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A Broken Seelie Christmas
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A Broken Seelie Christmas
A.J. Fox
Daniella Clark
These stories are works of fiction.
Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, locales or actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2018 by A.J. Fox and Daniella Clark
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission
This is dedicated to all the reverse harem and paranormal romance lovers out there who are always on the lookout for a new story. Thank you to our readers, our friends and family, and everyone else who has helped us on this journey.
Cover by Salvation Creations
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
More by A.J. Fox and Daniella Clark
About the Authors
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Chapter One
I kick a large rock as I pace back and forth in the hot hellhole that has become my existence. The scorching heavy heat of the desert presses on me from all sides. Far in the distance there are some sand mountains, but other than that it’s just flat for as far as I can see.
“Queen Sentina, please.” Ky looks warily at my foot then at the rock. He must feel some sympathy for it. I kick it again hurting my foot, but not saying anything.
“You might as well call me Sen.” I rub the sore part of my foot. “I’m no queen in this wasteland. My own family wishes me dead.”
I sit down in the hot sand and put my elbows on my knees. I have no way of knowing how long we’ve been out here.
“I’m aware of that. I was the one who was supposed to kill you, remember?” Ky says. “Sorry again, about that.”
“How could I forget?” I doodle some in the hot sand. I’m still wearing the gorgeous red dress I’d had made for my coronation. It was a beautiful affair and ended with the horrific event of my own parents staging my death and exiling me. Then, once my mother had betrayed me by banishing me with no explanation, my half-sister, Gia, had told Ky to kill me.
“Queen Sen, just listen to me for a minute. There is a holiday coming up on the human side and I think you might enjoy it.”
He can’t stand to just call me by my name. A dark smile curves my lips.
“I could kill one or two. That would make me feel better.” I think of a bath in blood. There’s nothing like swimming in someone else’s life essence. Humans were such fragile creatures. It would be an easy fight; if I could even call it that.
“No, I was thinking we wouldn’t draw attention to ourselves. We’ll just enjoy the sparkly lights and strange songs,” Ky says.
He takes out his quick screen and searches for something. I watch annoyed as he scrolls through pictures occasionally giggling. I stand and put my hands on my hips waiting.
“Here look at how much fun these kids are having.” He turns around a picture of humans all together wearing red and green. They are laughing at a house that looks like it’s made of cookies.
“What the hell is that?” I point at his screen.
“It’s called a gingerbread house. I just wanted you to see how excited they were about doing holiday things.” He looks at me as if expecting some sort of excited reply.
I sit on the same rock that had experienced my wrath earlier. I had learned some things about humans, as required by the heir to the throne, but they simply didn’t interest me all that much. No magic. Short life spans. Weak.
“I just think this banishment was my mother’s way of getting me out of Fae, but I don’t think my lovely sister and father-stand-in will stop until I’m dead. They could just be waiting for me to let my guard down.”
Part of me really hopes my mother was trying to protect me from her youngest daughter and my stepfather, but I don’t really understand anything that’s happened since I got the crown, and then lost it.
“I’m here to protect you,” Ky says. “I can take anything they dish out.”
My guardian stands around 6’2” and is basically all muscle. It’s the kind of Fae he is. He’s an Ollmor from Scotland with the sexy accent to prove it. Well Scottish with a strange mix of the standard accent in Fae.
Even though I could listen to him talk all day it didn’t make listening to the news that there was a plot for my life any easier. He thought about following the orders my family had given him, but in the end he couldn’t kill me.
My stepfather will be furious when he realizes one of his men let me go. Ky and I had become friends in his rounds at the palace, so instead he told me their plan and we ran away together. Trust me, it’s not at all romantic. I have sand everywhere.
“Come on Sen.” He turns his large brown eyes on me and makes them water. “I mean your Highness. I can’t sit out here in this heat for much longer. I’m chafing in places a man shouldn’t chafe.”
“Fine, I’ll go with you on your sick little adventure. But I will not be third wheel if you decide to fuck some desperate human girl, so get that out of your mind.” I wouldn’t be jealous, I tell myself, I would just be annoyed.
His mouth hangs open hangs open for a second while he tries to get over his surprise at my accusation.
“That is so not what this is about.”
“How do you know that?” I eye him suspiciously. For someone whose parents came to Fae before he was born, and who never set foot on the human side, he sure knows a lot.
“All I’ve had time to do out here is research. Thank the stars this little baby only needs to be charged every twenty years or so. The only thing…I don’t know what time it is on that side. When we go over it could be morning or night.”
“You want to go now?” I thought maybe he was making plans for a future trip. Though now that I think about it, could it really be worse than their current predicament.
“What else are you doing?” He puts his hands on his hips.
“There was another rock I could kick over there. A bigger one.” It is almost like he just read my thoughts.
“No, we go now. I know how easy it is for you to talk me out of things,” he says. “The holiday is happening soon anyway. It would defeat the purpose to wait.”
I smile. “Fine we can go.”
He rushes over and pulls me into a hug. I’m smashed up against his huge chest and I don’t mind.
“We won’t fit in.” I point at my red ball gown and his dress armor. He wears a blue and brown uniform issued to the palace guards. He has taken off the breastplates but the metal is still on his arms. His uniform is form fitting and he’s unbuttoned the shirt on top to reveal a tight black t-shirt. He hasn’t taken the over shirt off for fear of sunburn. Every inch of him and now me is covered in his sweat.
I stay there breathing in his masculine scent. We haven’t crossed a line into lovers, but if we are left alone much longer, there’s no telling what might happen.
He backs up and grins at me. I reluctantly take his outstretched hand and let him lead me across our desert to a portal. The human realm portal is a huge oval of swirling black and green. According to Ky only those with magical inclinations can see them.
“We’ll get clothes when we’re there.” He probably couldn’t be any more thrilled with himself.
The portal back to Fae
has been closed, but since the Fae doesn’t have any jurisdiction within the Wastelands and Earth, they can’t keep us from going there. The portal to Fae is so much prettier than the one to the humans. It was shimmering and multicolored. Going through it was like traveling through a tunnel of colors.
This is terrible. I have a headache the second we go in because of the constant swirling of the black in the green. It feels wrong like my body is being pressed on every side.
As soon as we go through the portal, I can tell the difference. First, the air is a lot cooler. It feels good but I can see how it will start to be bothersome later. My coronation dress was tailor-made for my body.
It’s the most beautiful red color you can imagine with a tight low cut bodice. The top is embroidered with the leaves from my favorite flower and the bottom mermaids out into a gorgeous fluffy dream. Perched on my head is my favorite tiara with three large rubies in the center. My hair falls down my back in ringlets of blond. Some of my curls have fallen thanks to the horrible heat in the desert, but I still look decent.
I look around and see we are on a dark street and the night is pitch black. There aren’t even any stars to look at.
“It’s two o’clock in the morning here, Sen,” Ky says turning around the quick screen and showing me the large numbers. I guess when we’re in the human world he can drop the queen.
I see a man walking along the road. He doesn’t seem to have a handle on his balance. I squeal.
“Oh, there’s a human!” Racing over to him, I watch as he leans over and expels something liquid from his mouth. He looks just like some of the younger fae men at the ball who had too much to drink. The difference is they threw up a rainbow of pretty colors. This is not pretty. Though it could be called a rainbow of some sort.
“Sen, get away from him,” Ky says rushing toward me.
The man stands up and wipes his mouth. “Yeah bitch, get away from me.”
Before I have time to do anything, he pushes his hand forward and sticks a knife into my thigh. The pain that radiates out from the wound is terrible. It burns and I feel blood leaking down my leg from beneath the blade.
I reach out and grab his balls squeezing and twisting them. I’m going to get to kill someone sooner than I thought. I don’t let go as he drops to his knees. I go for his eyes next. If they don’t look good hanging from around his neck, I bet they will look good hanging from mine.
Ky grabs my hands and pulls me up. I try to get back to my target but Ky pulls me hard in the other direction. The pain in my leg worsens and we move quickly to an alley behind a building.
“He hurt me,” I cry, “why wouldn’t you let me hurt him?”
“Because, you don’t want to start killing humans and drawing attention to the fact that we aren’t from here.” He looks down at the wound on my leg.
I follow his gaze to where the knife has stabbed through my dress. “He ruined my coronation dress.”
“I’d worry about the big ass knife sticking out of your leg, Sen,” he says as he grabs the hilt. Before I can protest, he pulls it out, fast.
“You dick, that hurt!” I yell. I look at the blood soaking my gorgeous dress and the huge rip where the knife had been. The warm fluid underneath is already causing my dress to stick to my flesh. Damn.
Angrily I rip the dress off at the tear and pull off my beautiful mermaid tail. Instead of throwing it on the ground and jumping on top of it like a small child, I drop it to the ground and turn to Ky for approval. It is borderline indecent. My leg hurts so I don’t care.
Placing my hands over the wound I start to summon my power and concentrate on healing myself. While the magic flows through me, I start to recite my lessons of the different creatures of the kingdom. It’s a trick to keep the pain from slowing down the healing.
The royal blood line in Fae is blessed with every power possible. At least the five big ones: healing, glamour, invisibility, illumination, and animal communication. Whereas some of the other fae only possess one or two powers.
An example of this is the Willow-Wisps and the Bright Elves have the illumination power. Willow-Wisps also have the ability to move quickly in a flash. They can dodge a bullet. Bright Elves only other power is to make you forget for two seconds. Essentially the B.E.s just trick you by snapping their fingers and moving to a different spot in the room.
It’s really such a useless power. Thinking about this is taking my mind off the searing pain in my leg as it stiches back together. I break a sweat concentrating my magic on healing.
After a while, my leg starts to feel better and I can rest. I lean back against the building we’re behind and take a few deep breaths.
“Alright, now that we had that adventure, let’s get off the street,” Ky says.
“Where are we going to go this late?” I ask.
“There’s a place over there called Gin and Jugs.” He points to the other side of the alley..
“A brothel, I don’t want to go to a brothel,” I say crossing my arms. Sex is the last thing on my mind, and sex with humans just turns my stomach.
“I don’t think they are the same here. I looked on the screen while you were healing and I think they just dance. It’s something called a strip club.”
“Oh okay, I guess that’s fine.” I don’t really have a choice. The bottom of my dress was the last thing keeping me a little warm. Now I’m starting to shiver.
“Let’s go,” he says enthusiastically, and off to the strip club we go.
Chapter Two
We approach the front door of Gin and Jugs. I see a large dark-skinned man in a tight black t-shirt much like the one Ky wears. He stands with his arms crossed over his chest. He isn’t looking at us; he’s just staring straight ahead.
“They have guards here too,” I whisper to Ky as we walk up.
“Hello, good sir,” Ky says, “My Queen and I wish to enter your house of jugs.”
The man raises a brow but holds out his hand, “I’ll need to see your IDs, and there’s a cover charge of twenty bucks.”
“Most of those words don’t make sense to me,” I tell him. “Can we just come in please?” I pout and attempt to look cute.
“No, legally you cannot.” He goes back to standing with his arms over his chest and staring out into the parking lot. I guess he’s done with us now.
Walking closer I put my hand on his arm. Before he can protest my touching him, I let my magic flow through my arm and into his.
“You don’t need bucks or IDs, we’re harmless. We just want to go inside.”
Glamour is so easy to use on a human. They don’t have any magical defenses. I smile as he moves aside and lets us in. We don’t hesitate to rush inside and I stop just in the doorway causing Ky to run right into my back.
There are naked women gyrating everywhere. It reminds me of something I accidentally saw on my step-dad’s quick screen. Lots of succubae all together. But they were touching. These women all dance separately.
“Wow,” I say as Ky leads me over to the bar. This we understand. There are many bars in the palace and other places in Fae.
“Two gins please,” Ky says, very proud of himself.
“Coming up,” the bartender says. He’s a large man, bigger than the bouncer. He has a piece of metal stuck through his lip and lots of drawings on his skin. They look like the golden markings we get in Fae, but they are colorful and strange. I find myself wanting to touch them, but I don’t.
“What happens if we also buy the jugs and not just the gin?” I ask.
The bartender shakes his head like I’ve asked a dumb question, but I don’t get it. He points to a hallway on the side of the building. There are a string of red lights hanging from the ceiling that disappear through it.
I stand from the bar and go over to the hallway. Walking down I hear a lot of voices. There’s a nervous energy in the air I like.
“There you are,” someone says walking behind me and grabbing my arm.
“What?” I don’t kno
w what’s going on but the person is pulling me towards the end of the hallway. I jerk my arm away but she grabs it again.
“Wait, there’s no time,” she says and steers me back the way I came. “This is a strange dress choice, but it will have to do.”
“Do for what?” I ask confused. I look down at the little woman who is pulling the front of my dress down and messing with my hair. She’s short, a lot shorter than I am. She has a short haircut of dark black hair and long eyelashes. She looks pissed.
She pushes me now. “Come on Ginger. If you’re going to be late you don’t have time to primp. I’m Stella. See me after the show, I’ll tell you if we’re going to have you back or not based on your performance.”
“My what?” I stammer but she shoves me hard and I find myself in front of the whole place looking out at the eager faces of men and women. There’s a large metal pole in the middle of the stage. I decide to stay away in case it’s iron and focus my attention on the front of the stage where I stand motionless.
“Take something off,” someone yells.
“Dance you idiot,” Stella says from somewhere behind me.
Oh, they want me to dance. Okay I think back to the dance lessons I had in Fae. The women all around the room are kind of rolling their bodies. They are wearing a lot less than I am. The first move was to raise your hands then lower them and kind of flow them backwards like you’re swimming. I remember because my dance instructor kept telling me I didn’t look relaxed as I would in water.
I do this a few times before walking in a circle and doing a move where I put my hands on the floor and bring my legs up and over my head before going into a split. My dress comes up a bit when I flip over and there are some cat calls for my underwear. I’m killing this, I think.
“You are not a fucking high school cheerleader, start stripping or get off the stage,” Stella yells. She’s even angrier now. Wait what the hell is a cheerleader?