Reunited By The Badge (To Serve & Seduce Book 3) Read online

Page 6

Liza stood. “The CEO of Lender Pharmaceuticals is a freak, too. He has all kinds of porn on his computer.”

  “Porn?” Simone questioned. “What kind of porn?”

  “Golden showers seem to be his perversion of choice. Some real nasty stuff. But his emails make for interesting reading.” She suddenly jumped up excitedly. “And do you know that if he leaves the company his severance package will pay him over eighty million dollars? How crazy is that mess!”

  Paul was shifting through the printed documents, having barely heard Liza’s last comments. His focus was singular, his attention distracted. He was surprised by the volume of information Liza had managed to obtain and a lab report had him crunching data in his head.

  Liza shrugged her shoulders and headed for the stairs. Simone started to follow but Paul suddenly called her name, looking up abruptly from the documents he was reading. She turned around to see what he needed.

  Paul was staring at her intently, emotion flooding his face as he struggled with how to make things right between them. How to assuage her anger and get her to understand how much he appreciated her help. He was searching for the right words and struggled with finding them. How best to give her an out before they were both too deep in the midst of it to find their way out.


  “I would understand if this is too much for you to handle. If you didn’t want to see this through with me.”

  Simone bit down against her bottom lip, twisting her hands together anxiously. “Does that mean you don’t want me to help?”

  “It means I understand if you think it’s too much for you to handle.”

  She gave him a nod and turned, her hand on the railing. He called after her a second time.


  She took a deep breath before turning back a second time, her brow raised ever so slightly. Her tone was soft, just a hint above a whisper. “Yes, Paul?”

  “I still love you. I never stopped. I don’t know what may happen, but I needed you to know that.”

  * * *

  When Paul admitted his love for her, time seemed to come to an abrupt halt, the minute hand on every clock stalling. Words caught in Simone’s chest, a wealth of emotion smothering her thoughts. They stood staring at each other, something shifting in their relationship that clearly neither had anticipated. Unable to find the words to respond, Simone could only give him a nod of her head and then she turned, almost running back up the stairs.

  Hearing his declaration had been everything Simone had wanted. He still loved her. He had never stopped. Despite the time that had separated them, they had slid back into sync with each other and all she needed to do was say the words back. He needed to know she felt the same way, and she needed to ensure she didn’t screw it up like the last time.

  When Paul finally joined them at the breakfast table, Simone was regaling the two women with a story about Mingus and one of his many exploits as a child. Mama Hill and Liza were both laughing heartily. The matriarch gave him a stern look as she passed him the plate of bacon.

  “Sorry, Mama. I didn’t mean to take so long.”

  The old woman tossed Mingus a look and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I like this one,” she said, nodding eagerly. “Yes, I do. I like him a lot.” She shifted her gaze toward Simone. “He’s a keeper. Not that you asked my opinion, but if I were you, I’d hold on to him. Hell, if I were a few years younger I’d give you a run for your money!”

  “No, we’re...just...” Simone started, suddenly unsure how to identify the two of them. There was still so much they needed to figure out and even more that needed to be said. Telling people she’d barely known for a hour that Paul was the love of her life had her feeling completely out of sorts.

  “Friends. We’re just friends,” Paul concluded.

  Simone gave him a quick look, then dropped her eyes down to her plate.

  Mama Hill looked from one to the other and then she burst out laughing, her head waving from side to side. “Friends my ass!” she said. “You young people kill me! Even a blind man can see the kind of friends you two are!”

  * * *

  As soon as the meal was finished Paul headed back to the basement with Liza and Mingus. Simone hesitated just long enough for Mama Hill to point her toward the sink and the pile of dirty dishes. Her eyes widened and for a moment she almost balked, catching herself when the old woman pressed a wrinkled hand against her cheek.

  “Why are you so sad?” she asked, eyeing Simone intently. “You know that young man has deep feelings for you.”

  Simone felt a tear slip past her lengthy lashes and Mama Hill brushed it away with a calloused thumb. She nodded. “I do. He’s a great guy, but it will never work out. We’re too different.”

  Simone hated saying those words the minute they left her mouth. Hated that she’d even had the thought and had given it life. Every ounce of doubt and fear she had about their relationship manifested in those words, already rationalizing why them being together was destined to fail. Instead of thinking how to tell Paul she loved him back, Simone was reasoning why they shouldn’t be together.

  Mama Hill fanned a dismissive hand. “Girl, please! If you want it badly enough, you make it work. My late husband and I were like oil and water. That man worked my good nerve on a regular basis, but I loved everything about him. I fought hard for our marriage. Giving up would have been easy but the fight was so much sweeter.”

  “So how long were you two married?”

  “Thirty-eight years. He passed on back nine years ago. Was sitting right here in this kitchen fussing at me when he had a heart attack and never woke up.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Mama Hill passed Simone a dry towel and then she turned toward the sink. “We was good as gold while we lasted, even with the challenges we faced. I missed him something awful. Wasn’t sure I was going to make it when I happened upon Liza. She was just a little bitty thing and smart as a whip. Her mama was lost out here in these streets and her daddy was incarcerated. I became her foster mother and she’s been here raising hell ever since.” The woman chuckled, joy shining in her eyes.

  She continued. “I fostered a few other strays over the years. Then last year they said I was too old. So, now it’s just me and Liza and I can’t get her away from them computers long enough to meet a man. I keep telling her I want to see some grandbabies around here before I die.” She laughed as she rinsed suds from a dinner plate.

  Simone smiled. “My mother says the same thing. My brothers will probably give her grandkids before I or my sister do.”

  “How long have you and that pretty doctor been playing games with each other?”


  “Yes. Loving on each other one day, then mad about absolutely nothing the next day.”

  Simone blew a soft sigh. “Since we were in college together. It’s been off and on over ten years now.”

  Mama Hill shook her head. “Like my Douglas use to say, that’s enough time to piss or get off the pot. What are you waiting for?”

  Simone pondered the question, dropping the dishrag in her hand down to her side. She had often asked herself that question. When Paul had been overseas the answer had seemed obvious. Now he was back, proclaiming to still be in love with her, and she had no answer that would make an ounce of sense to anyone else.

  If Paul had been solely responsible for their future, they would have been married with a dozen kids. He had always been open about wanting marriage and a family to balance his medical career. Simone hadn’t needed either and earnestly believed she would be happier without the picket-fence fantasy. She had routinely stalled his quest to move their relationship forward, convinced she didn’t need a piece of paper to validate her commitment to him. She had fought him at every turn and he had still loved her. She was feeling pretty crappy about the whole thing as she brushed a fall of moisture from
her cheek.

  She lifted her eyes to find Mama Hill staring at her. Simone shrugged, forcing a smile to her face. She couldn’t find the words to answer, struggling once again not to cry.

  Mama Hill clasped a hand to her hip, the look she gave Simone scolding. “Let me give you another bit of advice you didn’t ask for,” she said. “Love ain’t easy. In fact, it’s damn hard work! But as long as that love isn’t toxic, it’s worth every ounce of effort you can give it. You love him and he loves you. Stop fighting it and just let yourself enjoy whatever it has for you.”

  Mama Hill untied the apron from around her waist. She crossed to the other side of the room to hang it on a hook near the door that led out to a rear deck. “I think I’m going to go watch me some Dr. Phil. I may fall asleep and if I do, don’t y’all wake me up. Whatever trouble you two done found yourselves in will work itself out. Just trust your instincts and hold tight to each other and everything will be okay.”

  “Thank you, Mama,” Simone said softly. “Thank you for everything.”

  The matriarch laughed. “Baby, thank the Lord! Pay me—advice ain’t never been cheap!”

  Simone laughed with her and when she disappeared behind a closed door at the end of the hallway, Simone turned toward the basement.

  * * *

  “How do you not test a drug? Federal regulations demand they test any product they put on the market. There have to be test results and research data somewhere besides the damn brochure!” Paul snapped, irritation blessing his words.

  He was sorting pages into individual piles and then slipping them into manila folders. With a permanent marker he jotted notes on the front of each, his scribblings only making sense to him. He met Simone’s stare as she eased her way to his side, her expression questioning as she peered down at the papers in his hand. He gave her a slight smile as he turned his attention back to Liza.

  Liza tossed her hands up in frustration. “I’ve looked in every file I could get into. There’s nothing there before it hit the market.”

  “And you looked everywhere?”

  “Everywhere I could without setting off any alarms that would let their IT department know I was there snooping. I ain’t interested in going to jail!”

  Paul closed his eyes, falling into thought. Clearly, what he had fathomed was turning out to be true. But there were still questions that needed to be answered. Things that didn’t make sense and he wasn’t sure if he was even asking the right questions or searching for the correct answers. Mostly, he needed to understand why.

  Mingus cleared his throat. “You two need to get a move on it,” he said. “It’s starting to get too hot for you to hang around here much longer. The police superintendent wants to see you both for questioning.”

  Simone gasped. “Daddy called you?”

  “Not yet. Parker messaged me so it’s just a matter of time.”

  “Where should we go?” Simone asked, a wave of anxiety washing over her.

  Her brother tossed Paul a look. “I’m told it’s handled. Just send me a text when you get there to let me know you’re safe.”

  Paul had opened his eyes, looking from Simone to Mingus and back. “You can still stay here with your brother,” he said. “I’d understand. It might actually be the best thing for everybody.”

  “That’s not an option,” she snapped.

  Silence rose full and thick between them. Paul finally nodded. “We’ll be okay,” he said, throwing Mingus one last look. Despite his uncertainty about what might come next, he was happy to know he hadn’t run her off and Simone was as determined to be with him as he was determined to be with her.

  He changed the subject. “Liza, can you give me all the info they have on the drugs they’ve manufactured over the last ten years?”

  Liza nodded. “That’s a lot of paper but if you want it, I can get it for you.”

  “Please,” he said. “I would really appreciate it.”

  “You know I can put it on a flash drive.”

  “I know. I’m going to need hard copy. And this, too, please.” He reached into his back pocket for the storage device he’d taken from the hospital. “If you can print out everything on here and then give it to Mingus for safekeeping.”

  “What’s on it?” Mingus asked, eyeing them both with a raised brow.

  Paul took a deep inhale of air. “Proof. Data I’ve been collecting since I first suspected something wasn’t right.”

  * * *

  An hour later Simone moved to the opposite end of the large work table. She leaned in to her brother’s side, wrapping her arms around his waist as she hugged him goodbye. Mingus was on his phone with their mother, purposely avoiding answering questions about her and Paul. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her back before pressing a light kiss to the top of her head, then pausing to push the mute button on his phone. “Take this,” he said, pulling a roll of one-hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and slipping it into the pocket of her jacket. “Do not, under any circumstances, use your credit cards,” he said. “If you need more, you call me.”

  Simone nodded, her fingers wrapping tightly around the wad of cash.

  “I mean it, Simone! If you use your cards anyone looking for you will find you.”

  “I get it,” she replied. Tears suddenly misted her eyes and she blinked to stall them from falling.

  Mingus turned his attention toward Paul. “Keep her safe,” he said, as they punched fists.

  “With my life,” Paul answered.

  Liza jumped from her seat, moving to hug them both. “I’ll keep digging. If I come up with anything, I’ll message you,” she said.

  “Thank you,” Paul responded.

  “Give Mama a hug for us,” Simone said.

  “Mama is not the hugging type, but I’ll tell her you said goodbye,” Liza said with a hearty laugh.

  After the couple went outside and settled down in the car, Paul told her, “You know you don’t have to do this, Simone.” He was giving her one last chance to change her mind and back out.

  “Do what?”

  “You don’t have to come with me. Especially since we don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  “I know that. Do you want me to drive?” Her eyes were wide and she gave him a bright smile. Without saying it aloud she was committed to running away with him, determined to make the best of a bad situation. Because being with Paul was the best of anything she could possibly imagine.

  Paul shook his head, a slight smile pulling at his full lips. “No, I’m good,” he said. He buckled his seat belt and started the engine. Shifting the car into gear, he pulled out of the parking space and into traffic.

  “So where are we going?” she asked.

  Paul cut an eye in her direction. “Canada,” he answered.


  “Yeah. My brother and I have a cabin there.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since our mother willed it to us. It was her family home. We invested a little money to restore it and now Oliver spends more time there than I do.”

  Simone stared as he pulled the car onto Interstate 94 east, headed toward Detroit. She suddenly had questions but figured she’d wait until there was too much distance between them and Chicago for him to consider turning around to bring her back. Because she had no intentions of coming back if he wasn’t coming with her.

  Simone had thought she knew everything there was to know about Paul. But this was the first time hearing he owned a cabin in Canada. When Paul’s mother died his second year in medical school, he’d been devastated, the loss unexpected. After the funeral his brother had handled the estate and Paul had thrown himself back into his studies, leaving himself no time to mourn. There had been moments when Simone had been concerned. He’d been moody: zealously happy one minute and bitterly sullen the next. She had suggested counseling,
passing him the telephone number of a therapist her mother had recommended. Weeks later he seemed to find a new normal and life had gone on without skipping another beat.

  Now there were things between them that she didn’t know. Experiences they hadn’t shared. A lifetime lived without each other. Thinking about it made Simone all kinds of sad.

  Simone reached for the radio and pushed buttons until she found the satellite station. Beyoncé was lecturing in perfect pitch, the lyrics harmonizing with a decadent Caribbean beat. Paul had gone quiet, falling into his own thoughts. Simone eyed him a second time, sensing that he was working through something in his head. She knew this mood and also knew she needed to give him space. She would ask her questions later, when he was ready for conversation. Reclining the seat slightly, Simone settled in for the ride.

  Chapter 6

  Paul slowed the car as he met a line of traffic on the Michigan freeway. Simone had been snoring softly and she woke with a start. Her eyes were wide as she sat upright and looked around.

  “Where are we?” she asked, stretching her arms in front of her.

  “Just outside Battle Creek, Michigan. We’re a little more than two hours from Detroit.”

  Simone looked down at her watch. “You’ve been driving for over three hours. You need a break.”

  “I’m good, actually. It’s given me some time to think. Do you need me to stop, though?”

  “I could use the bathroom. And you really do need to stretch your legs, Dr. Reilly. Didn’t you lecture me once about preventing blood clots?”

  Paul chuckled. “I don’t lecture.” His laugh was light and easy, making him feel like old times.

  Laughing with him, Simone rolled her eyes skyward. “Not much you don’t!” she muttered.

  Traffic was still crawling slowly. Paul shifted his buttocks against the seat to ease the tension tightening in his limbs. Simone reached for her phone, searching for restaurants near their location.

  “There’s a travel plaza right off the next exit. They have a diner and a McDonald’s and we can fill up the car.”