Bittersweet Love Read online

Page 2

  “Excuse me Sir.” Daniel jolts as a flight attendant speaks to him. “Yes?” He drowsily responds. “You might not happen to be Tom Cruise are you?” He looks quizzically and elbows Will. “Umm, depends if that’s a good thing.” He raises his eyebrow. “Of course! Who doesn’t know Tom Cruise?” He looks at Will and grins. “Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble miss but I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

  “Do you know who I am?” Will smirks, she looks at him confused. “You’re looking at Will Smith baby.” Daniel bursts out laughing. “It’s true, you should take a picture while you can.”

  Will wiggles and taps his lap. “Come on, I know you want one.” Daniel pulls out his camera as Will pulls the flight attendant to his lap. “One, two, three, say Will!” Click. “We’ll send you the picture when you’re kind enough to give us your number.” Daniel said. The attendant seemed flustered at what just happened. “Excuse me I have work to do.” She strides off quickly while they’re tearing up from laughing to hard. “That-Was-Priceless-yo!” Will says in-between laughs “You should've seen her face.” Daniel chokes on his apple juice giggling.

  The rest of the ride went by smoothly as they both drifted to sleep only to be awakened by the pilots announcement. We will be arriving shortly at New York’s airport so please fasten your seat belts and relax.

  They arrive at the airport and eagerly went through all the useless customs and got their bags, they stepped out of the airport only to find a private cab waiting to take them to the hotel they will be staying at.

  “It smells so weird here.” Daniel states scrunching up his nose. “Yeah it doesn’t seem as clear as Alaska.” Will nods.

  “Get used to it boys, it’s the pollution and air of glorious New York City, Welcome!” The driver chuckles at their expressions.

  “Here it is.” They look up only to find the hotel huge and elegant “Whoah. Are you sure you’re in the right place man?” Will gulps. “Yes, this is it, The Crowne Plaza Hotel, enjoy your stay boys.” The driver says while taking out two credit cards as well as a room key. “It’s been taken care of.” He winks as they step out.

  “Mr. Cole?” Asks a man in a dark suit. “Yes, this is Mr. Cole.” Daniel laughs sarcastically giving Will a slight punch on the arm. “Please I am not here to play games, keep it strictly professional, let’s go.” “Well, can you at least tell me who you are?” Daniel asks curiously. “Just call me Mr. P.” “Al right, Mr. P lets go.” Will calls the bell boy to take their bags and show them the room. “Damn! This is very, very nice, the department isn’t scared to spend eh.” Will jumps from excitement. “It’s only for two days don’t get your hopes up.” Mr. P remarks standing by the door.

  “So what is this all about anyway?” Daniel asks, as Mr. P walks into the room and hands him a USB flash drive. “In here is all the information you will need concerning the experiment, and let’s make sure you get this straight, this is YOUR job, you signed a contract and if you disobey that contract we will make sure your life is a living hell.” Mr. P smiles sadistically. “Thank you Sir we will make sure we look into it.” Will opens the door and shows him his way out. “Wait!” Daniel yells and shakes his hand and sees a scar on his hand. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” Thinking nothing of it Mr. P leaves. “Yo that guy kind of creeps me out a bit.” Will squeaks.

  “Will listen to me, we are here now and let’s make the most of it, how about we go out tonight to a bar or something? Huh, what do ya say!” Daniel winks and throws the USB on his bed. “I guess I can’t say no to that.” Will grabs the room key and heads out.

  Chapter 2

  -Ting!, Daniel rings the bell. Will looks at the receptionists name tag. “Hi, how are you, Rachel?” “Hello Sir, I’m fine and how are you today? Are you finding your suite comfortable?” She replies. “Yes, we are thank you very much, me and my brother would like to go to a bar is it possible if you can set us up with a private driver for the night?” Will asks desperately. “I’m not sure but I will check with the assistant manager and in the meantime, here is a brochure of all the bars/restaurants around, you can just pick one and if all is good the driver will take you there.” She smiles and walks away. Daniel snatches the brochure from Will. “Pick a number bro! Quickly!” “Umm! 29!” Daniel counts all the bars until he gets to bar number 29. “Al right looks like we’re going to The Broken Bone for the night, oh look they have beer pong!” Daniel gets excited. “Yay!” Will replies enthusiastically.

  “Sir your chauffeur is outside waiting for you.” Whoa that was fast. “Thank you Rachel.” Daniel puts a tip on the counter. As they walk outside the chauffeur opens the door for them. “What would your name be you kind Sir?” Will mumbles happily. “I am Jason, Sir.” Jason stood in amazement. “Well, Jason I guess tonight was a bad night to wear a suit because we are not drinking alone!” Will laughs uncontrollably, while Jason closes the door and gets in the driver’s seat. “Where are we heading to?” Jason asks. “The Broken Bone” Daniel replies.

  On the way Daniel and Will couldn’t stop staring outside the window, enjoying the view that they have never seen before. Bright lights, tall sky scrapers, the liveliness of the people and the smell of food had Will drooling. “Remember the first time we went to a bar together?” Daniel asks Will. “Of course man, that shit was crazy. But I don’t know why it was full of long bearded men, that still puzzles me.” They both start to crack up and laugh. “I thought it would be like the movies but I was never that wrong bro.” Daniel starts to tear up from laughter. “Stop it you’re killing me here.” Will sits back and star gazes upon the memories they had together.

  The car stops with the brakes letting out a squealing sound. “Here we are, I will be right outside if you need me, and here is my number as well if you can’t find me.” Jason says while handing Will his personnel business card. “Al right lets go bro!” Daniel yells. “Oh and thank you again Jason we really appreciate you doing this for us on a Friday night.” “No problem it’s my pleasure Sir.” Jason replies.

  Daniel and Will enter the bar just after showing their ID’s at the door. Nice! Not too bad I could get used to this kind of life style, whoa what the fuck where did Will go! “Will!” Daniel yells. “Yo chill bro I’m right behind you man, fuck, can’t freak out like that in public, want to embarrass me or something.” Will silently yells at Daniel. “My bad bro just all this is so new to me.” Daniel smirks. “Well, me too, now relax al right and let’s have some fun.” Will pats Daniel on the shoulder.

  Will and Daniel slowly approaches the bar stools, and sits down. “What do you need boys?” The bartender asks. “Umm, jack and coke please.” Will replies. “What about you Tom Cruise?” The bartender laughs loudly. “Funny! I would like the same as Will Smith.” The three of them begin laughing hard, as eyes pierce their souls. “Bad crowd eh.” Daniel winks at Will. “You got that right bro.” The bartender hands them their drinks. “Two jack and coke on the rocks as ordered.” Will hands him his credit card. “Just keep the tab open al right.” “Got it.” He replies.

  The night went on while drink after the other kept rolling in, and the bar starts to fill up by 02:00am. Lights started to get fuzzy and music started to sound much better. “Will, I’m going to take a leak I’ll be right back.” Daniel says. “Okay just don’t get lost please, I won’t know where to find you.” Will chuckles. Al right let’s just try to walk straight, don’t bump into anyone. Why am I talking to myself? Fuck it I like it. “Excuse me do you know where the bathroom is?” He asks a girl sitting by a table watching a band performing live. “Its right behind you.” She replies bluntly. “Oh right, thanks.” Daniel awkwardly backs away.

  Ah, such a relief. Daniel pees in the urinal hoping that no creep stands in the one next to him. Very pretty girl though, you should talk to her she’s all alone at a bar. Right, I shall do that. But what if her boyfriend is close by, don’t exactly feel like getting punched in the face on the first night in town. Stop being a bitch Daniel jus
t make small talk. He exits the bathroom with his heart rate increasing. Wait! Maybe I should tell Will before I do this. “Will!” Daniel yells again. “There you go yelling again man, I’m drunk as fuck and you are being way too loud. Now what’s the matter?” Will asks frustratingly. “Well, you see that girl?” Daniel points at her “I want to hit on her, make a move or something. She’s very pretty man what do I do?” He rambles. “Make small talk then turn it into a long talk, I don’t know how you will do it but good luck.” Will smiles at him oblivious at Daniel’s inner turmoil. That’s the problem dumbass I don’t know how. Daniel nods and turns away abruptly, speeding up to where she is before he could change his mind.

  Should’ve listened to myself instead. Al right here goes nothing. He sits next to her at the table. “Cool band right?” Daniel shyly speaks. “No, they fucking suck ass.” She replies. “Yeah definitely, we should start throwing tomatoes.” Daniel chuckles at his own joke. “Anyway, I’m Daniel Cole, nice to meet you.” He reaches out for a hand shake. “I’m Athena and I got to go.” She stands up and leaves. Hmm, that was pretty bad, I’m too bad at this. He groans and covers his face. Well, at least Will is enjoying his time talking to girls.

  Wait what, Athena? It can’t be. “WILL!” “God dammit, that’s it we are leaving, bartender! We are about to leave so can you close the tabs please.” Will moans. “Bro, wait! The girl I just talked to, guess what!” “What?” “Her name is Athena!” Will stood in amazement. “Well, it might just be a coincidence bro, I mean it’s a pretty big city you know.” Will reminds Daniel. “You’re probably right, but it’s weird though.” Daniel remarks. “I know, let’s go get some rest we have a lot of shit to buy tomorrow for university, books and all that crap.” Both of them walk out the door stumbling around. “Now, where is Jason?” Will slurs. “Over there, across the street!” Daniel points directly at Jason.

  They arrive at the hotel drunk out of their minds.

  “Hey Daniel can you come help please because I can’t seem to get the key into this damn door!” Will frustrated, annoyingly jabs the door key in the wrong slot. “Watch this.” Daniel grabs the key and pushes Will to the side and slowly inserts the door key. “Dammit man it’s not working!” Daniel turns around to see Will lying on the floor with open legs. “Oh shit bro I didn't mean to push you that hard.” Daniel laughs his way to help Will back on his two feet. “Yo, is this even our room man it says janitors closet.” Will points out while Daniel looks at Will with a serious death glare. “Hey! Don’t blame me man I’m drunk and you should've known better than to trust me okay!” Will takes the key and heads to the elevator. “Now what floor were we on?” Will asked. “I think it was 9 I’m not sure, but hey how about we go to the reception and ask because I can’t use my brain right now.” Daniel struts off while Will followed. After 15 minutes they finally found the receptions desk. “Hi, we are looking for our room, but we can’t seem to find it.” Daniel embarrassingly hands her their room key. “One-second Sir let me check it for you.” “Thank you.” Daniel looked over his shoulder and sees Will talking to a statue sarcastically. Daniel walks over to him and looks at it. “It’s something isn't it?” Will stares with big open eyes with his mouth half open. “Hey quit it! You're going to make me fall into that gaze too.”

  Daniel takes will by the shoulder and drags him to the counter. “Did you get it yet!” Will asks the receptionist in a loud tone. “Hey calm down I have it, now let’s go.” “Oh, sorry.” Will silently apologizes and walks after Daniel. “Al right there, it worked now let’s go to bed man I’m fucking tired.” Daniel slowly walks to his room. “Yeah goodnight man.” Will shuts his bedroom door and so does Daniel. “Sleep tight bro.” Daniel yawns and falls straight to sleep on his bed.

  Knock-knock knock. Daniel pounded on the door until Will opened it. “What do you want man?” Will winces at the sudden sunlight. “What do you mean what do I want today we have to check out and go to the university!”

  “Oh shit right!” Will rubs his head. “Okay I’ll get ready right away then we can go.” He rushes to get dressed but trips over the chair. “I’m okay!”

  An hour later they arrive at the university getting shown around by a tour guide.

  The tour guide hurriedly opens one of the doors. “Well, this is your dorm, here is the rules and regulations and your campus ID badges to pass through faculty buildings, the bathroom is down the hall on the right but you do have a modern seat toilet for emergency purposes, and if you’re ever in an emergency there’s a panic button at the top shelf of the closet, good luck.”

  The instructor said as he hands Daniel the brochure. They nod. “Okay thanks, not that we need the rules though, we do things our way.” Will chuckles. “If you do then you’ll probably be expelled before you even start.” The instructor glares and walks out.

  “This isn’t so bad.” Daniel cringes, and looks around the dorm. “Are you kidding me? I got used to the 5 star hotel we were staying at.” Will laughs while putting his bags on the table “But this will do till we figure it out I guess.” Daniel said while whipping dust off of the fridge.

  “So now that were in college do you want to go look around and maybe go to a party?” Will winks. “Maybe you’ll find your mystery girl there, you’ll never know.”

  “I don’t know about that, but it’s not like I have a choice now do I? But remember, were sharing a room now, I don’t want to hear any moans. If you want to get some, you get it outside.” Daniel smirks.

  “Now hurry up lets go get something to eat.” They unpack their bags and settle in. Daniel put a picture on his bed side table of Alaska, to remind him of where he came from and to motivate him to never go back to EA again.

  A few minutes later they step into the Hayden dining hall near by the university and suddenly Daniel stops in his tracks. Oh God there she is. What do I do? I was a complete idiot to her, and we’re here for a reason don’t forget that. She waves over to him obviously remembering their encounter at the bar. Dammit, stay cool don’t be a pussy. “Hey.” Athena greets him. “Didn’t think you were a student here.”

  “Surprise. My friend and I are transfer students actually so this is our first day.” Daniel lies monotonously as Will elbows him in the ribs. “Hey pretty lady, and who might you be?” “My names Athena, I met your friend here the other day at the bar.” She smiles at Daniel. “Athena, hmm, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Will flirts carefully as Daniel’s eyes pierce his soul. “Well, if you guys are done flirting, I’m starving.” Daniel stomps off and went to go stand in line.

  “What got his panties in a twist?” Athena laughs. “I have no idea, I think it’s because of how attractive you are.” He winks. “Want to join us?”

  “Actually I’m kind of busy right now but you guys should come to my party tonight, I can introduce you to my friends, my dorm number is 143” She shakes his hand and leaves. “I’ll see you around.” Will turns and watches her walk out. Damn, if he doesn’t bang her I will. Let’s just hope she isn’t THE Athena. He rubs his head and walks over to Daniel.

  “What was all that about man?” Will asks curiously. “Nothing I just don’t want anything to do with any girl right now, especially with what we have to do.”

  “But that doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun you know, you don’t know what might happen. What happens in university stays in university, for the most part.” Will states. “Besides we’ll meet her at her party tonight, if you don’t do something I will.” Will wiggles his eyebrows just to annoy him even more.

  Daniel glares at Will. “Fine but you, keep your hands to yourself until we know who the real Athena is.” Fucking man whore. God please let that not be her. She’s so hot.

  They both got a cheeseburger and fries with orange juice. As they are about to sit down at a table Daniel receives a text from Melissa, -Good luck to the both of you, and make sure you keep your grades up. W- “Yo Will, do you even know what courses we are enrolled in?” Daniels stares Will in t
he eyes. “Yeah I’m in music production and you’re in fine arts, same as Athena.” Will slowly bites into his cheeseburger. “Oh ma good lord, this burger is amazing!” Will yells with his mouth full. “Guess I’m not the only one who yells around people.” Daniels cracks up. “That’s not even funny.” Will stares with a straight face.

  At their dorm, Will was getting ready for the party while Daniel was researching everything about fine arts. “I bet Melissa didn’t even know I could draw.” Daniel states. “It’s just drawing bro and probably painting and all that artsy shit. Don’t even sweat it al right.” Will taps Daniel on the back trying to reassure him everything will be fine. “I hope so.” Daniel replies.

  “Now get your ass up or do you want to be late for that party, huh?” “Yeah-yeah yeah let’s just get this over with, and we shouldn’t stay too long because our first class is tomorrow. Don’t forget that.” Daniels closes his laptop and puts his shoes on. “Can we get drunk though?” Will stares at Daniel with wide open eyes. “Please.” “Duh! That’s what parties are for bro!” “Yay!” Will screamed with excitement.