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The Temples of Light
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I dedicate this book to my mom.
I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as eternity my soul family you’ll be.
“Danielle Rama Hoffman has brilliantly brought forth a beautiful initiatory process that assists humanity in reconnecting to a sacred forgotten truth. These powerful processes of healing open the doors to the Temples of Light within and move the energies of love and wisdom into our hearts as we connect to our divine selves and remember who we really are.”
“The Temples of Light is a good read; inspiring, and thoughtfully written. Danielle Rama Hoffman makes you want to climb the ladders of light.”
“The Temples of Light is one of the most profound books of experiential integration that I’ve ever encountered. Embrace it, live it, and The Temples of Light will shift your life. A journey with this book is about embracing living energy.”
“Danielle Rama Hoffman brings us a new way to connect with the power of the ancient mysteries of Egypt. Her initiations are rites of passage into the inner workings of the Egyptian temple teachings and will bring you healing and transformation.”
“The Temples of Light activates the Sekhem (life force) of the ancient Egyptian rites of passage. Feel it—you’re going to love it!”
“Whether or not you have had the opportunity to travel to Egypt, this book provides an opportunity for everyone to experience the personal transformation and initiation available within the temples of the Nile. Danielle takes us on a journey through time and provides clear, easy-to-follow explanations of Egyptian symbols, bringing them to life so that we can awaken our own master within.”
“Danielle Rama Hoffman provides us with the keys to our sacred becoming. She enables the traveler in body and in spirit to move beautifully and lovinging deep within to see with our own spiritual eye the powerful unfurling of the lotus that is the open heart of the Divine.”
Table of Contents
Title Page
By Nicki Scully
Preface: How This Material Came into Being
Introduction: Journey of Renewal into the Open Heart
How to Use This Book
Invocation and Intention
* * *
Heart Expansion Ascension Spiral
Become the Open Heart
1 Memphis—Empowerment
Written Exercise: Remembering
Spoken Exercise: Owning and Honoring Your Story
Journey to Memphis 1: The Offering
Journey to Memphis 2: Initiation to awaken Your Direct Access
Written Exercise: Scribing Your Journey
2 Sakkara—Sacred Symbology
Journey to Sakkara 1: Ignite Your Birthright of Unlimited Abundance
Breathing Exercise: Navel Breathing to Connect with Your Ka
Drawing Exercise: Drawing the Pyramid Texts
Journey to Sakkara 2: Awaken Your Gift of Symbology
Written Exercise: Explore the Symbols of Your Life
Breathing Exercise: Integrate the Teachings of Sakkara
3 Abydos—Fully Engage into Life
Drawing Exercise: Tracing the Flower of Life
Physical Exercise: Third Eye and Pineal Gland
Journey to Abydos 1: The Flower of Life Initiation
Physical Exercises: Warming Up the Spine in Preparation for Raising the Djed
Journey to Abydos 2: Raising the Djed
Written Exercise: Recording Your Abydos Experience
Short Form of the Abydos Journeys
4 The Sphinx—Infinity Download
Journey to the Sphinx 1: Wisdom to Support Your Journey
Journey to the Sphinx 2: Infinity Download
Written Exercise: Sacred Knowledge of Yourself
5 The Great Pyramid—Cosmic Oneness
Breathing Exercise: Breathe with the Pyramid
The Great Pyramid Initiation: Oneness Wisdom
6 Philae—Divine Love
Philae Sound Current Initiation: Pure Love Consciousness
Journey to Philae: Awaken Your Brilliant System
Breathing Exercise: Working with Philae and Pure Love Consciousness
7 Kom Ombo—Neutral Energy
Journey to Kom Ombo: Neutral Energy
Kom Ombo Initiation: A Daily Practice for Living from the Heart
A Short Version of the Heart-Opening Practice
* * *
Inner Temple Ascension Spiral
Manifest Your Essence
8 Dendera—Instinctual Bliss
An Imaginative Exercise: Disintegrating Fear
Dendera Initiation: Activate Instinctual Bliss
Written Exercise: Make a Joy List
9 Elephantine Island—Soul Evolution
Written Exercise: Your Top Five Repetitive Patterns
Journey to Elephantine Island: Soul Evolution
Written Exercise: Create Your Preferred Experience
10 Karnak—Inner Resonance
Journey to the Sacred Lake at Karnak: Signature Energy and Purpose
Written Exercise: Your Signature Energy and Purpose
Journey to Karnak: Hunting Down the Vibratory Match
11 Abu Simbel—Divine Mind
Energetic Exercise: Working with the Sahu
Journey to Abu Simbel: Awaken Your Sahu and the Divine Mind
12 Luxor Temple—Osiris Awakened
Written Exercise: Identifying Patterns of Sleepwalking
Written Exercise: Awakening Multidimensionality
Luxor temple Initiation: Awaken Your Multidimensionality
Breathing Exercise: Seal Your Luxor Initiation
13 St. Catherine’s Star Gate—Rhythmic Peace
St. Catherine’s Star Gate Initiation: Choosing Peace
14 The Living Temple—Conscious Choice
A Choosing Exercise: Engaging Your Free Will
Appendix: Temples of Light Benefits
Resources: Additional Mystery School Products and Services
Further Reading
About the Author
About Inner Traditions
Copyright & Permissions
When Danielle Rama Hoffman ventured on her first of two pilgrimages to Egypt with me in 2002, I recognized a kindred spirit. She possessed the combination of awe, excitement, and ravenous enthusiasm that I’ve personally experienced with every journey to Egypt since my original mind-blowing escapade in 1978.
I initially came to know Danielle years earlier as an avid student who took, no, devoured, every class I offered, first in Georgia and subsequently for several years in the Northwest. She had brought an impressive array of previously developed healing disciplines with her, and she began building a community of like-minded seekers and healers in Seattle. As part of her initiation to teach Alchemical Healing (and the related disciplines of Planetary He
aling and the Egyptian Mysteries that she was studying with me), Danielle received transmission into a lineage of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, healing, and enlightened communications. Once the direct connection was established, Danielle responded to the call of Egypt with a passion that inspired her to return again and again, physically as well as in spirit.
One of the most remarkable perks that I enjoy in my role as a Shamanic Journeys tour guide is that of holding space for and witnessing the reactions of the participants as we proceed through our rites-of-passage rituals in each of the sacred sites. Spontaneous revelations happen, often related to the mystery school program of the moment, and often simply because the energy of the place catalyzes deep-seated memories and stirrings of the soul.
The temples and monuments of Egypt were designed, built, and consecrated by an initiated priesthood of adepts. Through magical rites they have been, and still are, imbued with ka, the field of intelligence sometimes referred to in people as their etheric double. Consecrated statues and temples also have ka, as do the creatures of Earth and sacred power vortexes in nature, upon which temples are often built. Ka is consciousness, and consciousness is ka; it is the spiritual power that surrounds and permeates all matter, and it contains the collective soul of the ancestors. Thus these temples and monuments emanate unique, distinctive, and palpable frequencies according to the intentions and the magical activations of their creators, and the gods, or neteru, who guided them. Every hieroglyphic image and statue that adorns the temples of Egypt expresses purposeful meaning—and energy.
Almost every person who visits Egypt, whether on a serious spiritual quest or simply looking for a “Kodak moment,” is awestruck by the sheer magnitude of the accomplishments of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Those who respond to the call of Egypt as spiritual seekers with open hearts will doubtless feel a connection to those ancient magicians who archived their cosmology and beliefs in stone. The monuments themselves come alive and catalyze direct interaction with their vital essence, activating the heightened sensitivities that result in awakening and the expansion of consciousness. Those seekers will likely feel a personal connection to one or more places, often in the form of an inexplicable attraction. As their hearts continue to open, they are likely to experience spontaneous visions, outpourings of emotion, and even downloads of information pertinent to the interaction between the spirit of the monument and the situation or life purpose of the seeker. In the presence of a guide who is truly connected and who can convey appropriate guidance through meditation, initiatory rites, and rituals, the experiences of the seeker can become transformative, transcendent, and life changing.
Danielle Rama Hoffman is such a guide, and the teachings and meditations in this book are a testament to the relationships she has developed with many of the neteru—the gods of the Egyptian pantheon—and with the spirits of place that inhabit the land and the stone and express themselves in the frequencies generated from what she terms “Temples of Light.”
A number of Egyptian mystery school traditions have come forth at this time to assist in awakening consciousness and opening the heart. Each has its particular focus, and many offer new iterations of ancient rites designed to renew our connection to the Divine. The journeys that Danielle Rama Hoffman provides in this book make available specific inherent attributes that can be accessed from the temples themselves, in accordance with the mystery school teachings that were conveyed to Danielle through Thoth and through the direct energy of each temple. Each initiation has the potential to alter your reality and catalyze change, and together they are designed to move you into a sustained heart-centered perspective, enhancing your ability to fully re-member yourself as the divine being that you are. Through the alchemy of the disintegration of that which no longer serves you, entrainment with the intelligence of the temples, and the subsequent rebuilding of all levels of your being, you become infused with the light of wisdom. You are given the opportunity to become whole again, to return to the natural state of joy, and to remember and fulfill your sacred purpose with, as Danielle reminds us, “grace and ease.”
After accompanying me on two trips to Egypt, Danielle put together her first group in 2005 and began leading her own tours with her husband and teaching partner, Dr. Friedemann Schaub. Under the direct tutelage of Thoth, Danielle began to develop her unique expression of the mysteries as they were related to—and through—her in each of the temples and monuments to which she took her participants. Her success in these endeavors can be measured by the numbers of participants who have returned to Egypt again and again with her and by the power of the rites that she offers in this book.
Whether you do the meditations and activities outlined in this book at home or carry The Temples of Light with you as a guidebook to enhance a visit to Egypt, you will find within these pages a truly distinctive, transformative journey into the essence of the temples of Egypt, translated into a twenty-first-century magical mystery tour.
I am certain you will enjoy the ride!
Nicki Scully has been teaching healing and shamanic arts and the Egypitan Mysteries since 1983, when she began teaching “Egyptian Huna” as initially taught to her by Nadia Eagles. For the next twenty years she developed, practiced, researched, and taught alchemical healing before publishing her findings. She is a lineage holder in the Hermetic Tradition of Thoth and maintains the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt. She is ordained as a priestess of Hathor by Lady Olivia Robertson, cofounder of the Fellowship of Isis. In the late 1980s, Nicki founded Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., and has been guiding inner journeys and spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt, Peru, Greece, and many other sacred sites. Nicki’s most recently released work is a seven CD set called Becoming an Oracle, Connecting to the Divine Source for Information and Healing. Her published books include The Anubis Oracle and Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, both coauthored with Linda Star Wolf, Alchemical Healing, and Power Animal Meditations.
How This Material Came into Being
The information contained in The Temples of Light is a direct transmission of heart teachings from Egypt’s portals of heart wisdom—the Temples of Light. A Temple of Light is an energetic temple—each is the living conscious soul of a physical Egyptian sacred site. The heart teachings in this book have come forth in response to questions that have been asked throughout time and space about the mystery of who we are and why we are here. They provide guidance regarding our relationship to the Divine and ways of manifesting greater happiness, health, abundance, and love in our lives.
This consciousness has been remembered and birthed through me, Danielle Rama Hoffman, primarily through my relationship with Thoth (Egyptian god of wisdom and keeper of the Akashic Records), my journeys in ancient Egypt, and the eternal consciousness of the Temples of Light. I am a conduit and scribe of ancient wisdom, and it is my sacred purpose to share this wisdom. Yet I am only the vessel of this work; you are its origin. You called out to the universe and the Temples of Light responded.
My initiatory journey began in past lives, many of which were spent in ancient Egypt. This present lifetime has been, and is, an act of remembering, an alchemical process of realizing my sahu—my fully realized self, my actualized nature, my divine origin.
My journey has been like a cosmic treasure hunt in which I find and follow clues that lead to remembering, to inner growth, and to conscious (sometimes) evolution. My treasure hunt started at age nine, when my love of horses first led me to a summer camp that would prove to be quite significant in my soul’s evolution. I was a camper first, then a counselor, and finally, friend of the women who owned the camp. I took part in wellness retreats there and became a Reiki master, and in 1996 attended a workshop with Nicki Scully on Sekhmet, the Egyptian lioness goddess of courage, compassion, and healing. This began my reintroduction to Egypt and awakened within me a deep longing. Studying with Nicki enabled me to become certified in the energy medicine technique called Alchemical Healing*1 and to rec
eive transmission into a lineage of Thoth, reconnecting me directly to the soul lineage I share with Thoth and ancient Egypt.‡2