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Discovery (The Niakrim War Book 1) Page 2
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"That's Bellatrix Prime. Stunning, isn't it?" Captain Cooper commented.
"Yes, it is," she agreed. "I'm just surprised you still appreciate such things after spending a lifetime among the stars."
"I never tire of the beauties of Creation."
Did he just say he believed in Creation? Violet was stunned by what she had just heard. Of all the surprises she had encountered today, that might have been the most shocking.
"I see my beliefs have surprised you," the captain chided.
"There are so few people that still believe in God on Earth," Violet admitted. "I never expected someone who has seen all the wonders of the galaxy like yourself would believe in Creation."
"Don't mistake what I'm saying, I am not a religious man," the captain said. "And I don't believe many of my actions please the Creator of the Universe."
"But why do you believe this was created?"
"Why do you believe it is not?" he asked. "Why is it easier to believe that this breathtaking sight before us is simply a random collection of atoms than it is to believe it is a work of art created by the greatest artist in the universe?"
In all honesty, Violet had never even considered the possibility of God. She had been taught that there was a Big Bang billions of years ago and life formed then evolved over millions of years. She had never thought much about it...until just then.
"That's enough philosophical talk for now," the captain said, preventing her from thinking on it further. "Dinner should be ready any minute."
The captain led her back to the table while Colin went to the bar to retrieve plates and utensils. Violet's curiosity was piqued when he set out four sets of plates and silverware. Before she could ask, Belzaire pushed his way through a side door carrying a tray with four sizzling cast iron skillets. Her mouth instantly began to water.
"I prefer to eat real food whenever possible," the captain said with a smile. "I picked these steaks up at a...umm...well, when we picked you up on Earth."
Violet took a sip of her wine so she didn't seem too eager. It wasn't like this was the first time she had dined on an actual steak, but she hadn't expected to be dining on one of the rarest delicacies in the galaxy while orbiting an uninhabited planet light years away from the nearest populated settlement.
"Can you believe this type of food used to be as common as water?" the captain asked. "Before overpopulation took over, there were endless herds of cattle that provided steak for anyone who chose to eat it."
"You mean back before they proved eating red meat would slowly kill you?" Colin asked.
"Far be it for me to poison the good doctor," Belzaire said in mock-indignation as he reached for the doctor's plate.
"Don't you dare touch my steak," he said as he stabbed his fork into it. "I said it would shorten my life; I didn't say I wasn't going to eat it."
"Enough. We're making a bad impression on our guest," the captain said, but when he looked over at Violet, she had already sliced off a piece of steak and was shoving it into her mouth. "Then again, let's eat."
The playful banter continued throughout dinner and Violet could tell that these men were more than just crewmates. They truly were friends. And they had chosen to share their time with her.
When the steaks had been devoured and everyone had refilled their glasses, the captain turned the topic of discussion to something more serious.
"Violet, I have spent my life traveling from one end of the galaxy to the other," he said. "I have gone places and seen things that no other human being has ever seen. I have risked my life and my ship countless times, but I have always come out alive. Do you know how I have done that?"
She simply shook her head.
"I prepare for every possible problem," he said. "Not only has that kept me safe, it has enabled us to make a lot of money for the Intergalactic Trade Company."
"That makes sense."
"And what you saw today was just one of the ways I prepare for every situation," he continued with a knowing look.
"I understand."
"I'm not sure that you do," he said, suddenly very serious. "My chief security officer believes you're a spy sent here to put an end to our operation. Even if you're not, you certainly have connections at the ITC that could make things...difficult for me...for us."
"I would never betray you, Captain," Violet assured him. Assured everyone in the room.
He studied her for a moment, weighing her words. "I believe you," he said with a smile. "Now, about that Captain thing. Please, call me Mitch, at least when we're in private."
"I'm glad that's settled," Mitch Cooper said enthusiastically as he slapped his hand on the table. "Let's have some dessert."
Colin took that as his cue to retrieve dessert. He hustled into the kitchen and returned a moment later with a tray full of sweets ranging from chocolate cake to fruit tarts. All extremely rare delicacies, especially in deep space.
Violet took a delicious looking raspberry tart, but couldn't make herself eat it. The conversation had turned back to playful banter, but she kept thinking about the captain's words...and her promise to not betray him. After a few minutes, she excused herself, telling the group she wasn't feeling well.
The light-hearted conversation continued until the door had closed after Violet left, then quickly turned more serious.
"She can't be trusted, Mitch," Colin said as soon as they were alone.
"Of course she can, my good doctor."
"I think Colin may have a point, Mitch," Belzaire added.
"Oh, Belzaire, not you too," the captain bemoaned. "I mean, she said she wouldn't betray us."
"A lot of people say a lot of things," Colin said. "That doesn't mean they're always true."
"It does if they're drinking Tau Ceti Blue spiked with Torillium truth serum," Mitch said with a satisfied grin.
"I was drinking that wine too!" Colin nearly shouted.
"Are you trying to hide something?"
"That's not the point, Mitch," the doctor said indignantly, then finished his glass. "You drugged me."
"Oh, have another," Belzaire said with a smile as he downed his glass.
"That's easy for you to say, you're immune to Torillium truth serum."
Belzaire shrugged. "We're all friends here."
"Yes, we are," Mitch said with a smile. "Yes, we are!"
THE NEXT DAY proved to be as dull as the first four days had been. Violet sat in her chair beside the captain and watched the emptiness streak past. Kublai had joined them on the bridge and was sitting on the opposite side of the captain. After the discussions the previous night, she couldn't help but feel paranoid.
Violet refused to sit there like a prisoner, though, so she decided to put an end to the silence. "Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Captain," she said with a smile.
The captain flinched, clearly not expecting the silence to be broken. "What's that? Oh, the dinner...you're welcome."
"I truly had not expected such delicacies onboard."
"As I said last night, I enjoy eating real food whenever I can."
"Do you often eat with the crew?" she asked.
"My officers—my friends—are always welcome," he replied, then leaned closer and whispered loud enough that everyone could still hear, "Cyrus is kind of a loner, though, so he doesn't usually join us. And Kublai refuses to eat Earth food."
Kublai seemed unfazed by the comment, but Violet noticed Cyrus's head dip just a little bit and could see the fingers on his robotic arm twitch for several seconds before he looked straight ahead again.
"We don't usually have a formal dinner when we are traveling at warp speed, though," the captain continued. "We cannot abandon our stations unless we stop."
So last night was special, Violet thought to herself. "So why did we stop last night?"
"As scenic as it was, the real reason we stopped there was to avoid detection while we slept," Mitch told her. "That sun that was so beautiful also fills that ent
ire system with enough radiation that long range sensors can't pick up anything that might be hiding in that system."
Maybe last night wasn't as special as I thought, Violet thought. For some reason, that had a decidedly depressing effect on her and she no longer had a desire to keep the conversation going. Fortunately, she didn't have long to sulk before Cyrus announced they were approaching Proxima and would soon drop out of warp to make their final approach to the outpost.
THE GALACTIC SPACE station on Proxima was far busier than Violet had anticipated. There were people from countless races hurrying in every direction. Many of them were heading in the same direction as the crew of the Krim Sprinter: toward a large flashing sign that simply read Mozzie's.
"Just because we are the only ones with niakrim warp technology doesn't mean we are the only ones who travel the galaxy," Mitch had told her when she commented on how busy the station was. "It just takes them a lot longer to get from place to place."
As they approached the entrance to one of the galaxy's most famous—or infamous—establishments, traffic slowed to a halt as the Vim security guards checked IDs and turned away undesirables.
Kublai led the crew through the crowd, pushing through when anyone failed to move out of his way. One look at the huge Vim was enough to turn away even the surliest of creatures with nothing more than curses muttered under their breath.
"Kublai, Cooper, what are you doing here?" Two Vim security guards blocked their way, standing with muscled arms crossed over their chests. Kublai towered over them physically, but it was clear that the dark-blue-skinned men viewed the larger, but lighter-skinned, Kublai with contempt.
"Come now, my good fellows, just let us pass," Captain Mitch Cooper said with authority, stepping in front of Kublai before the violence that showed in the large Vim's eyes could erupt. "You know we are welcome here, regardless of your personal feelings for Kublai or myself."
For a moment, it looked like they would refuse, but they silently stepped back and waved the crew of the Krim Sprinter into the establishment. The site that greeted them was something that Violet had heard a lot about, but never could have imagined. Gaming tables and holographic slot machines stretched endlessly in every direction. People of every race imaginable, and some she could barely believe even after seeing them, filled the vast chamber. Above it all, seemingly floating in mid-air, were establishments of every kind. She saw pawn shops, money changers, restaurants, bars, tax-free shops, and establishments that offered all sorts of services, many of them likely outside the law.
Once inside, Mitch took the lead as they weaved their way through gaming tables toward the only establishment not floating in the air. The building had a smaller, yet still brightly lit, Mozzie's sign above a door with two more dark-blue Vim security guards. These two were bigger than the men at the entrance, almost as large as Kublai, and had the same air of superiority. Unlike the guards at the entrance, they simply stepped back and let the crew enter without a word.
Compared to the chaos outside, the quiet elegance inside was even more jarring. The large room was dimly lit with small tables throughout. A man in the far corner was playing the piano for the few patrons scattered around the room. There were very few other people inside—Violet only saw two tables occupied with patrons. The captain led them to a back room that was completely empty. Mitch invited Violet and his senior officers to join him at a booth in the corner while the rest of the crew took tables in small groups.
"Welcome to our favorite hangout in all the galaxy," Mitch said to Violet. By the looks Kublai and Cyrus gave her, she guessed it might not be everyone's favorite place.
She wanted to ask more about the place since it was clear there was far more to Mozzie's than what was common knowledge back on Earth. Not the least of which was that there were some that might not welcome a visit from one of the IMF's most renowned ships. Before she had a chance, the oddest creature she had ever seen approached their table with his arms open, spread wide as if he was going to hug everyone.
"Ah, my friends, welcome back to my humble establishment!" The man was wearing a brown vest over a dark green, button-down shirt with brownish pants. Over the top of everything was a brownish jacket that matched the pants. The whole thing actually matched quite well with his mottled green and brown skin, even if it was centuries outdated.
"Mozzie!" Mitch greeted. "It's so good to see you again."
With his arms still spread wide, the strange man spun around and showed off his outfit. "Vintage twentieth century Earth apparel," he said proudly. "Cost me a fortune!"
"What possessed you to buy that?" the captain laughed.
"What, you don't like it?"
"No, no, it's perfect," Mitch assured him. "It just doesn't look very comfortable."
"Oh, it's horrible," Mozzie admitted as he dropped his hands. "It's terribly itchy and smells like something crawled into the storage box and died."
"Then why are you wearing it?" Belzaire asked with a smile.
"Well, I've been learning about ancient Earth business practices and decided to dress the part. You know, learn by osmosis...maybe."
"So who are you trying to dress like?"
"Oh, not dress like," Mozzie said seriously. "I've got a whole wardrobe that was genetically matched to one of greatest businessmen of the early twentieth century. Got his DNA off the clothing."
"Ewww," Violet exclaimed.
"Yeah, I know," Mozzie replied with smile. "That's probably why it smells."
The captain couldn't contain his laughter any longer. "Okay, okay, enough about your secondhand clothing," he said good-naturedly. "We're all starving for some real food. Bring us whatever rare delicacy is currently your bestseller."
That brought a smile to Mozzie's face. If it was rare, that also meant it would be expensive. "I have a delicious little snack that just came in from..."
"I don't want to know where it came from," the captain interrupted. "Or if it is even legal. Just as long as it tastes good."
"Of course, Mitch."
"And bring me a galactic transponder. I need to report in to the IMF."
"Sure thing."
Violet watched the unusual man shuffle away and made sure he was out of range before she burst out laughing. "What the heck was that?"
"Who, Mozzie?" Colin asked with a chuckle. "Physiologically speaking, he's a Mansana. Beyond that is anyone's guess. I'm not sure that he's not insane. He won't let me test him."
"Don't let the good doctor give our host a bad name," Mitch said. "He's just a bit...eccentric."
"Come on, he makes my robotic arm and computerized brain seem normal," Cyrus snorted.
"Yeah, but not even your computerized brain could figure out how to create the most profitable trading station in the galaxy on a planet this remote," the captain chided.
"But we're only five days from Earth," Violet said.
"We might be, but without time warp technology, the next closest planet is months away," Belzaire explained. "Many of those people you saw out there gambling have traveled months, if not years, to get here."
"That's why there are so many Vim security guards," Mitch explained. "I don't care what race you are, when you travel for months just to lose your entire life's savings at a gaming table, you tend to get a little bit upset."
Mozzie returned with the galactic transponder before Violet could ask any more questions and she certainly didn't want to inquire more about the strange man’s affairs while he was present.
"Here ya go, Mitch. The food should be ready by the time you finish making your report," he said as he dropped the transponder on the table and quickly left.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Mitch?" Cyrus asked.
"We've got no choice," he replied. "Besides, they already suspect we travel faster than is supposed to be possible. They just ignore that fact since it benefits them."
Mitch activated the transponder. Mozzie already had it set to the Intergalactic Military Force's internal switchboard. W
ithin moments, a hologram of a stern looking woman wearing a sterile white suit appeared.
"You have reached the Intergalactic Military Force switchboard service. Please state your name, the party you are trying to contact, and the nature of your call."
"Captain Mitch Cooper of the Krim Sprinter and I need to speak with Vice-Admiral Spiraculi. The matter is classified."
"Please hold."
A three-dimensional IMF suddenly popped up and slowly spun in circles while they waited to be connected to the vice-admiral. They didn't have to wait long before the hologram of the woman returned and announced that Vice-Admiral Spiraculi was joining the call.
The hologram that appeared next was of a man in his fifties. He was well-groomed and had jet black hair streaked with grey. He smiled freely, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Well, this is certainly a surprise, Captain Cooper," he said with apparent amusement. "If you are checking in a full day and a half before you were supposed to arrive, something must be wrong. Or at least very interesting."
The captain ignored the jab and went straight into his report. "We were attacked yesterday while traveling at warp speed."
"That's nothing new," Spiraculi chuckled. "You have gotten yourself on the wrong side of a lot of people. Heck, I personally know of five attacks on your ship in the last year alone."
"You're not hearing me, we were attacked while traveling at warp speed," Mitch said, raising his voice. "And we were hit."
"If you were hit by something while traveling at warp speed, it was just random chance," the vice-admiral said. "Are you sure you didn't just get hit by a piece of space debris that made it through the warp field?"
"No debris would ever hit a ship I piloted," Cyrus interjected forcefully.
"Come now, Cyrus, even your computer-enhanced brain isn't perfect."
"There's more," Mitch quickly interjected before Cyrus lost his temper and said something they would all regret. "After we made repairs, we were fired on again right before we engaged the warp field."
That got the vice-admiral’s attention. "You allowed a ship to fire on you and you didn't destroy it? Whose ship was it?"