A Stallion Dream Read online

Page 6

  When they’d pulled into the building’s parking lot he had offered to carry her things to her door for her. She’d resisted at first, and then, in the blink of an eye, she’d changed her mind, inviting him to her door and inside. There had been the briefest moment of hesitation and he sensed she was second-guessing her decision. Then, just like that, she seemed resolved with her choice, giving him a quick tour of her spacious floor plan.

  He could feel her watching him as he took in her surroundings. There was no denying that he hoped to discover more about her now that he’d been welcomed into her home. Something in her demeanor hinted that not many men had ever had the privilege, so he was feeling particularly honored. He paused in front of the sofa table, admiring the framed photographs that adorned the top. He lifted one into his hands and stared at it. “You’re an only child?”

  “Yes! I am the brightest light in the lives of Lincoln and Patricia Jacobs, who have doted on me since the day I was conceived. They had just finished touring Westminster Abbey with some missionary church group when they sneaked off for some quality time together. Nine months later, they were blessed with me.”

  “And named you London for the memory?”

  She giggled, “It’s cheesy, I know!”

  “Actually, I think it’s very sweet.”

  “It really is. They’re cute, my parents. Very down-to-earth. Very simple folk. I think you would like them and I’m fairly certain they would adore you!”

  “I do have a way with parents,” he said smugly.

  London rolled her eyes skyward. “I just bet you do!”

  He chuckled warmly, “I imagine Mom and Dad are very proud of you and your accomplishments.”

  “I think they’d be prouder if I were married with two or three kids. They’re kind of old-fashioned that way.”

  Collin laughed, nodding his understanding.

  She gestured for him to take a seat. “What would you like to drink? I have a fully stocked bar.”

  “Whatever you’re drinking will be fine,” he said, as he moved to the living room sofa.

  She raised an eyebrow in thought as she stepped behind the wooden bar and filled two cognac glasses with Hennessy. She transferred the prized carrot cake from the box to two small plates. She gathered everything onto a tray and eased back to where he sat, settling on the cushioned seat beside him as she passed him a glass. “You’re quite pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Excuse me?” he chuckled softly.

  “You like to save people. It’s that hero complex of yours. I imagine you’re quite pleased right now. That you could come to the aid of a damsel in distress.”

  “Hero complex? Really?” Collin laughed. “You were hardly in a situation that you couldn’t handle yourself. And I imagine that if I ever referred to you as a damsel in distress, you’d probably take my eye out!”

  She laughed with him. “I’m glad you’re getting to know me.”

  He took a sip of the cognac she’d given him, savoring the robust taste. They continued their conversation and ate cake, enjoying each other’s company. He talked about being adopted by his father and having a baby brother. She shared that before her career in law she had wanted to be a painter and still dabbled in oils when the moment moved her. They talked about their jobs, the case and her five-year plan. He confessed to not being certain about his own future, still undecided about where he would eventually land in the legal game. Their talk wavered from serious to nonsensical and back. He made her laugh with his bad jokes and she amused him with her sarcasm. Each found the other engaging and delightful, and the ease with which they allowed themselves to be vulnerable in the moment surprised them both. They sat contentedly together for a good long while. She had turned on her stereo and someone’s jazz echoed out of the speakers. Eventually they found comfort in the quiet, neither needing to speak. It felt like the most natural thing for them to do.

  Neither was sure who fell asleep first. London had fallen against the sofa arm, her legs stretched outward. Collin had kicked off his shoes and was lying beside her. His back was pressed against the sofa cushions and his body was curled warmly around hers. One arm had fallen around her waist, holding her close, her buttocks pressed into his groin.

  Neither would argue that she woke first, her eyes flitting back and forth as she gained her bearings. She had no sense of time and was dumbstruck to find Collin still there and the two of them wrapped so warmly around each other. His breathing was heavy, deep exhalations of air that would have been loud snores if he’d been able to move his body to another angle. She turned her body slowly, until she could face him, the oversize sofa offering just enough space for them both to lie easily side by side.

  She stared, in awe of how peaceful he looked. His thick lashes fluttered effortlessly, what must have been sweet memories dancing in his dreams. There seemed to even be a faint smile pulling at his full lips. She pressed a hand to his chest. The muscle beneath the shirt he wore was solid, his taut flesh rock hard. She closed her eyes, leaning forward slightly to inhale the cologne that scented against his skin. It was a resolutely masculine scent reminiscent of a Mediterranean breeze. He smelled divine! London took another deep breath and held it, the rich fragrance lingering in her lungs.

  When she opened her eyes again Collin was staring at her, his gaze flickering back and forth across her face. Desire rained from his gaze; the look he was giving her was simply intoxicating. Beneath her fingertips his heartbeat was racing, pulsing with a vengeance against her palm. Her lips lifted in the sweetest smile.

  “I didn’t mean to doze off,” he said, his voice a low whisper.

  London met the look he was giving her with one of her own. “I fell asleep, too,” she whispered back.

  “I’ve overstayed my welcome. I need to get up and get out of your hair.”

  A moment passed and neither made any effort to move, still gazing at each other, memorizing each fine line that detailed their expressions.

  Collin’s eyes flickered closed and then open. “I swear,” he repeated. “I’m going.”

  She laughed, acutely aware of the urgent matter pressing tightly against the front of his slacks for attention. She shifted her body forward until she was pressed firmly against him. His arm tightened around her waist, his fingers gripping the back of her dress.

  “You’re not playing fair,” he said. “You know what you’re doing to me, right?” He pushed his pelvis forward, the gesture teasing.

  “That feels like a personal problem to me.”

  “Oh, it’s very personal. It’s about as personal as you can get.”

  “I imagine that’s why you haven’t moved yet?”

  “That and you need to move first. Unless you want me to roll over you?”

  London giggled softly. She pushed her body even closer against his.

  “London,” he started, “maybe we should...”

  “Maybe we should just stop talking,” she said. She trailed her fingertips along the profile of his face. “In fact, I can think of a few other things we could be doing,” she concluded, and then she kissed him, capturing his luscious lips with her own.

  London couldn’t begin to explain what had possessed her to kiss Collin. She had no words for the wealth of emotion that had suddenly consumed her, but the nearness of him had ignited a wave of heat that could have melted chocolate before rising rapidly until it could soften metal. His mouth was sheer perfection against her own. Full, plump pillows that cushioned hers so sweetly that she felt as if her lips were slow dancing against clouds. His mouth was inviting and his tongue responsive as she slipped her own past the line of his teeth to dance sweetly in the warm, wet cavity. The kiss was exhilarating, so spectacular that London knew it wouldn’t be the last time she kissed the man.

  Chapter 4

  Every muscle in Collin’s body had hardened with a ferocity he had ne
ver before known. It took every ounce of fortitude he possessed to keep from combusting, his core ready to explode like a volcanic eruption. The heat coursing through his midsection was so searing that he felt like his whole body was melting, moisture seeping from every pore. London was teasing him brazenly, her hands dancing in easy exploration across his body. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore her charms. She passed her palm across his manhood, trailing her fingers ever so slowly, and he jumped, the abrupt gesture unexpected.

  Her lithe frame was tight and lean, her skin soft as silk. She came out of her clothes quickly, pulling her dress up and over her head. He was blessed with the sight of black lace, a pretty bra and panties adorning her slender lines. His touch was determined, large fingers softly kneading the tender flesh. His mouth was still dancing with hers, the kisses even sweeter and more passionate.

  Collin pulled at her bra, exposing one bare grapefruit-sized breast and then the other. Her nipples were rock candy hard, dark protrusions that begged for his attention. His lips followed where his fingers led, his tongue lashing at the sweet confections like he was starved. He looked up, taking in her closed eyes and the moans of appreciation that encouraged his ministrations. He felt himself harden even more, if such a thing were possible.

  Collin lifted himself up and over her, pulling at the black panties that separated him from what he desired. He sat upright up on his knees and pulled at his own clothes, snatching his shirt from his broad chest and flinging it to the floor. She leaned up, tugging at the belt around his waist. She pulled at his zipper until his pants were undone, pushing them down until they were rolled around his hips. He eased her back against the sofa, using his lips to push her slowly back against the cushions. With a fervor that surprised them both he snatched her lace panties from her body and teased his hands between her firm thighs. He felt her quiver with anticipation as he slid one finger and then another into her most private space. Her arousal scented the air, female anticipation like a beloved perfume. Moisture coated his fingers, her desire slick and abundant. His cock twitched and pulsed, reacting with a mind of its own.

  He wanted her. He wanted her so badly, he imagined that his heart would shatter if she were to dismiss him before he were able to savor a taste of her nectar. He slid his hands down the backs of her legs, pushing her knees to her ears. He eased his way down the short length of her torso, kneeling before her most private garden as if he were in prayer. He appraised her, the vertical smile inviting him to touch and tease the delicate walls. He was emboldened, his hunger suddenly insatiable. He sank his face into her feminine bowl and pressed an intimate kiss against the treasure. He probed her gently with his tongue, then licked her from top to bottom. He lapped at her, his ministrations greedy, until she gasped and screamed, her hands pressed firmly against the back of his head.

  Their sexual aerobics lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. They made love on the living room sofa, the floor, the kitchen counter, the dining room table and in the bathroom shower. When they finally made it to her bedroom and her bed, London was completely in awe of his prowess, unable to fathom how he was able to rise to each occasion so effortlessly. She was exhausted, her body feeling as if she’d run multiple marathons back-to-back. She was giddy, riding a sweet high that had her slightly delirious. Her body was nicely satiated, the sensual gratification having satisfied her physically and emotionally. She was feeling so good she didn’t even fret over the fact she’d broken every one of her rules. Not only had she welcomed him into her home, but she’d opened herself to him, had thrived on the intimacy and was actually excited about him spending the night in her bed. She shook her head at the absurdity of it all as she cuddled closer against him, his body cradled nicely against hers. The warmth of his touch was comforting as Collin pressed a damp kiss against her bare shoulder. He reached for the cotton blankets and pulled the covers over them both. London smiled as Collin began to snore softly, then she, too, drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  The water was running in the shower when London’s alarm rang. For just the briefest moment she forgot that she wasn’t alone, and her heart began to race, something like fear piercing her midsection. Then she remembered Collin had fallen asleep in her bed and was obviously in her shower. She threw her legs off the side of the bed, allowing her feet to rest against the carpeted floor. Her eyes were drawn to the Rolex watch on the nightstand. It was white gold, the styling classic with its black dial and diamond bezel. She liked that he felt comfortable enough to leave his personal belongings lying casually about.

  Looking around the room, she noticed he’d retrieved his clothes from the living room. They now lay neatly folded over the wingback chair in the corner of the room. He’d gathered up her clothes as well, the black lace bra and panties resting against the chair’s seat cushion. His efforts were endearing, and she was touched by the gesture.

  Trusting a man didn’t come easily for London. It still surprised her that she’d opened herself so willfully to Collin Stallion, feeling as if she’d fallen headfirst into an abyss with no thought to the consequences if things between them suddenly went left. Trusting Collin contradicted everything she espoused. Despite the comfort she felt with him, she still didn’t know him. Sex on a first date was unfathomable and yet, it had been the most natural thing for her to do.

  Being with Collin made her think of all her favorite things bundled into one magical moment. He was her mother’s macaroni and cheese, summer vacation in the Hamptons, deepwater fishing with her daddy and a good romance read after a successful court win. He had butterflies flitting around in her tummy and she was giddy and light-headed around him. Everything she’d discovered about the man had her feeling as safe as being home with her own family, everything about his nature feeling strong and protective. She liked Collin more than she could have ever imagined, and although that surprised her, it also had her excited to see how their relationship might grow. She stood up and headed toward the bathroom.

  Collin stood behind the glass door with his head tossed back over his shoulders, the spray of water raining down his broad chest and shoulders. He slowly twisted his neck from side to side and then he stuck his head beneath the flow, his eyes closed as the warm water washed over his face. His hands trailed the length of his torso as he lathered suds across his skin. She was completely enthralled as she stood staring at him.

  He suddenly realized he was being watched, turning to meet her gaze. He winked and smiled. “Good morning!”

  “Good morning!”

  “I hope you don’t mind. I figured it would be easier to shower here and just change clothes when I get back to my house.”

  London shook her head. “It’s not a problem at all. As long as I can bum a ride into work with you.”

  He pushed open the glass door. “I guess we both need to make time, then. I can’t be late. The woman I work with can be a bit of a stickler about punctuality.”

  “Really?” she said as she stepped into the enclosure with him.

  “They say she’s a beast. Personally, I haven’t experienced that side of her, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Is that what they say?” London asked, her hands lightly grazing his back and buttocks.

  Collin shook his head. “You’re trying to start something,” he muttered as she snaked her arm around his waist and gripped his manhood. She stroked him boldly as his erection sprang, full and abundant.

  “I wouldn’t do any such thing,” she laughed, a hint of devilment in her tone.

  “You’re trying to get me in trouble on purpose.”

  “I’m thinking you won’t have to worry about it. I’ll just write you a note. I’m sure that beast you work with will excuse you being late this one time.”

  He suddenly spun around, scooping her up into his arms as he pressed her back against the tiled walls. One hand held her firmly, his fingers clutching her buttocks as s
he wrapped her legs around his waist. His other hand moved between them, slipping into the slick moistness between her legs. London gasped, surprise widening her eyes as he began to stroke her as boldly as she was just caressing him.

  “I think you’re the one starting something,” she murmured, her breathing suddenly static.

  “Oh, baby,” he exclaimed. “You just don’t know the half of it!”

  * * *

  That shower lasted a good thirty minutes longer than planned. When Collin pulled his car into the driveway of his home, his parents were standing on the porch, waving Jake off to school. The car pool driver tooted her horn and waved as she pulled off, passing him on her way out. Collin cussed.

  “I was hoping to sneak in and out without being seen,” he said as he tossed London a look.

  “You live at home with your parents,” she said smugly. “How were you planning to make that happen?”

  “I live in the guesthouse with my own entrance and key. It’s very private and I can come and go as I please,” he said, his own tone slightly haughty.

  London laughed, clearly amused. Collin rolled his eyes skyward, equally entertained by the turn of events.

  Matthew and Katrina were eyeing them both curiously. His mother was holding a large mug of coffee in her hand, her eyes narrowed. Amusement danced across his father’s face. The younger couple sat watching them both briefly as Collin weighed his options. When Katrina suddenly leaned to mumble something to her husband, London burst out laughing a second time.

  “Your mother just realized you didn’t come home last night. I think you might really be in trouble.”