him.

  When she relaxed beneath him, he trembled and licked her nape. She giggled. “That tickles.”

  He continued to suck and lick her, but unlocked his arm around her waist and widened his knees, pushing her legs further apart. She leaned down onto her elbows, and pushed her butt into his crotch. His kisses moved across her shoulders until he came to an intriguing mark on her right shoulder that he had noticed earlier. Looking at it now, he could see it was a tattoo, and he started.

  “Um, Summer. What’s this?”

  “A tattoo. Duh.”

  “Okay, so I know what it is, but why do you have one, and why a wolf’s head?”

  “Oh.” He could tell she was a little nervous. “Well, I got it on my first holiday with a girlfriend from uni when I turned twenty-one. We were at the seaside, and there was a tattoo parlor on the promenade. My friend dared me to have one. Of course, I couldn’t resist. This was one of those I could choose from the tattooist’s book, and I liked it the best.”

  Still drawn to the rather lovely picture of a black wolf, he sucked the skin at the nape of her neck between his teeth. Rik swiftly pulled away when he realized he had nearly bitten her. Hell. He had to be careful. He didn’t mean to do to her what Leevi had inadvertently done to him.

  Lifting his head he said, “Sorry, you’re going to have a hell of a bruise.”

  Summer laughed. “What, that hickey? Don’t worry. I’ve had worse marks from the sports field.”

  Thank God she thought it was just that, and he rubbed her shoulder over the bruise, running his fingers down her spine and around her body to cup a breast, the outline of her tight, hot nipple pushing into his palm. She arched her back down, pressing into his hand, inadvertently pushing her butt up. As she did so, his very hard, and throbbing, cock slipped to the entrance of her pussy.

  Wanting to make sure she was ready, he released her breast and reached down to press his fingers into her curls. Oh, she was ready all right if her flowing juices were anything to go by. “Hell, Summer. You are so wet.”

  She chuckled. “I hope you have more spare sheets. These are going to be sodden by the time we’re finished.”

  He laughed back and pushed a finger inside her.

  Summer gasped breathlessly. “Rik, for God’s sake. Just get inside me.”

  Pulling out of her, he gave her beautiful backside a swift spank. “I’m the one on top here. We’ll do it my way.”

  She peered over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing. “Or else what?”

  “Or else I’ll drive you back to the airport and deport you myself,” Rik replied, lifting his chin defiantly.

  Summer shrugged. “As long as you do it afterwards, that’s fine by me.”

  Laughing loudly, Rik couldn’t wait any longer, and, quickly grabbing a condom from his bedside drawer, he donned it before easing himself into her dripping vagina. He slipped in effortlessly and she groaned when he bumped her cervix. One thing he knew for certain, he was very long in the male member department. Gripping her hips, he eased himself away from her. He trembled as he did, and the muscles in her sheath contracted, wanting to keep him in there. He thrust back in, relishing her tightness and heat as she pushed against him. Her moans beneath him were a delicious sound, urging him on.

  It didn’t take much and he started plunging in, slowly at first, letting her body adjust to his size, getting faster as her juices enabled the fluency of his movements. After a few moments the action was working so well he let go of one of her hips to run a hand up and down her spine. She shivered, almost violently.

  “Ohh, Rik. That’s wonderful.”

  He chuckled. “Like that, do you?”

  “Yessssss. Oh God, Rik, do that again.”

  Smiling, he repeated the action she particularly liked, him caressing her lower back, continuing all the while to move in and out of her slick, wet pussy. When
she started quivering, he let his head fall back and groaned his own enjoyment. God, this is bliss.

  His strokes got faster, and his own body shook in reaction as he felt sweat pouring down his back.

  “Ahhh. That’s so good. Hell, Rik, if I didn’t know better I’d swear you just got bigger inside me.”

  She chuckled hoarsely, and he thought she had just made it up, but it brought Rik up sharply, and he started to slow. Shit. It couldn’t be. But his body took over, and he couldn’t stop himself thrusting in again and again as his balls tightened.

  Keening whimpers started coming from Summer’s mouth. “Oh God, oh God. Ahhhh.”

  That was enough to push him over the top, and his semen shot up out of Rik as he climaxed, clenching onto Summer’s hips to stop himself from falling on top of her.

  Breathing heavily he shook his head to regain his senses and take stock of the situation. Yup, just as he feared. He had swelled inside her. How the hell am I going to explain this? It had never happened before, apart from when he had mated with Leevi. Only then it had been Leevi locked into him. But by God, it feels good. So how to tell her he could be locked into her for the next thirty minutes or thereabouts? Just like real wolves, that was one of the joys, and annoyances, of being wolf shifter, except that the swelling usually took place before the climax. Hell, he was still hard as well as swollen.

  Summer started to move beneath him, so he came to the conclusion that decisive action was called for. Thinking quickly he started to move inside her in a circular motion since he couldn’t move any other way. But he had to be careful as he didn’t want the condom to split. Very careful considering how big he now was.

  She glanced back, startled but curious. “Yikes, Rik. What are you doing?”

  Holding her hips steady as she tried to pull away, he told her, “Like it? Stay still and enjoy it.” He knew he was pressing on her G-spot. He might have had relations with men and knew where the prostate was, but he had also had several girls and knew exactly where their G-spot was too. He winced a little at the acknowledgement of how many one-night stands he’d had, well, before Leevi anyway. Since then Rik had avoided casual sex, worrying about the animal part of himself. Sure, he did have sex still, but not as often as before.

  Summer whimpered. “Oh God, Rik, that’s fabulous, but how on earth can I feel like this when I’ve just climaxed?”

  Chuckling, he stated, “You’ve just never had such a great lover before. It’s something we Finns are renowned for. There’s nothing else to do in the winter after all.” Yes, it was partly a joke, but not entirely, he grinned to himself.

  She scoffed at his blatant arrogance. “Huh! Are all Finnish men so…”

  “So good-looking? So amazing in bed?”

  Barking a laugh, she replied, “I was going to say big-headed and full of bullshit.”

  “Oh, a dare. Bring it on, Brit-girl. You’ll go back home telling your friends how wonderful Finnish men are by the time I’m finished with you.”

  That got a long moan from her as he pressed downward on that special place within her. “Shut up, Finn-boy, and put your money where your mouth is.”

  Smiling at her sassy attitude, Rik tried to think back to what Leevi had done that time. Of course, this would be different, but he remembered Leevi’s hands caressing his butt, and groaned at the wonderful memory. God, he missed him so much. And yet he loved what he was doing with Summer. It felt right, just like being with Leevi had felt right, and that confused him mightily. How could he feel the same strong emotions about this girl so quickly that he had experienced with Leevi? Yet, he recalled, with a start, the extent of the connection he had felt with his former lover had been right from the beginning, before he had even gotten to know the man.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he concentrated on the current moment. They couldn’t stay on their knees for the next half hour or however long it took, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and very carefully, with some grunting of his own and a squeak from Summer, eased them onto their sides.

  When she relaxed again, he proceeded to fondle her butt like he had been thinking of doing, enjoying the firmness of her muscles that came with her job. He was still moving inside her slowly and could feel her orgasm rising again, her shivers and jerks giving her away, so he reached around and fingered her clit, rubbing his thumb over the swollen nub, so hot and trembling, wet and silken.

  “Ohhhh. Ahhhh. Christ, Rik.” That came out in one long explosion, and Summer took a long breath back into her depleted lungs as her body jerked in her climax. He gritted his teeth, his own orgasm not far off, but the wolf in him wanted to wait. Then he noticed the hairs on his arms were getting longer. Hell. He yanked his arm behind her so she didn’t see, and took a deep, calming inhalation of air, letting it out very slowly.

  For a few moments all he heard were the sounds of their breathing in unison as she seemed to match his long, slow exhalations. Then Summer wriggled her hips. “I can’t believe you are still inside me, and hard.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her ear. “Believe it, darling.”

  Back in control of his body, but still rocking gently inside her, he ran a hand inside her thigh, aware of her juices trickling down her leg. On an impulse he gathered the juices and rubbed them into her butt, enjoying the scent rising as he did, which told anyone who smelled her that she was his. He hoped she didn’t ask what he was doing because he didn’t have an easy excuse. Maybe an old Finnish custom? He might be able to pull off that party line to hide the existence of werewolves.

  As he ran his hand along her buttocks, he rubbed his thumb over her puckered hole and suddenly became aware of an overwhelming urge to fill her in every capacity. When she started moaning again he saw that he had entered her tight hole with his thumb without meaning to. He was startled that she might like being breached there. He’d never done it with a girl, only a guy. His thoughts started rioting with images of what it would be like if she had another lover making love to her at the same time as he did.

  Christ. I’m a pervert. But as he removed his thumb and thrust into her pussy again, aware he had relaxed enough to complete his orgasm he ignored a strong desire for someone else to be fucking him while he was inside her and exploded inside her for the final time with a loud cry, his body jerking behind her. But it was enough, and he finally softened enough to slip out of her.

  Summer was panting, her bosom heaving and glistening with sweat. Without a word she closed her eyes, snuggled more comfortably on the mattress, and sighed in a manner that suggested she was about to rest there for the night. Rik would not have wanted it any other way.

  Kissing her shoulder, he wrapped his arms around Summer’s shoulder, holding her close. He was relieved to have got past that moment, and then he grinned. It had been rather fabulous while it lasted.

  Chapter Four

  Holy hell.

  The first thought to run through Summer’s waking mind was just that. Wow. Her body felt supple, lean, and nimble after a night of pleasure and multiple orgasms, and she found herself stretching languorously on the bed, like a sated cat, practically purring, even if it was a rather inappropriate analogy.

  Yes, orgasms of this caliber were definitely new to her, same as spending a night of genuinely hot passion with a virtual stranger. All the flings she’d had over the years had given her sexual experiences of varying quality with different kinds of men, but she remained emotionally withdrawn and had surrendered her heart to no man. True passion, like she had shared with Rik, came along once in a blue moon.

  Stifling a yawn, Summer brushed her blonde hair from her face and turned to lie on her back. Her last night’s amazing lover, Rik was softly snoring next to her, lying on his stomach, his handsome face buried in the pillow, his muscular arms crunching the sheets around him. He was fast asleep, Summer gathered, and she sighed. As much as she was tempted to rouse the man from his slumber for another bout of passionate lovemaking she had a schedule to keep.

  Well, not
so much a rigorous schedule as a firm plan she wasn’t willing to abandon in the arms of a guy, no matter how accomplished a lover he had turned out to be. Because of her wolf, her natural inclination to love ’em an’ leave ’em reared its ugly head. Still, Rik was special, and there was an odd and equally natural pull within her heart to remain with him.

  She quickly shrugged off the emotional residue of the post-orgasmic high, and knew any man would be better off without her anyway.

  Cautiously slipping out of bed, Summer made her way to the bathroom on tippy toes. The building was old, and the wiring made the lights flicker noisily a bit before settling into a balmy glow, and, letting out a worried breath, she quietly closed the door. The shower head merely trickled lukewarm water over her body as she stepped under the pitiful spray, and she shivered, washing the remains of last night from her skin quickly.

  As her fingers touched her pussy, the enticing impulse to relive the sex she had had with Rik by pleasuring herself was too strong to resist. She bit her lower lip hard to prevent herself from whimpering as her fingers continued to caress and arouse her clit to life. Closing her eyes, she allowed her head to fall back against the cool tiles as her fingers worked past her clit and deeper inside the hot, wet crevice, thrusting in harder to reach the edge of delight.

  Suddenly there was a loud thump from the apartment above her. She started, frozen in place, irrationally afraid she had been seen through solid walls.

  “Get a grip, girl,” she admonished herself, part amused and part annoyed. Anyway, the moment of arousal was gone. Harrumphing, she finished, got out, and dried herself off, letting the towel rest to dry over the radiator.

  All was still in the bedroom, the thin, light-hued curtains letting in a little morning sunshine. Summer could tell it was cool outside from the frost flowers gathered on the corners of the windows, so she made her way to her bag and dug inside for warm clothes. She wondered in passing whether she should put on tights and an undershirt to ward off the nippy climate of Finland in the spring. But her wolf hated the tightness and constricting feeling of any kind of underwear so she stuffed the clean underwear back into the bag and went with nudity. In the end, she chose simple, well-worn gray jeans, a tight, amber-colored T-shirt, and a vermilion-hued woolly blouse over it, tying it around her waist with long ribbons that were attached to the blouse. Her one fashion indulgence was scarves, so she had this light-strawberry colored one she adored and quickly wrapped it around her neck. She had several pairs of shoes to choose from—high heels, espadrilles, and leather boots. Since she knew nothing about rural Finland and the terrain there, she decided to go with her light-brown, mid-calf leather boots she quite liked.