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Advanced Studies of the Human Aura
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Advanced Studies of the Human Aura
“An extraordinary book that will transform how you think about who you are and what is possible in your life. The much-anticipated Advanced Studies of the Human Aura reveals new dimensions of spiritual growth and awareness that will take you farther, deeper and higher.”
—D ANNION B RINKLEY , New York Times best-selling author of Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light and Secrets of the Light
“This book is a heartbeat of Divinity. All the information that flows through it gives us the opportunity to understand the true essence of who we are: The Children of the Sun. And who are the Children of the Sun? The ones who shine, who are clear, who bring warmth and tenderness, who protect, who share, who give life to every being in the universe, such as the Father Sun does, without discrimination. David Lewis is sharing this precious knowledge in this extraordinary book.”
—J ORGE L UIS D ELGADO , author of Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru
How to Charge Your Energy Field with
Light and Spiritual Radiance
David Christopher Lewis
Copyright © 2013 Meru Press® and David Christopher Lewis. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, or electronically stored, posted or transmitted, or used in any format or medium whatsoever without prior written permission, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013942344
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-2-9 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-0-9818863-3-6 (eBook)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cover design by Nita Ybarra
Picture Credits: We offer our grateful acknowledgment for permission to reproduce the following material: Illustrations by Mario Duguay: Awakening, Becoming Light, Call to the Light, Come to the Light, Divine Sun, Elevation, Gift of Life, Health, Now, Receptiveness, Return to My Splendor, Source of Life, Towards the Light, True Nature, Union, Unity; used by permission.
Notes and Disclaimers: (1) The information and practices presented in this book are for informational purposes only. No guarantee is made by Meru Press® or the author that they will yield successful results for anyone at any time. Their application and effectiveness are dependent on the individual. (2) Gender-neutral language can at times be cumbersome. For readability, we have freely used he, him, mankind and man to refer to both male and female as well as to the Divine. The term Man (with a capital M) refers to Mankind in general. To distinguish the soul from the spirit aspect of being, we often use she and her when referring to the soul and he and him when referring to the spirit.
The Hearts Center trademarked terms: HeartStreams™ and heartstreaming™
by El Morya
A Note from ElMorya
1 The Creation of the Cosmos: Genesis Revisited
2 The Creation of Man: God’s Divine Givingness
3 The Aura of the Great Central Sun: The Hub of Life
4 The Aura of the Earth: Our Pristine World
5 The Aura of Helios and Vesta: Our Sun Parents
6 Sun Spots, Solar Flares and Cosmic Emissions
7 Consciousness: The Reality of Beingness
8 Ideation, Conceptualization and Imagination
9 Embryonic Intelligence and Solar Genius
10 The Sacred Flowfield: Creating an Aura of Light
11 Electromagnetic Faithfields: Charging Your Aura
12 Cosmic Fusion and Cosmic Fission: The Tai Chi Dance of Creative Forces
13 Magnetism and Mesmerism: The Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion
14 The Sacred Filter of the Christ Mind: Safeguarding the Aura from Intrusive Forces
15 The Morphic Field and the Tree of Life: The Effects of Cosmic Forces and Intuition
16 Rhythms, Music and the Aura: The Heartbeat of the Aura
17 The Fragrance of the Aura: The Mysticism of Divine Aromas
18 Desire, Devachan and Demonic Possession: Dealing with Unwanted Astral Forces
19 Seeding the Aura with Light Engrams: The Power of Symbols within the Aura
20 Heartstreams and Other Divine Transfusions: Spiritual Food to Enhance the Aura’s Brillance
21 The Magnification of Light: Increasing Your Auric Emanations
22 Violet Laser Light Optics: Seventh Ray Transmutation
23 The Dance and Pulse of Photons: Microcosmic Light Packets
24 String Theory versus the Antahkarana Matrix: A Viewbeyond Current Physics
25 Time and Space Travel: Impossibilities Realized
26 Interstellar and Intracellular Communication: The Transfer of Ideations through the Auric Grid
27 Fiat, Fohat and Cosmic Energy Fields: Empowering Your Aura
28 The Merlin Effect: The Magic of a Mystical Master
29 The Aura of Enlightenment: Buddhic Mindfulness
30 The Aura of the Transfiguration: Sacred Field of PureLight
31 The Aura of the Initiates, Arhats and Adepts: A Leap beyond Human Conditioning
32 The Triumphant Aura: Conquering Self as Key to Claiming Your Victory
33 The Aura of the Ascension: The Humble Inherit the Highest Spiritual Gift
by David Christopher Lewis
Clothed with the Sun
34 Clearing and Building the Auric Field
35 A Near-Death Experience: Mastering Our Emotions and Expanding Our Solar Reality
36 Sensing Is Seeing: The Study of Solar Light and the Aura of a Mystic
37 The Solar System, the Aura of Earth and Your Aura
38 The Breathing of the Aura
39 A Diet for the Auras of Aspiring Adepts
40 A Clairvoyant’s Assistance in Transmuting an Ancient Lemurian Record
41 Exercising the Aura and Developing Emotional Intelligence
42 The Music of the Aura
43 Joy Increases the Light in the Aura
44 The Chakras as Foci of God Consciousness
45 The Web of Life and the Tree of Life
46 Restoring Our Original Blueprint through Divine Thought
Mindful Meditations
Into the Light: Visionary Art for Meditation
by Mario Duguay
Following page 140:
Becoming Light
Call to the Light
Come to the Light
Divine Sun
Gift of Life
Return to My Splendor
Source of Life
Towards the Light
True Nature
You’ve most likely picked up this book because you’re intrigued with the nonphysical world and with learning more about developing your spiritual abilities, perhaps even the ability to see “beyond the veil” into the invisible. Vast dimensions of light and vibrant color, miraculous natural skyscapes and numberless beings of
amazing beauty and grace await you. Glimpsing more of the world beyond the physical and the eternal realms with their angel choirs and cosmic beings has brought amazing blessings to mystics who have been chosen to receive a higher form of vision.
Although not a seer in the typical sense, I’ve been gifted with an ability to perceive beyond what most of humanity has accepted as “reality” and thus am able to share insights with you that can uplift and support your spiritual journey of Self-discovery and union with your own perfect inner being. My hope is that this book will provide an impetus for greater progress and a rediscovery of the Divine within yourself and all of life.
This is not a book that will explain ways of developing psychic powers to control the aura through intense mental or emotional processes or exercises. That’s not the real goal of spiritual progress. In fact, I most often see auras when I am not trying, when I’m simply “in presence,” when I am in a state of joy and serenity, feeling great love for and oneness with all life. Heaven provides this gift to me with the caveat that I use it to accentuate the good in all. Many true seers observe both the bright and beautiful and the dark and less radiant. It takes a conscious choice to behold the real within others and to then draw it from within them with kind and compassionate communications, with loving and considerate words.
By developing your aura and inner sight, you can expand the good within yourself and others as well as protect yourself from unseen negative influences and forces. As you learn the techniques I’ll share in this book to seal and expand your aura, you will be able to safeguard loved ones, those entrusted to your care, your assets and even your very life. Developing intuition is often a key in meeting our long-term goals. Finding the truth and detecting the motives behind others’ words and deeds can make the difference between success and failure in your projects and your service to others.
I’ve been interested in spiritual experiences and the aura for as long as I can remember. At eight years of age, having been raised Catholic, I was intrigued by the stories of the amazing visionary experiences of those who could see and converse with Mary or Jesus or various saints or angels. I would cry with joy when watching movies on the lives of Saint Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France, or the children at Fatima, Portugal (Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco), or Juan Diego of Guadalupe, Mexico. They all witnessed the glory and beauty of Our Lady or Jesus, and I desired to purify myself so that I could, too.
In my early teens when I came upon the term third eye in a book by Lobsang Rampa, my interest was again piqued. How could I develop higher vision to gain insight into other realms, other dimensions? During the 1960s and 70s many people were experimenting with extrasensory perception, sometimes using drugs as a door to the unseen worlds. I felt there was a pure path to attaining certain spiritual gifts and desired to wait until I knew that clear and true way.
My search for the truth was destined to take me beyond my traditional roots and the churches available in the town where I grew up. I found, through my mother, a book about the life of Edgar Cayce, the “Sleeping Prophet.” For the first time, I saw in his biography the term aura and I began to research more about this subject, reading all the books on it I could find. Edgar Cayce saw the aura, or energy field, around every living thing; and in his “readings” he was able to diagnose the causes and cures of hundreds of ailments.
I began reading about all manner of mystics, seers and saints who could “read hearts” or “read minds” or had great intuition, among them Padre Pio, Paramahansa Yogananda and Ramakrishna. These superconscious individuals gained a higher level of awareness through various spiritual disciplines, such as silent meditation and contemplation, devotional prayer and singing, and attuning to the Creator through inner stillness. It seemed that they had become sensitized to the subtle world and were then cognizant of what was playing out in others’ lives as revealed by their auric field. I began to understand that the aura was an ovoid of frequencies, visual colors and vibrations that are constantly changing, based on our consciousness, thoughts, feelings and actions.
Many of us “see” the auras of others through our gut feelings— our intuition. We have this first sense about people we meet. We have a reaction at the soul level to who they are and what they’re made of. We get a feeling of their integrity or lack thereof. Many animals, especially horses, dogs, cats and other domesticated pets, have this knack of reading people. Animals often react to the sinister in individuals. These individuals can’t hide their unresolved angst from the sensitive among us. In reality, this intuitive gift is something that each of us has and can develop more fully. As you learn to focus on your Higher Self through techniques such as those you’ll read about in this book, you will gently and safely manifest even greater gifts of the Spirit as heaven sees fit to offer them to you.
Part one shares the teachings of the Ascended Master El Morya, a great way shower who for centuries has been at the forefront in the releases of higher truth to mankind through various spiritual movements, including the Theosophical Society, Anthroposophy, the Agni Yoga Society, the I AM Movement, the Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse and The Hearts Center. He offers his advanced studies on the human aura for the new era into which we are moving. These studies are for students advancing into higher consciousness, developing their soul senses and beginning to see beyond the human veil into solar worlds of joy, beauty and oneness. Perhaps you, too, have felt the shift. We are evolving beyond dualistic thought with all of its divisions and isms and all that separates us rather than unites us.
El Morya’s teaching is about developing solar awareness. He instructs us how to increase the light within our auras so that we can be shining, God-conscious beings. He shares how we can find our true nature—knowing our oneness with God—and develop a beautiful and radiant halo as we become a sun of love and light to all. In this new Selfhood, our aura changes from human to divine.
In the second part of this book, I share insights drawn from my journey of self-discovery—my path as a Catholic youth through my thirty-plus years as an ardent student of Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1 to the mystical experiences that have resulted in my ability to commune with El Morya and receive his telepathic “HeartStreams,” including these advanced teachings. You’ll learn in part two how to use your own aura to do greater spiritual work by blessing life and bringing about a new harmonic field of purity, wholeness and unity around the world.
These advanced studies on the human aura are for today. Our cultures and our communities require them now. It is our time to shine and to fulfill our greater mission, each of us messengers of light and love.
Thank you for reading and sharing this message of hope and joy.
by El Morya
A Note from El Morya
In the eternal light of divine joy I am here to share with you a series of teachings on advanced studies of the human aura. This series completes the triune teaching on this subject, complementing the studies released previously by my holy brothers, the ascended masters Kuthumi and Djwal Kul. 1 Each of them has eloquently discoursed with students of higher truth about the aura from many angles of awareness. Each has given specific keys and techniques for purifying, strengthening and expanding the aura. My purpose is to release to you an additional perspective that will benefit your spiritual path when received with an open heart and mind and put into play in your life through direct and focused practice and action.
Beloved heartfriends of old, in preparation for this series I have communed with my gurus, masters of such holy radiance and divine eloquence as can barely be fathomed by the minds of mortal mankind. And yet I will attempt to convey their higher wisdom in words that I trust will edify and uplift, codifying their Buddhic mindfulness in thoughtforms, imagery and HeartStreams that will surely bring you more than a twinkle of mirth as together we engage in a new sacred adventure of Self-discovery.
My purpose is also to
help you refine your auras within the great crystal stream of light that is ever available to you from your Source through a direct and personal experience that I would classify as a cosmic darshan. For I will hold a flowfield of divine love, wisdom and power around each one who reads and studies this instruction so that you may more easily rise into the crystalline patterns of perfection that will whirl and swirl through your auras as your Higher Self opens the portal of your heart-mind connection to our realm. Here you will feel the scintillating frequencies of those celestial beings whose auras are vast and clear and who offer their attainment and gnosis (inner knowledge) to each aspiring adept.
As I begin this instruction, I urge you to take a few minutes before you read these words to meditate in deep silence upon the beautiful aura of the Great Central Sun.* Within the multidimensional spheres of this cosmic atmosphere of light in all of its wondrous gradations and holy essences you will find a portion of your own Selfhood and divine design. From this sacred space of love-wisdom, the teaching I present will already be known within you, for even as I access its verity and virya , so you, too, will know its glory and innate value for your soul.
*Please see the glossary on page 249 for terms you may be unfamiliar with.
Genesis Revisited
T he vital force of the universe is exactly what you are.
—Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny
Beloved Students of Higher Truth,
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” 1 So begins the book of Genesis of the Holy Bible. At this point of the cosmo-creation neither the “heaven” nor the “earth” shone with light or the radiance of what would manifest as the aura of the All. Into the darkness of the Mother void, the womb of cosmos, the Father impregnated the seed ideation of all that would manifest unto the eternal cycles of beingness in all universes. Yet until this seed took root and began to manifest as the spiritual and material dimensions of “the heaven” and “the earth,” no auric light energies proceeded from them. Once the creation emerged from the cosmic void as life, this living energy field, as a specific divine radiance, expressed itself as the emanation of the vast cosmic aura.