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has been here since long before the well as a mystical force that came
time of elves, dwarves, and humans. to be known as “Chaos” or “Mag-
In the beginning there were only ic”. Unfortunately, with very little
gnomes, scattered widely across the ability to manipulate the forces of
land. Soon enough they’d be joined magic and little preparation to fight
by the stout and hardy dwarves, who the monsters that came through the
took to the mountains. No one can conjunction the gnomes, dwarves
real y agree on where the dwarves and elves, as well as many other dis-
came from, though many assume placed races such as the reptilian
that they split from a subterranean vran, the beaver-like werebbubbs,
society that had existed for centu- the short and stout halflings, and
ries prior to their emergence.
the first humans were plunged into
For a while the dwarves and a strange, dangerous, and uncertain
gnomes lived in peace, sharing a time period. This uncertainty would
continent which was effectively all last for many generations.
theirs. Some time after the emer-
gence of the dwarves, however, an- The Race War
other player came to the field. A vast The first humans who came to the
ship appeared off the coast of the Continent appear to have died out
Rodolf Kazmer
Continent, carrying a people known quickly as far as Northern histori-
as the Aen Seidhe, elves from anoth- ans can discern. There are plenty
Evenin’. Name’s Rodolf, and I’ll be your salesman for er realm. The Aen Seidhe were part of possible reasons, but no one can this evenin’. Heh, formalities aside, if yer lookin’ for a
of a series of scouting groups who real y find any evidence of what
damn good bit of knowledge or a fair price on a piece
left their homeland seeking refuge wiped them out. Some theorize that
of steel, yer lookin’ at the right dwarf. Don’t ya worry
in another realm where they could the Nilfgaardians and many of their
your little head about me turnin’ on ya—got more in
escape an event known most as provincial neighbors are the result
common with a rock than those damn Scoia’tael bas-
“The White Frost”. The Aen Seidhe of more successful human colo-
tards. Even fought for the Temerian Lilies in the last found the Continent suitable and nies that chose to work closely with two wars. That’s right—you’re lookin’ at a bonafide the dwarves and gnomes didn’t care the Elder Races rather than fear-Temerian arbalist. Heh, mighta even been decorated if
much either way. As long as the Aen ing them, but until Northern and
it weren’t for my damn commander. Anyhow, after the
Seidhe didn’t cause trouble they Southern historians are able to co-
Second War wrapped up, went back to my first pas-
didn’t care. From time to time there operate more closely there’s no way
sion—coin. Heh, call us dwarves greedy as much as ya
were border disputes but the three of knowing. The humans that would
want but there’s no denyin’, nobody handles trade and
elder races managed to live in rel- settle the North were exiles, ruffi-
coin like a dwarf. These days, with the war on for a ative harmony for many centuries. ans, and warriors who landed on ploughin’ third time, I travel the Front supplyin’ folks in
Until the Conjunction.
the coast of the Continent on great
need with war salvage at a reasonable price. Bit of in-
ships from some other land across
formation as well if they need it. Hell, scouted the back
The Conjunction
the sea. While they did work with
roads of the Mahakams, sailed the sea, even traveled
The Conjunction of the Spheres the Elder Races for a time, the
with a witcher for a while. Name a place, I probably
changed the way the world func- drive to expand soon became their
been there at some point. Name a person and I mighta
tioned forever. Many different main focus and war spread across
met ‘em.
realms collided with one another,
–Rodolf Kazmer
creating rifts through which hun-
the North like fire. Non-humans Witchers & Monsters
were pushed farther and farther Witchers were created centuries
back into the hills as the humans ago to save humans from monsters.
claimed more and more land.
They were a brotherhood of mu-
Unfortunately, the only tants, rigorously trained for years
ones capable of putting up much and sent out every spring to wander
of a fight against these war-born the Continent, hunting monsters
humans were the elves and the and saving the local townsfolk from
dwarves who both had little in- curses. While many people were
terest in fighting the humans at thankful to see a witcher when they
first. The dwarves remained pri- needed help, the bizarre and fright-
marily in their mountain keeps, ening nature of witchers (as well as
which the humans didn’t really their secrecy and penchant for neu-
want and didn’t dare to venture trality in politics) often got them in
into for fear of monsters and rock trouble, and still does. This became
slides. The elves, meanwhile, be- especial y true a few centuries into
lieved that the humans would sim- their existence.
ply burn themselves out like their
Witchers’ sole reason for
precursors. Some speculate that living is to hunt monsters and break
there may have been ulterior mo- curses; their training makes them
tives among the elves as well—it extremely efficient. In a way, they
has been noted that the presence did their work too wel . Witch-
of humans somehow helps elves ers, and their silver and meteor-
produce offspring, a process that ite blades, made many species of
has always been troublesome for monsters extinct. And as monster
the long-lived race. By the time species fell one by one, and mon-
Brandon of Oxenfurt
the Aen Seidhe rallied their troops sters became less and less common,
I, Brandon of Oxenfurt, came from very humble be-
it was too late—they had lost too witchers began to lose their pur-
ginnings, having been the eighth child of a cobbler in
much ground to make a comeback pose. Even with very little work in
Oxenfurt. I learned that there was a better life for me
and the Continent belonged to the monster slaying and curse break-
than being a cobbler if I attended classes at the Uni-
ing, witchers still often refused to
versity. At the age of 8 I used my few crowns to make
This early conflict laid the work as assassins or mercenaries.
unsolicited bread deliveries to a random student in
grounds for today’s human-dom- This aggravated the kings of the
desirable classes. As no student turned down free food,
inated North. Centuries of bitter realms—soon, they saw witchers I was admitted to the class and then managed to sit feelings, culminating in non-hu- as more dangerous than helpful. By
inconspicuously and listen. Profes or Eudarius of the
mans aiding the South in the Nil- the 1250s monsters were so rare that
History Department caught on quickly but alowed
fgaardian Wars, cre
ated what we many species had fallen into my-
me to sit in his classes as long as I brought him bread. I
have today: a brutally racist and thology—no more than fairy tales
was a quick and stealthy child, so that was not a prob-
bigoted North, which treats any to frighten children. It was rare for
lem. And so began my rapid ascent to scholarly fame.
race that isn’t human as an inferi- anyone to see so much as a ghoul,
At age 10 I was copying manuscripts. By 14 I was writ-
or species, and non-human rebel let alone a fiend or a grave hag. The
ing papers for history students and then blackmailing
factions like the Scoia’tael, who do common folk’s fear transferred onto
them for money to buy books. By the age of 16 I had
the same to humans. In the end, the mutants who had once been
written my first controversial paper on the descent of
this leaves the North solidly divid- their protectors. One by one, the
Nilfgaardians from the Black Elves. When I started to
ed between humans and non-hu- once-proud Witcher Schools were
teach classes at 16 my compatriots grew jealous, but
mans. Mostly.
assaulted and destroyed by the same
I knew it was the price of greatness. Today I am the
humans that they protected.
head lecturer in History at Oxenfurt University.
–Brandon of Oxenfurt
At first this relieved the commonfolk, but previous emperor and exiled his heir, Emyr.
Living Through It
that would soon change. Many people spec- While the Empire had absorbed five coun-
Likely your character will re-
ulate that wiping out or driving away all of tries by this point, this invasion launched
member (or at least have hazy
the witchers eliminated the only natural a massive campaign that conquered six
impressions of) the First and
predator of the remaining monsters. Such regions, nearly tripled the size of the Em-
Second Northern Wars. Any
species have now come back from near ex- pire, and brought them to the borders of
male character above the age
tinction. More and more monsters are be- what we know as the Northern Kingdoms.
of 24 probably fought in these
ing spotted around the world, and witchers With Emyr var Emries’ restoration as the
conflicts, or at least had to avoid
are needed yet again. Unfortunately most of true Emperor of Nilfgaard, the Nilfgaard-
conscription. Perhaps most
them are dead. Those that aren’t have largely ian Wars that everyone talks about began.
interestingly, if your character
abandoned the witcher’s life to avoid lynch Nine years ago in 1263, Nilfgaard invaded
is older than 43 and comes
mobs and execution.
the country of Cintra, starting the First Nil-
from one of the Nilfgaardian
fgaardian War. The combined armies of the
provinces, it’s likely that you
The Nilfgaardian Wars
Northern Kingdoms repulsed Nilfgaard, but
remember what it was like be-
The Nilfgaardian Wars, also known as the after a short interregnum, Nilfgaardian sub-
fore you were part of Nilfgaard.
Northern Wars by most, encompass sev- terfuge pushed the leaders of the Northern
Once again, depending on the
eral wars through which the country of Kingdoms to secretly instigate the Second
province, you may have mem-
Nilfgaard expanded across the Continent, War in hopes of catching Nilfgaard before
ories of fighting the Nilfgaardi-
absorbing around 16 other countries and they were prepared. This backfired, and Nil-
ans and eventualy losing.
forming an Empire that has had no equal fgaard conquered much of the North before
in the history of the known world. Unfortu- another combined effort from Northern
nately, Nilfgaard also became known for its monarchs pushed the Empire back. Now,
brutality over the course of these wars.
just three years after the end of the Sec-
Technical y the wars began decades ond Nilfgaardian War, the armies of Nilf-
ago with Nilfgaard’s absorption of Ymlac gaard yet again storm the Northern King-
and Rowan, two smaller neighbors. Howev- doms, having already weakened the North
er most people point to the year 1239, when through sabotage and assassination. Things
Nilfgaard marched into Ebbing under the look dark for the Northern Kingdoms at the
command of a Usurpator who had killed the moment.
The Witcher TRPG picks
Recent History From
up shortly after the events of
the second Witcher video
game, The Witcher: Assassin
of Kings. This leaves the world
Rodolf Kazmer
in a strange place. Due to the
branching nature of the video
Ah hell. Things haven’t been so good lately. In the end, everythin’ went to shite when the games, the Witcher world has
Heh, guess that’s an understatement. When I head of the White Rose, Jacques De Alders-
multiple credible timelines.
finished out the Second Northern War, I head- burg, let loose a bunch of damn mutants he You don’t necessarily have to
ed home to Maribor for a pint or fifty and a created usin’ witcher mutations. Heh, turns bother with these timeline
bevy of cheap whores. Didn’t real y surface for out he’d paid the Professor and Azar to bring changes based on where you
a few months. Turns out a lot can happen in him the witchers’ secrets. Who knows what
set your campaign, but if you
a few months, and the world keeps turnin’ no was goin’ through the mad bastard’s mind?
care about the different out-
matter how drunk ya get. Scoia’tael, Knights Anyhow, as Geralt and De Aldersburg faced
comes of key choices in the
of the White Rose, talk of the ploughin’ Wild off, King Foltest of Temeria returns from cam-Witcher video games you can
Hunt. Swear, I don’t believe in any of the ‘end paign to set the streets of Vizima right again.
find a list of their timeline ef-
times’ bull-crap the priests peddle, but the last With De Aldersburg dead an’ the whole mu-fects in the Game Master’s
two years’ve damn near convinced me.
tant problem sorted, things calmed down for
Guide on pg.232.
a bit—save for King Foltest appointin’ Geralt
Plagues & Mutants
of Rivia bein’ as his personal guard for savin’
(The Witcher 1)
His Highness from some assassin in his own
The Larger History
Travel in an’ outta Temeria as much as possi- throne room.
There’s a lot of history in the
ble. May be a dwarf but I’m Temerian, born
world of The Witcher, and
and bred. Little over a year ago all hell broke Betrayal at Loc Muinne
most of it takes place in the
loose behind the wal s of Vizima, the capital. (The Witcher 2)
novels by Andrzei Sapkowski,
A witcher I’ve been travelin’ with said it all Give it some time and trouble always rears its the original creator of the
started with some group of renegades rai- damn head again, though. Just last year while
Witcher franchise. I highly
din’ the Wolf Witchers’ keep, Kaer Morhen. crusadin’ to bring home his bastard heirs,
recommend reading them,
Assassin named the Professor and a rogue King Foltest of Temeria was cut down by the
but you can also go the World
mage cal ed Azar Jahved, along with a bunch Kingslayer, who’d already taken the head of section on pg.179 to get some
of low-life bastards. Now a witcher’s one hell Demavend of Aedirn. At the time nobody
basic world history and more
of an opponent but it’s rare anybody walks knew who the Kingslayer was. People as-
detailed information on any
out of a fight outnumbered ten to one. The sumed it was none other than Geralt of Rivia, of the countries we talk about
bastards made off with a bunch of magic the man found with Foltest’s corpse. At the
in the course of character cre-
tinctures and whatnot. Heh, meanwhile the time I was headin’ south for Lyria and Rivia, ation.
Catriona Plague breaks out for a third damn but I heard about how Geralt of Rivia escaped time, hittin’ Vizima like a wave of death.
his cell in LaValette Castle and disappeared.
Don’t know all the details myself, but the
Not too long later there’s a sightin’ of
plague stirred up the worst folks in Vizima. him in the little backwater of Flotsam on the The Salamandra drug ring got bolder, ‘n’ ten- Pontar River, kil in’ some big ploughin’ beast sions between the human Order of the White they call a kayran. Heh, turns out Geralt was Rose and the non-human Scoia’tael got on the trail of the Kingslayer, but
worse. In the middle of this the famed Geralt
of Rivia, one of the last witchers, is galavantin’
around chasin’ the scum that raided his keep.
stopped to do his duty and help the ignorant Folk say he returned and the dragon didn’t.
bastards. All the while the Pontar Val ey— Seems only fittin’—lone dragon’s no match
The War
Upper Aedirn, the Loremark, whatever ya for a legend like that. Yet again, he’d come on Right now, the world of The
wanna call it—is bein’ claimed by King Hen- the trail of the Kingslayer. Folk say the King-Witcher is falling apart. In just
selt of Kaedwen, Prince Stennis of Aedirn, slayer and the Lodge of Sorceresses were con-a few months, the events of The