Hot SEAL, New Orleans Nights (SEALs in Paradise) Read online

Page 10

When he faced Amelie, she was leaning to the side to see around him. “Why are they all watchin’ you?”

  “Because I’m about to make an ass out of myself.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Thibaut…?”

  It was now or never. Not really never. But he did have to get it over with.

  He went to one knee.

  “Thibaut…?” she repeated, but this time nearly whispered it. And her eyes were getting sparkly like they were filling with tears.

  He reached for her hands. “Don’t you dare cry.”

  She nodded several times and wiped at her eyes. Then she waved her free hand. “You’re killin’ me, Thibaut.”

  He laughed softly, reassured by her reactions that she’d probably say yes. No, definitely, she’d say yes. “I love you, cher.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “You’re everything to me.”

  “I know, I know,” she blurted. “Go on…”

  His mouth stretched as he smiled at her. She was actually bouncing in the seat. “Amelie Rivette, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” She sprang from her chair and tackled him, knocking him on his ass. “Yes, yes.” She kissed him. “Yes!”

  “For the love of God, son, give her the ring!”

  Later that night, Amelie sat on her favorite perch. She held out her hand to admire the large, lovely diamond he’d bought her. “You did not have to get me anything so…ostentatious.”

  “Is it too big? I can take it back.”

  Alarmed, she shot him a glance, only to see his crooked grin. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” The one-and-half carat marquise diamond sat on a yellow gold band. “It’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad you love it.”

  “I’m sorry I knocked you over.”

  “Yeah, my brothers laughed their asses off.”

  “I couldn’t help it. When I saw them all staring through the window, it hit me what was about to happen, and I…” She shook her head. “I thought my heart was gonna explode out of my chest.”

  “I’m glad it didn’t,” he said, cupping a hand over her heart—and her breast.

  “Have you thought about when we should get married?”

  He found it hard to think that far ahead—especially when she was sitting on his dick. “We’re in no hurry. I’ve applied to the academy, but I’ll have to find some work in the meantime…”

  She pinched his nipple. “Soon, Thibaut. We never use condoms. Do you want your child old enough to be the ringbearer at our wedding?”

  “Our child?” His gaze shot to hers. “Are you—”

  “No, silly. I’m just sayin’ it’s inevitable.”

  “We could start using condoms,” he said, gripping her hips and moving her forward and back, hoping she’d get interested in finishing this.

  She wrinkled her nose. “It’s a little late now, don’t you think?” she said gazing down at where their bodies were joined.

  “I’ll tell you a secret,” he said, leaning up and embracing her, then rolling them both until he was on top. Now, he had control of the “conversation.”

  Lazily, she moved her legs to embrace him and smoothed her hands over his chest to caress his skin. “What secret have you been keepin’?”

  He leaned down to press a kiss on her soft, full lips. He also gave her a slow swirl of his hips. “I didn’t forget to buy condoms. I just never wanted to use them with you.”

  Her lips pursed. “Was that because you’re so selfish you didn’t want anything between your dick and me?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, and I decided I wouldn’t mind if we had…consequences…’cause then we’d have to get married.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This isn’t the old days. We don’t have to get married. Josette’s not gonna greet you with a shotgun to make you do it.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t underestimate your tante. She said she saw this in her cards, long before you came back. She was never worried about us. We were meant to be.”

  “I got a secret, too,” she said, her eyelids dipping. “I had dreams about you. All the same. You and me—and six kids runnin’ around like hooligans.”

  His eyes widened. “Any of your dreams ever come true?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then maybe that was just…wishful thinkin’?”

  She laughed. “You think I’m wishin’ for six damn kids?”

  “Well, let’s hope you’re not psychic…” Then he put an end to the talking by moving with purpose, stroking deeper through her tight, silky walls.

  “That’s what I like,” she whispered. “You crowdin’ up my pussy—so big and thick. Gotta enjoy it now, ’cause after those babies come…”

  “You’re crazy, Amelie. I’ll still be big enough to stretch you out.”

  She gave him a wide, sexy smile and squeezed her inner muscles around him.

  “Easy, cher,” he said. “Don’t wanna come too fast.”

  But she didn’t stop, giving him another squeeze.

  Thibaut growled and pulled free. Then he knelt and turned her to her stomach. She started to come up on her knees, but that wasn’t what he wanted. Not just yet. He dragged her over his thighs, face-down.

  She pushed up on her hands and shot a glance over her shoulder. “What’re you doin’?”

  “What you’ve been asking for,” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Thibaut Cyr! If you think—”

  He slapped her ass with a cupped hand, which produced a loud sound but not a lot of sting.

  “Oooh! You bastard!” she said, but she didn’t try to get away. Instead, she held still, her thighs beginning to quiver, and her ass lifted just a little…

  He gave her another thuddy smack, choosing a different spot, and then another.

  “I’ve been so bad,” she wailed.

  “Yes, you have,” he said, grinning widely. He flattened his palm and gave her a harder smack, just to see how she’d react.

  Her breath hissed between her teeth, and her arms folded under her. She dug her knees into the mattress on the other side of his thighs and inched them apart.

  He slapped her twice more then glided his fingers through her folds.

  She was soaked.

  Thibaut pushed her off his body then reached for the pillows. She groaned and lifted her hips, letting him slide them beneath her belly. Then he nudged her knees apart and bent to lick with the flat of his tongue. When he dove for her clit, she was clutching the sheets in her fists.

  “Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus,” she chanted.

  Her body writhed, and he could no longer ignore his own need. His balls felt strangled; his cock was so hard it ached. When he knelt behind her and spread her folds with his thumbs, he was the one hissing the second his dick breached her entrance and slid deep.

  He tried to keep his rhythm even, his pace measured, but she kept wiggling her ass and tossing her curly hair. He found he really loved this view of her, especially when he powered faster and jiggled her lush ass with each hard thrust. Six kids, huh? Fuck, he’d be in heaven making them.

  “Please, Thibaut!”

  He pulled free and turned her again, coming over her, coming close, because he wanted to see her eyes when she came, wanted her to see his. “I love you, Amelie.”

  Then he pushed into her and moved with slow determination, grinding against her clit at the end of each shortened thrust. At last, her eyes rolled back, her head tilted, and her fingernails dug into his shoulders. “Oh, God!”

  She came, her features straining then relaxing, her eyelids lowering nearly all the way. When she framed his face with her hands, he took that as his signal, and thrust one last time, releasing inside her.

  They kissed, tongues tangling, smoothing their hands over each other’s bodies as their blood cooled.

  “I wish we could end every day like this,” she said, her words slurring with sleepiness.

  “We will. Most days.” He kissed her, rolled to his back, t
hen waited as she snuggled closer, her hand going to his sticky cock to caress him. “We should sleep.”

  “Don’t wake me in the morning,” she said, then scooted downward and took him in her mouth.


  Nine months later…

  Amelie glanced down between her legs at Thibaut while she lay back on the mattress, her thighs dangling over the edge—and the last thing on her mind was sexy thoughts.

  Thibaut looked worried out of his mind while he peered at her vagina. “For fucksake, don’t push, Amelie. The ambulance is on the way!”

  “Don’t push?” she shouted, moving her feet to his shoulders because another hard contraction rolled across her belly. “You think I have a choice? Oh, right. I had a choice when I told you to forget the fuckin’ condoms.” She let out another loud, agonized groan that had Thibaut going pale with panic.

  “I can see his head. Oh, fuck!”

  She sobbed then bit her lower lip to hold back the next cry. She didn’t want to upset him, but fuck this hurt. “Don’t you let my baby fall out on the floor!”

  “Oh God, you pushed!”

  She felt another contraction, then the undeniable urge swept over her, leaving her feeling a little clammy. She fought, so hard, because she didn’t want him to deliver their baby, but maybe this was always the way it was meant to be.

  “Get your hands down there,” she gritted out.

  “No! Close your legs. I hear the siren. Just a couple minutes, cher.”

  “I can’t wait,” she wailed, and then she pushed, bearing down, her hands cinched in the bedding, her legs spreading, belly straining. She felt something shift inside her, felt an instant moment of relief, then the cramping started again, and she bore down, growling as she felt the large body of her baby pass through her channel.

  Then she heard something gulp and a loud wailing cry. She glanced down and saw Thibaut with his eyes wide and filling with tears. When he glanced upward and locked his gaze with hers, he whispered. “Push again. The baby’s almost free.”

  She was tiring, but she did as he asked, eager now to meet their child. Boy or girl, she didn’t care. Now, she knew there would be an even number of each sex. She’d “seen” it in her dreams. She bore down again and felt the slippery slide as her baby left her body.

  Josette rushed into the room, her arms filled with clean towels. “I left the front door open. They’ll find us,” she said.

  Amelie went up on her elbows. “Let me see.”

  Without dislodging her legs from his shoulders, he gently raised the baby and turned it to face her. A boy. “Oh good, he takes after you,” she said as took in his paler skin and square chin.

  “You think?” he asked, his face radiated pure joy.

  The baby whimpered.

  Josette held out her arms. “He’s cold after being inside his mama. Hand him here.”

  Thibaut passed the baby to Josette who wrapped a towel around the child. Then he stood and helped Amelie lie back on the bed, turning her to bring her legs onto the mattress, and tugging down her nightgown. He knelt beside her and kissed her cheek. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” he said, his voice thick.

  “He’s perfect, isn’t he?”

  “He is, but I’m talking about you, cher.”

  She smiled.

  “Someone havin’ a baby, here?” came a shout from downstairs.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Two EMTs arrived at the doorway.

  One of them smiled. “Looks like we’re a little late.”

  “She still has to pass the afterbirth,” Josette said, still holding the baby, “and you need to check this one out.”

  “We’ll transfer them both the hospital. I’ll bring the stretcher.” He disappeared again, clomping down the stairs, while the other took the baby and laid him on the bed to check his vitals.

  Thibaut watched with Amelie while their baby’s arms flailed. Both smiled.

  “C’est bon, yes?” Thibaut said, glancing sideways at her. “This life we’re building?”

  “C’est bon,” she murmured. “Don’t you need to go into the station? You’re on shift today.”

  “I’ll call in. They knew this was comin’.”

  She grimaced. “Think it’s about to get messy again.”

  He smiled. “I have it handled. Josette, you got more towels?”

  “How’d I get so lucky?” Amelie said. “A Navy SEAL who swoops in to the rescue, no matter if it’s a bad guy or a little baby.”

  “I prefer the baby.”

  “Me, too.”

  He kissed her again, then took the towels from Josette. Amelie’s work wasn’t done. But after she was released from the hospital, “Papa” would carry the heavy load for a while. He’d been born to do this. Raised in a family of Cajuns who took care of their own.

  “Five more, huh?”

  She gave him a glare. “Let’s not worry about that, right now.”

  He could handle six. So long as she was their mother. Making those babies would be his greatest joy. His most memorable mission.


  A Montana Bounty Hunters Story

  New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

  Delilah Devlin

  Chapter 1

  As a general rule, Reaper Stenberg didn’t like working with a partner, especially female partners. When chasing a target, he preferred to keep his head down and follow the leads. He didn’t like the “chatter” that usually accompanied being paired with a woman.

  However, partnering with Jamie Burke had taught him a few things. Women existed who could focus on the job at hand without letting silly distractions get in the way of his concentration. Jamie was one of those rare creatures who didn’t gossip, didn’t mess in his business, and could actually be useful when shit went sideways and they had to get physical. Her methods for subduing a target weren’t ones he’d ever employ, but she knew how to compensate for her smaller frame and lesser strength. Over the months since their boss, Fetch Winter, had put them together, Reaper came to admire the woman’s grit and ingenuity.

  Case in point was their present predicament.

  No, this time she hadn’t tripped bail jumper, Mark Rebos, with a Jackie Chan move, and no, she hadn’t gripped his balls and twisted so hard he begged for mercy. This time—while she’d run all out—she locked a cuff on her right wrist, jumped onto his back, and snagged his right with the other cuff. Now, they faced each other, squinting in the rain and ankle-deep in mud, and Rebos couldn’t swing without dragging her closer.

  The big man looked ready to explode. His pockmarked face was red, and his eyes bugged. Although Rebos was six inches taller than Jamie, and outweighed her by about eighty pounds, Reaper’s money was in Jamie.

  Rebos tried to draw back his arm, but Jamie flopped like a ragdoll, making him pull her weight around. He was tiring. “What the hell did you do that for?” he asked, his voice thick with frustration.

  Still breathing hard, Jamie shrugged. “Your wrist was the only thing I could reach. And you’re fast. I had to jump on your back before you pulled too far ahead. I was not running the length of Main Street again.”

  They were both drenched. Rain fell in sheets around them. When Reaper and Jamie had spotted Rebos leaving the tobacco store at the other end of Main, Reaper had no other option than to halt in the middle of the street while Jamie leapt out the passenger door. Thursday night in Bear Lodge, Montana was Bingo night, and the old folks had filled every parking spot along the street. He’d driven around the corner to park before following Jamie, who chased Rebos and yelled at the top of her lungs, “Fugitive Recovery Agent, dipshit!” Luckily, Reaper had time to draw a rain poncho over his head before speeding after them.

  When she’d leapt onto Rebos’s back, she’d taken him to the ground in the middle of a deep, muddy pit dug out by the torrent of water falling from the culvert above.

  “You need any help, partner?” Reaper drawled, standing under an awning on the sidewalk
above them.

  Jamie bent and placed her hands on her knees, which forced Mark to double over. Their heads bumped.

  She angled hers to frown at Rebos. “You gonna give me any more trouble?”

  Rebos shook his head. “Just unlock these,” he said, lifting their hands. He squinted at her in the deluge. “Hey, you’re that female bounty hunter, ain’t you?” he said, a slow grin stretching his mouth.

  “I’m a fugitive recovery agent,” she said, and then she strained to reach her left hand across her body to root inside her right front pocket.

  When her shoulders dipped, Reaper grinned. “Lose your key?”

  “I think they’re in yesterday’s pants,” she said, her voice rough with disgust.

  Reaper couldn’t help chuckling, which earned him a mean scowl from Jamie. He held up his hands. “All right. I have a key.” He reached into his left pocket, dug around, and then frowned. “Wrong pocket.”

  “Reaper…” she said, her lips tightening.

  Yeah, he was just kidding. He reached into his right and pulled out a key. “Children, hold up your hands.”

  Rebos snorted.

  Jamie gave him the evil eye.

  Reaper was feeling pretty good about this capture. He hadn’t had to bust a nut. And Jamie had provided him with a nice tale to share around the office. He unlocked the cuffs then pulled Rebos onto the sidewalk.

  Jamie waved away his hand and climbed up on her hands and knees, before straightening her backbone and marching away.

  Reaper wrapped his arm around Rebos’s shoulder and gave him a little shove forward. They had a ways to walk. “So, buddy, did I read your arrest warrant right—you stole the sheriff’s car?”

  The big man shook his head. “How was I supposed to know that piece of shit Hyundai was his?”

  Reaper patted his shoulder again. “Bad break, man. Hey, I’m gonna have to cuff you before I put you in the car.”

  “Yeah, I figured.” He held still while Reaper moved behind him and snapped the cuffs around his wrists. “So, tell me. The chick, your partner…she single?”