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Shades Page 6
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Page 6
Gustav shrugged. “Necromancy is dealing with the dead. Never a good thing to learn. Necessary, yes, but not good. You are alive. The dead are dead and should stay that way.”
“Why?” Danny had already wondered about the dead more than once. Could he speak to the dead, talk to his father?
“The world is big, but the universe is bigger. There are things that do not like to be known. You learn something, you can’t unlearn it. Once you know, you always know. Is dark. Come outside.”
Gustav got up and walked into the kitchen. Danny followed. They went out into the back yard, and Gustav pointed at the sky.
“How many stars do you see?”
“Yes, hundreds. Thousands, perhaps? And more too, but you cannot see them. They are endless. Limitless, yes? So is magic. You begin to see? Because magic is individual, is different for each person. There is no limit to how much you can learn. You study, you get knowledge. You pay price, you get more power. Magic is knowledge and power. Knowledge you learn. Power comes from somewhere else. You borrow it.”
“Like a sacrifice?”
“Da, sometimes. The elements. Or concentration. A debt in exchange for what you did. Perhaps part of your life or energy, or maybe your soul, yes? You pay enough, you can do anything. But sometimes magic wants more than you are willing to pay…”
Despite the warm night breeze, Danny shivered.
“You are cold?” Gustav asked. “Let’s go back inside.”
They returned to the living room. Danny picked up his present again as Gustav sat down.
“Thanks,” Danny said.
“The lighter is special,” Gustav said softly. “Keep it always. Do not lose it.”
“I won’t. What else is in here?”
“You have eyes. Look.”
Next was a small, black leather-bound book. The pages were blank.
“What’s this?” Danny asked. “A diary or something?”
He could hear Ronnie and Jeremy. If they found out he had a journal. They’d call him a fag. He didn’t tell Gustav, didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“Diary?” Gustav roared with laughter, slapping his knees. “What are you, a Sissy-boy? Nyet, is not diary. Is Book of Shadows. Your Book of Shadows. There you write your spells. Magic that is just yours and no one else’s. No one else will be able to read it. They cannot destroy it. Is indestructible. When you die…”
He trailed off suddenly.
“What?” Danny asked. “What about when I die? What happens then?”
“Nothing,” Gustav said. He smiled, but his tone had changed. He seemed sad. “You are young. Live long time, yes?”
“Yeah,” Danny paused, studying him carefully. “But you said something once before, about—”
“I am old man,” Gustav interrupted. “Crazy commie bastard. Your words, yes? But true. I am old and I ramble. Say many things. Now, look in box. There is one more present.”
The third item was a new pocket knife.
“It is untouched,” Gustav said. “Open it carefully.”
Danny inspected the blade. It looked sharp. He ran his finger along the edge and blood welled up.
“So…” He sucked his finger. “What next?”
Gustav didn’t respond at first. He stared at Danny intensely.
“Next? Next, we begin the real lessons, yes? But tomorrow. Is late, now, and I am tired. Go home, come back tomorrow, and we begin.”
“Thanks again for the presents, Gustav. They’re really cool.”
“You are welcome, Danny.”
It surprised him, hearing Gustav refer to him by name. Usually, the old man referred to him as “boy”. Danny felt a surge of warmth for his mentor. Over the last few weeks, he’d come to think of him as a friend. He’d spent more and more time with Gustav and less with Chuck, Matt, Ronnie and Jeremy. He suddenly felt guilty about that, and wondered what his friends were doing now.
Bedrik stepped out of the shower. Steam rose from his body and fogged the mirror. Candles burned on the sink, their soothing fragrance filling the bathroom. He closed his eyes and sighed. He was calm, relaxed. Ready to meditate. He planned on seeking out whoever had discovered his brother’s body. It had to be someone with abilities like his. Not Gustav. He’d taken great care to mask his true nature from the old magus. Obviously, the Russian wasn’t aware of Bedrik’s plan. If he was, he’d have made a move by now. He hadn’t and that was a relief. It meant that Bedrik didn’t have to worry about attracting the attention of the Kwan. But if it wasn’t Gustav who’d discovered Martin, then that meant there was a third magus in Brackard’s Point. Danny? Impossible. The boy had latent talent. Anyone could see that. But reading Crowley after school did not make one an adept. However, Danny knew Gustav, and he’d obviously lied about their relationship earlier. Bedrik was sure of it. Could the old man be tutoring the boy? Was Danny his apprentice?
Bedrik’s eyes suddenly snapped open. He was instantly alert.
Someone was outside.
Someone had penetrated the circle around his home—a barrier invisible to the human eye. There was no sound. No flashing lights or blaring alarm; nothing to alert the trespasser that their presence had been detected. But Bedrik knew. He felt it immediately.
Moving quickly to the bedroom, Bedrik took off his towel and put on black running shorts and a t-shirt. Then he slid on his running shoes. As he dressed, he listened for intruders, but the house was silent. Bedrik slipped out the back door and moved through the yard. He peeked around the side of the house.
Matt Adams was crouched over the open hood of Bedrik’s car. He recognized the boy right away. Matt was one of Danny’s friends. He hadn’t grown up here with Danny, the way Jeremy, Chuck, and Ronnie had—but he’d been friends with them since moving to Brackard’s Point.
He’d been meditating, seeking an answer to the question of Danny. Now, here was one of Danny’s friends. The synchronicity was not lost on him.
Bedrik’s smile was cold.
Matt glanced towards the house and then the street, making sure he wasn’t observed. Then he turned his attention back to the engine. His hands were grimy.
Bedrik silently crept up behind him.
“Can I help you, Matthew?”
Shrieking, Matt jumped, smashing his head on the underside of the hood. Bedrik grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him away from the car. Matt was big for an eleven-year-old boy, but no match for the older man. He tried to break Bedrik’s grip, but the teacher squeezed harder. Matt’s other hand held a pair of wire cutters.
“Let go of me. I didn’t do nothing!”
“We’ll let the police decide that, Matthew.” Bedrik glanced at the engine. The wires had been cut. “I’ll bet your father will be very happy to learn how you’re spending your spare time. Imagine his reaction when you’re expelled from school.”
“No!” Matt lashed out, driving the wire cutters into Bedrik’s side. The point punched through his skin. Bedrik tossed him to the ground and felt his ribs. His fingers came away wet and red.
“You little shit.”
Moaning, Matt struggled to rise. Bedrik kicked him in the crotch. The boy collapsed, choking.
“Forget the police. Forget your father. You drew blood. I’ll deal with you myself.”
“Please,” Matt sobbed. “I didn’t mean to do it. I was just pissed off.”
“Who else knows you’re here?” Bedrik demanded. “Chuck? Ronnie and Jeremy?”
Bedrik’s anger faded. An idea occurred to him. It was perfect.
“Nobody,” Matt moaned. “I swear. I didn’t tell no one. Chuck’s at home fucking around with his bass Ronnie and Jeremy went up to Hook Mountain to get stoned. I don’t know where Danny is. We haven’t seen him much lately.”
“You miss your friend, do you?”
Matt looked up at him and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Who…Danny?”
“Yes. You’re r
esentful of the time he no longer spends with you?”
“Well, yeah…sort of.”
“Then I’ll make sure you see more of him. Stand up.”
“Are you gonna kick me again?”
“No, I’m not going to kick you. I’m going to help you. Come inside.”
Matt paused. “No way.”
“Come inside or I’ll call the police immediately and you can deal with your father’s retribution when you get home.”
Lowering his head, Matt followed the teacher inside the house. He limped, walking slowly and cradling his swollen testicles through his jeans. Bedrik closed the door behind them.
Then the screaming started. It continued for a very long time.
Later, Bedrik returned to Gethsemane Cemetery and stood in front of a headstone. Sam Oberman stood guard nearby, his body occupied by another. A ball of fireflies hovered over the grave. The name on the stone was Timothy Wells. His spirit was enraged, his mind like a hornet’s nest, seething with images. A crowbar. Blood. Teeth. Violation. A used condom. A child’s Halloween mask. Bedrik didn’t know what it all meant, and didn’t care. If he’d had more time, he’d have searched Wells’ memories in detail. But he didn’t. Timothy Wells longed for release. For revenge. That was enough.
“Come forth,” Bedrik commanded.
Timothy Wells’ shade slithered from the soil and knelt in front of its master.
Bedrik returned home and the shade followed. They went inside.
The screaming continued.
Then it stopped.
Haven’t seen much of you lately, man,” Chuck said to Danny as they walked to school together. “What, you too good to hang out with us anymore?”
“Sorry,” Danny apologized. He felt guilty for blowing off his friends from the Hill. But he couldn’t explain it to them either. Ronnie and Jeremy would laugh. Chuck and Matt would think he’d gone crazy. “I’ve just been busy with stuff.”
“Like what?”
Danny shrugged. “Just school. Studying. Shit like that.”
“Studying?” Chuck frowned. “Since when?”
“I don’t want to be stuck in this town forever. I can’t play an instrument like you. I suck at sports. And my Mom sure ain’t gonna put me through college. So I’ve got to start doing better in school.”
“Who are you and what did you do with Danny?”
Snickering, Danny punched him in the arm. Chuck hit him back. Then the two boys laughed. It felt good.
“Man,” Chuck said. “You studying…and I thought Matt was the only one acting weird.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you hung out with us more lately, you’d know. Two nights ago, he went over to Mr. Bedrik’s house. He was gonna cut the wires on his car, the way Jeremy showed us.”
Danny’s stomach fluttered. “Did he get caught?”
“Then what happened?”
“We don’t know what happened. He showed up for school yesterday and he was all buddy-buddy with Bedrik. Ronnie gave him shit about it at lunch, and Matt said it was all just a misunderstanding. Said Bedrik was an okay guy and he forgave him for the whole detention thing.”
“A misunderstanding? Matt’s old man beat the shit out of him for that. I can’t believe he let it drop.”
“Well, he did. Like I said, he’s been acting weird. There’s other stuff, too. He’s been eyeing the girls like fresh meat.”
“Nothing weird about that.”
“Yeah, but even the ugly ones. And he’s talking to himself a lot. He’s really fucked up. You should talk to him, Danny.”
“Why me?”
Chuck sighed. “You know how Ronnie and Jeremy are. If Matt opens up to them, they’ll just razz him. And he won’t talk to me about whatever’s going on. I already tried. Maybe he’ll talk to you.”
“Okay,” Danny agreed. “I’ll try.”
Danny tried talking to Matt during fifth period, when they had English class together. Matt’s attention was focused elsewhere.
“What’s your problem?” Danny asked.
“Check her out,” Matt said, nodding towards Valerie Hutchenson. “What’s her name?”
Danny was confused. “Val? Dude, you’ve known her since first grade. Are you on drugs or something?”
“Val.” Matt said it slowly. “She got a boyfriend?”
“She likes Ronnie. You know that.”
He smiled. “She’s got a ripe little body.”
“Matt, you’re acting like a real creep.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah,” Danny said. “You are. Jeremy wouldn’t even act like this. What’s wrong with you?”
Matt ignored the question. “What are you doing after school?”
“I don’t know. Probably studying.”
“Is that old Russian guy gonna help you?”
Danny held his breath. How had Matt found out about Gustav? And if he knew, did the other guys know, too? Chuck hadn’t said anything about it earlier.
“Gustav?” Danny smirked. “Why would I be hanging out with him?”
“I don’t know.” Matt stared at Val. “You tell me.”
The bell rang, and the teacher told them all to take their seats.
Danny shook his head. “I’ll talk to you later, man.”
Matt nodded, his eyes not leaving Val.
Danny took a seat next to Val at the front of the class. While the teacher handed out worksheets, Danny smiled at her. Val seemed wary.
“What’s up with your friend?” she whispered.
“I don’t know. Why? Something happen?”
She looked around and made sure the teacher wasn’t listening. “He grabbed my ass in homeroom this morning.”
“You didn’t tell on him?”
Val rolled her eyes. “No, but if he gets anywhere near me again, I’m gonna break his balls.”
Danny grinned. “I’ll help.”
Val put her hand on his forearm. Her touch was warm. “My hero.”
Danny felt like he was floating. He tried to speak, but couldn’t. Despite the giddy nervousness, he also felt guilty. It was no secret that Ronnie had the hots for Val, too, even though he wouldn’t admit it and never pursued it. How would he react if he knew?
Val leaned closer. “Just tell Matt to knock it off, okay? He’s seriously creeping me out.”
“I will.”
She broke contact as the teacher came down their aisle. Danny stared at the impressions her fingers had left behind on his arm. When he glanced back over at Val again, he blushed.
The feeling was a different kind of magic.
Danny was heading to study hall when he heard the screams. They were muffled, coming from the custodian’s closet. He knew the closet well. The lock on the door was busted, and sometimes he’d sneak inside with his friends to smoke. Something thumped against the door, followed by another scream.
“No, goddamn it, STOP!”
It was a girl’s voice. After a second, he recognized it.
The door rattled in its frame. Then he heard laughter.
Danny flung the door open and gasped. Matt stared at him in surprise, teeth bared like an animal. His pants and underwear were around his ankles. He was perched atop Val. One small breast poked out of her torn blouse. Her lip was bleeding, her left eye swollen, her cheeks glistening with tears.
“Hey man.” Matt grinned. “You want some, too? I told you she was ripe. Come on in and shut the door.”
“You motherfucker…”
Danny grabbed Matt’s hair and yanked him forward. The other boy shouted, twisting in Danny’s grip. Danny pulled him off Val and out into the hallway. Sobbing, Val pulled her blouse together. Danny threw Matt to the floor and hovered over him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Matt stood and pulled his pants up.
“Me? What the hell’s wrong with you, Danny? Is hanging out with Gustav turning you into a queer?”
“He’s not queer,” Danny shouted. “He’s my friend.”
Matt grinned. “So you are hanging out with him, huh?”
Before Danny could respond, Val leapt out of the closet and knocked Matt to the floor again. His head cracked against the tiles. Shrieking, Val kicked him in the balls. The air rushed from Matt’s lungs. He tried to curl into a ball as Val slapped him repeatedly.
“Hey, you kids!”
The Principal, Mr. Sarandos, charged down the hallway, shouting at them to break it up. He shoved Danny aside and pulled Val off of Matt. Holding each of them by the arm, he herded Matt and Val toward the office. Val protested. Matt said nothing. Mr. Sarandos glanced back over his shoulder.
“You, too, Danny. My office. Now.”
Danny followed, his head hung low.
When they reached the office, the receptionist looked up in alarm.
“Oh my,” she gasped. “What happened?”
“Not now, Grace,” the Principal said. “Hold my calls.”
He steered the three kids into his office, made them sit down, and slammed the door behind him. The room was quiet, except for Val’s sobs. Outside, Grace began typing again. Mr. Sarandos sat down behind his desk and glared at them. After a moment, he took a deep breath and asked, “What happened?”
All three began talking at once.
“She told me I could,” Matt said.
Val held her ruined blouse together with one hand and choked back tears. “I told you to keep your hands off me.”
The Principal looked at Danny. “What did you see?”
Danny glanced at Matt. They were friends. They stuck together. But what he’d done…Danny’s stomach sank. He looked down at his shoes. His voice was very low.
“I heard Val screaming in the janitor’s closet. I opened the door and…” He took a deep breath. “Matt was on top of her. He had his pants down. He was going to…rape her.”
Danny glanced at his friend. Matt’s expression remained neutral, almost like he didn’t care. That was weird. Wasn’t he afraid of what his father would do to him this time?