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  • Delicate Surrender : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection) Page 4

Delicate Surrender : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection) Read online

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The song title is “Delicate Surrender”, and I wrote it the first time I walked into a club, when I met the first man who taught me what being a submissive was like. And it’s the only song I ever tear up at. Because when I think of him, of saying goodbye, I know he’ll always be special to me.

  When the song stops and my eyes snap open, I glance at Gideon, who’s staring at me as if I were singing in another language. His gaze makes me feel shy yet heats my skin as it holds me hostage.

  “That was absolute perfection,” Gideon says through the speakers, and I can’t stop myself from smiling.

  “Thank you,” I utter the words in a small tone that makes me sound even younger than my twenty years. Heat radiates off my cheeks, and I wonder if Gideon can see it.

  Can he tell how much I want him to be the one I’m singing to?

  “Can we do another take? Then we can move onto the second song.” His request is deep and gravelly, and I wonder briefly if he’s as turned on right now as I am.

  Did he watch my body move as I played the piano?

  Did it make him want me?

  Because the more I look through the shiny glass at him, the more I want to fall to my knees and beg him to take me. To spank me, to make me scream.

  “Sure,” I answer roughly, remembering that he’d asked me something and I didn’t respond. Turning my attention back to the piano, I focus my pent-up energy on the keys and play my heart out.

  The words wrap themselves around me, holding me in their safety, just for the one song, because the moment I stop, the moment I open my eyes again, I’ll look at Gideon and feel that familiar ache. The reminder that I want him to dominate me, just once more.

  I attempt to focus on the song. He’s watching me, listening, and I want him to hear me speak to him through the lyrics. Once again, my tears threaten to escape when I sing the final chorus.

  It’s been too long since I felt you

  Time is never enough when you’re here

  And when I submit my delicate surrender,

  It’s you I’m thinking of

  But even before I finish singing the last line, the man who’s staring back at me in my thoughts is no longer a faceless stranger. It’s the man who made me come all over his fingers last night.

  Chapter 7


  I’m speechless.

  I’ve heard singers in here so many times, far too many to count, but nothing like Clover singing that fucking song. Every word, every goddamned syllable was utter perfection. The tone of her voice, the softness, submissiveness of it drew me in like a moth to a flame.

  This girl is going to burn me if I’m not careful.

  She looks over at me, smiling, and I know I’m going to have to say something more than my stupid mumbling. I’m a grown man, I have to act like it.

  When she leaves the small room and enters the studio's main area, I take her in. There’s a rosy hue coloring her cheeks. Her eyes are shimmering as if she’d been crying.

  Her lips are plump and glossy, and her gaze is directed at me. “Was that okay? I mean, we could always do it again.”

  “There’s no need for another run through. You’re perfect,” I tell Clover, holding her shoulders in my grasp, feeling the electric energy taking over our connection. It’s the same feeling I had last night when I touched her. When my lips brushed against hers, it was as if there was a forcefield dragging me closer.

  “Let’s get a drink, and we can talk about the next song,” I tell her, leading her toward the sofa that’s sitting against the wall. Grabbing a bottle of chilled water, I hand it to her before twisting the cap off mine.

  With one long sip, I try to calm myself as I settle in beside her. My gaze is dragged toward Clover and the motion of her throat as she swallows down the water. My cock pulses in my slacks, thickening as I imagine her swallowing my dick just like that.

  “So,” she says, distracting me from the illicit thoughts that are plaguing me constantly.

  “So, do you to do something more upbeat? I’ve only heard a couple of your songs, ‘Delicate Surrender’ being one of them. Hearing it live… it’s different.”

  Her eyes widen at my words. “Different? Is that good or bad?” Her question is filled with worry, and I chuckle, my hand finding a place on her thigh, causing her to tremble the same way she did last night.

  God. If this continues, I’ll be balls deep inside her in the next few minutes.

  “It’s a very good thing.” My assurance calms her somewhat, but I’m sure it’s my resting hand that’s making her turn a darker shade of red.

  “Thank you,” she answers before turning away. Her focus on everything other than me. I want her gaze on me, I’m hungry for it. I lean in closer, hoping not to scare her, but to bask in her fragrance.

  “I know I shouldn’t say this,” I start softly. “But I can’t stop thinking about what would happen if I weren’t working with you.”

  Her eyes meet mine and widen. “What would happen?” The gentle tone of her voice does things to me. Things I’m not prepared for.

  “I feel like I’m out of my depth,” I admit. “This isn’t something I usually do.” I’m not sure I’m making any sense. “I’ve never been so attracted to someone I had to work with. Professionalism is always key to my job, and none of the artists who have been in the studio with me has ever captured me the way you do.”

  The blush I’ve come to crave trails from her face, down her neck and to the porcelain flesh of her cleavage. That doesn’t help my need for her, and it certainly doesn’t satiate the hunger that’s taken hold of me.

  “It’s against company policy for me to do anything more than taking you for a professional dinner.”

  “I wouldn’t want you getting into trouble. I’m not one to break the rules.” Her expression is serious. I imagine her as a teenager who never stayed out past curfew.

  Did she have boyfriends? The answer to that could go either way—jealousy would overtake me, and I’d certainly want to claim her. I can’t stop picturing her on her knees before me, taking my cock in her mouth, those plump, glossy lips wrapping around the base of my shaft as she swallows me deep.

  “Did you hear me?”

  My attention is dragged back to the present by Clover staring at me as if I’m crazy. Perhaps I am. I may be wanting more than she’s willing to give. I haven’t thought about that as an option.

  “No, I’m sorry,” I tell her.

  “I was just saying why don’t we go for dinner tonight, maybe it will be boring, and you’ll be done with me. And maybe I’ll be bored with you.”

  A chuckle leaves my lips when I lean in once more and whisper, “I would never be bored of you, little one.” My mouth moves toward her ear, and I can’t help but murmur, “I’ll make sure you’re so attuned to me that every time you sit down you ache for me, each time you stand, you can feel your wet panties as they touch your smooth flesh, and every time you look at me, your nipples will harden painfully because you’ll need my mouth on them.”

  Her gasp in response makes my dick throb, attacking my zipper in an attempt to seek her hand out, or even her mouth, ideally, her pussy. But right now, we’re in the office and the moment I get her alone, I know I’ll want another taste of the sweet girl.

  “Gideon,” she whispers my name but squares her shoulders. When she’s submissive, she’s intoxicating, but when she’s confident, she’s addicting.

  “And that’s why your panties are wet. I’m not a college boy who’s going to bullshit you. If I want something, I’ll tell you. I’ll dominate your body and own your mind.” My promises aren’t futile because that’s exactly what I want from her. If she’d offer me her body, for just one more night, I’ll show her pleasure beyond her imagination.

  “Then you’ll have to show me, Gideon,” she tells me, lowering her voice. “Because if I have to be honest, Sir, I’d like to see how you turn my body inside out.” Her words are fuel, which seems to have turned the fire that has been burning inside me into
a goddamned volcano about to erupt.

  “Tonight, we’ll go for dinner. Wear a dress, black panties, and a bra that matches. I want you in four-inch heels and leave your beautiful fiery hair loose. Am I understood?” My order comes out rough and husky, and her lips part on a soft breath that speaks directly to my dick.

  “Yes, Sir,” Clover whispers in a tone that confirms she’s as turned on as I am. I want nothing more than to kiss her right now, to steal those shortened breaths, but I know we could be caught.

  Moving back, I rise and smile down at her. “Good. I’ll see you after our break.” Leaving her on the couch, I head to the men’s room before anyone notices my erection that seems to be fighting its way out of my slacks.

  Once I’m locked in a cubicle, I unzip my pants and shove both them and my boxer briefs down to my thighs before I grip my shaft and stroke it slowly. I shouldn’t come, but I can’t stop myself. Closing my eyes, I picture the pretty little Clover kneeling, her wide eyes looking up at me, and her mouth open wide, her tongue out, awaiting her treat.

  A groan rumbles deep in my chest as I see her plain as day in my mind’s eye, which tightens my balls and has my release zipping down my spine. The sticky fluid shoots from my cock, and all I envision is Clover’s face and tongue painted in my white seed.

  Chapter 8


  I take one last look in the mirror. It’s been so long since I’ve been out on a date, I feel more nervous than I’ve ever felt up on stage singing for an audience. The dress I chose is cut just above my knee, and it hugs my curves. The flowy champagne color material looks good against my slightly tanned skin.

  Grabbing my purse and phone, along with my keys, I make my way out of the apartment and step into the waiting elevator. With every red number that takes me down to the ground floor, my nerves kick into high gear. The moment I step out onto the sidewalk where my Uber is waiting, my heart decides it’s time to play a speedy beat against my ribs.

  I think about my dad. If I were to tell them I’m moving to Seattle, they wouldn’t care. My father is far too busy with work, and my stepmother is too preoccupied with the meetings her socialite friends drag her to. Being here allows me to feel free. And that’s something I’ve always struggled with. I wanted my independence for a long while. Even with my dad and stepmother doing their own thing, I was still under their watchful eye.

  My phone buzzes in my purse, and when I pull it out, I find a message from Gideon.

  Gideon: I’m here. Table fifteen, ask for Gideon, they’ll know where to bring you.

  Smiling, I tap out a response to let him know I’ll be there in a few minutes before putting my phone away and focusing on the road. The lights that make the city come alive look beautiful against the inky black sky.

  “We’re here,” the driver tells me, and I realize I’ve been lost in my own thoughts again.

  “Thank you.” I offer a smile before exiting the vehicle. Looking up, I notice the name of the restaurant all in bright red letters. The scent of food causes my stomach to grumble hungrily. I forgot to eat lunch. I was too nervous to keep anything down, so I ended up just having a milkshake. It’s not good, but I can’t force myself to eat anything when I feel this tense.

  I take a few shaky steps toward the restaurant, and once I’m inside, I can’t help but lick my lips at the delicious fragrances coming from the kitchen.

  “Hi, can I help you?” The hostess greets.

  “Yes, I’m here with Gideon Hale. He said to tell you he’s at table fifteen.”

  The hostess nods with a large smile. “Oh, yes, follow me.” She leads me through the busy restaurant, and I take in the atmosphere. It’s cosy, nothing like I am used to back home. Greta, my stepmother, wouldn’t be caught dead in a little diner like this, but I love the character.

  “Here you are.” The hostess stops at a table in the back of the restaurant, and my cheeks heat when Gideon rises from his seat and takes me in for the first time.

  “Thank you,” I tell her before she leaves me with my date. He looks so handsome; I can’t imagine he wants me. “Hi.” My voice comes out shy and meek, and the blush that warmed my cheeks now travels down my neck.

  “You look gorgeous,” he tells me. Reaching for my elbows, he pulls me closer but stops before he can kiss me. The warmth of him overtakes me, and I can’t stop myself from wanting to push my body against his. “I want to do filthy things to you, but I promised this is merely a professional dinner.”

  His admission doesn’t stop the dirty thoughts in my mind, and he steps back, gesturing for me to sit. The booth is comfortable as I slip into the cushioned seating. Once he’s joined me, I watch as he pours me a glass of white wine.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I just got white.”

  Shrugging, I tell him, “I don’t mind. White is good. I heard it’s great with seafood.” My knowledge of alcohol only goes so far, and it shows when I look up at him, and he smiles. “I mean, I don’t really drink all that much. But I like a glass with dinner every now and then. Do you? I mean—”

  “Little one,” Gideon calls me in a serious, dominant tone. “Breathe.” He reaches for my hand and holds it up to his mouth. “It’s okay. Just relax.”

  “I’m sorry, I must sound like an idiot,” I tell him, sighing as I sit back and regard Gideon. I feel out of my depth. I don’t know why if I was with him in a sex club. Well, a BDSM club, which isn’t as seedy as it sounds.

  “You don’t. Honestly, I’m fairly nervous as well,” he admits, looking at me over the rim of his glass. His lips suck in the alcohol, and I’m mesmerized by the way they remain wet. His tongue darts out of his mouth to lick at the moisture, which causes me to squirm in my seat.

  “You can’t be nervous. I’m sure you’re an expert at this sort of thing,” I tell him, waving my hand around me. “I mean, you’re a tad older than me.”

  “Granted, I am a few years older, but I don’t date often. My job keeps me busy, and normally I just go to Temptation to get the edge off. Other than that, my focus is work.”

  “You sound like my father,” I tell him honestly. “But you don’t seem as cold and aloof as he is.”

  “I can be aloof and noncommittal at times.” Gideon takes another sip of his drink before he sets it down. “But mostly, I like to enjoy my time with the people around me. I believe that time is precious.”

  “It is. And I like that you think like that.” It’s my turn to take a sip of wine, and the cool liquid slips down my throat with ease as the flavors burst on my tastebuds. “So, there’s no wife or girlfriend?”

  “No. I’m not averse to it, but I just haven’t met someone I clicked with. What about you?” he asks.

  “I’m still figuring out what I want. I enjoy the scenes, and things like that, but I haven’t found a partner I’ve trusted enough to really explore my kinks.”

  Gideon nods as he considers my response. “Trust is the most important thing about any relationship, but of course, for one with limits being pushed, you need to be with someone you feel safe enough to put your life in their hands.”

  I never thought about it that way before, but he’s right. Nodding, I smile. “That’s very true. Although I hope I’ll be able to find someone like that soon.” When I say this, I meet his intense brown stare that seems like he’s trying to read my thoughts by just looking at me.

  “Perhaps you already have,” he counters, tipping his wine glass against mine, and I can’t help but smile at his confidence.

  “I don’t doubt that I would like to scene with you again,” I admit, setting the glass down. This is the man who’s already watched me orgasm, and he’s listened to me sing. Nothing I can tell him now will change that I want him.

  “Then I suppose I better make that happen.” With a wink, he refills our glasses, and a waiter appears with two large platters. One with a selection of bread and cheeses, the other with cold cuts and dips that look so appetizing my stomach grumbles once more.

waiter leaves us with an order from Gideon to bring another bottle of wine. He then turns his attention back to me before gesturing to the table.

  “Please, help yourself. I wasn’t sure if you’re vegetarian or not, so I just ordered two platters.” The smile he gifts me makes my stomach flip-flop.

  “Thank you. I pretty much eat anything, except for pineapple on pizza,” I tell him, scrunching my nose, which earns me a chuckle from the man sitting across from me.

  “Oh? What other pet peeves do you have?” He rests his chin on his fingers, which are threaded together.

  “Mm, I love rain but hate snow. I don’t like waiting on something. I’m much more of an instant gratification type of girl.” As the words fall from my lips, I realize how it must sound to him. “Oh God, I didn’t mean—”

  “Well, that certainly will be a fun experiment for me to try with you.” Gideon laughs, tapping his lips with his index finger as though he’s pondering all the ways he’s going to torture me with sex.

  “I really didn’t mean it to sound like that,” I tell him, but I can’t stop laughing at myself. My face feels like it’s on fire from embarrassment.

  “I’m teasing you, sweetheart,” Gideon tells me. “But I really do like the thought of edging you until you’re begging for release.” His voice grows husky as he speaks, and the panties I’m wearing are now wet, and my body is aching for him to do just that.

  “I haven’t ventured too far down the rabbit hole of a relationship in the lifestyle,” I inform him. “So, I mean, I could possibly be open to trying it out.” This time, I know my cheeks are aflame because when Gideon reaches for my face and brushes his knuckles along the skin, the coolness of his hands makes me shiver.

  “Then I’ll teach you anything you want to know.”

  The rest of dinner goes smoothly, and as Gideon’s town car weaves toward my home at the end of the night, I can feel the tension radiating from him. When we finally pull up to the apartment block, Gideon exits the car with me, walking me up to the door.